269 research outputs found


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    In the article different increasing directions of fatigue strength are considered, but the reasons of sudden distraction are not determined. The sudden distraction with fatigue appearance problem is designated. The fatigue strength increasing direction by aviation technology products technical condition systematic monitoring and the most dangerous distraction points detection with the use of acoustic emission method are suggested.В статье рассматриваются различные направления повышения усталостной прочности, но не определяются причины возникновения внезапного разрушения. Обозначена проблема возникновения неожиданного разрушения при усталости. Предлагается направление повышения усталостной прочности проведением систематического контроля технического состояния изделий авиационной техники и выявление наиболее опасных очагов разрушения с применением акустической эмиссии

    Crystalline Structure of Potassium Holmium Double Tungstate

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    The potassium holmium double tungstate was prepared by using top seeded solution growth technique. Structural investigations have been performed at room temperature. The KHo(WO4)2 single crystal belongs to the monoclinic space group C2/c with the unit-cell parameters: a = 10.624(2) Å, b = 10.352(2) Å, c = 7.5434(15) Å, β = 130.7

    Elastic Mid-Infrared Light Scattering: a Basis for Microscopy of Large-Scale Electrically Active Defects in Semiconducting Materials

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    A method of the mid-IR-laser microscopy has been proposed for the investigation of the large-scale electrically and recombination active defects in semiconductors and non-destructive inspection of semiconductor materials and structures in the industries of microelectronics and photovoltaics. The basis for this development was laid with a wide cycle of the investigations on the low-angle mid-IR-light scattering in semiconductors. The essence of the technical idea was to apply the dark-field method for spatial filtering of the scattered light in the scanning mid-IR-laser microscope. This approach enabled the visualization of large-scale electrically active defects which are the regions enriched with ionized electrically active centers. The photoexcitation of excess carriers within a small volume located in the probe mid-IR-laser beam enabled the visualization of the large-scale recombination-active defects like those revealed in the optical or electron beam induced current methods. Both these methods of the scanning mid-IR-laser microscopy are now introduced in detail in the present paper as well as a summary of techniques used in the standard method of the lowangle mid-IR-light scattering itself. Besides the techniques for direct observations, methods for analyses of the defect composition associated with the mid-IR-laser microscopy are also discussed in the paper.Comment: 44 pages, 13 figures. A good oldi

    Diurnal changes in middle atmospheric H2O and O3: Observations in the Alpine region and climate models

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    International audienceIn this paper we investigate daily variations in middle atmospheric water vapor and ozone based on data from two ground-based microwave radiometers located in the Alpine region of Europe. Temperature data are obtained from a lidar located near the two stations and from the SABER experiment on the TIMED satellite. This unique set of observations is complemented by three different three-dimensional (3-D) chemistry-climate models (Monitoring of Stratospheric Depletion of the Ozone Layer (MSDOL), Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique Reactive Processes Ruling the Ozone Budget in the Stratosphere (LMDz-REPROBUS), and Solar Climate Ozone Links (SOCOL)) and the 2-D atmospheric global-scale wave model (GSWM). The first part of the paper is focused on the first Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth System (CAWSES) tidal campaign that consisted of a period of intensive measurements during September 2005. Variations in stratospheric water vapor are found to be in the order of 1% depending on altitude. Meridional advection of tidal nature is likely to be the dominant driving factor throughout the whole stratosphere, while vertical advection becomes more important in the mesosphere. Observed ozone variations in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere show amplitudes of several percent in accordance with photochemical models. Variations in lower stratospheric ozone are not solely governed by photochemistry but also by dynamics, with the temperature dependence of the photochemistry becoming more important. The second part presents an investigation of the seasonal dependence of daily variations. Models tend to underestimate the H2O diurnal amplitudes, especially during summer in the upper stratosphere. Good agreement between models and observations is found for ozone in the upper stratosphere, which reflects the fact that the O3 daily variations are driven by the photochemistry that is well modeled

    A novel physics informed deep learning method for simulation-based modelling

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    In this paper, we present a brief review of the state of the art physics informed deep learning methodology and examine its applicability, limits, advantages, and disadvantages via several applications. The main advantage of this method is that it can predict the solution of the partial differential equations by using only boundary and initial conditions without the need for any training data or pre-process phase. Using physics informed neural network algorithms, it is possible to solve partial differential equations in many different problems encountered in engineering studies with a low cost and time instead of traditional numerical methodologies. A direct comparison between the initial results of the current model, analytical solutions, and computational fluid dynamics methods shows very good agreement. The proposed methodology provides a crucial basis for solution of more advance partial differential equation systems and offers a new analysis and mathematical modelling tool for aerospace application

    Near field scanning optical microscopy for investigation of high power semiconductor lasers

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    В данной работе были исследованы карты распределения ближнего поля InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs полосковых инжекционных лазеров при различных токах накачки. Было показано, что в структурах, состоящих из двух резонансно связанных волноводов, наблюдается подавление мод высоких порядков.Near field intensity distributions of InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs lasers including broadened waveguides based on coupled large optical cavity (CLOC) structures were investigated. It was demonstrated that scanning near field optical microscopy gives direct proof of suppressing the transverse high-order mode lasing.Работа выполнена при поддержке РНФ (соглашение № 14-42-00006-П

    Assessment of temperature, trace species, and ozone in chemistry-climate model simulations of the recent past

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    Simulations of the stratosphere from thirteen coupled chemistry-climate models (CCMs) are evaluated to provide guidance for the interpretation of ozone predictions made by the same CCMs. The focus of the evaluation is on how well the fields and processes that are important for determining the ozone distribution are represented in the simulations of the recent past. The core period of the evaluation is from 1980 to 1999 but long-term trends are compared for an extended period (1960–2004). Comparisons of polar high-latitude temperatures show that most CCMs have only small biases in the Northern Hemisphere in winter and spring, but still have cold biases in the Southern Hemisphere spring below 10 hPa. Most CCMs display the correct stratospheric response of polar temperatures to wave forcing in the Northern, but not in the Southern Hemisphere. Global long-term stratospheric temperature trends are in reasonable agreement with satellite and radiosonde observations. Comparisons of simulations of methane, mean age of air, and propagation of the annual cycle in water vapor show a wide spread in the results, indicating differences in transport. However, for around half the models there is reasonable agreement with observations. In these models the mean age of air and the water vapor tape recorder signal are generally better than reported in previous model intercomparisons. Comparisons of the water vapor and inorganic chlorine (Cly) fields also show a large intermodel spread. Differences in tropical water vapor mixing ratios in the lower stratosphere are primarily related to biases in the simulated tropical tropopause temperatures and not transport. The spread in Cly, which is largest in the polar lower stratosphere, appears to be primarily related to transport differences. In general the amplitude and phase of the annual cycle in total ozone is well simulated apart from the southern high latitudes. Most CCMs show reasonable agreement with observed total ozone trends and variability on a global scale, but a greater spread in the ozone trends in polar regions in spring, especially in the Arctic. In conclusion, despite the wide range of skills in representing different processes assessed here, there is sufficient agreement between the majority of the CCMs and the observations that some confidence can be placed in their predictions