66 research outputs found

    Soft X-ray harmonic comb from relativistic electron spikes

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    We demonstrate a new high-order harmonic generation mechanism reaching the `water window' spectral region in experiments with multi-terawatt femtosecond lasers irradiating gas jets. A few hundred harmonic orders are resolved, giving uJ/sr pulses. Harmonics are collectively emitted by an oscillating electron spike formed at the joint of the boundaries of a cavity and bow wave created by a relativistically self-focusing laser in underdense plasma. The spike sharpness and stability are explained by catastrophe theory. The mechanism is corroborated by particle-in-cell simulations

    X-ray harmonic comb from relativistic electron spikes

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    X-ray devices are far superior to optical ones for providing nanometre spatial and attosecond temporal resolutions. Such resolution is indispensable in biology, medicine, physics, material sciences, and their applications. A bright ultrafast coherent X-ray source is highly desirable, for example, for the diffractive imaging of individual large molecules, viruses, or cells. Here we demonstrate experimentally a new compact X-ray source involving high-order harmonics produced by a relativistic-irradiance femtosecond laser in a gas target. In our first implementation using a 9 Terawatt laser, coherent soft X-rays are emitted with a comb-like spectrum reaching the 'water window' range. The generation mechanism is robust being based on phenomena inherent in relativistic laser plasmas: self-focusing, nonlinear wave generation accompanied by electron density singularities, and collective radiation by a compact electric charge. The formation of singularities (electron density spikes) is described by the elegant mathematical catastrophe theory, which explains sudden changes in various complex systems, from physics to social sciences. The new X-ray source has advantageous scalings, as the maximum harmonic order is proportional to the cube of the laser amplitude enhanced by relativistic self-focusing in plasma. This allows straightforward extension of the coherent X-ray generation to the keV and tens of keV spectral regions. The implemented X-ray source is remarkably easily accessible: the requirements for the laser can be met in a university-scale laboratory, the gas jet is a replenishable debris-free target, and the harmonics emanate directly from the gas jet without additional devices. Our results open the way to a compact coherent ultrashort brilliant X-ray source with single shot and high-repetition rate capabilities, suitable for numerous applications and diagnostics in many research fields

    Telomerase reverse transcriptase and telomeric-repeat binding factor protein 1 as regulators of telomerase activity in pancreatic cancer cells

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    Telomerase adds hexameric repeats of 5′-TTAGGG-3′ termed telomeres to ends of chromosomal DNA. This enzyme has been implicated in cellular immortalization and cellular senescence. Recently, a number of relevant genes have been cloned, including these encoding three major components of human telomerase: human telomerase RNA component (hTR), human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), and telomerase-associated protein-1 (TEP1). Also important are genes encoding human telomeric-repeat binding factor protein (TRF) 1 and 2. To clarify mechanisms regulating telomerase activity, we studied telomerase activity, the telomeric restriction fragment (TRF) length and gene expression of these telomerase components and the telomeric-repeat binding factor proteins in sequential observation following X-irradiation of cultured pancreatic cancer cells. We previously reported that PANC-1 cells are better able to tolerate thermal stress, antineoplastic drugs, and exposure to tumour necrosis factor than MIAPaCa-2 cells. MIAPaCa-2 and PANC-1 cells were exposed to X-irradiation, their telomerase activity was increased at 2 days and then decreased gradually. Of the three telomerase components, only hTERT mRNA expression showed parallel changes. TRF length was stable just before and after X-irradiation. Among binding factor proteins, TRF1 mRNA showed reciprocal changes possibly directed toward maintaining a stable telomere length. In this study, our results demonstrate that not only hTERT but also TRF1 are important regulator of telomerase activity. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    High order harmonics from relativistic electron spikes

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    A new regime of relativistic high-order harmonic generation is discovered [Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 135004 (2012)]. Multi-terawatt relativistic-irradiance (>1018 W/cm2) femtosecond (~30-50 fs) lasers focused to underdense (few×1019 cm-3) plasma formed in gas jet targets produce comb-like spectra with hundreds of even and odd harmonic orders reaching the photon energy of 360 eV, including the 'water window' spectral range. Harmonics are generated by either linearly or circularly polarized pulses from the J-KAREN (KPSI, JAEA) and Astra Gemini (CLF, RAL, UK) lasers. The photon number scalability has been demonstrated with a 120 TW laser producing 40 μJ/sr per harmonic at 120 eV. The experimental results are explained using particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations and catastrophe theory. A new mechanism of harmonic generation by sharp, structurally stable, oscillating electron spikes at the joint of boundaries of wake and bow waves excited by a laser pulse is introduced. In this paper detailed descriptions of the experiments, simulations and model are provided and new features are shown, including data obtained with a two-channel spectrograph, harmonic generation by circularly polarized laser pulses and angular distribution

    Molecular mechanisms of vaspin action: from adipose tissue to skin and bone, from blood  vessels to the brain 

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    Visceral adipose tissue derived serine protease inhibitor (vaspin) or SERPINA12 according to the serpin nomenclature was identified together with other genes and gene products that  were specifically expressed or overexpressed in the intra abdominal or visceral adipose tissue  (AT) of the Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima fatty rat. These rats spontaneously develop visceral  obesity, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia and ‐glycemia, as well as hypertension and thus represent a well suited animal model of obesity and related metabolic disorders such as type  2 diabetes.  The follow-up study reporting the cloning, expression and functional characterization of  vaspin suggested the great and promising potential of this molecule to counteract obesity induced insulin resistance and inflammation and has since initiated over 300 publications, clinical and experimental, that have contributed to uncover the multifaceted functions and molecular mechanisms of vaspin action not only in the adipose, but in many different cells, tissues and organs. This review will give an update on mechanistic and structural aspects of vaspin with a focus on its serpin function, the physiology and regulation of vaspin expression, and will summarize the latest on vaspin function in various tissues such as the different adipose tissue depots as well as the vasculature, skin, bone and the brain

    Redox-coupled proton transfer mechanism in nitrite reductase revealed by femtosecond crystallography

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    Proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET), a ubiquitous phenomenon in biological systems, plays an essential role in copper nitrite reductase (CuNiR), the key metalloenzyme in microbial denitrification of the global nitrogen cycle. Analyses of the nitrite reduction mechanism in CuNiR with conventional synchrotron radiation crystallography (SRX) have been faced with difficulties, because X-ray photoreduction changes the native structures of metal centers and the enzyme-substrate complex. Using serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX), we determined the intact structures of CuNiR in the resting state and the nitrite complex (NC) state at 2.03- and 1.60-angstrom resolution, respectively. Furthermore, the SRX NC structure representing a transient state in the catalytic cycle was determined at 1.30-angstrom resolution. Comparison between SRX and SFX structures revealed that photoreduction changes the coordination manner of the substrate and that catalytically important His255 can switch hydrogen bond partners between the backbone carbonyl oxygen of nearby Glu279 and the side-chain hydroxyl group of Thr280. These findings, which SRX has failed to uncover, propose a redox-coupled proton switch for PCET. This concept can explain how proton transfer to the substrate is involved in intramolecular electron transfer and why substrate binding accelerates PCET. Our study demonstrates the potential of SFX as a powerful tool to study redox processes in metalloenzymes.open113532sciescopu

    An isomorphous replacement method for efficient de novo phasing for serial femtosecond crystallography

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    Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) with X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) holds great potential for structure determination of challenging proteins that are not amenable to producing large well diffracting crystals. Efficient de novo phasing methods are highly demanding and as such most SFX structures have been determined by molecular replacement methods. Here we employed single isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering (SIRAS) for phasing and demonstrate successful application to SFX de novo phasing. Only about 20,000 patterns in total were needed for SIRAS phasing while single wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) phasing was unsuccessful with more than 80,000 patterns of derivative crystals. We employed high energy X-rays from SACLA (12.6 keV) to take advantage of the large anomalous enhancement near the L-III absorption edge of Hg, which is one of the most widely used heavy atoms for phasing in conventional protein crystallography. Hard XFEL is of benefit for de novo phasing in the use of routinely used heavy atoms and high resolution data collection.open112530Ysciescopu

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    This work is on the Physics of the B Factories. Part A of this book contains a brief description of the SLAC and KEK B Factories as well as their detectors, BaBar and Belle, and data taking related issues. Part B discusses tools and methods used by the experiments in order to obtain results. The results themselves can be found in Part C