89 research outputs found

    Maternidad, heráldica y poder. Las matriarcas bíblicas y las reinas capetas en el siglo XIII

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    This article analyses the use of the figure of Saint Anne and other biblical matriarchs for the promotion of Capetian Queens in the 13th century. The most interesting and precedent-setting case is that of Blanche of Castile (1188-1252), who used the great women of Sacred History to justify her position as regent and royal advisor. Her successors, Margaret of Provence (1221 - 1295) and Mary of Brabant (1254 - 1322), would continue the pattern of equating the lineages of the Kings of Israel and the Capet from a female point of view. The origin and evolution of this new image of power, and how motherhood and heraldry became its central themes, will be explored through the study of iconographic programmes, mainly present in their devotional books.El presente artículo analiza el uso de la figura de Santa Ana y otras matriarcas bíblicas para la promoción de las reinas capetas en el siglo XIII. El caso más interesante, y que marcará un precedente, es el de Blanca de Castilla (1188 – 1252), la cual usará a las grandes mujeres de la historia sagrada para justificar su posición de regente y consejera real. Sus sucesoras, Margarita de Provenza (1221 - 1295) y María de Brabante (1254 - 1322), continuarán con la pauta de equiparar los linajes de los reyes de Israel y el capeto desde un punto de vista femenino. A través del estudio de los programas iconográficos, presentes principalmente en sus libros devocionales, se abordará el origen y la evolución de esta nueva imagen del poder, y de cómo la maternidad y la heráldica se convertirán en sus ejes fundamentales

    XRCC1 is phosphorylated by DNA-dependent protein kinase in response to DNA damage

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    The two BRCT domains (BRCT1 and BRCT2) of XRCC1 mediate a network of protein–protein interactions with several key factors of the DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) and base damage repair pathways. BRCT1 is required for the immediate poly(ADP–ribose)-dependent recruitment of XRCC1 to DNA breaks and is essential for survival after DNA damage. To better understand the biological role of XRCC1 in the processing of DNA ends, a search for the BRCT1 domain-associated proteins was performed by mass spectrometry of GST-BRCT1 pulled-down proteins from HeLa cell extracts. Here, we report that the double-strand break (DSB) repair heterotrimeric complex DNA-PK interacts with the BRCT1 domain of XRCC1 and phosphorylates this domain at serine 371 after ionizing irradiation. This caused XRCC1 dimer dissociation. The XRCC1 R399Q variant allele did not affect this phosphorylation. We also show that XRCC1 strongly stimulates the phosphorylation of p53-Ser15 by DNA-PK. The pseudo phosphorylated S371D mutant was a much weaker stimulator of DNA-PK activity whereas the non-phosphorylable mutant S371L endowed with a DNA-PK stimulating capacity failed to fully rescue the DSB repair defect of XRCC1-deficient EM9 rodent cells. The functional association between XRCC1 and DNA-PK in response to IR provides the first evidence for their involvement in a common DSB repair pathway

    Probabilistic Evaluation of Post-Earthquake Functional Recovery of a Seismically Isolated RC Building

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    All earthquakes throughout history have taught us that damage to non-structural elements and content has serious repercussions on the direct economic cost of damage and functionality. In essential buildings such as hospitals, rapid functional recovery is essential to safeguard the lives of the occupants and the injured who arrive after the earthquake. This study presents the detailed evaluation of the functional recovery of a RC seismically isolated 8 story hospital building located in an area of high seismicity. The study is carried out using the probabilistic analytical framework F-Rec, which has been recently proposed in the literature for the evaluation of the functional recovery of buildings after an earthquake. This framework complements the FEMA P-58 performance evaluation methodology allowing a complete and detailed evaluation of post-earthquake functionality, duration of damage and the path of functional recovery, considering structural and non-structural elements and content. In this study, a non-linear model of the building is created in OpenSees and the seismic response is studied for three hazard scenarios, Service Level Earthquake (SLE), Design Based Earthquake (DBE) and Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE). Based on the results of the non-linear analyses, the damage losses are calculated using the FEMA P-58 tool, while the building recovery process is evaluated using the F-Rec framework. The efficient functional recovery time and route are analyzed for each scenario. The results show that the F-Rec framework is a viable tool for the evaluation of the post-earthquake functionality of isolated hospital buildings, but that there is a need to develop specific fragility and recovery curves for medical equipment.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    La Educación Artística para Potenciar los Procesos Cognitivos en Niños con Síndrome de Down desde la Perspectiva de la Educación Inclusiva

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    This article began with a qualitative documentary research methodology based on the analysis of documents that provide strategies to work with the analyzed population. This document seeks to establish methodologies that enhance the cognitive processes of children with Down Syndrome. Understanding from the identification and comparing  international regulations and the jurisprudence of the States Parties, in this case, the Colombian legislation and its praxis might facilitate the approach to the phenomenon. The creation of this research is supported by the collection of relevant data in databases and indexed articles. There is evidence of a break in the relationship between international and national regulations, and the classroom. Thus, showing a problem regarding the learning processes in the inclusion of the population of children with Down Syndrome in regular education. However, Teachers have made efforts to innovate the strategies involving art as a means of work to achieve the enhancement of cognitive processes from students in regular classrooms.Este artículo se desarrolló desde una metodología de investigación documental cualitativa basado en el análisis de documentos que brindan estrategias para trabajar con la población analizada. Este documento busca establecer metodologías que potencien los procesos cognitivos de los niños con Síndrome de Down. Comprendido desde la indagación y comparación de las normativas internacionales y la jurisprudencia de los Estados Parte, en este caso la legislación Colombiana y su praxis dentro de la educación. La creación de esta investigación está sustentada en la recolección de datos pertinentes en bases de datos y artículos indexados.  Se evidencia una ruptura entre la relación de la normatividad internacional y nacional, y el aula; mostrando así una problemática con respecto a los procesos de aprendizaje en la inclusión de la población de niños con Síndrome de Down en la educación regular. Sin embargo, se puede concluir que los docentes han hecho esfuerzos en innovar las estrategias utilizadas involucrando el arte como medio de trabajo para lograr una verdadera educación inclusiva, y así potenciar los procesos cognitivos de los estudiantes en aulas regulares

    XRCC1 interacts with the p58 subunit of DNA Pol α-primase and may coordinate DNA repair and replication during S phase

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    Repair of single-stranded DNA breaks before DNA replication is critical in maintaining genomic stability; however, how cells deal with these lesions during S phase is not clear. Using combined approaches of proteomics and in vitro and in vivo protein–protein interaction, we identified the p58 subunit of DNA Pol α-primase as a new binding partner of XRCC1, a key protein of the single strand break repair (SSBR) complex. In vitro experiments reveal that the binding of poly(ADP-ribose) to p58 inhibits primase activity by competition with its DNA binding property. Overexpression of the XRCC1-BRCT1 domain in HeLa cells induces poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis, PARP-1 and XRCC1-BRCT1 poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation and a strong S phase delay in the presence of DNA damage. Addition of recombinant XRCC1-BRCT1 to Xenopus egg extracts slows down DNA synthesis and inhibits the binding of PCNA, but not MCM2 to alkylated chromatin, thus indicating interference with the assembly of functional replication forks. Altogether these results suggest a critical role for XRCC1 in connecting the SSBR machinery with the replication fork to halt DNA synthesis in response to DNA damage

    Impacto de la estrategia SENA empresa

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    Esta investigación alude al impacto social de los egresados SENA en las empresas y universidades con el fin de identificar servicios apropiados para la comunidad educativa; además de apoyar la gestión tecnológica de la institución. Los egresados forman parte de la comunidad educativa, por lo cual le aportan a la Universidad, con sus opiniones y sugerencias, sus experiencias de la formación que aprobaron en el SENA; información oportuna para identificar aquellos aspectos que la Universidad debería adoptar respecto a sus características socioeconómicas, experiencia académica y laboral. Así, se encontraría un nivel de satisfacción mayor, por medio de la implementación de la estrategia SENA vista a partir de las etapas lectiva y productiva. El seguimiento a los egresados permite obtener información actualizada de los principales usuarios de las SENA: las Empresas. Esta información es precisa para abordar el diseño curricular con el propósito que sean pertinentes ante las demandas laborales.na1 págin

    Explotación minera en Colombia

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    Este trabajo iniciara con una definición respecto a que es el la minería y la explotación de la misma, en donde nos hablará de que la minería es la extracción de minerales y otros materiales, y que por medio de ellos se pueden generar beneficios económicos, gracias a esto, la minería en Colombia asumió un rol importante para el desarrollo económico y social, volviéndose esencial en varias regiones del país. También se va explicar la minería de subsistencia y la Pequeña, mediana y gran minería, las cuales son los tipos de mineras en Colombia, luego se desarrollaran los temas de cómo afecta la minería a la economía del UCT país, a los ingresos de la nación, a las personas y al medio ambiente y los casos relacionados con la explotación minera

    Istradefylline protects from cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity and peripheral neuropathy while preserving cisplatin antitumor effects

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    Cisplatin is a potent chemotherapeutic drug that is widely used in the treatment of various solid cancers. However, its clinical effectiveness is strongly limited by frequent severe adverse effects, in particular nephrotoxicity and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Thus, there is an urgent medical need to identify novel strategies that limit cisplatin-induced toxicity. In the present study, we show that the FDA-approved adenosine A2A receptor antagonist istradefylline (KW6002) protected from cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity and neuropathic pain in mice with or without tumors. Moreover, we also demonstrate that the antitumoral properties of cisplatin were not altered by istradefylline in tumor-bearing mice and could even be potentiated. Altogether, our results support the use of istradefylline as a valuable preventive approach for the clinical management of patients undergoing cisplatin treatment

    A genome-wide association study of anorexia nervosa suggests a risk locus implicated in dysregulated leptin signaling

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    J. Kaprio, A. Palotie, A. Raevuori-Helkamaa ja S. Ripatti ovat työryhmän Eating Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium jäseniä. Erratum in: Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 21;7(1):8379, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-06409-3We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of anorexia nervosa (AN) using a stringently defined phenotype. Analysis of phenotypic variability led to the identification of a specific genetic risk factor that approached genome-wide significance (rs929626 in EBF1 (Early B-Cell Factor 1); P = 2.04 x 10(-7); OR = 0.7; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.61-0.8) with independent replication (P = 0.04), suggesting a variant-mediated dysregulation of leptin signaling may play a role in AN. Multiple SNPs in LD with the variant support the nominal association. This demonstrates that although the clinical and etiologic heterogeneity of AN is universally recognized, further careful sub-typing of cases may provide more precise genomic signals. In this study, through a refinement of the phenotype spectrum of AN, we present a replicable GWAS signal that is nominally associated with AN, highlighting a potentially important candidate locus for further investigation.Peer reviewe