254 research outputs found

    Supporting Children with Disabilities in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: Promoting Inclusive Practice within Community-Based Childcare Centres in Malawi through a Bioecological Systems Perspective

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    RLOsGiven the narrow scope and conceptualisation of inclusion for young children with disabilities in research within low- and middle income countries (LMICs) contexts, we draw on a bioecological systems perspective to propose the parameters for a broader unit of analysis. This perspective situates human development within a specific cultural context in which family, peers and schooling are regarded as key in responding to young children with disabilities in a given setting. We outline a new bioecological model to illustrate the proximal and distal factors that can influence inclusive early development for children with disabilities within LMICs. To illustrate the relevance of this model to early child development research, we consider its application, as a conceptual framework, with reference to a research study in Malawi. The study was designed to promote greater inclusive practice for young children with disabilities in Community-Based Childcare Centres (CBCCs) with a particular focus on the role of the CBCC volunteer ‘caregiver’ in rural Malawi. It has significance for educators, service providers and researchers concerned with facilitating inclusive early development across national boundaries and contexts.ESRC-DFI

    A Global Ozone Climatology from Ozone Soundings via Trajectory Mapping: A Stratospheric Perspective

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    This study explores a domain-filling trajectory approach to generate a global ozone climatology from sparse ozonesonde data. Global ozone soundings of 51,898 profiles at 116 stations over 44 years (1965-2008) are used, from which forward and backward trajectories are performed for 4 days, driven by a set of meteorological reanalysis data. Ozone mixing ratios of each sounding from the surface to 26 km altitude are assigned to the entire path along the trajectory. The resulting global ozone climatology is archived monthly for five decades from the 1960s to the 2000s with grids of 5 degree 5 degree 1 km (latitude, longitude, and altitude). It is also archived yearly from 1965 to 2008. This climatology is validated at 20 ozonesonde stations by comparing the actual ozone sounding profile with that found through the trajectories, using the ozone soundings at all the stations except one being tested. The two sets of profiles are in good agreement, both individually with correlation coefficients between 0.975 and 0.998 and root mean square (RMS) differences of 87 to 482 ppbv, and overall with a correlation coefficient of 0.991 and an RMS of 224 ppbv. The ozone climatology is also compared with two sets of satellite data, from the Satellite Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) and the Optical Spectrography and InfraRed Imager System (OSIRIS). Overall, the ozone climatology compares well with SAGE and OSIRIS data by both seasonal and zonal means. The mean difference is generally under 20 above 15 km. The comparison is better in the northern hemisphere, where there are more ozonesonde stations, than in the southern hemisphere; it is also better in the middle and high latitudes than in the tropics, where assimilated winds are imperfect in some regions. This ozone climatology can capture known features in the stratosphere, as well as seasonal and decadal variations of these features. Furthermore, it provides a wealth of detail about longitudinal variations in the stratosphere such as the spring ozone maximum over the Canadian Arctic. It also covers higher latitudes than current satellite data. The climatology shows clearly the depletion of ozone from the 1970s to the mid 1990s and ozone recovery in the 2000s. When this climatology is used as the upper boundary condition in an Environment Canada operational chemical forecast model, the forecast is improved in the vicinity of the upper tropospherelower stratosphere region. As this ozone climatology is neither dependent on a priori data or photochemical modeling, it provides independent information and insight that can supplement satellite data and model simulations and enhance our understanding of stratospheric ozone

    Profiles of Lyman\alpha\ Emission Lines

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    We present the results of the observations of the Ly\alpha\ line profiles of 91 emission-line galaxies at z=3.1 with the spectral resolution of \lambda/\delta\lambda (FWHM) = 1700, or 180 km/s. A significant fraction, ~50% of the observed objects show the characteristic double peaks in their Ly\alpha profile. The red peak is much stronger than the blue one for most of the cases. The red peaks themselves also show weak but significant asymmetry and their widths are correlated with the velocity separation of the red and the blue peaks, which implies that the peaks are not isolated multiple components with different velocities but the parts of the single line which is modified by the absorption and/or scattering by the associated neutral hydrogen gas. The characteristic profile can be naturally explained by the scattering in the expanding shell of neutral hydrogen surrounding the Ly\alpha\ emitting region while the attenuation by the inter-galactic medium should also be considered. Our results suggest that the star-formation in these Ly\alpha\ emitters are dominated by the young burst-like events which produce the intrinsic Ly\alpha\ emission as well as the gas outflow.Comment: 15 pages, Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of Lyman Alpha Emission at z=4.4

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    We present the highest redshift detections of resolved Lyman alpha emission, using Hubble Space Telescope/ACS F658N narrowband-imaging data taken in parallel with the Wide Field Camera 3 Early Release Science program in the GOODS CDF-S. We detect Lyman alpha emission from three spectroscopically confirmed z = 4.4 Lyman alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs), more than doubling the sample of LAEs with resolved Lyman alpha emission. Comparing the light distribution between the rest-frame ultraviolet continuum and narrowband images, we investigate the escape of Lyman alpha photons at high redshift. While our data do not support a positional offset between the Lyman alpha and rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) continuum emission, the half-light radii in two out of the three galaxies are significantly larger in Lyman alpha than in the rest-frame UV continuum. This result is confirmed when comparing object sizes in a stack of all objects in both bands. Additionally, the narrowband flux detected with HST is significantly less than observed in similar filters from the ground. These results together imply that the Lyman alpha emission is not strictly confined to its indigenous star-forming regions. Rather, the Lyman alpha emission is more extended, with the missing HST flux likely existing in a diffuse outer halo. This suggests that the radiative transfer of Lyman alpha photons in high-redshift LAEs is complicated, with the interstellar-medium geometry and/or outflows playing a significant role in galaxies at these redshifts.Comment: Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal. 11 pages, 10 figure

    The viscosity of R32 and R125 at saturation

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    This paper reports new measurements of the viscosity of R32 and R125, in both the liquid and the vapor phase, over the temperature range 220 to 343 K near the saturation line. The measurements in both liquid and vapor phases have been carried out with a vibrating-wire viscometer calibrated with respect to standard reference values of viscosity. It is estimated that the uncertainty of the present viscosity data is one of 0.5-1%, being limited partly by the accuracy of the available density data. The experimental data have been represented by polynomial functions of temperature for the purposes of interpolation

    Modelling high redshift Lyman-alpha Emitters

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    We present a new model for high redshift Lyman-Alpha Emitters (LAEs) in the cosmological context which takes into account the resonant scattering of Ly-a photons through expanding gas. The GALICS semi-analytic model provides us with the physical properties of a large sample of high redshift galaxies. We implement a gas outflow model for each galaxy based on simple scaling arguments. The coupling with a library of numerical experiments of Ly-a transfer through expanding or static dusty shells of gas allows us to derive the Ly-a escape fractions and profiles. The predicted distribution of Ly-a photons escape fraction shows that galaxies with a low star formation rate have a f_esc of the order of unity, suggesting that, for those objects, Ly-a may be used to trace the star formation rate assuming a given conversion law. In galaxies forming stars intensely, the escape fraction spans the whole range from 0 to 1. The model is able to get a good match to the UV and Ly-a luminosity function (LF) data at 3 < z < 5. We find that we are in good agreement with both the bright Ly-a data and the faint population observed by Rauch et al. (2008) at z=3. Most of the Ly-a profiles of our LAEs are redshifted by the diffusion in the outflow which suppresses IGM absorption. The bulk of the observed Ly-a equivalent width (EW) distribution is recovered by our model, but we fail to obtain the very large values sometimes detected. Predictions for stellar masses and UV LFs of LAEs show a satisfactory agreement with observational estimates. The UV-brightest galaxies are found to show only low Ly-a EWs in our model, as it is reported by many observations of high redshift LAEs. We interpret this effect as the joint consequence of old stellar populations hosted by UV-bright galaxies, and high HI column densities that we predict for these objects, which quench preferentially resonant Ly-a photons via dust extinction.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A global inventory of stratospheric NOy from ACE-FTS

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    The Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) on board the Canadian SCISAT-1 satellite (launched in August 2003) measures over 30 different atmospheric species, including six nitrogen trace gases that are needed to quantify the stratospheric NOy budget. We combine volume mixing ratio (VMR) profiles for NO, NO2, HNO3, N2O5, ClONO2, and HNO4 to determine a zonally averaged NOy climatology on monthly and 3 month combined means (December–February, March–May, June–August, and September–November) at 5° latitude spacing and on 33 pressure surfaces. Peak NOy VMR concentrations (15–20 ppbv) are situated at about 3 hPa (∼40 km) in the tropics, while they are typically lower at about 10 hPa (∼30 km) in the midlatitudes. Mean NOy VMRs are similar in both the northern and southern polar regions, with the exception of large enhancements periodically observed in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere. These are primarily due to enhancements of NO due to energetic particle precipitation and downward transport. Other features in the NOy budget are related to descent in the polar vortex, heterogeneous chemistry, and denitrification processes. Comparison of the ACE-FTS NOy budget is made to both the Odin and ATMOS NOy data sets, showing in both cases a good level of agreement, such that relative differences are typically better than 20%. The NOy climatological products are available through the ACE website and are a supplement to the paper. - A middle-atmosphere NOy climatology has been produced using ACE-FTS measurements; - A robust method for quality controlling the input data has been developed - Good agreement is found between ACE-FTS NOy climatology and other climatologie

    Almost one year of TROPOMI/S5P total ozone column data: global ground-based validation

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    Póster presentado en: ATMOS 2018, celebrado en Salzburgo (Austria) del 26 al 29 de noviembre de 2018.In this work we present the validation results of almost one year of TROPOMI Near Real Time (NRTI) and OFFLine (OFFL) data against ground-based quality-assured Brewer and Dobson total ozone column (TOC) measurements deposited in the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Center (WOUDC). Additionally, comparisons to Brewer measurements from the European Brewer Network (EUBREWNET) and the Canadian Network are performed, as well as to twilight zenith-sky measurements obtained with ZSL-DOAS (Zenith Scattered Light Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) instruments, that form part of the SAOZ network (Système d'Analyse par Observation Zénitale) of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC). Through the comparison of the TROPOMI measurements to the total ozone ground-based measurements from stations that are distributed globally, as the background truth, the dependence of the new instrument on latitude, cloud properties, solar zenith and viewing angles, among others, is examined. Validation results show that the mean bias and the standard deviation of the percentage difference between TROPOMI and QA ground TOC meet the product requirements
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