52 research outputs found

    Aspectos epidemiológicos e ecológicos relacionados à malária na área de influência do lago da Represa de Porto Primavera, região oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    A study was carried out in the area of influence of the Porto Primavera Hydroelectric Power Station, in western São Paulo State, to investigate ecological and epidemiological aspects of malaria in the area and monitor the profile of the anopheline populations following the environmental changes brought about by the construction of the lake. Mosquitoes captured were analyzed by standardized indicator species analysis (ISA) before and during different flooding phases (253 m and 257 m elevations). The local human population was studied by means of parasitological (thin/thick blood smears), molecular (PCR) and serological tests. Serological tests consisted of Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) with synthetic peptides of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) from classic Plasmodium vivax, P. vivax variants (VK247 and "vivax-like"), P. malariae and P. falciparum and Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) with asexual forms of P. vivax, P. malariae and P. falciparum. The results of the entomological survey indicated that, although the Anopheles darlingi population increased after the flooding, the population density remained very low. No malaria, parasite infection or DNA was detected in the inhabitants of the study area. However, there was a low frequency of antibodies against asexual forms and a significant prevalence of antibodies against P. vivax, P. vivax variants, P. falciparum and P. malariae; the presence of these antibodies may result from recent or less recent contact with human or simian Plasmodium (a parallel study in the same area revealed the existence of a sylvatic cycle). Nevertheless, these results suggest that, as in other places where malaria is present and potential vectors circulate, the local epidemiological conditions observed could potentially support the transmission of malaria in Porto Primavera Lake if infected individuals are introduced in sufficient numbers. Further studies are required to elucidate the phenomena described in this paper.Foi realizada pesquisa na área de influência do lago da Usina Hidrelétrica de Porto Primavera, região oeste do Estado de São Paulo, para estudar aspectos ecológicos e epidemiológicos da malária na localidade e acompanhar o perfil das populações de anofelinos frente às mudanças decorrentes do impacto ambiental pela formação do lago. Mosquitos capturados foram analisados pelo Índice de Abundância de Espécies Padronizado (IAEP), antes e durante o enchimento do reservatório (cotas 253 e 257 m). A população humana local foi estudada por meio de teste parasitológico (gota espessa e esfregaço sangüíneo), testes moleculares (PCR) e testes sorológicos. A sorologia consistiu na reação de ELISA com peptídeos sintéticos correspondentes à porção repetitiva da proteína circumsporozoíta (CSP) de Plasmodium vivax clássico, e suas variantes VK247 e "vivax-like", P. malariae e P. falciparum; e reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) com formas assexuadas de P. vivax, P. malariae e P. falciparum. Os resultados do estudo entomológico indicaram que, embora a população de Anopheles darlingi tenha aumentando após o enchimento, permaneceu em baixa densidade. Não foi detectada malária nem a presença de parasitos ou de DNA parasitário nos habitantes estudados. No entanto, foi observada baixa freqüência de anticorpos contra formas assexuadas e significativa prevalência de anticorpos contra esporozoítos de P. vivax e suas variantes, P. falciparum e P. malariae, que poderiam decorrer de contatos prévios, recentes ou não, com plasmódios humanos ou símios (o ciclo silvestre foi evidenciado em estudo paralelo realizado na mesma área). Por outro lado, estes resultados sugerem que, como em outros lugares onde existem vetores potenciais da malária, as condições epidemiológicas poderiam potencialmente permitir a transmissão da malária na área de influência do lago de Porto Primavera, se indivíduos infectados fossem introduzidos em número suficiente. Estudos adicionais deverão ser realizados para elucidar os fenômenos relatados neste artigo

    Intragenic antimicrobial peptides (IAPs) from human proteins with potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity

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    Following the treads of our previous works on the unveiling of bioactive peptides encrypted in plant proteins from diverse species, the present manuscript reports the occurrence of four proof-of-concept intragenic antimicrobial peptides in human proteins, named Hs IAPs. These IAPs were prospected using the software Kamal, synthesized by solid phase chemistry, and had their interactions with model phospholipid vesicles investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism. Their antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi was determined, along with their cytotoxicity towards erythrocytes. Our data demonstrates that Hs IAPs are capable to bind model membranes while attaining α-helical structure, and to inhibit the growth of microorganisms at concentrations as low as 1μM. Hs02, a novel sixteen residue long internal peptide (KWAVRIIRKFIKGFISNH2) derived from the unconventional myosin 1h protein, was further investigated in its capacity to inhibit lipopolysaccharide-induced release of TNF-α in murine macrophages. Hs02 presented potent anti-inflammatory activity, inhibiting the release of TNF-α in LPSprimed cells at the lowest assayed concentration, 0.1 μM. A three-dimensional solution structure of Hs02 bound to DPC micelles was determined by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Our work exemplifies how the human genome can be mined for molecules with biotechnological potential in human health and demonstrates that IAPs are actual alternatives to antimicrobial peptides as pharmaceutical agents or in their many other putative applications

    Genome-wide Analyses Identify KIF5A as a Novel ALS Gene

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    To identify novel genes associated with ALS, we undertook two lines of investigation. We carried out a genome-wide association study comparing 20,806 ALS cases and 59,804 controls. Independently, we performed a rare variant burden analysis comparing 1,138 index familial ALS cases and 19,494 controls. Through both approaches, we identified kinesin family member 5A (KIF5A) as a novel gene associated with ALS. Interestingly, mutations predominantly in the N-terminal motor domain of KIF5A are causative for two neurodegenerative diseases: hereditary spastic paraplegia (SPG10) and Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2 (CMT2). In contrast, ALS-associated mutations are primarily located at the C-terminal cargo-binding tail domain and patients harboring loss-of-function mutations displayed an extended survival relative to typical ALS cases. Taken together, these results broaden the phenotype spectrum resulting from mutations in KIF5A and strengthen the role of cytoskeletal defects in the pathogenesis of ALS.Peer reviewe

    AVONET: morphological, ecological and geographical data for all birds

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    Functional traits offer a rich quantitative framework for developing and testing theories in evolutionary biology, ecology and ecosystem science. However, the potential of functional traits to drive theoretical advances and refine models of global change can only be fully realised when species‐level information is complete. Here we present the AVONET dataset containing comprehensive functional trait data for all birds, including six ecological variables, 11 continuous morphological traits, and information on range size and location. Raw morphological measurements are presented from 90,020 individuals of 11,009 extant bird species sampled from 181 countries. These data are also summarised as species averages in three taxonomic formats, allowing integration with a global phylogeny, geographical range maps, IUCN Red List data and the eBird citizen science database. The AVONET dataset provides the most detailed picture of continuous trait variation for any major radiation of organisms, offering a global template for testing hypotheses and exploring the evolutionary origins, structure and functioning of biodiversity

    Age at onset as stratifier in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease – effect of ageing and polygenic risk score on clinical phenotypes

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    Several phenotypic differences observed in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients have been linked to age at onset (AAO). We endeavoured to find out whether these differences are due to the ageing process itself by using a combined dataset of idiopathic PD (n = 430) and healthy controls (HC; n = 556) excluding carriers of known PD-linked genetic mutations in both groups. We found several significant effects of AAO on motor and non-motor symptoms in PD, but when comparing the effects of age on these symptoms with HC (using age at assessment, AAA), only positive associations of AAA with burden of motor symptoms and cognitive impairment were significantly different between PD vs HC. Furthermore, we explored a potential effect of polygenic risk score (PRS) on clinical phenotype and identified a significant inverse correlation of AAO and PRS in PD. No significant association between PRS and severity of clinical symptoms was found. We conclude that the observed non-motor phenotypic differences in PD based on AAO are largely driven by the ageing process itself and not by a specific profile of neurodegeneration linked to AAO in the idiopathic PD patients

    Flowering Time Variation in Two Sympatric Tree Species Contributes to Avoid Competition for Pollinator Services

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    Competition is an important biological filter that can define crucial features of species’ natural history, like survival and reproduction success. We evaluated in the Brazilian tropical savanna whether two sympatric and congenereric species, Qualea multiflora Mart. and Q. parviflora Mart. (Vochysiaceae), compete for pollinator services, testing whether there is a better competitor or whether plants present any anti-competitive mechanism. Additionally, we investigated the breeding system, pollinators, and flowering phenology of both species. The results showed that Q. multiflora and Q. parviflora are dependent on pollinators for fruit formation, as they exhibited a self-incompatible and non-agamospermic breeding system. These plants shared the same guild of pollinators, which was formed by bees and hummingbirds, and an overlap in the flower visitation time was observed. Each plant species had different pollinator attraction strategies: Q. multiflora invested in floral resource quality, while Q. parviflora invested in resource quantity. The blooming time showed a temporal flowering partition, with highly sequential flowering and no overlap. Qualea parviflora bloomed intensely from September to October, while Q. multiflora bloomed from November to January, with the flowering peak occurring in December. The two Qualea species have morphologically similar flowers, are sympatric, and share the same pollinator community, with overlapping foraging activity during the day. However, they do not compete for pollinator services as they exhibit an anti-competitive mechanism mediated by temporal flowering partition.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal deNivel Superior-Brazil (CAPES) 001Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal deNivel Superior-Brazil (CAPES) 403647/2021-

    Laryngeal electromyography in movement disorders: Preliminary data

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    This study describes preliminary laryngeal electromyography (LEMG) data and botulinum toxin treatment in patients with dysphonia due to movement disorders. Twenty-five patients who had been clinically selected for botulinum toxin administration were examined, 19 with suspected laryngeal dystonia or spasmodic dysphonia (SD), 5 with vocal tremor, and 1 with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS). LEMG evaluations were performed before botulinum toxin administration using monopolar electrodes. Electromyography was consistent with dystonia in 14 patients and normal in 5, and differences in frequency suggesting essential tremor in 3 and Parkinson tremors in 2. The different LEMG patterns and significant improvement in our patients from botulinum toxin therapy has led us to perform laryngeal electromyography as a routine in UNICAMP movement disorders ambulatory

    Assessment of DDT and mercury levels in fish and sediments in the Iriri River, Brazil: distribution and ecological risk

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    MS/SVS/Evandro Chagas Institute.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Laboratório de Toxicologia. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Laboratório de Toxicologia. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Universidade Federal do Pará. Instituto de Química. Belém, PA, Brazil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Laboratório de Toxicologia. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Laboratório de Toxicologia. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Laboratório de Toxicologia. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Laboratório de Toxicologia. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Universidade Federal do Pará. Instituto de Química. Belém, PA, Brazil.In order to assess the risk of exposure of human populations to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and mercury, muscles of five fish species were analysed, along with the surface sediment of 14 Iriri River sampling sites. The fish specimens were sacrificed by the spinal section, prior to sex identification, body weight determination and total length. Considering the fish specimens studied, 11% of them showed concentrations of mercury higher than the maximum established by the World Health Organization for safe human consumption. A positive correlation between fish body weight and mercury concentration was observed, besides a positive correlation between the fish size and Hg concentration. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found between mean concentrations of DDT and metabolites among species of fish studied. In the Plagioscion squamossissimus species, the highest concentration of total DDT (151.4 ng/g) was found, while in Eugerres Brasilianus species, the lowest. However, the DDT levels in fish muscle of studied species are below the maximum set by FAO-Alimentarius CODEX. In the sediments, total DDT ranged from 11.58 ng/g to 48.4 ng/g, which is associated with the historical DDT use in the Amazon. According to sediment quality guidelines, these levels have a moderate toxic effect in almost all of the studied region