19 research outputs found

    Aquaglyceroporin-null trypanosomes display glycerol transport defects and respiratory-inhibitor sensitivity

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    Aquaglyceroporins (AQPs) transport water and glycerol and play important roles in drug-uptake in pathogenic trypanosomatids. For example, AQP2 in the human-infectious African trypanosome, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, is responsible for melarsoprol and pentamidine-uptake, and melarsoprol treatment-failure has been found to be due to AQP2-defects in these parasites. To further probe the roles of these transporters, we assembled a T. b. brucei strain lacking all three AQP-genes. Triple-null aqp1-2-3 T. b. brucei displayed only a very moderate growth defect in vitro, established infections in mice and recovered effectively from hypotonic-shock. The aqp1-2-3 trypanosomes did, however, display glycerol uptake and efflux defects. They failed to accumulate glycerol or to utilise glycerol as a carbon-source and displayed increased sensitivity to salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM), octyl gallate or propyl gallate; these inhibitors of trypanosome alternative oxidase (TAO) can increase intracellular glycerol to toxic levels. Notably, disruption of AQP2 alone generated cells with glycerol transport defects. Consistent with these findings, AQP2-defective, melarsoprol-resistant clinical isolates were sensitive to the TAO inhibitors, SHAM, propyl gallate and ascofuranone, relative to melarsoprol-sensitive reference strains. We conclude that African trypanosome AQPs are dispensable for viability and osmoregulation but they make important contributions to drug-uptake, glycerol-transport and respiratory-inhibitor sensitivity. We also discuss how the AQP-dependent inverse sensitivity to melarsoprol and respiratory inhibitors described here might be exploited

    Loss of the high-affinity pentamidine transporter is responsible for high levels of cross-resistance between arsenical and diamidine drugs in African trypanosomes

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    Treatment of many infectious diseases is under threat from drug resistance. Understanding the mechanisms of resistance is as high a priority as the development of new drugs. We have investigated the basis for cross-resistance between the diamidine and melaminophenyl arsenical classes of drugs in African trypanosomes. We induced high levels of pentamidine resistance in a line without the tbat1 gene that encodes the P2 transporter previously implicated in drug uptake. We isolated independent clones that displayed very considerable cross-resistance with melarsen oxide but not phenylarsine oxide and reduced uptake of [3H]pentamidine. In particular, the high-affinity pentamidine transport (HAPT1) activity was absent in the pentamidine-adapted lines, whereas the low affinity pentamidine transport (LAPT1) activity was unchanged. The parental tbat1–/– line was sensitive to lysis by melarsen oxide, and this process was inhibited by low concentrations of pentamidine, indicating the involvement of HAPT1. This pentamidine-inhibitable lysis was absent in the adapted line KO-B48. Likewise, uptake of the fluorescent diamidine 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride was much delayed in live KO-B48 cells and insensitive to competition with up to 10 μM pentamidine. No overexpression of the Trypanosoma brucei brucei ATP-binding cassette transporter TbMRPA could be detected in KO-B48. We also show that a laboratory line of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, adapted to high levels of resistance for the melaminophenyl arsenical drug melarsamine hydrochloride (Cymelarsan), had similarly lost TbAT1 and HAPT1 activity while retaining LAPT1 activity. It seems therefore that selection for resistance to either pentamidine or arsenical drugs can result in a similar phenotype of reduced drug accumulation, explaining the occurrence of cross-resistance

    Organic compounds present in the natural Amazonian aerosol : characterization by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry

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    [1] As part of the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA)-Cooperative LBA Airborne Regional Experiment (CLAIRE) 2001 campaign in July 2001, separate day and nighttime aerosol samples were collected at a ground-based site in Amazonia, Brazil, in order to examine the composition and temporal variability of the natural “background” aerosol. We used a high-volume sampler to separate the aerosol into fine (aerodynamic diameter, AD < 2.5 μm) and coarse (AD > 2.5 μm) size fractions and quantified a range of organic compounds in methanolic extracts of the samples by a gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric technique. The carbon fraction of the compounds could account for an average of 7% of the organic carbon (OC) in both the fine and coarse aerosol fractions. We observed the highest concentrations of sugars, sugar alcohols, and fatty acids in the coarse aerosol samples, which suggests that these compounds are associated with primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP) observed in the forest atmosphere. Of these, trehalose, mannitol, arabitol, and the fatty acids were found to be more prevalent at night, coinciding with a nocturnal increase in PBAP in the 2–10 μm size range (predominantly yeasts and other small fungal spores). In contrast, glucose, fructose, and sucrose showed persistently higher daytime concentrations, coinciding with a daytime increase in large fungal spores, fern spores, pollen grains, and, to a lesser extent, plant fragments (generally >20 μm in diameter), probably driven by lowered relative humidity and enhanced wind speeds/convective activity during the day. For the fine aerosol samples a series of dicarboxylic and hydroxyacids were detected with persistently higher daytime concentrations, suggesting that photochemical production of a secondary organic aerosol from biogenic volatile organic compounds may have made a significant contribution to the fine aerosol. Anhydrosugars (levoglucosan, mannosan, galactosan), which are specific tracers for biomass burning, were detected only at low levels in the fine aerosol samples. On the basis of the levoglucosan-to-OC emission ratio measured for biomass burning aerosol, we estimate that an average of ∼16% of the OC in the fine aerosol was due to biomass burning during CLAIRE 2001, indicating that the major fraction was associated with biogenic particles

    Drug resistance in African trypanosomiasis: the melarsoprol and pentamidine story

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    Melarsoprol and pentamidine represent the two main classes of drugs, the arsenicals and diamidines, historically used to treat the diseases caused by African trypanosomes: sleeping sickness in humans and Nagana in livestock. Cross-resistance to these drugs was first observed over 60 years ago and remains the only example of cross-resistance among sleeping sickness therapies. A Trypanosoma brucei adenosine transporter is well known for its role in the uptake of both drugs. More recently, aquaglyceroporin 2 (AQP2) loss of function was linked to melarsoprol–pentamidine cross-resistance. AQP2, a channel that appears to facilitate drug accumulation, may also be linked to clinical cases of resistance. Here, we review these findings and consider some new questions as well as future prospects for tackling the devastating diseases caused by these parasites

    Strategies and performance of the CMS silicon tracker alignment during LHC Run 2

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    The strategies for and the performance of the CMS silicon tracking system alignment during the 2015–2018 data-taking period of the LHC are described. The alignment procedures during and after data taking are explained. Alignment scenarios are also derived for use in the simulation of the detector response. Systematic effects, related to intrinsic symmetries of the alignment task or to external constraints, are discussed and illustrated for different scenarios