125 research outputs found

    Dynamic fuel retention in tokamak wall materials: An in situ laboratory study of deuterium release from polycrystalline tungsten at room temperature

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    International audienceRetention of deuterium ion implanted in polycrystalline tungsten samples is studied in situ in an ultra-high vacuum apparatus equipped with a low-flux ion source and a high sensitivity thermo-desorption setup. Retention as a function of ion fluence was measured in the 10^17 -10^21 D+/m^2 range. By combining this new fluence range with the literature in situ experimental data, we evidence the existence of a retention = fluence^ 0.645±0.025 relationship which describes deuterium retention behavior on polycrystalline tungsten on 8 orders of magnitude of fluence. Evolution of deuterium retention as a function of the sample storage time in vacuum at room temperature was followed. A loss of 50% of the retained deuterium is observed when the storage time is increased from 2 h to 135 h. The role of the surface and of natural bulk defects on the deuterium retention/release in polycrystalline tungsten is discussed in light of the behavior of the single desorption peak obtained with Temperature Programmed Desorption

    Ion beam analysis of fusion plasma-facing materials and components : facilities and research challenges

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    Following the IAEA Technical Meeting on ‘Advanced Methodologies for the Analysis of Materials in Energy Applications Using Ion Beam Accelerators’, this paper reviews the current status of ion beam analysis (IBA) techniques and some aspects of ion-induced radiation damage in materials for the field of materials relevant to fusion. Available facilities, apparatus development, future research options and challenges are presented and discussed. The analysis of beryllium and radioactivity-containing samples from future experiments in JET or ITER represents not only an analytical but also a technical challenge. A comprehensive list of the facilities, their current status, and analytical capabilities comes alongside detailed descriptions of the labs. A discussion of future issues of sample handling and the current status of facilities at JET complete the technical section. To prepare the international IBA community for these challenges, the IAEA technical meeting concludes the necessity for determining new nuclear reaction cross-sections and improving the inter-laboratory comparability by defining international standards and testing these via a round-robin test.Peer reviewe

    Tritium retention in W plasma-facing materials : Impact of the material structure and helium irradiation

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    This article has an erratum: DOI 10.1016/j.nme.2020.100729Plasma-facing materials for next generation fusion devices, like ITER and DEMO, will be submitted to intense fluxes of light elements, notably He and H isotopes (HI). Our study focuses on tritium (T) retention on a wide range of W samples: first, different types of W materials were investigated to distinguish the impact of the pristine original structure on the retention, from W-coated samples to ITER-grade pure W samples submitted to various annealing and manufacturing procedures, along with monocrystalline W for reference. Then, He and He-D irradiated W samples were studied to investigate the impact on He-damages such as nano-bubbles (exposures in LHD or PSI-2) on T retention. We exposed all the samples to tritium gas-loading using a gentle technique preventing any introduction of new damage in the material. Tritium desorption is measured by Liquid Scintillation counting (LSC) at ambient and high temperatures (800 degrees C). The remaining T inventory is then measured by sample full dissolution and LSC. Results on T inventory on He exposed samples highlighted that in all cases, tritium desorption as a gas (HT) increases significantly due to the formation of He damages. Up to 1.8 times more T can be trapped in the material through a competition of various mechanisms, but the major part of the inventory desorbs at room temperature, and so will most likely not take part to the long-term trapped inventory for safety and operational perspectives. Unfortunately, investigation of "as received" industrial W (used for the making of plasma-facing materials) highlighted a strong impact of the pre existing defects on T retention: up to 2.5 times more T is trapped in "as received W" compared to annealed and polish W, and desorbs only at 800 degrees C, meaning ideal W material studies may underestimate T inventory for tokamak relevant conditions.Peer reviewe

    Optical techniques for 3D surface reconstruction in computer-assisted laparoscopic surgery

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    One of the main challenges for computer-assisted surgery (CAS) is to determine the intra-opera- tive morphology and motion of soft-tissues. This information is prerequisite to the registration of multi-modal patient-specific data for enhancing the surgeon’s navigation capabilites by observ- ing beyond exposed tissue surfaces and for providing intelligent control of robotic-assisted in- struments. In minimally invasive surgery (MIS), optical techniques are an increasingly attractive approach for in vivo 3D reconstruction of the soft-tissue surface geometry. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art methods for optical intra-operative 3D reconstruction in laparoscopic surgery and discusses the technical challenges and future perspectives towards clinical translation. With the recent paradigm shift of surgical practice towards MIS and new developments in 3D opti- cal imaging, this is a timely discussion about technologies that could facilitate complex CAS procedures in dynamic and deformable anatomical regions

    Intra-operative fiducial-based CT/fluoroscope image registration framework for image-guided robot-assisted joint fracture surgery

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    Purpose Joint fractures must be accurately reduced minimising soft tissue damages to avoid negative surgical outcomes. To this regard, we have developed the RAFS surgical system, which allows the percutaneous reduction of intra-articular fractures and provides intra-operative real-time 3D image guidance to the surgeon. Earlier experiments showed the effectiveness of the RAFS system on phantoms, but also key issues which precluded its use in a clinical application. This work proposes a redesign of the RAFS’s navigation system overcoming the earlier version’s issues, aiming to move the RAFS system into a surgical environment. Methods The navigation system is improved through an image registration framework allowing the intra-operative registration between pre-operative CT images and intra-operative fluoroscopic images of a fractured bone using a custom-made fiducial marker. The objective of the registration is to estimate the relative pose between a bone fragment and an orthopaedic manipulation pin inserted into it intra-operatively. The actual pose of the bone fragment can be updated in real time using an optical tracker, enabling the image guidance. Results Experiments on phantom and cadavers demonstrated the accuracy and reliability of the registration framework, showing a reduction accuracy (sTRE) of about 0.88 ±0.2mm (phantom) and 1.15±0.8mm (cadavers). Four distal femur fractures were successfully reduced in cadaveric specimens using the improved navigation system and the RAFS system following the new clinical workflow (reduction error 1.2±0.3mm, 2±1∘). Conclusion Experiments showed the feasibility of the image registration framework. It was successfully integrated into the navigation system, allowing the use of the RAFS system in a realistic surgical application

    What is a smart device? - a conceptualisation within the paradigm of the internet of things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is an interconnected network of objects which range from simple sensors to smartphones and tablets; it is a relatively novel paradigm that has been rapidly gaining ground in the scenario of modern wireless telecommunications with an expected growth of 25 to 50 billion of connected devices for 2020 Due to the recent rise of this paradigm, authors across the literature use inconsistent terms to address the devices present in the IoT, such as mobile device, smart device, mobile technologies or mobile smart device. Based on the existing literature, this paper chooses the term smart device as a starting point towards the development of an appropriate definition for the devices present in the IoT. This investigation aims at exploring the concept and main features of smart devices as well as their role in the IoT. This paper follows a systematic approach for reviewing compendium of literature to explore the current research in this field. It has been identified smart devices as the primary objects interconnected in the network of IoT, having an essential role in this paradigm. The developed concept for defining smart device is based on three main features, namely context-awareness, autonomy and device connectivity. Other features such as mobility and userinteraction were highly mentioned in the literature, but were not considered because of the nature of the IoT as a network mainly oriented to device-to-device connectivity whether they are mobile or not and whether they interact with people or not. What emerges from this paper is a concept which can be used to homogenise the terminology used on further research in the Field of digitalisation and smart technologies

    Clinical spectrum and features of activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ syndrome: A large patient cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: Activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ syndrome (APDS) is a recently described combined immunodeficiency resulting from gain-of-function mutations in PIK3CD, the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ (PI3Kδ). OBJECTIVE: We sought to review the clinical, immunologic, histopathologic, and radiologic features of APDS in a large genetically defined international cohort. METHODS: We applied a clinical questionnaire and performed review of medical notes, radiology, histopathology, and laboratory investigations of 53 patients with APDS. RESULTS: Recurrent sinopulmonary infections (98%) and nonneoplastic lymphoproliferation (75%) were common, often from childhood. Other significant complications included herpesvirus infections (49%), autoinflammatory disease (34%), and lymphoma (13%). Unexpectedly, neurodevelopmental delay occurred in 19% of the cohort, suggesting a role for PI3Kδ in the central nervous system; consistent with this, PI3Kδ is broadly expressed in the developing murine central nervous system. Thoracic imaging revealed high rates of mosaic attenuation (90%) and bronchiectasis (60%). Increased IgM levels (78%), IgG deficiency (43%), and CD4 lymphopenia (84%) were significant immunologic features. No immunologic marker reliably predicted clinical severity, which ranged from asymptomatic to death in early childhood. The majority of patients received immunoglobulin replacement and antibiotic prophylaxis, and 5 patients underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Five patients died from complications of APDS. CONCLUSION: APDS is a combined immunodeficiency with multiple clinical manifestations, many with incomplete penetrance and others with variable expressivity. The severity of complications in some patients supports consideration of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for severe childhood disease. Clinical trials of selective PI3Kδ inhibitors offer new prospects for APDS treatment.T.C. is supported by National Children’s Research Centre, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland. A.C. has a Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Training Fellowship for Clinicians (103413/Z/13/Z). K.O. is supported by funding from BBSRC, MRC, Wellcome Trust and GSK. R.D. and D.S.K are funded by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, Cambridge, UK. C.S. and S.E. are supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF 01 EO 0803 grant to the Center of Chronic immunodeficiency and BMBF 01GM1111B grant to the PID-NET initiative). S.N.F is supported in part by the Southampton UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility and NIHR Respiratory Biomedical Research Unit. M.A.A.I. is funded by NHS Innovation London and King’s College Hospital Charitable Trust. A.F., S.L., A.D., F.R-L and S.K. are supported by the European Union’s 7th RTD Framework Programme (ERC advanced grant PID-IMMUNE contract 249816) and a government grant managed by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche as part of the "Investments for the Future" program (ANR-10-IAHU-01). S.L. is supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) (ANR-14-CE14-0028-01), the Foundation ARC pour la Recherche sur le Cancer (France), the Rare Diseases Foundation (France) and François Aupetit Association (France). S.L. is a senior scientist and S.K is a researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique-CNRS (France). A.D. and S.K. are supported by the “Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale". S.K. also supported by the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (grant number: ING20130526624), la Ligue Contre le Cancer (Comité de Paris) and the Centre de Référence Déficits Immunitaires Héréditaires (CEREDIH). S.O.B is supported by the Higher Education Funding Council for England. B.V. is supported by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [BB/I007806/1], Cancer Research UK [C23338/A15965) and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre. B.V. is consultant to Karus Therapeutics (Oxford, UK). S.N. is a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow in Basic Biomedical Science (095198/Z/10/Z). S.N. is also supported by the European Research Council Starting grant 260477, the EU FP7 collaborative grant 261441 (PEVNET project) and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, UK. A.M.C. is funded by the Medical Research Council, British Lung Foundation, University of Sheffield and Cambridge NIHR-BRC. Research in A.M.C. laboratory has received non-commercial grant support from GSK, Novartis, and MedImmune.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaci.2016.06.02