2,299 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Approach for the Recommendation of Scholarly Journals

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    © 2020 IEEE. The increasing number of scholarlyjournals have made it difficult for authors to select the most suitable journal that publishes their research. Existing search systems that recommend journals for manuscript submission are either based on author 's profile, bibliographic data or the copublication network. These approaches are not useful for beginner researchers who have no publication records or for those who are interested in new research domains. The present work proposes a hybrid approach that combines clustering and document similarity for the recommendation of scholarly venues. The proposal was evaluated both objectively and subjectively using domain experts. The results of mean average precision (0.84) and normalized discounted cumulative gain (0.89) shows positive recommendations made by the proposed approach

    Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase family proteins on lipid droplets through bacteria, C. elegans, and mammals

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    Lipid droplets (LDs) are the main fat storing sites in almost all species from bacteria to humans. The perilipin family has been found as LD proteins in mammals, Drosophila, and a couple of slime molds, but no bacterial LD proteins containing sequence conservation were identified. In this study, we reported that the hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) family was found on LDs across all organisms by LD proteomic analysis. Imaging experiments confirmed LD targeting of three representative HSD proteins including ro01416 in RHA1, DHS-3 in C. elegans, and 17β-HSD11 in human cells. In C. elegans, 17β-HSD11 family proteins (DHS-3, DHS-4 and DHS-19) were localized on LDs in distinct tissues. In intestinal cells of C. elegans, DHS-3 targeted to cytoplasmic LDs, while DHS-9 labeled nuclear LDs. Furthermore, the N-terminal hydrophobic domains of 17β-HSD11 family were necessary for their targeting to LDs. Last, 17β-HSD11 family proteins induced LD aggregation, and deletion of DHS-3 in C. elegans caused lipid decrease. Independent of their presumptive catalytic sites, 17β-HSD11 family proteins regulated LD dynamics and lipid metabolism through affecting the LD-associated ATGL, which was conserved between C. elegans and humans. Together, these findings for HSDs provide a new insight not only into the mechanistic studies of the dynamics and functions of LDs in multiple organisms, but also into understanding the evolutionary history of the organelle

    New Lidocaine-Based Pharmaceutical Cocrystals: Preparation, Characterization, and Influence of the Racemic vs. Enantiopure Coformer on the Physico-Chemical Properties

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    This study describes the preparation, characterization, and influence of the enantiopure vs. racemic coformer on the physico-chemical properties of a pharmaceutical cocrystal. For that purpose, two new 1:1 cocrystals, namely lidocaine:dl-menthol and lidocaine:d-menthol, were prepared. The menthol racemate-based cocrystal was evaluated by means of X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, Raman, thermal analysis, and solubility experiments. The results were exhaustively compared with the first menthol-based pharmaceutical cocrystal, i.e., lidocaine:l-menthol, discovered in our group 12 years ago. Furthermore, the stable lidocaine/dl-menthol phase diagram has been screened, thoroughly evaluated, and compared to the enantiopure phase diagram. Thus, it has been proven that the racemic vs. enantiopure coformer leads to increased solubility and improved dissolution of lidocaine due to the low stable form induced by menthol molecular disorder in the lidocaine:dl-menthol cocrystal. To date, the 1:1 lidocaine:dl-menthol cocrystal is the third menthol-based pharmaceutical cocrystal, after the 1:1 lidocaine:l-menthol and the 1:2 lopinavir:l-menthol cocrystals reported in 2010 and 2022, respectively. Overall, this study shows promising potential for designing new materials with both improved characteristics and functional properties in the fields of pharmaceutical sciences and crystal engineering

    Time Dependent Surface Corrosion Analysis and Modelling of Automotive Steel Under a Simplistic Model of Variations in Environmental Parameters

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    This research presents time-dependent corrosion analysis of automotive steel utilised in a large military vehicle in real operating environment, followed by simulated environmental tests and simplistic surface corrosion modelling. Time-dependent surface corrosion accumulated on this specific component was observed to be approximately 250 µm thick, with the identification of surface contaminants such as chlorine and sulphur. Simulated environmental tests considering temperature and relative humidity variations were performed to evaluate quantitative corrosion damage to the structure of the vehicle. The relationship of various temperatures and relative humidity with respect to time, within the context of corrosion initiation and propagation, has been presented. A mathematical model to incorporate corrosion accumulation on the surfaces derived from the simulated environmental tests is presented

    Beneficial autoimmunity at body surfaces – immune surveillance and rapid type 2 immunity regulate tissue homeostasis and cancer

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    Epithelial cells line body surface tissues and provide a physicochemical barrier to the external environment. Frequent microbial and non-microbial challenges such as those imposed by mechanical disruption, injury or exposure to noxious environmental substances including chemicals, carcinogens, ultraviolet-irradiation or toxins cause activation of epithelial cells with release of cytokines and chemokines as well as alterations in the expression of cell surface ligands. Such display of epithelial stress is rapidly sensed by tissue resident immunocytes, which can directly interact with self-moieties on epithelial cells and initiate both local and systemic immune responses. Epithelial cells are thus key drivers of immune surveillance at body surface tissues. However, epithelial cells have a propensity to drive type 2 immunity (rather than type 1) upon non-invasive challenge or stress – a type of immunity whose regulation and function still remain enigmatic. Here we review the induction and possible role of type 2 immunity in epithelial tissues and propose that rapid immune surveillance and type 2 immunity are key regulators of tissue homeostasis and carcinogenesis

    Correlation of three immunohistochemically detected markers of neuroendocrine differentiation with clinical predictors of disease progression in prostate cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The importance of immuno-histological detection of neuroendocrine differentiation in prostatic adenocarcinoma with respect to disease at presentation and Gleason grade is gaining acceptance. There is limited literature on the relative significance of three commonly used markers of NE differentiation i.e. Chromogranin A (CgA), Neuron specific enolase (NSE) and Synaptophysin (Syn). In the current work we have assessed the correlation of immuno-histological detection of neuroendocrine differentiation in prostatic adenocarcinoma with respect to disease at presentation and Gleason grade and to determine the relative value of various markers.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>Consecutive samples of malignant prostatic specimens (Transurethral resection of prostate or radical retropubic prostatectomy) from 84 patients between January 1991 and December 1998 were evaluated by immunohistochemical staining (PAP technique) using selected neuroendocrine tumor markers i.e. Chromogranin A (CgA), Neuron specific enolase (NSE), and Synaptophysin (Syn). According to the stage at diagnosis, patients were divided into three groups. Group (i) included patients who had organ confined disease, group (ii) included patients with locally invasive disease, and group (iii) with distant metastasis. NE expression was correlated with Gleason sum and clinical stage at presentation and analyzed using Chi-Square test and one way ANNOVA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean age of the patients was 70 ± 9.2 years. Group I had 14 patients, group II had 31 patients and group III had 39 patients. CgA was detected in 33 cases, Syn in 8 cases, and NSE in 44 cases. Expression of CgA was seen in 7% of group I, 37% in group II and 35% of group III patients (p 0.059). CgA (p 0.024) and NSE (p 0.006) had a significantly higher expression with worsening Gleason grade.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>CgA has a better correlation with disease at presentation than other markers used. Both NSE and CgA had increasing expression with worsening histological grade this correlation has a potential for use as a prognostic indicator. Limitations in the current work included small number and retrospective nature of work. The findings of this work needs validation in a larger cohort.</p

    Histamine H4 receptor antagonism diminishes existing airway inflammation and dysfunction via modulation of Th2 cytokines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Airway remodeling and dysfunction are characteristic features of asthma thought to be caused by aberrant production of Th2 cytokines. Histamine H<sub>4 </sub>receptor (H<sub>4</sub>R) perturbation has previously been shown to modify acute inflammation and Th2 cytokine production in a murine model of asthma. We examined the ability of H<sub>4</sub>R antagonists to therapeutically modify the effects of Th2 cytokine production such as goblet cell hyperplasia (GCH), and collagen deposition in a sub-chronic model of asthma. In addition, effects on Th2 mediated lung dysfunction were also determined.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Mice were sensitized to ovalbumin (OVA) followed by repeated airway challenge with OVA. After inflammation was established mice were dosed with the H<sub>4</sub>R antagonist, JNJ 7777120, or anti-IL-13 antibody for comparison. Airway hyperreactivity (AHR) was measured, lungs lavaged and tissues collected for analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Therapeutic H<sub>4</sub>R antagonism inhibited T cell infiltration in to the lung and decreased Th2 cytokines IL-13 and IL-5. IL-13 dependent remodeling parameters such as GCH and lung collagen were reduced. Intervention with H<sub>4</sub>R antagonist also improved measures of central and peripheral airway dysfunction.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data demonstrate that therapeutic H<sub>4</sub>R antagonism can significantly ameliorate allergen induced, Th2 cytokine driven pathologies such as lung remodeling and airway dysfunction. The ability of H<sub>4</sub>R antagonists to affect these key manifestations of asthma suggests their potential as novel human therapeutics.</p

    Efficacy of interventions to increase the uptake of chlamydia screening in primary care: a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As most genital chlamydia infections are asymptomatic, screening is the main way to detect and cases for treatment. We undertook a systematic review of studies assessing the efficacy of interventions for increasing the uptake of chlamydia screening in primary care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We reviewed studies which compared chlamydia screening in the presence and the absence of an intervention. The primary endpoints were screening rate or total tests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 16 intervention strategies; 11 were randomised controlled trials and five observational studies, 10 targeted females only, five both males and females, and one males only. Of the 15 interventions among females, six were associated with significant increases in screening rates at the 0.05 level including a multifaceted quality improvement program that involved provision of a urine jar to patients at registration (44% in intervention clinics vs. 16% in the control clinic); linking screening to routine Pap smears (6.9% vs. 4.5%), computer alerts for doctors (12.2% vs. 10.6%); education workshops for clinic staff; internet-based continuing medical education (15.5% vs. 12.4%); and free sexual health consultations (16.8% vs. 13.2%). Of the six interventions targeting males, two found significant increases including the multifaceted quality improvement program in which urine jars were provided to patients at registration (45% vs. 15%); and the offering by doctors of a test to all presenting young male clients, prior to consultation (29 vs. 4%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Interventions that promoted the universal offer of a chlamydia test in young people had the greatest impact on increasing screening in primary care.</p