126 research outputs found

    Spatial distribution of atmospheric PAHs and PCNs along a north-south Atlantic transect. Environ

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    source regions and air mass origin influence broad trends in oceanic air POPs concentrations, while diurnal cycling occurs in remote regions. 3 ). The highest PCN concentrations occurred in the European samples, but high values were also detected off the West African coast, and in the sample taken closest to South Africa. Data are presented for diurnal cycles taken in the remote South Atlantic. The day:night ratios of phenanthrene, 1-methylphenanthrene and fluoranthene were typically w1.5e2.5:1. The mechanism(s) causing this observation is/are not understood at present, but dynamic environmental process(es) is/are implicated

    A Review on Segmentation of Knee Articular Cartilage: from Conventional Methods Towards Deep Learning

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    In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art approaches for knee articular cartilage segmentation from conventional techniques to deep learning (DL) based techniques. Knee articular cartilage segmentation on magnetic resonance (MR) images is of great importance in early diagnosis of osteoarthritis (OA). Besides, segmentation allows estimating the articular cartilage loss rate which is utilised in clinical practice for assessing the disease progression and morphological changes. Topics covered include various image processing algorithms and major features of different segmentation techniques, feature computations and the performance evaluation metrics. This paper is intended to provide researchers with a broad overview of the currently existing methods in the field, as well as to highlight the shortcomings and potential considerations in the application at clinical practice. The survey showed that the state-of-the-art techniques based on DL outperforms the other segmentation methods. The analysis of the existing methods reveals that integration of DL-based algorithms with other traditional model-based approaches have achieved the best results (mean Dice similarity cofficient (DSC) between 85:8% and 90%)

    An integrated study of the chemical composition of Antarctic aerosol to investigate natural and anthropogenic sources

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    During the 2010-11 austral summer, an aerosol sampling campaign was carried out at a coastal Antarctic site (Terra Nova Bay, Victoria Land). In this work, previously published data about water-soluble organic compounds and major and trace elements were merged with novel measurements of major ions, carboxylic acids and persistent organic pollutants (polychlorobiphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated naphthalenes, polybrominated diphenylethers and organochlorine pesticides) in order to provide a chemical characterisation of Antarctic aerosol and to investigate its sources. The persistent organic pollutants were determined using a high-volume sampler, able to collect both particulate and gaseous fractions, whereas remaining compounds were determined by performing an aerosol size fractionation with a PM10 cascade impactor. Ionic species represented 58% (350 ng m(-3)) of the sum of concentrations of all detected compounds (596 ng m(-3)) in our Antarctic PM10 aerosol samples due to natural emission. Trace concentrations of persistent organic pollutants highlighted that the occurrence of these species can be due to long-range atmospheric transport or due to the research base. Factor analysis was applied to the dataset obtained from the samples collected with the PM10 sampler in order to make a distinction between anthropogenic, crustal and biogenic sources using specific chemical markers

    Trends in Environmental Analysis

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    Chemical reactivity and long-range transport potential of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – a review

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of considerable concern due to their well-recognised toxicity and especially due to the carcinogenic hazard which they present. PAHs are semi-volatile and therefore partition between vapour and condensed phases in the atmosphere and both the vapour and particulate forms undergo chemical reactions. This article briefly reviews the current understanding of vapour-particle partitioning of PAHs and the PAH deposition processes, and in greater detail, their chemical reactions. PAHs are reactive towards a number of atmospheric oxidants, most notably the hydroxyl radical, ozone, the nitrate radical (NO3) and nitrogen dioxide. Rate coefficient data are reviewed for reactions of lower molecular weight PAH vapour with these species as well as for heterogeneous reactions of higher molecular weight compounds. Whereas the data for reactions of the 2-3-ring PAH vapour are quite extensive and generally consistent, such data are mostly lacking for the 4-ring PAHs and the heterogeneous rate data (5 and more rings), which are dependent on the substrate type and reaction conditions, are less comprehensive. The atmospheric reactions of PAH lead to the formation of oxy and nitro derivatives, reviewed here, too. Finally, the capacity of PAHs for long range transport and the results of numerical model studies are described. Research needs are identified

    A Data Association Algorithm for Multiple Object Tracking in Video Sequences

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    This paper presents a particle filtering algorithm for multiple object tracking. The proposed particle filter (PF) embeds a data association technique based on the joint probabilistic data association (JPDA) which handles the uncertainty of the measurement origin

    Multiple Object Tracking Using Particle Filters

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    The particle filtering technique with multiple cues such as colour, texture and edges as observation features is a powerful technique for tracking deformable objects in image sequences with complex backgrounds. In this paper, our recent work [1] on single object tracking using particle filters is extended to multiple objects. In the proposed scheme, track initialisation is embedded in the particle filter without relying on an external object detection scheme. The proposed scheme avoids the use of hybrid state estimation for the estimation of number of active objects and its associated state vectors as proposed in [2]. The number of active objects and track management are handled by means of probabilities of the number of active objects in a given frame. These probabilities are shown to be easily estimated by the Monte Carlo data association algorithm used in our algorithm
