120 research outputs found

    Chemical reactivity and long-range transport potential of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – a review

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of considerable concern due to their well-recognised toxicity and especially due to the carcinogenic hazard which they present. PAHs are semi-volatile and therefore partition between vapour and condensed phases in the atmosphere and both the vapour and particulate forms undergo chemical reactions. This article briefly reviews the current understanding of vapour-particle partitioning of PAHs and the PAH deposition processes, and in greater detail, their chemical reactions. PAHs are reactive towards a number of atmospheric oxidants, most notably the hydroxyl radical, ozone, the nitrate radical (NO3) and nitrogen dioxide. Rate coefficient data are reviewed for reactions of lower molecular weight PAH vapour with these species as well as for heterogeneous reactions of higher molecular weight compounds. Whereas the data for reactions of the 2-3-ring PAH vapour are quite extensive and generally consistent, such data are mostly lacking for the 4-ring PAHs and the heterogeneous rate data (5 and more rings), which are dependent on the substrate type and reaction conditions, are less comprehensive. The atmospheric reactions of PAH lead to the formation of oxy and nitro derivatives, reviewed here, too. Finally, the capacity of PAHs for long range transport and the results of numerical model studies are described. Research needs are identified

    Egg weight effects on hatchability of african ostrich

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    Ocenę wylęgowości przeprowadzono na 133 jajach strusich, które w zależności od masy podzielono na 3 grupy: I – jaja o masie od 1300 do 1450 g, II – jaja o masie od 1451 do 1600 g, III – jaja o masie od 1601 do 1750 g. Największy odsetek zarodków zamarłych (30%) stwierdzono w grupie I, natomiast w pozostałych dwóch wskaźnik ten był mniejszy, odpowiednio o 22,6 i 12,4%. Najwyższe wskaźniki wylęgowości zarówno z jaj nałożonych, jak i zapłodnionych stwierdzono w grupie II, odpowiednio 66,6 i 88,8%. Optimum masy strusich jaj wylęgowych winno mieścić się w przedziale 1451–1600 g.Hatchability evaluation was performed on 133 ostrich eggs which, according to their weight, were divided into 3 groups: group I – with eggs weighing 1300 to 1450 g, group II – with eggs weighing 1451 to 1600 g, and group III – with eggs weighing 1601 to 1750 g. The largest percentage of dead embryos (30%) was found in group I, whereas this rate in two other ones was smaller by 22.6 and 12.4%, respectively. Largest hatchability rates both from set and ferilised eggs were found in group II, i.e. 66.6 and 88.8%, respectively. The optimum of ostrich egg weight should be within the range of 1451–1600 g

    Wykorzystanie mniszka lekarskiego (Taraxacum officinale) do oceny antropogenicznego zanieczyszczenia środowiska metalami toksycznymi

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    The common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a widely distributed plant, not only geographically but also in terms of diverse, often extremely polluted habitats. It is therefore potentially an ideal plant to study accumulation of anthropogenic pollution. The aim of the study was to determine the suitability of common dandelion to assess the environmental contamination of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Ti, Zn, V. The plants were collected from sites initially identified as significantly polluted as well as habitats presumably hardly contaminated. Analyses were made using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) in argon, following decomposition of the organic matrix of samples using a mixture of 65% HNO3 and 30% H2O2 in a microwave digestion system. Elevated levels of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni and Ti were found both in the leaves and roots of dandelion collected from more polluted sites. The results show that the common dandelion can be a good bio-indicator of environmental contamination for these elements. For the other studied metals, the results were not so unequivocal. In the case of Cd, Cr, Mn, and Ni, statistically significant correlation was found in the concentrations of these elements between the dry matter of leaves and roots.Mniszek pospolity (Taraxacum officinale) jest rośliną bardzo rozpowszechnioną nie tylko geograficznie, lecz także pod względem różnorodności siedlisk, często niezwykle silnie zanieczyszczonych. Jest zatem rośliną potencjalnie idealną do badań nad kumulacją zanieczyszczeń antropogenicznych. Celem badań było ustalenie przydatności mniszka pospolitego do oceny skażenia środowiska naturalnego Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Ti, Zn, V. Rośliny pobrano z miejsc wstępnie uznanych za znacznie skażone oraz z siedlisk przypuszczalnie mało zanieczyszczonych. Analizy wykonano metodą spektrometrii emisyjnej ze wzbudzeniem w indukcyjnie sprzężonej plazmie argonowej (ICP OES), po dekompozycji osnowy organicznej próbek mieszaniną 65% HNO3 i 30% H2O2 w mineralizatorze mikrofalowym. Zarówno w liściach, jak i w korzeniach mniszka pobranego z miejsc bardziej zanieczyszczanych stwierdzono podwyższony poziom Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni i Ti. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że mniszek pospolity może być dobrym bioindykatorem skażenia środowiska tymi pierwiastkami. W odniesieniu do pozostałych badanych metali wyniki nie okazały się tak jednoznaczne. W przypadku Cd, Cr, Mn, i Ni wykazano występowanie statystycznie istotnych korelacji między zawartością tych pierwiastków w suchej masie liści i korzeni

    Whiteness in the Backwoods: Critical Media Literacy, Reality TV and Hick-Hop Music

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    From Honey Boo Boo to T.I and Tiny: What Reality Television has Taught Us about Whiteness Danielle Ligocki –Oakland University Reality television shows appear to have a limitless reach. Not only have we seen an unprecedented 7900% increase in the number of reality television shows on air from 2000 to 2010 (Ocasio, 2010), but the type of people who participate (for example, current and former presidents) and the variety of people that we see seems to have no limits. In this time of endless choices and shows that are readily available at our fingertips, what messages are we really taking away from these shows? What are reality shows teaching their viewers – specifically, their young viewers – about race and identity? Hick-Hop, Dirt Roads, Camouflage, Lift-Kit Trucks and John Deere: Rural White Working Class Pride William M. Reynolds, Georgia Southern University & Brad Porfilio, Seattle University There has been extensive research done on whiteness over the last decades (Kincheloe & Steinberg, 2000; Sleeter, 2016 & Matias, 2016). During the 2016 presidential election, white rural identity became one of the cornerstones of Donald Trump’s campaign. Although the embrace of white working class was for Trump a lie, it did give white nationalists (alt-right) a sense of empowerment. Attempting to understand that sense of empowerment and pride, this presentation discusses the manifestations of White Working Class Pride through the analysis of Hick-Hop music. The historical development of hick-hop music and its connections to hip-hop will be discussed. There will be an analysis of representative examples of Hick-Hop including Bubba Sparks and Jawga Boyz to demonstrate the characteristics of Hick-hop. The connections among Hick-Hop, white pride and the politics of working class empowerment concludes the presentation. Kincheloe, J. L. & Steinberg, S. R. (Eds.). (2000). White Reign: Deploying whiteness in America. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin. Matias, C. L. (2016). Feeling white: Whiteness, emotionality, and education. Sleeter, C. E. & Carmona, J. F. (2106). Un-Standardizing curriculum: Multicultural teaching in the standards-based classroom (2nd Ed.). New York: Teachers College Press

    Effect of mechanical site preparation methods on characteristics of the natural regeneration of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Spychowo Forest District

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    Mechanical site preparation is recommended to create optimum conditions for seed germination and seedling growth in a clear−cut area. Lack of soil scarification or less−intense methods may be more suitable from an environmental point of view, but can result in a failure to obtain natural regeneration. This study compared the effects of three mechanical site preparation methods (SPM) characterized by different levels of soil scarification (i.e. double mould−board forest plough (LPz), active plough (PA) or forest mill (FL)), as well as a control variant without mechanical site preparation, on height, density, spatial distribution and survival among naturally regenerating Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the first 2 years of growth in a clear−cut area of NE Poland. The experiment was based around a four−block randomized block design involving the four variants. Seedling height was measured at the end of the first and second growing seasons, with measurements performed on 8 meter−wide transects extending across the entire width of the cleat−cut. We found no effect of SPM on seedling height, though the density of seedlings regenerating naturally was found to be dependent. After two years, the highest density was achieved in the PA variant (8.1 seedlings/m2) and the FL variant (7.0 seedlings/m2). A significantly lower density characterized the LPz variant (5.1 seedlings/m2) and the lowest of all the variant without soil scarification (3.2 seedlings/m2). The most homogeneous natural regeneration was achieved following the use of PA (2.6% of 1 m2 plots without seedlings after two growing seasons), while the least homogeneous was the variant without soil scarification (22.4% of 1 m2 plots). Survival of pines after the second growing seasons was quite high (over 80%), and did not differ significantly depending on the SPM. Our research therefore confirmed that, in the absence of mechanical site preparation, natural regeneration of sufficient density and homogeneity cannot be obtained. The best natural regeneration was obtained on sites prepared with PA, and FL scarification being only slightly less favorable. The low density and uneven distribution of seedlings on the soil prepared with LPz was a surprising result. The probable reason for this lay in the high precipitation in the first growing season. On one hand, this provided very good moisture conditions for seed germination and seedling growth on a substrate with high porosity in the PA and FL variants, but on the other the high bulk density of mineral soil in the LPz variant led to oxygen deficit

    Kształtowanie się cech jakościowych mięsa przepiórek żywionych paszą z udziałem nasion czarnuszki siewnej (Nigella sativa L.)

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    The research was carried out on female Pharaoh quails from the 7th to 20th weeks of life, divided into 3 nutrition groups. Group I (control) received standard feedstuff for adult birds. Group II received feedstuff with 3% supplementation of Nigella sativa seed, and group III with 5% supplementation. All the feedstuffs used in the experiment were isoprotein and isoenergetic. After the completed experiment 12 females were randomly selected from each group and slaughtered. In the isolated breast and leg muscles the following characteristics were determined: water holding capacity, drip loss, colour, basic chemical composition, fatty acid composition, and sensory attractiveness of meat and broth. The obtained results showed no effect of the supplementation on the basic chemical composition of breast and leg meat, or the content of fatty acids. We observed a favourable effect of 5% supplementation on the colour of meat. We observed a deterioration in the tastiness of the cooked breast muscles and broth made from these muscles. Meat of quails receiving the lower 3% doses of supplementation was more tender.Badania przeprowadzono na przepiórkach samicach rasy Faraon w okresie od 7. do 20. tygodnia życia podzielonych na trzy grupy żywieniowe: grupę I (grupa kontrolna) otrzymującą paszę standardową przeznaczoną dla dorosłych ptaków, w grupie II mieszanka paszowa zawierała 3% i w grupie III zawierała 5% nasion czarnuszki siewnej. Wszystkie mieszanki paszowe użyte w doświadczeniu były izobiałkowe i izoenergetyczne. Po zakończonym doświadczeniu wybrano po 12 samic z każdej grupy i poddano ubojowi. W wydzielonych mięśniach piersiowych i nóg określano wodo- chłonność, wyciek termiczny, barwę, podstawowy skład chemiczny, skład kwasów tłuszczowych i atrakcyjność sensoryczną mięśni oraz bulionu. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań nie stwierdzono wpływu podanych nasion w paszy na podstawowy skład chemiczny mięśni piersiowych i nóg oraz zawartość kwasów tłuszczowych. Zanotowano korzystny wpływ dodatku 5% czarnuszki na barwę mięsa. Stwierdzono pogorszenie smakowitości gotowanych mięśni piersiowych i bulionu z tych mięśni, natomiast lepszą kruchość mięśni piersiowych odnotowano u ptaków otrzymujących mniejsze dawki nasion czarnuszki