12 research outputs found

    The constitutionality of the occupy movement

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    The Occupy movement has spread over hundreds of cities nationwide and over 1,500 cities around the world. The movement is formed around a common goal, which is to protest the way government actions or inactions have rooted widespread discontent. The Occupy movement has encountered opposition from the cities and counties where it is located. Arrests have been made for a number of violations of city and county codes including resistance to police orders and disorderly conduct charges. In our country, freedom of speech and the right to protest have been regarded as inalienable rights. The question becomes how to balance the rights of the people involved against the rights and obligations of the government. This thesis will provide an in depth look at the issues being discussed in cases and hearings involving the Occupy movement. The key issue plaintiffs argue is that their First Amendment rights are being infringed on. In January 2012, both international human rights and United States civil liberties experts at seven law school clinics across the country met and formed the Protest and Assembly Rights Project. The project investigated the United States response to Occupy Wall Street. This thesis will discuss and recap some of their findings. In addition, it will analyze the Federal Constitutional restrictions to protestor\u27s rights and the cases that arise on the grounds of these restrictions, as well as examine how the courts interpret the First Amendment and clarify these issues along with defining protestor\u27s constitutional rights. Based upon the Constitutional rights and legitimate restrictions, the thesis will make appropriate recommendations on the limits for both the protestors and the local government

    Análise do arco longitudinal medial em adolescentes usuárias de calçados de salto alto Analysis of the medial longitudinal arch in adolescents users of high heeled shoes

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    O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a influência do calçado de salto alto no arco longitudinal medial (ALM) do pé de adolescentes. Fizeram parte do estudo 82 adolescentes entre 13 e 20 anos, sendo 54 não usuárias (grupo controle - GC) e 28 usuárias (grupo experimental - GE) de calçado de salto alto. Foram obtidas as impressões plantares de ambos os pés para análise do ALM, antes e depois do uso de um calçado de salto alto padronizado por um período de 30 minutos. As impressões plantares foram avaliadas pelo índice de Chippaux-Smirak (ICS) e pelo arco de Cavanagh & Rodgers (ICR). O teste de Shapiro-Wilks foi utilizado para a verificação da normalidade dos dados. Variáveis paramétricas pareadas foram tratadas com o Teste t de Student pareado e as não-paramétricas com o teste de Wilcoxon. As comparações não-pareadas foram realizadas com o teste t de Student para as variáveis paramétricas e o de Mann-Withney para as não-paramétricas, com nível de significância de 0,05. Houve diferença no ALM entre os lados direito e esquerdo apenas no GC antes do uso do calçado. Na comparação entre antes e depois do uso do sapato, notou-se diferença apenas no pé esquerdo do GC pelo ICS. Já entre GC e GE, não houve diferença. Apesar dos resultados não evidenciarem alterações no ALM, deve-se lembrar que esta é uma medida estática, sendo necessários estudos do componente dinâmico e do uso do calçado de salto crônico para correlacionar com os achados deste trabalho.<br>The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of high heeled shoes in foot´s medial longitudinal arch in adolescents. Eighty two female adolescents between 13 and 20 years old participated, being 54 non-users of high heleed shoes (control group - GC) and 28 usuaries (experimental group - GE). The footprints of both feet were collected to analyse the medial longitudinal arch (ALM), before and after 30 minutes using a shoe with heel high given by the examiner, an then evaluated by Chippaux-Smirak index (ICS) and Cavanagh & Rodgers Arch index (ICR). The Shapiro-Wilks test was performed to evaluate data normality. For paired comparisons, paired Student's t-test was used in case of parametric data, and the Wilcoxon test in non-parametric data. In non-paired comparisons was used the Student's t-test and the Mann-Whitney test with a level of significance of 0.05. There was a difference between right and left only in CG before the use of the shoe given by the examiner. Comparing before and after the use of this shoe, a difference was noticed only on left foot in CG by ICS. There wasn't any significative difference between CG and EG. Although the results haven´t shown changes in ALM, it must be remembered this is only a static measure, being necessary studies of the dinamic component and the chronic use of high heeled shoes to correlate with the findings of this work