98 research outputs found

    Advanced propulsion system for hybrid vehicles

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    A number of hybrid propulsion systems were evaluated for application in several different vehicle sizes. A conceptual design was prepared for the most promising configuration. Various system configurations were parametrically evaluated and compared, design tradeoffs performed, and a conceptual design produced. Fifteen vehicle/propulsion systems concepts were parametrically evaluated to select two systems and one vehicle for detailed design tradeoff studies. A single hybrid propulsion system concept and vehicle (five passenger family sedan)were selected for optimization based on the results of the tradeoff studies. The final propulsion system consists of a 65 kW spark-ignition heat engine, a mechanical continuously variable traction transmission, a 20 kW permanent magnet axial-gap traction motor, a variable frequency inverter, a 386 kg lead-acid improved state-of-the-art battery, and a transaxle. The system was configured with a parallel power path between the heat engine and battery. It has two automatic operational modes: electric mode and heat engine mode. Power is always shared between the heat engine and battery during acceleration periods. In both modes, regenerative braking energy is absorbed by the battery

    Comparison of the properties of mortars containing expanded clay, vermiculite, and rubber residue

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    Abstract Lightweight mortars are indicated for services that require low specific mass composites. There are several lightweight aggregates available on the market. Waste rubber from tires is a low-density waste option that can be used as lightweight aggregate. The rubber waste when used in mortar reduces its density, in addition to bringing benefits from an environmental point of view. In this research, the mechanical behavior, and physical properties of mortars in which the natural fine aggregate contents were replaced by mixtures in different proportions of rubber, expanded vermiculite, and expanded clay were investigated. For the analysis of the properties of the composites, they were submitted to tests of dynamic modulus of elasticity, damping, compressive strength, flexural strength, coefficient of capillarity, density, and determination of ultrasonic wave transmission velocity. All tested mortars met the requirements of the Brazilian standard, being indicated for laying and covering walls and ceilings, in addition to having excellent acoustic and damping performance

    How to diagnose plantaris tendon involvement in midportion Achilles tendinopathy - clinical and imaging findings

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    Background: The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate if clinical assessment, Ultrasound + Colour Doppler (US + CD) and Ultrasound Tissue Characterisation (UTC) can be useful in detecting plantaris tendon involvement in patients with midportion Achilles tendinopathy. Methods: Twenty-three tendons in 18 patients (14 men, mean age: 37 years and 4 women: 44 years) (5 patients with bilateral tendons) with midportion Achilles tendinopathy were surgically treated with a scraping procedure and plantaris tendon removal. For all tendons, clinical assessment, Ultrasound + Colour Doppler (US + CD) examination and Ultrasound Tissue Characterisation (UTC) were performed. Results: At surgery, all 23 cases had a plantaris tendon located close to the medial side of the Achilles tendon. There was vascularised fat tissue in the interface between the Achilles and plantaris tendons. Clinical assessment revealed localised medial activity-related pain in 20/23 tendons and focal medial tendon tenderness in 20/23 tendons. For US + CD, 20/23 tendons had a tendon-like structure interpreted to be the plantaris tendon and localised high blood flow in close relation to the medial side of the Achilles. For UTC, 19/23 tendons had disorganised (type 3 and 4) echopixels located only in the medial part of the Achilles tendon indicating possible plantaris tendon involvement. Conclusions: US + CD directly, and clinical assessment indirectly, can detect a close by located plantaris tendon in a high proportion of patients with midportion Achilles tendinopathy. UTC could complement US + CD and clinical assessment by demonstrating disorganised focal medial Achilles tendon structure indicative of possible plantaris involvement

    In vitro phosphorylation as tool for modification of silk and keratin fibrous materials

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    An overview is given of the recent work on in vitro enzymatic phosphorylation of silk fibroin and human hair keratin. Opposing to many chemical "conventional" approaches, enzymatic phosphorylation is in fact a mild reaction and the treatment falls within "green chemistry" approach. Silk and keratin are not phosphorylated in vivo, but in vitro. This enzyme-driven modification is a major technological breakthrough. Harsh chemical chemicals are avoided, and mild conditions make enzymatic phosphorylation a real "green chemistry" approach. The current communication presents a novel approach stating that enzyme phosphorylation may be used as a tool to modify the surface charge of biocompatible materials such as keratin and silk

    Concretos secos produzidos com agregados reciclados de RCD separados por densidade

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    ResumoO uso de agregados reciclados de resíduos de construção e demolição (RCD) em blocos de concreto permite compatibilizar as diferentes características de composição e porosidade desses agregados com os diferentes níveis de exigência mecânica em uso dos blocos. Paralelamente, concretos secos são pouco estudados porque a energia de prensagem obtida em vibroprensas não é facilmente reprodutível em escala de laboratório; porém, parte dessa limitação pode ser superada, realizando-se a avaliação do comportamento da mistura (sob confinamento) com prensas de laboratório com controle de deformação. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo foi analisar o comportamento do concreto seco (no estado fresco e endurecido) produzido com agregados de RCD (separados ou não por densidade), empregando-se esse método laboratorial de prensagem. Com substituição total do agregado natural pelo agregado reciclado misto obtido por processo de jigagem obteve-se resistências à compressão comparáveis às dos concretos de referência. A influência das características dos agregados e das formulações de concretos secos foi identificada pela técnica de compactação laboratorial. A redução da porosidade do agregado reciclado e a otimização da granulometria da mistura seca (cimento e agregados) foram os parâmetros mais importantes para o incremento de resistência observado

    Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams

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    Data analysis workflows in many scientific domains have become increasingly complex and flexible. To assess the impact of this flexibility on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) results, the same dataset was independently analyzed by 70 teams, testing nine ex-ante hypotheses. The flexibility of analytic approaches is exemplified by the fact that no two teams chose identical workflows to analyze the data. This flexibility resulted in sizeable variation in hypothesis test results, even for teams whose statistical maps were highly correlated at intermediate stages of their analysis pipeline. Variation in reported results was related to several aspects of analysis methodology. Importantly, meta-analytic approaches that aggregated information across teams yielded significant consensus in activated regions across teams. Furthermore, prediction markets of researchers in the field revealed an overestimation of the likelihood of significant findings, even by researchers with direct knowledge of the dataset. Our findings show that analytic flexibility can have substantial effects on scientific conclusions, and demonstrate factors related to variability in fMRI. The results emphasize the importance of validating and sharing complex analysis workflows, and demonstrate the need for multiple analyses of the same data. Potential approaches to mitigate issues related to analytical variability are discussed

    Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams

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    Data analysis workflows in many scientific domains have become increasingly complex and flexible. To assess the impact of this flexibility on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) results, the same dataset was independently analyzed by 70 teams, testing nine ex-ante hypotheses. The flexibility of analytic approaches is exemplified by the fact that no two teams chose identical workflows to analyze the data. This flexibility resulted in sizeable variation in hypothesis test results, even for teams whose statistical maps were highly correlated at intermediate stages of their analysis pipeline. Variation in reported results was related to several aspects of analysis methodology. Importantly, meta-analytic approaches that aggregated information across teams yielded significant consensus in activated regions across teams. Furthermore, prediction markets of researchers in the field revealed an overestimation of the likelihood of significant findings, even by researchers with direct knowledge of the dataset. Our findings show that analytic flexibility can have substantial effects on scientific conclusions, and demonstrate factors related to variability in fMRI. The results emphasize the importance of validating and sharing complex analysis workflows, and demonstrate the need for multiple analyses of the same data. Potential approaches to mitigate issues related to analytical variability are discussed