52 research outputs found

    Dynamical analysis of blocking events: spatial and temporal fluctuations of covariant Lyapunov vectors

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    One of the most relevant weather regimes in the midlatitude atmosphere is the persistent deviation from the approximately zonally symmetric jet stream leading to the emergence of so-called blocking patterns. Such configurations are usually connected to exceptional local stability properties of the flow which come along with an improved local forecast skills during the phenomenon. It is instead extremely hard to predict onset and decay of blockings. Covariant Lyapunov Vectors (CLVs) offer a suitable characterization of the linear stability of a chaotic flow, since they represent the full tangent linear dynamics by a covariant basis which explores linear perturbations at all time scales. Therefore, we assess whether CLVs feature a signature of the blockings. As a first step, we examine the CLVs for a quasi-geostrophic beta-plane two-layer model in a periodic channel baroclinically driven by a meridional temperature gradient ΔT. An orographic forcing enhances the emergence of localized blocked regimes. We detect the blocking events of the channel flow with a Tibaldi-Molteni scheme adapted to the periodic channel. When blocking occurs, the global growth rates of the fastest growing CLVs are significantly higher. Hence, against intuition, the circulation is globally more unstable in blocked phases. Such an increase in the finite time Lyapunov exponents with respect to the long term average is attributed to stronger barotropic and baroclinic conversion in the case of high temperature gradients, while for low values of ΔT, the effect is only due to stronger barotropic instability. In order to determine the localization of the CLVs we compare the meridionally averaged variance of the CLVs during blocked and unblocked phases. We find that on average the variance of the CLVs is clustered around the center of blocking. These results show that the blocked flow affects all time scales and processes described by the CLVs

    Relationship between atmospheric blocking and cold day extremes in current and RCP8.5 future climate conditions over Japan and the surrounding area

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    Atmospheric blocking is one of the most impactful weather patterns in midlatitude regions, causing floods, droughts and unusually high or low temperatures. This study investigates the relationship between extremely cold days over Japan and its surroundings and North Pacific blocking in the European Centre for Medium-rangeWeather Forecasts (ECMWF) re-analysis (ERA-40), phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) for historical weather and the representative concentration pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) experiments based on nine climate model datasets in the boreal winter season. Under the climate change conditions based on the RCP8.5 future scenario, extreme cold days (i.e. the first percentile of cold days) over Japan and its surroundings will become weaker but occur more widely when blocking is generated over the northwestern Sea of Okhotsk and its surroundings, because the blocking frequency over this area will decrease and the intensity will weaken
