2,344 research outputs found

    Monitoring the Susceptibility of Two Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) Populations to Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. tenebrionis

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    Standardized laboratory bioassays were carried out at the Institute for Biological Control of the Federal Biological Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry to determine the susceptibility of two Colorado potato beetle (CPB) populations to Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. tenebrionis (B.t.t.). The beetles were collected from fields near Darmstadt/Hessen, and Michelfeld/Baden-WĂŒrttemberg. The Michelfeld population, collected from an ecological farm, was sprayed since 1993, once or twice a year with NOVODOR FC, a formulation of B.t.t. The Darmstadt population was never sprayed with B.t.t. before. Our studies showed that the susceptibility of the larvae (LD 50 values) of the two populations did not differ each other significantly. Although resistance of CPB to B.t.t. under laboratory conditions has already been demonstrated, our presumption is that the resistance development of CPB on the field is probably much slower when the farmer is using crop rotation

    A characterization of the wave front set defined by the iterates of an operator with constant coefficients

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    [EN] We characterize the wave front set WF*P (u) with respect to the iterates of a linear partial differential operator with constant coefficients of a classical distribution u is an element of D '(Omega), Omega an open subset in R-n. We use recent Paley-Wiener theorems for generalized ultradifferentiable classes in the sense of Braun, Meise and Taylor. We also give several examples and applications to the regularity of operators with variable coefficients and constant strength. Finally, we construct a distribution with prescribed wave front set of this type.The authors were partially supported by FAR2011 (Universita di Ferrara), "Fondi per le necessita di base della ricerca" 2012 and 2013 (Universita di Ferrara) and the INDAM-GNAMPA Project 2014 "Equazioni Differenziali a Derivate Parziali di Evoluzione e Stocastiche" The research of the second author was partially supported by MINECO of Spain, Project MTM2013-43540-P.Boiti, C.; Jornet Casanova, D. (2017). A characterization of the wave front set defined by the iterates of an operator with constant coefficients. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas FĂ­sicas y Naturales Serie A MatemĂĄticas. 111(3):891-919. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-016-0329-8S8919191113Albanese, A.A., Jornet, D., Oliaro, A.: Quasianalytic wave front sets for solutions of linear partial differential operators. Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 66, 153–181 (2010)Boiti, C., Jornet, D.: The problem of iterates in some classes of ultradifferentiable functions. In: “Operator Theory: Advances and Applications”. Birkhauser, Basel. 245, 21–32 (2015)Boiti, C., Jornet, D., Juan-Huguet, J.,: Wave front set with respect to the iterates of an operator with constant coefficients. Abstr. Appl. Anal., 1–17 (2014). doi: 10.1155/2014/438716 (Article ID 438716)Bolley, P., Camus, J., Mattera, C.: AnalyticitĂ© microlocale et itĂ©rĂ©s d’operateurs hypoelliptiques. In: SĂ©minaire Goulaouic–Schwartz, 1978–79, Exp N.13. École Polytech., PalaiseauBonet, J., FernĂĄndez, C., Meise, R.: Characterization of the ω\omega ω -hypoelliptic convolution operators on ultradistributions. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 25, 261–284 (2000)Bonet, J., Meise, R., Melikhov, S.N.: A comparison of two different ways to define classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 14, 425–444 (2007)Braun, R.W., Meise, R., Taylor, B.A.: Ultradifferentiable functions and Fourier analysis. Result. Math. 17, 206–237 (1990)FernĂĄndez, C., Galbis, A., Jornet, D.: ω\omega ω -hypoelliptic differential operators of constant strength. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 297, 561–576 (2004)FernĂĄndez, C., Galbis, A., Jornet, D.: Pseudodifferential operators of Beurling type and the wave front set. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340, 1153–1170 (2008)Hörmander, L.: On interior regularity of the solutions of partial differential equations. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. XI, 197–218 (1958)Hörmander, L.: Uniqueness theorems and wave front sets for solutions of linear partial differential equations with analytic coefficients. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 24, 671–704 (1971)Hörmander, L.: The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators I. Springer, Berlin (1990)Hörmander, L.: The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators II. Springer, Berlin (1983)Juan-Huguet, J.: Iterates and hypoellipticity of partial differential operators on non-quasianalytic classes. Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 68, 263–286 (2010)Juan-Huguet, J.: A Paley–Wiener type theorem for generalized non-quasianalytic classes. Studia Math. 208(1), 31–46 (2012)Komatsu, H.: A characterization of real analytic functions. Proc. Jpn. Acad. 36, 90–93 (1960)Kotake, T., Narasimhan, M.S.: Regularity theorems for fractional powers of a linear elliptic operator. Bull. Soc. Math. France 90, 449–471 (1962)Langenbruch, M.: P-Funktionale und Randwerte zu hypoelliptischen Differentialoperatoren. Math. Ann. 239(1), 55–74 (1979)Langenbruch, M.: Fortsetzung von Randwerten zu hypoelliptischen Differentialoperatoren und partielle Differentialgleichungen. J. Reine Angew. Math. 311/312, 57–79 (1979)Langenbruch, M.: On the functional dimension of solution spaces of hypoelliptic partial differential operators. Math. Ann. 272, 217–229 (1985)Langenbruch, M.: Bases in solution sheaves of systems of partial differential equations. J. Reine Angew. Math. 373, 1–36 (1987)MĂ©tivier, G.: PropriĂ©tĂ© des itĂ©rĂ©s et ellipticitĂ©. Comm. Partial Differ. Equ. 3(9), 827–876 (1978)Newberger, E., Zielezny, Z.: The growth of hypoelliptic polynomials and Gevrey classes. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 39(3), 547–552 (1973)Rodino, L.: On the problem of the hypoellipticity of the linear partial differential equations. In: Buttazzo, G. (ed.) Developments in Partial Differential Equations and Applications to Mathematical Physics. Plenum Press, New York (1992)Rodino, L.: Linear partial differential operators in Gevrey spaces. World Scientific, Singapore (1993)Zanghirati, L.: Iterates of a class of hypoelliptic operators and generalized Gevrey classes. Boll. U.M.I. Suppl. 1, 177–195 (1980

    A simple proof of Kotake-Narasimhan theorem in some classes of ultradifferentiable functions

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    [EN] We give a simple proof of a general theorem of Kotake-Narasimhan for elliptic operators in the setting of ultradifferentiable functions in the sense of Braun, Meise and Taylor. We follow the ideas of Komatsu. Based on an example of Metivier, we also show that the ellipticity is a necessary condition for the theorem to be true.C. Boiti and D. Jornet were partially supported by the INdAM-GNAMPA Projects 2014 and 2015. D. Jornet was partially supported by MINECO, Project MTM2013-43540-PBoiti, C.; Jornet Casanova, D. (2017). A simple proof of Kotake-Narasimhan theorem in some classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications. 8(2):297-317. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11868-016-0163-yS29731782Boiti, C., Jornet, D.: The problem of iterates in some classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Oper. Theory Adv. Appl. Birkhauser Basel 245, 21–33 (2015)Boiti, C., Jornet, D.: A characterization of the wave front set defined by the iterates of an operator with constant coefficients. arXiv:1412.4954Boiti, C., Jornet, D., Juan-Huguet, J.: Wave front set with respect to the iterates of an operator with constant coefficients. Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014, 1–17 Article ID 438716 (2014). doi: 10.1155/2014/438716Bolley, P., Camus, J., Mattera, C.: AnalyticitĂ© microlocale et itĂ©rĂ©s d’operateurs hypoelliptiques. SĂ©minaire Goulaouic-Schwartz, 1978–1979, Exp No. 13, École Polytech, PalaiseauBonet, J., Meise, R., Melikhov, S.N.: A comparison of two different ways of define classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 14, 425–444 (2007)Braun, R.W., Meise, R., Taylor, B.A.: Ultradifferentiable functions and Fourier analysis. Result. Math. 17, 206–237 (1990)FernĂĄndez, C., Galbis, A.: Superposition in classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Publ. Res. I Math. Sci. 42(2), 399–419 (2006)Jornet Casanova, D.: Operadores Pseudodiferenciales en Clases no CasianalĂ­ticas de Tipo Beurling. Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia (2004). doi: 10.4995/Thesis/10251/54953Juan-Huguet, J.: Iterates and hypoellipticity of partial differential operators on non-quasianalytic classes. Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 68, 263–286 (2010)Juan-Huguet, J.: A Paley–Wiener type theorem for generalized non-quasianalytic classes. Stud. Math. 208(1), 31–46 (2012)Komatsu, H.: A characterization of real analytic functions. Proc. Jpn Acad. 36, 90–93 (1960)Komatsu, H.: On interior regularities of the solutions of principally elliptic systems of linear partial differential equations. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. 1, 9, 141–164 (1961)Komatsu, H.: A proof of KotakĂ© and Narasimhan’s theorem. Proc. Jpn Acad. 38(9), 615–618 (1962)Kotake, T., Narasimhan, M.S.: Regularity theorems for fractional powers of a linear elliptic operator. Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 90, 449–471 (1962)Kumano-Go, H.: Pseudo-Differential Operators. The MIT Press, Cambridge, London (1982)Langenbruch, M.: P-Funktionale und Randwerte zu hypoelliptischen Differentialoperatoren. Math. Ann. 239(1), 55–74 (1979)Langenbruch, M.: Fortsetzung von Randwerten zu hypoelliptischen Differentialoperatoren und partielle Differentialgleichungen. J. Reine Angew. Math. 311/312, 57–79 (1979)Langenbruch, M.: On the functional dimension of solution spaces of hypoelliptic partial differential operators. Math. Ann. 272, 217–229 (1985)Langenbruch, M.: Bases in solution sheaves of systems of partial differential equations. J. Reine Angew. Math. 373, 1–36 (1987)Lions, J.L., Magenes, E.: ProblĂšmes aux limites non homogĂšnes et applications, vol. 3. Dunod, Paris (1970)MĂ©tivier, G.: PropriĂ©tĂ© des itĂ©rĂ©s et ellipticitĂ©. Commun. Part. Differ. Eq. 3(9), 827–876 (1978)Nelson, E.: Analytic vectors. Ann. Math. 70, 572–615 (1959)Newberger, E., Zielezny, Z.: The growth of hypoelliptic polynomials and Gevrey classes. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 39(3), 547–552 (1973)Oldrich, J.: Sulla regolaritĂ  delle soluzioni delle equazioni lineari ellittiche nelle classi di Beurling. (Italian) Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. (4) 2, 183–195 (1969)Petzsche, H.-J., Vogt, D.: Almost analytic extension of ultradifferentiable functions and the boundary values of holomorphic functions. Math. Ann. 267(1), 17–35 (1984

    Search for CP violation in D+→K−K+π+D^{+} \to K^{-}K^{+}\pi^{+} decays

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    A model-independent search for direct CP violation in the Cabibbo suppressed decay D+→K−K+π+D^+ \to K^- K^+\pi^+ in a sample of approximately 370,000 decays is carried out. The data were collected by the LHCb experiment in 2010 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35 pb−1^{-1}. The normalized Dalitz plot distributions for D+D^+ and D−D^- are compared using four different binning schemes that are sensitive to different manifestations of CP violation. No evidence for CP asymmetry is found.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions BR(B0 -> K*0 gamma)/BR(Bs0 -> phi gamma)

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    The ratio of branching fractions of the radiative B decays B0 -> K*0 gamma and Bs0 -> phi gamma has been measured using 0.37 fb-1 of pp collisions at a centre of mass energy of sqrt(s) = 7 TeV, collected by the LHCb experiment. The value obtained is BR(B0 -> K*0 gamma)/BR(Bs0 -> phi gamma) = 1.12 +/- 0.08 ^{+0.06}_{-0.04} ^{+0.09}_{-0.08}, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic and the third is associated to the ratio of fragmentation fractions fs/fd. Using the world average for BR(B0 -> K*0 gamma) = (4.33 +/- 0.15) x 10^{-5}, the branching fraction BR(Bs0 -> phi gamma) is measured to be (3.9 +/- 0.5) x 10^{-5}, which is the most precise measurement to date.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    Differential branching fraction and angular analysis of the decay B0→K∗0ÎŒ+Ό−

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    The angular distribution and differential branching fraction of the decay B 0→ K ∗0 ÎŒ + ÎŒ − are studied using a data sample, collected by the LHCb experiment in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb−1. Several angular observables are measured in bins of the dimuon invariant mass squared, q 2. A first measurement of the zero-crossing point of the forward-backward asymmetry of the dimuon system is also presented. The zero-crossing point is measured to be q20=4.9±0.9GeV2/c4 , where the uncertainty is the sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties. The results are consistent with the Standard Model predictions

    Search for CP violation in D+→ϕπ+ and D+s→K0Sπ+ decays

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    A search for CP violation in D + → ϕπ + decays is performed using data collected in 2011 by the LHCb experiment corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb−1 at a centre of mass energy of 7 TeV. The CP -violating asymmetry is measured to be (−0.04 ± 0.14 ± 0.14)% for candidates with K − K + mass within 20 MeV/c 2 of the ϕ meson mass. A search for a CP -violating asymmetry that varies across the ϕ mass region of the D + → K − K + π + Dalitz plot is also performed, and no evidence for CP violation is found. In addition, the CP asymmetry in the D+s→K0Sπ+ decay is measured to be (0.61 ± 0.83 ± 0.14)%

    Observation of an Excited Bc+ State

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    Using pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 8.5 fb-1 recorded by the LHCb experiment at center-of-mass energies of s=7, 8, and 13 TeV, the observation of an excited Bc+ state in the Bc+π+π- invariant-mass spectrum is reported. The observed peak has a mass of 6841.2±0.6(stat)±0.1(syst)±0.8(Bc+) MeV/c2, where the last uncertainty is due to the limited knowledge of the Bc+ mass. It is consistent with expectations of the Bc∗(2S31)+ state reconstructed without the low-energy photon from the Bc∗(1S31)+→Bc+Îł decay following Bc∗(2S31)+→Bc∗(1S31)+π+π-. A second state is seen with a global (local) statistical significance of 2.2σ (3.2σ) and a mass of 6872.1±1.3(stat)±0.1(syst)±0.8(Bc+) MeV/c2, and is consistent with the Bc(2S10)+ state. These mass measurements are the most precise to date

    Opposite-side flavour tagging of B mesons at the LHCb experiment

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    The calibration and performance of the oppositeside flavour tagging algorithms used for the measurements of time-dependent asymmetries at the LHCb experiment are described. The algorithms have been developed using simulated events and optimized and calibrated with B + →J/ψK +, B0 →J/ψK ∗0 and B0 →D ∗− ÎŒ + ΜΌ decay modes with 0.37 fb−1 of data collected in pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV during the 2011 physics run. The oppositeside tagging power is determined in the B + → J/ψK + channel to be (2.10 ± 0.08 ± 0.24) %, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic

    Measurement of the CKM angle Îł from a combination of B±→Dh± analyses

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    A combination of three LHCb measurements of the CKM angle Îł is presented. The decays B±→D K± and B±→Dπ± are used, where D denotes an admixture of D0 and D0 mesons, decaying into K+K−, π+π−, K±π∓, K±π∓π±π∓, K0Sπ+π−, or K0S K+K− ïŹnal states. All measurements use a dataset corresponding to 1.0 fb−1 of integrated luminosity. Combining results from B±→D K± decays alone a best-ïŹt value of Îł =72.0◩ is found, and conïŹdence intervals are set Îł ∈ [56.4,86.7]◩ at 68% CL, Îł ∈ [42.6,99.6]◩ at 95% CL. The best-ïŹt value of Îł found from a combination of results from B±→Dπ± decays alone, is Îł =18.9◩, and the conïŹdence intervals Îł ∈ [7.4,99.2]◩ âˆȘ [167.9,176.4]◩ at 68% CL are set, without constraint at 95% CL. The combination of results from B± → D K± and B± → Dπ± decays gives a best-ïŹt value of Îł =72.6◩ and the conïŹdence intervals Îł ∈ [55.4,82.3]◩ at 68% CL, Îł ∈ [40.2,92.7]◩ at 95% CL are set. All values are expressed modulo 180◩, and are obtained taking into account the effect of D0–D0 mixing
