86 research outputs found

    The challenges and opportunities of addressing particle size effects in sediment source fingerprinting: A review

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    publisher: Elsevier articletitle: The challenges and opportunities of addressing particle size effects in sediment source fingerprinting: A review journaltitle: Earth-Science Reviews articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.04.009 content_type: article copyright: © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Sediment source fingerprinting: benchmarking recent outputs, remaining challenges and emerging themes

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    Abstract: Purpose: This review of sediment source fingerprinting assesses the current state-of-the-art, remaining challenges and emerging themes. It combines inputs from international scientists either with track records in the approach or with expertise relevant to progressing the science. Methods: Web of Science and Google Scholar were used to review published papers spanning the period 2013–2019, inclusive, to confirm publication trends in quantities of papers by study area country and the types of tracers used. The most recent (2018–2019, inclusive) papers were also benchmarked using a methodological decision-tree published in 2017. Scope: Areas requiring further research and international consensus on methodological detail are reviewed, and these comprise spatial variability in tracers and corresponding sampling implications for end-members, temporal variability in tracers and sampling implications for end-members and target sediment, tracer conservation and knowledge-based pre-selection, the physico-chemical basis for source discrimination and dissemination of fingerprinting results to stakeholders. Emerging themes are also discussed: novel tracers, concentration-dependence for biomarkers, combining sediment fingerprinting and age-dating, applications to sediment-bound pollutants, incorporation of supportive spatial information to augment discrimination and modelling, aeolian sediment source fingerprinting, integration with process-based models and development of open-access software tools for data processing. Conclusions: The popularity of sediment source fingerprinting continues on an upward trend globally, but with this growth comes issues surrounding lack of standardisation and procedural diversity. Nonetheless, the last 2 years have also evidenced growing uptake of critical requirements for robust applications and this review is intended to signpost investigators, both old and new, towards these benchmarks and remaining research challenges for, and emerging options for different applications of, the fingerprinting approach

    Accuracy of mixing models in predicting sediment source contributions

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    International audienceDetermining the source of sediment using geochemical properties is now a widely used approach in catchment management. However the outcome of these studies often depends on the type of model used to determine the relative contribution from difference sources. Here we test the accuracy and robustness of four widely used sediment mixing models using artificial mixtures of three well-distinguished geologic sources. Sub-samples from these three sources were mixed to create four groups of samples, each consisting of five samples, with known source contributions, 20 samples in total. The source contributions to the individual and groups of artificial sediment mixtures were calculated using each of the four mixing models: Modified Hughes, Modified Collins, Landwehr and Distribution models. Unlike Modified Collins and Landwehr models which use calculated values from each tracer property of individual sources (e.g. mean and standard deviation), Hughes model uses the measured fingerprint property of replicated samples from each source and Distribution model incorporate distribution of tracers and correlation between tracer properties for sediment samples and sources. For the 20 individual sample mixtures the Distribution model provided the closest estimates to the known sediment source contribution values (Mean Absolute Error (MAE) = 10.8%, and standard error (SE) = 0.9%). The Modified Hughes (MAE = 13.5%, SE = 1.1%), Landwehr (MAE = 19%, SE = 1.7) and Collins models (MAE = 29%, SE = 2.1%) were the next accurate models, respectively. For the groups of the samples the Modified Hughes was the most robust source contribution predictor with 5.4% error. The Distribution model (MAE = 6.1%) and Landwehr model (MAE = 7.8%) were the second and third accurate models. Collins model with MAE of 28.3% was a significantly weaker source contribution predictor than the three other models. This study demonstrates the dependence of source attribution on model selection. The study highlight the need to test mixing model using known source and mixture samples prior to applying them to field samples. The results indicate that the Distribution and Modified Hughes models provided the most accurate source attributions using geochemical fingerprint properties

    Strategies and effectiveness of land decontamination in the region affected by radioactive fallout from the Fukushima nuclear accident: A review: SOIL Discussions

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    The Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident in March 2011 resulted in the contamination of Japanese landscapes with radioactive fallout. Accordingly, the Japanese authorities decided to conduct extensive remediation activities in the impacted region to allow for the relatively rapid return of the local population. The objective of this review is to provide an overview of the decontamination strategies and their potential effectiveness in Japan, focussing on particle-bound radiocesium. In the Fukushima Prefecture, the decision was taken to decontaminate the fallout-impacted landscapes in November 2011 for the 11 municipalities evacuated after the accident (Special Decontamination Zones – SDZ, 1117 km²) and for the 40 non-evacuated municipalities affected by lower, although still significant, levels of radioactivity (Intensive Contamination Survey Areas, 7836 km²). Decontamination activities predominantly targeted agricultural landscapes and residential areas. No decontamination activities are currently planned for the majority of forested areas, which cover ~75% of the main fallout-impacted region. Research investigating the effectiveness of decontamination activities underlined the need to undertake concerted actions at the catchment scale to avoid the renewed supply of contamination from the catchment headwaters after the completion of remediation activities. Although the impact of decontamination on the radioactive dose rates for the local population remains a subject of debate in the literature and in the local communities, outdoor workers in the SDZ represent a group of the local population that may exceed the long-term dosimetric target of 1mSv yr1. Decontamination activities generated ~20 million m3 of soil waste by early 2019. The volume of waste generated by decontamination may be decreased through incineration of combustible material and recycling of the less contaminated soil for civil engineering structures. However, most of this material will have to be stored for ~30 years at interim facilities opened in 2017 in the close vicinity of the FDNPP before being potentially transported to final disposal sites outside of the Fukushima Prefecture. Further research is required to investigate the perennial contribution of radiocesium from forest sources. In addition, the re-cultivation of farmland after decontamination raises additional questions associated with the fertility of remediated soils and the potential transfer of residual radiocesium to the plants. Overall, we believe it is important to synthesize the remediation lessons learnt following the FDNPP nuclear accident, which could be fundamental if a similar catastrophe occurs somewhere on Earth in the future

    Effectiveness of landscape decontamination following the Fukushima nuclear accident: a review

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    International audienceThe Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident in March 2011 resulted in the contamination of Japanese landscapes with radioactive fallout. Accordingly, the Japanese authorities decided to conduct extensive remediation activities in the impacted region to allow for the relatively rapid return of the local population. The objective of this review is to provide an overview of the decontamination strategies and their potential effectiveness in Japan, focussing on particle-bound radiocesium. In the Fukushima Prefecture, the decision was taken to decontaminate the fallout-impacted landscapes in November 2011 for the 11 municipalities evacuated after the accident (Special Decontamination Zone – SDZ – 1117 km2) and for the 40 non-evacuated municipalities affected by lower, although still significant, levels of radioactivity (Intensive Contamination Survey Areas, 7836 km2). Decontamination activities predominantly targeted agricultural landscapes and residential areas. No decontamination activities are currently planned for the majority of forested areas, which cover ∼75 % of the main fallout-impacted region. Research investigating the effectiveness of decontamination activities underlined the need to undertake concerted actions at the catchment scale to avoid renewed contamination from the catchment headwaters after the completion of remediation activities. Although the impact of decontamination on the radioactive dose rates for the local population remains a subject of debate in the literature and in the local communities, outdoor workers in the SDZ represent a group of the local population that may exceed the long-term dosimetric target of 1 mSv yr−1. Decontamination activities generated ∼20 million m3 of soil waste by early 2019. The volume of waste generated by decontamination may be decreased through incineration of combustible material and recycling of the less contaminated soil for civil engineering structures. However, most of this material will have to be stored for ∼30 years at interim facilities opened in 2017 in the vicinity of the FDNPP before being potentially transported to final disposal sites outside of the Fukushima Prefecture. Further research is required to investigate the perennial contribution of radiocesium from forest sources. In addition, the re-cultivation of farmland after decontamination raises additional questions associated with the fertility of remediated soils and the potential transfer of residual radiocesium to the plants. Overall, we believe it is important to synthesise the remediation lessons learnt following the FDNPP nuclear accident, which could be fundamental if a similar catastrophe occurs somewhere on Earth in the future

    Tracing the sources of fine sediment in a nickel mining catchment using fallout and geogenic radionuclides (Thio River, New Caledonia)

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    International audienceSoil erosion and subsequent sediment transfer in rivers are exacerbated in tropical regions exposed to heavy rainfall. In New Caledonia, an island located in the southwestern part of the Southern Pacific Ocean, a significant fraction of this sediment is likely originating from tributaries draining nickel mining sites that are known to increase the terrigenous inputs to the rivers and, potentially to UNESCO World Heritage listed coastal lagoons. However, downstream contributions from these tributaries remain to be quantified. A pilot sediment tracing study has therefore been conducted in the 400-km 2 Thio River catchment. Fallout and geogenic radionuclides have been measured in sediment deposits collected in potential sources, i.e. (i) tributaries draining mines, (ii) tributaries draining 'natural' areas affected by landslides, and (iii) the main stem of the Thio River. Thorium-228 and Caesium-137 provide the best discrimination between sediment originating from the two tributaries. A distribution modelling approach was used to quantify the relative sediment contributions from these tributaries to the Thio River main stem. Results demonstrate that tributaries draining mining sites supply the majority of sediment (67-84%) to the main river. In the future, the validity of these results obtained on sediment deposits collected in April and May 2015 should be verified over a longer time period by applying a similar approach to sediment cores collected in the Thio river deltaic plain. Once validated, this method will be applicable to other catchments draining mines in New Caledonia to design appropriate measures to limit sediment supply to the lagoon

    Comparing geological and statistical approaches for element selection in sediment tracing research

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    International audienceElevated suspended sediment loads reduce reservoir capacity and significantly increase the cost of operating water treatment infrastructure, making the management of sediment supply to reservoirs of increasingly importance. Sediment fingerprinting techniques can be used to determine the relative contributions of different sources of sediment accumulating in reservoirs. The objective of this research is to compare geological and statistical approaches to element selection for sediment fingerprinting modelling. Time-integrated samplers (nn=45) were used to obtain source samples from four major subcatchments flowing into the Baroon Pocket Dam in South East Queensland, Australia. The geochemistry of potential sources were compared to the geochemistry of sediment cores (nn=12) sampled in the reservoir. The geochemical approach selected elements for modelling that provided expected, observed and statistical discrimination between sediment sources. Two statistical approaches selected elements for modelling with the Kruskal-Wallis H-test and Discriminatory Function Analysis (DFA). In particular, two different significance levels (0.05 & 0.35) for the DFA were included to investigate the importance of element selection on modelling results. A distribution model determined the relative contributions of different sources to sediment sampled in the Baroon Pocket Dam. Elemental discrimination was expected between one subcatchment (Obi Obi Creek) and the remaining subcatchments (Lexys, Falls and Bridge Creek). Six major elements were expected to provide discrimination. Of these six, only Fe2_2 O3_3 and SiO2_2 provided expected, observed and statistical discrimination. Modelling results with this geological approach indicated 36% (±\pm9%) of sediment sampled in the reservoir cores were from mafic-derived sources and 64% (±\pm9%) were from felsic-derived sources. The geological and the first statistical approach (DFA0.05_{0.05}) differed by only 1% (σ\sigma 5%) for 5 out of 6 model groupings with only the Lexys Creek modelling results differing significantly (35%). The statistical model with expanded elemental selection (DFA0.05_{0.05}) differed from the geological model by an average of 30% for all 6 models. Elemental selection for sediment fingerprinting therefore has the potential to impact modeling results. Accordingly is important to incorporate both robust geological and statistical approaches when selecting elements for sediment fingerprinting. For the Baroon Pocket Dam, management should focus on reducing the supply of sediments derived from felsic sources in each of the subcatchments

    Tracing the sources of fine sediment in a nickel mining catchment using fallout and geogenic radionuclides (Thio River, New Caledonia)

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    International audienceSoil erosion and subsequent sediment transfer in rivers are exacerbated in tropical regions exposed to heavy rainfall. In New Caledonia, an island located in the southwestern part of the Southern Pacific Ocean, a significant fraction of this sediment is likely originating from tributaries draining nickel mining sites that are known to increase the terrigenous inputs to the rivers and, potentially to UNESCO World Heritage listed coastal lagoons. However, downstream contributions from these tributaries remain to be quantified. A pilot sediment tracing study has therefore been conducted in the 400-km 2 Thio River catchment. Fallout and geogenic radionuclides have been measured in sediment deposits collected in potential sources, i.e. (i) tributaries draining mines, (ii) tributaries draining 'natural' areas affected by landslides, and (iii) the main stem of the Thio River. Thorium-228 and Caesium-137 provide the best discrimination between sediment originating from the two tributaries. A distribution modelling approach was used to quantify the relative sediment contributions from these tributaries to the Thio River main stem. Results demonstrate that tributaries draining mining sites supply the majority of sediment (67-84%) to the main river. In the future, the validity of these results obtained on sediment deposits collected in April and May 2015 should be verified over a longer time period by applying a similar approach to sediment cores collected in the Thio river deltaic plain. Once validated, this method will be applicable to other catchments draining mines in New Caledonia to design appropriate measures to limit sediment supply to the lagoon

    Differentiating the sources of fine sediment, organic matter and nitrogen in a subtropical Australian catchment

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    International audienceUnderstanding the sources of sediment, organic matter and nitrogen (N) transferred from terrestrial to aquatic environments is important for managing the deleterious off-site impacts of soil erosion. In particular, investigating the sources of organic matter associated with fine sediment may also provide insight into carbon (C) and N budgets. Accordingly, the main sources of fine sediment, organic matter (indicated by total organic carbon), and N are determined for three nested catchments (2.5 km2, 75 km2, and 3076 km2) in subtropical Australia. Source samples included subsoil and surface soil, along with C3_3 and C4_4 vegetation. All samples were analysed for stable isotopes (δ13^{13}C, δ15^{15}N) and elemental composition (TOC, TN). A stable isotope mixing model (SIAR) was used to determine relative source contributions for different spatial scales (nested catchments), climatic conditions and flow stages. Subsoil was the main source of fine sediment for all catchments (82%, SD = 1.15) and the main N source at smaller scales (55–76%, SD = 4.6–10.5), with an exception for the wet year and at the larger catchment, where surface soil was the dominant N source (55–61%, SD = 3.6–9.9), though contributions were dependent on flow (59–680 m3/s). C3_3 litter was the main source of organic C export for the two larger catchments (53%, SD = 3.8) even though C4 grasses dominate the vegetation cover in these catchments. The sources of fine sediment, organic matter and N differ in subtropical catchments impacted by erosion, with the majority of C derived from C3_3 leaf litter and the majority of N derived from either subsoil or surface soil. Understanding these differences will assist management in reducing sediment, organic matter and N transfers in similar subtropical catchments while providing a quantitative foundation for testing C and N budgets