451 research outputs found

    New insights into the structure of early-type galaxies: the Photometric Plane at z~0.3

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    We study the Photometric Plane (PHP), namely the relation between the effective radius re, the mean surface brightness within that radius e, and the Sersic index n, in optical (R and I) and near-infrared (K) bands for a large sample of early-type galaxies (ETGs) in the rich cluster MS1008-1224 at z=0.306. The PHP relation has an intrinsic dispersion of ~32% in re, and turns out to be independent of waveband. This result is consistent with the fact that internal colour gradients of ETGs can have only a mild dependence on galaxy luminosity (mass). There is no evidence for a significant curvature in the PHP. We show that this can be explained if this relation origins from a systematic variation of the specific entropy of ETGs along the galaxy sequence, as was suggested from previous works. The intrinsic scatter of the PHP is significantly smaller than for other purely photometric relations, such as the Kormendy relation and the photometric Fundamental Plane, which is constructed by using colours in place of velocity dispersions. The scatter does not depend on the waveband and the residuals about the plane do not correlate with residuals of the colour-magnitude relation. Finally, we compare the coefficients of the PHP at z~0.3 with those of ETGs at z~0, showing that the PHP is a valuable tool to constrain the luminosity evolution of ETGs with redshift. The slopes of the PHP do not change significantly with redshift, while the zero-point is consistent with cosmological dimming of the surface brightness in an expanding universe plus the passive fading of galaxy stellar populations with a high formation redshift (z_f >1-2).Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Limb sounders tracking topographic gravity wave activity from the stratosphere to the ionosphere around midlatitude Andes

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    Several studies have shown that the surroundings of the highest Andes mountains at midlatitudes in the Southern Hemisphere exhibit gravity waves (GWs) generated by diverse sources which may traverse the troposphere and then penetrate the upper layers if conditions are favorable. There is a specific latitude band where that mountain range is nearly perfectly aligned with the north‐south direction, which favors the generation of wavefronts parallel to this orientation. This fact may allow an optimization of procedures to identify topographic GW in some of the observations. We analyze data per season to the east and west of these Andes latitudes to find possible significant differences in GW activity between both sectors. GW effects generated by topography and convection are expected essentially on the eastern side. We use satellite data from two different limb sounding methods: the Global Positioning System radio occultation (RO) technique and the Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry instrument, which are complementary with respect to the height intervals, in order to study the effects of GW from the stratosphere to the ionosphere. Activity becomes quantified by the GW average potential energy in the stratosphere and mesosphere and by the electron density variance content in the ionosphere. Consistent larger GW activity on the eastern sector is observed from the stratosphere to the ionosphere (night values). However, this fact remains statistically significant at the 90% significance level only during winter, when GWs generated by topography dominate the eastern sector. On the contrary, it is usually assumed that orographic GWs have nearly zero horizontal phase speed and will therefore probably be filtered at some height in the neutral atmosphere. However, this scheme relies on the assumption that the wind is uniform and constant. Our results also suggest that it is advisable to separate night and day cases to study GWs in the ionosphere, as it is more difficult to find significant statistical differences during daytime. This may happen because perturbations induced by GWs during daytime are more likely to occur in a disturbed environment that may hinder the identification of the waves.Fil: Alexander, Pedro Manfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: de la Torre, Alejandro. Universidad Austral. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Schmidt, T.. German Research Centre for Geosciences; AlemaniaFil: Llamedo Soria, Pablo Martin. Universidad Austral. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Hierro, Rodrigo Federico. Universidad Austral. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    WR 110: A Single Wolf-Rayet Star With Corotating Interaction Regions In Its Wind?

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    A 30-day contiguous photometric run with the MOST satellite on the WN5-6b star WR 110 (HD 165688) reveals a fundamental periodicity of P = 4.08 +/- 0.55 days along with a number of harmonics at periods P/n, with n ~ 2,3,4,5 and 6, and a few other possible stray periodicities and/or stochastic variability on timescales longer than about a day. Spectroscopic RV studies fail to reveal any plausible companion with a period in this range. Therefore, we conjecture that the observed light-curve cusps of amplitude ~ 0.01 mag that recur at a 4.08 day timescale may arise in the inner parts, or at the base of, a corotating interaction region (CIR) seen in emission as it rotates around with the star at constant angular velocity. The hard X-ray component seen in WR 110 could then be a result of a high velocity component of the CIR shock interacting with the ambient wind at several stellar radii. Given that most hot, luminous stars showing CIRs have two CIR arms, it is possible that either the fundamental period is 8.2 days or, more likely in the case of WR 110, there is indeed a second weaker CIR arm for P = 4.08 days, that occurs ~ two thirds of a rotation period after the main CIR. If this interpretation is correct, WR 110 therefore joins the ranks with three other single WR stars, all WN, with confirmed CIR rotation periods (WR 1, WR 6, and WR 134), albeit with WR 110 having by far the lowest amplitude photometric modulation. This illustrates the power of being able to secure intense, continuous high-precision photometry from space-based platforms such as MOST. It also opens the door to revealing low-amplitude photometric variations in other WN stars, where previous attempts have failed. If all WN stars have CIRs at some level, this could be important for revealing sources of magnetism or pulsation in addition to rotation periods.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, accepted in Ap

    Numerical Tests of Fast Reconnection in Weakly Stochastic Magnetic Fields

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    We study the effects of turbulence on magnetic reconnection using 3D numerical simulations. This is the first attempt to test a model of fast magnetic reconnection in the presence of weak turbulence proposed by Lazarian & Vishniac (1999). This model predicts that weak turbulence, generically present in most of astrophysical systems, enhances the rate of reconnection by reducing the transverse scale for reconnection events and by allowing many independent flux reconnection events to occur simultaneously. As a result the reconnection speed becomes independent of Ohmic resistivity and is determined by the magnetic field wandering induced by turbulence. To quantify the reconnection speed we use both an intuitive definition, i.e. the speed of the reconnected flux inflow, as well as a more sophisticated definition based on a formally derived analytical expression. Our results confirm the predictions of the Lazarian & Vishniac model. In particular, we find that Vrec Pinj^(1/2), as predicted by the model. The dependence on the injection scale for some of our models is a bit weaker than expected, i.e. l^(3/4), compared to the predicted linear dependence on the injection scale, which may require some refinement of the model or may be due to the effects like finite size of the excitation region. The reconnection speed was found to depend on the expected rate of magnetic field wandering and not on the magnitude of the guide field. In our models, we see no dependence on the guide field when its strength is comparable to the reconnected component. More importantly, while in the absence of turbulence we successfully reproduce the Sweet-Parker scaling of reconnection, in the presence of turbulence we do not observe any dependence on Ohmic resistivity, confirming that our reconnection is fast.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figure

    Photometric variability of the T Tauri star TW Hya on time scales of hours to years

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    MOST (Microvariability & Oscillations of STars) and ASAS (All Sky Automated Survey) observations have been used to characterize photometric variability of TW Hya on time scales from a fraction of a day to 7.5 weeks and from a few days to 8 years, respectively. The two data sets have very different uncertainties and temporal coverage properties and cannot be directly combined, nevertheless, they suggests a global variability spectrum with "flicker noise" properties, i.e. with amplitudes a ~ 1/sqrt(f), over >4 decades in frequency, in the range f = 0.0003 to 10 cycles per day (c/d). A 3.7 d period is clearly present in the continuous 11 day, 0.07 d time resolution, observations by MOST in 2007. Brightness extrema coincide with zero-velocity crossings in periodic (3.56 d) radial velocity variability detected in contemporaneous spectroscopic observations of Setiawan et al. (2008) and interpreted as caused by a planet. The 3.56/3.7 d periodicity was entirely absent in the second, four times longer MOST run in 2008, casting doubt on the planetary explanation. Instead, a spectrum of unstable single periods within the range of 2 - 9 days was observed; the tendency of the periods to progressively shorten was well traced using the wavelet analysis. The evolving periodicities and the overall flicker-noise characteristics of the TW Hya variability suggest a combination of several mechanisms, with the dominant ones probably related to the accretion processes from the disk around the star.Comment: MNRAS submitte

    General Scalar Fields as Quintessence

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    We study the cosmological evolution of scalar fields with arbitrary potentials in the presence of a barotropic fluid (matter or radiation) without making any assumption on which term dominates. We determine what kind of potentials V(phi) permits a quintessence interpretation of the scalar field phi and to obtain interesting cosmological results. We show that all model dependence is given in terms of lambda= - V'/V only and we study all possible asymptotic limits: lambda approaching zero, a finite constant or infinity. We determine the equation of state dynamically for each case. For the first class of potentials, the scalar field quickly dominates the universe behaviour, with an inflationary equation of state allowing for a quintessence interpretation. The second case gives the extensively studied exponential potential. While in the last case, when lambda approaches infinity, if it does not oscillate then the energy density redshifts faster than the barotropic fluid but if lambda oscillates then the energy density redshift depends on the specific potential.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 4 postscript figure

    MICU1 Controls Both the Threshold and Cooperative Activation of the Mitochondrial Ca(2+) Uniporter.

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    Mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake via the uniporter is central to cell metabolism, signaling, and survival. Recent studies identified MCU as the uniporter\u27s likely pore and MICU1, an EF-hand protein, as its critical regulator. How this complex decodes dynamic cytoplasmic [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)]c) signals, to tune out small [Ca(2+)]c increases yet permit pulse transmission, remains unknown. We report that loss of MICU1 in mouse liver and cultured cells causes mitochondrial Ca(2+) accumulation during small [Ca(2+)]c elevations but an attenuated response to agonist-induced [Ca(2+)]c pulses. The latter reflects loss of positive cooperativity, likely via the EF-hands. MICU1 faces the intermembrane space and responds to [Ca(2+)]c changes. Prolonged MICU1 loss leads to an adaptive increase in matrix Ca(2+) binding, yet cells show impaired oxidative metabolism and sensitization to Ca(2+) overload. Collectively, the data indicate that MICU1 senses the [Ca(2+)]c to establish the uniporter\u27s threshold and gain, thereby allowing mitochondria to properly decode different inputs

    The nature of the high Galactic latitude O-star HD93521: new results from X-ray and optical spectroscopy

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    Owing to its unusual location and its isolation, the nature of the high Galactic latitude O9.5Vp object HD93521 is still uncertain. We have collected X-ray and optical observations to characterize the star and its surroundings. X-ray images and spectra are analyzed to search for traces of a recent star formation event around HD93521 and to search for the signature of a possible compact companion. Optical echelle spectra are analysed with plane-parallel model atmosphere codes, assuming either a spherical star or a gravity darkened rotationally flattened star, to infer the effective temperature and surface gravity, and to derive the He, C, N and O abundances of HD93521. The X-ray images reveal no traces of a population of young low-mass stars coeval with HD93521. The X-ray spectrum of HD93521 is consistent with a normal late O-type star although with subsolar metallicity. No trace of a compact companion is found in the X-ray data. In the optical spectrum, He and N are found to be overabundant, in line with the effect of rotational mixing in this very fast rotator, whilst C and O are subsolar. A critical comparison with the properties of subdwarf OB stars, indicates that, despite some apparent similarities, HD93521 does not belong to this category. Despite some ambiguities on the runaway status of the star, the most likely explanation is that HD93521 is a Population I massive O-type star that was ejected from the Galactic plane either through dynamical interactions or a result of a supernova event in a binary system.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Investigating potential planetary nebula/cluster pairs

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    Fundamental parameters characterizing the end-state of intermediate-mass stars may be constrained by discovering planetary nebulae (PNe) in open clusters (OCs). Cluster membership may be exploited to establish the distance, luminosity, age, and physical size for PNe, and the intrinsic luminosity and mass of its central star. Four potential PN-OC associations were investigated, to assess the cluster membership for the PNe. Radial velocities were measured from intermediate-resolution optical spectra, complemented with previous estimates in the literature. When the radial velocity study supported the PN/OC association, we analyzed if other parameters (e.g., age, distance, reddening, central star brightness) were consistent with this conclusion. Our measurements imply that the PNe VBe3 and HeFa1 are not members of the OCs NGC5999 and NGC6067, respectively, and likely belong to the background bulge population. Conversely, consistent radial velocities indicate that NGC2452/NGC2453 could be associated, but our results are not conclusive and additional observations are warranted. Finally, we demonstrate that all the available information point to He2-86 being a young, highly internally obscured PN member of NGC4463. New near-infrared photometry acquired via the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea ESO public survey was used in tandem with existing UBV photometry to measure the distance, reddening, and age of NGC4463, finding d=1.55+-0.10 kpc, E(B-V)=0.41+-0.02, and tau=65+-10 Myr, respectively. The same values should be adopted for the PN if the proposed cluster membership will be confirmed.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Effect of Foregrounds on the CMBR Multipole Alignment

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    We analyze the effect of foregrounds on the observed alignment of CMBR quadrupole and octopole. The alignment between these multipoles is studied by using a symmetry based approach which assigns a principal eigenvector (PEV) or an axis with each multipole. We determine the significance of alignment between these multipoles by using the Internal Linear Combination (ILC) 5 and 7 year map s and also the maps obtained by using the Internal Power Spectrum Estimation (IPSE) procedure. The effect of foreground cleaning is studied in detail within the framework of the IPSE method both analytically and numerically. By using simulated CMBR data, we study how the PEVs of the pure simulated CMB map differ from those of the final cleaned map. We find that, in general, the shift in the PEVs is relatively small and in random directions. Due to the random nature of the shift we conclude that it can only lead to misalignment rather than alignment of multipoles. We also directly estimate the significance of alignment by using simulated cleaned maps. We find that the results in this case are identical to those obtained by simple analytic estimate or by using simulated pure CMB maps.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure