14 research outputs found

    Colección de Mamíferos “Alberto Cadena García” Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (ICN)

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    The "Alberto Cadena García" Mammal Collection of the Institute of Natural Sciences, National University of Colombia (ICN) has contributed to the knowledge of mammals in Colombia since 1959. With approximately 27,600 specimens for the year 2020, it includes all orders of mammals reported for Colombia and records of all departments. This collection has specimens of about 80% of the mammalian species of Colombia. This collection contains sample material for 21 taxa and their specimen information is available online. In addition to its teaching activities, it has other collections that include prints, tissues and photographic records, which have continuous growth from field trips to teaching, graduate work, thesis, research projects and the deposit of material from entities external. The specimens in the collection have contributed to more than 90 scientific publications in the last 10 years, more than 150 theses and graduate work by students of the National University of Colombia.La Colección de Mamíferos “Alberto Cadena García” del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (ICN) ha aportado al conocimiento de los mamíferos en Colombia desde 1959. Con aproximadamente 27.600 especímenes para el año 2020, incluye todos los órdenes de mamíferos reportados para el Colombia y registros de todos los departamentos. Esta colección alberga especímenes de cerca del 80 % de las especies de mamíferos de Colombia. Esta colección contiene material tipo de 21 taxones y tiene disponible la información de sus especímenes en línea. Además de sus actividades de docencia, cuenta con otras colecciones que incluyen huellas, tejidos y registros fotográficos, los cuales tienen continuo crecimiento a partir de salidas de campo de docencia, trabajos de grado, tesis, proyectos de investigación y el depósito de material de entidades externas. Los especímenes de la colección han aportado a más de 90 publicaciones científicas en los últimos 10 años, más de 150 tesis y trabajos de grado de estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Bat functional traits associated with environmental, landscape, and conservation variables in Neotropical dry forests

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    Tropical dry forests are among the most threatened ecosystems worldwide. Bats' role in those ecosystems is critical because of multiple bat-mediated processes. Such processes are strongly related to bats' functional traits. However, it is poorly known which bat's functional traits could relate to variations in environmental conditions in tropical dry forests. In this study, we tested the hypotheses that bat functional traits would be significantly associated with landscape variables, climatic variables, and land-use intensity. For testing these hypotheses, we used data from phyllostomid and mormoopid bats captured in mist nets and data from non-phyllostomid insectivorous bat species registered by passive acoustic monitoring. We considered six functional traits for phyllostomid and mormoopid bats, and for non-phyllostomid insectivorous bats, we added two echolocation parameters. We measured five environmental variables, two of local climate (daily maximum temperature and wind speed) and three of landscape features (total area of water and closeness, probability of finding caves, and conservation status). The relationships between bat functional traits and environmental variables were evaluated using the RLQ and the fourth-corner analysis. We captured 360 individuals belonging to 14 species with mist nets (Phyllostomidae and Mormoopidae), and we identified 18 species and six sonotypes with acoustic sampling (Emballonuridae, Mormoopidae, Molossidae, Natalidae, Noctilionidae, and Vespertilionidae). We found that bats' functional traits related to environmental conditions were pulse structure, diet, vertical foraging stratification, and trophic level, although these relationships varied among bats' ecological roles. The hematophagous were related to water bodies' closeness, and animalivorous bats, mostly mormoopids, showed a relationship with the probability of finding caves. Insectivorous bats that mostly forage on the canopy and emit qCF calls were significantly related to more conserved sites, and bats that emit qCF pulses were significantly associated with less area covered by water. Our findings provide insights into how bat functional traits vary in their relationships with environmental conditions in harsh environments such as dry forests

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    Distribución y conservación de los murciélagos del género Lonchorhina (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) en Colombia

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    Las especies del género Lonchorhina presentan una distribución poco conocida especialmente en Colombia donde se ha asociado la presencia de formaciones rocosas aisladas conocidas como “lajas” o inselbergs, como elementos restrictivos en la dispersión de estas especies al oriente de la Cordillera de los Andes. Revisamos especímenes en colecciones de mamíferos de Colombia y Ecuador con el fin de conocer la distribución de las especies de Lonchorhina y su posible asociación al oriente de los Andes con la presencia de inselbergs y realizar una evaluación de su categoría de amenaza. Presentamos nuevos registros de murciélagos vulnerables a la extinción L. marinkellei y L. orinocensis, extendiendo la distribución de L. marinkellei más de 300 km de su distribución conocida. Demostramos que tres de las cuatro especies de Lonchorhina en Colombia tienen distribución restringida a los inselbergs, siendo L. aurita la única excepción con una distribución amplia en el país, sin embargo, su distribución al oriente de los Andes en Colombia puede estar restringida a la presencia de los mismos elementos. Encontramos simpatría entre varias especies del género en varias localidades, lo cual, junto con sus diferencias morfológicas, pueden indicar procesos de partición de nicho entre las especies del género. A pesar de la información recolectada se mantiene la categoría de Vulnerable para las especies de Lonchorhina con distribución restringida en Colombia. Finalmente, enfatizamos que las acciones locales de conservación pueden aportar a la conservación de varias especies del género

    ABC de la Biodiversidad

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    ilustraciones, fotografías, mapasEl trabajo de los investigadores Hugo López, Olga Montenegro y Luisa Liéva- no del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Colom- bia representa un aporte fundamental para avanzar en la apropiación social del conocimiento en diferentes niveles, realizado con elevada calidad científica y claridad de mensajes para que pueda ser utilizado como libro de mesa, como lectura obligada en centros académicos de todo orden y como parte de aquellos textos que están en la casa para disfru- tarlos en cualquier momento. El texto aporta conceptos e información rele- vante para que la sociedad establezca un puente sólido con el conocimiento de la biodiversidad que todos los colombia- nos deberían saber, pues somos uno de los países más ricos en biodiversidad, y solo podremos valorarla cuando la co- nozcamos más. (texto tomado de la fuente)Presentación -- Prólogo -- Agradecimientos -- Autores de los recuadros -- Sección 1 Biodiversidad, conceptos y patrones -- 1. Qué es la biodiversidad? -- 2. Cuánta biodiversidad hay y dónde se encuentra? -- 3. Midiendo la biodiversidad -- 4.Biodiversidad y sociedades humanas en Colombia -- Sección 2 De la historia natural a la conservación de la biodiversidad -- 5. Recuento histórico: hacia el conocimiento de la biodiversidad en Colombia -- 6. Causas de pérdida de biodiversidad -- 7. Conservando la biodiversidad desde lo global a lo local -- 8. Fuentes de información sobre la biodiversidad y la conservación -- Glosario -- Referencias -- Reseña de los autoresPrimera edició

    Beginning the quest: phylogenetic hypothesis and identification of evolutionary lineages in bats of the genus Micronycteris (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae)

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    Thirteen species of Neotropical bats of the genus Micronycteris are currently recognized and are allocated to four subgenera Leuconycteris, Micronycteris, Schizonycteris, and Xenonectes. Despite that, the presence of polyphyletic clades in molecular phylogenies suggests that its diversity is underestimated. Additionally, the incorrect identification of some genetic sequences, the incorrect assignation of available valid names, and restricted geographic sampling have biased the identification of independently evolutionary lineages within Micronycteris. In this study, several unknown genealogical lineages in the genus are identified and an updated phylogenetic hypothesis is proposed using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA fragments. The phylogenetic analyses congruently showed all individuals in four well-supported subgenera, but M. schmidtorum was revealed as the sister taxon of M. brosseti in the subgenus Leuconycteris. Twenty-seven different genealogical lineages were identified. These included eight confirmed species: M. brosseti, M. buriri, M. giovanniae, M. matses, M. schmidtorum, M. simmonsae, M. tresamici, and M. yatesi. Nineteen either allopatric or parapatric candidate species were also confirmed, two within the M. hirsuta complex, nine within the M. megalotis complex, seven within the M. minuta complex, and one corresponding to “M. sp.”. These results revealed an extensive undescribed diversity within each subgenus of Micronycteris. Nevertheless, the evolutionary processes associated with the specific radiations are poorly understood. This is just the beginning of the assessment of the taxonomy and systematics of Micronycteris, which requires additional integrative taxonomical approaches for its advance


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    Se evaluó la pérdida de área potencial de distribución y se caracterizó la cacería desubsistencia del Paujil Colombiano, Crax alberti, en el norte de los Andes colombianos.Se usó un Sistema de Información Geográfico con fotografías aéreas e imágenessatelitales de 1986 y 2002, y una encuesta estructurada dirigida a los cazadores locales.Para 1986, la especie había perdido el 58,4% de su distribución potencial original,y en 2002 la pérdida fue del 38,6 %. La tasa de deforestación anual fue de 2,4 %.El área de estudio se dividió en ocho áreas para evaluar el estado de conservacióndel Paujil en el año 2002. Los resultados incluyen desde áreas vulnerables hasta enpeligro crítico. De las 80 especies de aves y mamíferos cazados entre 2002 y 2003,C. alberti ocupó el decimosegundo lugar y fue cazado principalmente para consumoy en menor medida para ser mantenido como mascota. La mayor tasa de extracción(individuos/cazador año) se presentó en el municipio de Anorí y se concentró enla época reproductiva. Estos resultados muestran que C. alberti está amenazadocríticamente en el área de estudio, al igual que en el ámbito globa

    Trait-mediated filtering predicts phyllostomid bat responses to habitat disturbance in the Orinoco Llanos

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    Which functional traits allow a bat species to survive habitat disturbance? Empirical evidence regarding this question remains limited for many tropical regions despite their importance for conservation. Here, we used body mass, wing morphology, trophic level, and diet to identify which traits make phyllostomid bat species more vulnerable to human impacts in the Colombian Orinoco Llanos. Bats were sampled using mist nets in riparian forests, unflooded forests, flooded savannahs, and conventional rice crops on traditional farmlands with high-intensity agriculture and in private reserves with greater ecosystem protection. We tested the associations between species traits and landscape-structure variables (habitat cover and type, number of habitat patches, shortest distance to water) using RLQ and fourth-corner analyses, accounting for both spatial and phylogenetic autocorrela-tion. Trophic level and diet were the most important traits linked to disturbance sensitivity. Our results indicated that rice crop cover, savannah patches, and altered unflooded forest act as a filter, benefiting disturbance-adapted frugivorous genera in farmlands (e.g., Ar-tibeus spp., Carollia spp., Platyrrhinus spp., Uroderma spp.). Conversely, animalivorous species were strongly associated with savannah cover and riparian forests within reserves (e.g., Lampronycteris brachyotis, Lophostoma brasiliense, Micronycteris minuta, Tra-chops cirrhosus). Encouraging the creation of more wildlife-friendly landscapes through payments for ecosystem services across the Colombian Llanos will ensure the long-term persistence of disturbance-sensitive species and sustain a complete set of ecological functions and ecosystem services that these bats provide

    State of the climate in 2014

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    Most of the dozens of essential climate variables monitored each year in this report continued to follow their long-term trends in 2014, with several setting new records. Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide-the major greenhouse gases released into Earth's atmosphere-once again all reached record high average atmospheric concentrations for the year. Carbon dioxide increased by 1.9 ppm to reach a globally averaged value of 397.2 ppm for 2014. Altogether, 5 major and 15 minor greenhouse gases contributed 2.94 W m-2 of direct radiative forcing, which is 36% greater than their contributions just a quarter century ago. Accompanying the record-high greenhouse gas concentrations was nominally the highest annual global surface temperature in at least 135 years of modern record keeping, according to four independent observational analyses. The warmth was distributed widely around the globe's land areas, Europe observed its warmest year on record by a large margin, with close to two dozen countries breaking their previous national temperature records; many countries in Asia had annual temperatures among their 10 warmest on record; Africa reported above-average temperatures across most of the continent throughout 2014; Australia saw its third warmest year on record, following record heat there in 2013; Mexico had its warmest year on record; and Argentina and Uruguay each had their second warmest year on record. Eastern North America was the only major region to observe a below-average annual temperature. But it was the oceans that drove the record global surface temperature in 2014. Although 2014 was largely ENSO-neutral, the globally averaged sea surface temperature (SST) was the highest on record. The warmth was particularly notable in the North Pacific Ocean where SST anomalies signaled a transition from a negative to positive phase of the Pacific decadal oscillation. In the winter of 2013/14, unusually warm water in the northeast Pacific was associated with elevated ocean heat content anomalies and elevated sea level in the region. Globally, upper ocean heat content was record high for the year, reflecting the continued increase of thermal energy in the oceans, which absorb over 90% of Earth's excess heat from greenhouse gas forcing. Owing to both ocean warming and land ice melt contributions, global mean sea level in 2014 was also record high and 67 mm greater than the 1993 annual mean, when satellite altimetry measurements began. Sea surface salinity trends over the past decade indicate that salty regions grew saltier while fresh regions became fresher, suggestive of an increased hydrological cycle over the ocean expected with global warming. As in previous years, these patterns are reflected in 2014 subsurface salinity anomalies as well. With a now decade-long trans-basin instrument array along 26°N, the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation shows a decrease in transport of-4.2 ± 2.5 Sv decade-1. Precipitation was quite variable across the globe. On balance, precipitation over the world's oceans was above average, while below average across land surfaces. Drought continued in southeastern Brazil and the western United States. Heavy rain during April-June led to devastating floods in Canada's Eastern Prairies. Above-normal summer monsoon rainfall was observed over the southern coast of West Africa, while drier conditions prevailed over the eastern Sahel. Generally, summer monsoon rainfall over eastern Africa was above normal, except in parts of western South Sudan and Ethiopia. The south Asian summer monsoon in India was below normal, with June record dry. Across the major tropical cyclone basins, 91 named storms were observed during 2014, above the 1981-2010 global average of 82. The Eastern/Central Pacific and South Indian Ocean basins experienced significantly above-normal activity in 2014; all other basins were either at or below normal. The 22 named storms in the Eastern/Central Pacific was the basin's most since 1992. Similar to 2013, the North Atlantic season was quieter than most years of the last two decades with respect to the number of storms, despite the absence of El Niño conditions during both years. In higher latitudes and at higher elevations, increased warming continued to be visible in the decline of glacier mass balance, increasing permafrost temperatures, and a deeper thawing layer in seasonally frozen soil. In the Arctic, the 2014 temperature over land areas was the fourth highest in the 115-year period of record and snow melt occurred 20-30 days earlier than the 1998-2010 average. The Greenland Ice Sheet experienced extensive melting in summer 2014. The extent of melting was above the 1981-2010 average for 90% of the melt season, contributing to the second lowest average summer albedo over Greenland since observations began in 2000 and a record-low albedo across the ice sheet for August. On the North Slope of Alaska, new record high temperatures at 20-m depth were measured at four of five permafrost observatories. In September, Arctic minimum sea ice extent was the sixth lowest since satellite records began in 1979. The eight lowest sea ice extents during this period have occurred in the last eight years. Conversely, in the Antarctic, sea ice extent countered its declining trend and set several new records in 2014, including record high monthly mean sea ice extent each month from April to November. On 20 September, a record large daily Antarctic sea ice extent of 20.14 × 106 km2 occurred. The 2014 Antarctic stratospheric ozone hole was 20.9 million km2 when averaged from 7 September to 13 October, the sixth smallest on record and continuing a decrease, albeit statistically insignificant, in area since 1998

    Central America and the Caribbean

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    Título del documento: State of the climate in 2015. Dentro del archivo completo se encontra el apartado correspondiente a Central America and the Caribbean.This chapter provides summaries of the 2015 temperature and precipitation conditions across seven broad regions: North America, Central America and the Caribbean, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. In most cases, summaries of notable weather events are also included. Local scientists provided the annual summary for their respective regions and, unless otherwise noted, the source of the data used is typically the agency affiliated with the authors. Please note that different nations, even within the same section, may use unique periods to define their normals. Section introductions will typically define the prevailing practices for that section, and exceptions will be noted within the text. In a similar way, many contributing authors use languages other than English as their primary professional language. To minimize additional loss of fidelity through reinterpretation after translation, editors have been conservative and careful to preserve the voice of the author. In some cases, this may result in abrupt transitions in style from section to section.U.S. Department of Energy/[DE-AC05-76RLO1830]//Estados UnidosUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigaciones Geofísicas (CIGEFI