85 research outputs found

    Reproducible research through persistently linked and visualized data

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    The demand of reproducible results in the numerical simulation of opto-electronic devices or more general in mathematical modeling and simulation requires the (long-term) accessibility of data and software that were used to generate those results. Moreover, to present those results in a comprehensible manner data visualizations such as videos are useful. Persistent identifier can be used to ensure the permanent connection of these different digital objects thereby preserving all information in the right context. Here we give an overview over the state-of-the art of data preservation, data and software citation and illustrate the benefits and opportunities of enhancing publications with visual simulation data by showing a use case from opto-electronics

    Reproducible research through persistently linked and visualized data

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    The demand of reproducible results in the numerical simulation of opto-electronic devices or more general in mathematical modeling and simulation requires the (long-term) accessibility of data and software that were used to generate those results. Moreover, to present those results in a comprehensible manner data visualizations such as videos are useful. Persistent identifier can be used to ensure the permanent connection of these different digital objects thereby preserving all information in the right context. Here we give an overview over the state-of-the art of data preservation, data and software citation and illustrate the benefits and opportunities of enhancing publications with visual simulation data by showing a use case from opto-electronics

    Field assisted sintering of Ta–Al2_2O3_3 composite materials and investigation of electrical conductivity

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    Ta–Al2_2O3_3 composite samples with different compositions are prepared using Field Assisted Sintering Technique (FAST). Two different alumina powders are used to investigate the influence of the starting powders particle size on the microstructural features and the resulting electrical conductivity of the prepared composite materials. Percolation threshold of the two material systems is influenced by the metal fraction, as well as the alumina particle size of the starting powder. The percolation threshold for the fine- and the coarse-grained alumina is found to be at 15 vol.-% Ta and 7.5 vol.-% Ta, respectively. Microstructural investigations show significant differences in terms of particle shape of both, Ta and Al2_2O3_3 after sintering, most likely being the reason for the different percolation thresholds of the investigated materials. Anisotropy effects resulting from the processing using FAST and the influence on electrical properties are also shown

    Field‐Assisted Sintering of Nb–Al2_2O3_3 Composite Materials and Investigation of Electrical Conductivity

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    Field-assisted sintering technique (FAST) is used for the preparation of Nb–Al2_2O3_3 composite materials. The electrical conductivity is investigated depending on the particle size of the used starting powders and under varying volume contents of the refractory metal in the starting powder mixture. The percolation threshold is investigated and found to be influenced not only by the metal fraction but also by the particle size of the alumina used for sample preparation. For the fine- and coarse-grained alumina, a percolation threshold of 17.5 and 10 vol% Nb is estimated, respectively. Furthermore, the microstructure is investigated to gain a basic understanding of the dependency between microstructural features and the resulting material properties on the macroscopic scale. Also, the influence of the sintering process and the resulting microstructure–properties relationship is considered. It could be shown that the electrical properties are anisotropic because of anisotropy effects caused by the FAST process

    Coarse‐Grained Refractory Composite Castables Based on Alumina and Niobium

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    Niobium-alumina composite aggregates with 60 vol% metal content and with particle sizes up to 3150 Όm are produced using castable technology followed by sintering, and a crushing and sieving process. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) analysis reveals phase separation during crushing as the niobium:corundum volume ratios is between 37:57 and 64:31 among the 4 produced aggregate classes 0–45, 45–500, 500–1000, and 1000–3150 Όm. The synthesized aggregates are used to produce coarse-grained refractory composites in a second casting and sintering step. The fine- and coarse-grained material shows porosities between 32% and 36% with a determined cold modulus of rupture of 20 and 12 MPa, and E-moduli of 37 and 46 GPa, respectively. The synthesized fine-grained composites reached true strain values between 0.08 at 1100 °C and 0.18 at 1500 °C and the coarse-grained ones values between 0.02 and 0.09. The electrical conductivity for the fine-grained and the coarse-grained material is 448±66 and 111±25  S cm−1^{−1}, respectively

    Proteogenomic analysis of Georgfuchsia toluolica revealed unexpected concurrent aerobic and anaerobic toluene degradation

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    Denitrifying Betaproteobacteria play a key role in the anaerobic degradation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons. We performed a multi-omics study to better understand the metabolism of the representative organism Georgfuchsia toluolica strain G5G6 known as a strict anaerobe coupling toluene oxidation with dissimilatory nitrate and Fe(III) reduction. Despite the genomic potential for degradation of different carbon sources, we did not find sugar or organic acid transporters, in line with the inability of strain G5G6 to use these substrates. Using a proteomics analysis, we detected proteins of fumarate-dependent toluene activation, membrane-bound nitrate reductase, and key components of the metal-reducing (Mtr) pathway under both nitrate- and Fe(III)-reducing conditions. High abundance of the multiheme cytochrome MtrC implied that a porincytochrome complex was used for respiratory Fe(III) reduction. Remarkably, strain G5G6 contains a full set of genes for aerobic toluene degradation, and we detected enzymes of aerobic toluene degradation under both nitrate- and Fe(III)-reducing conditions. We further detected an ATP-dependent benzoyl-CoA reductase, reactive oxygen species detoxification proteins, and cytochrome c oxidase indicating a facultative anaerobic lifestyle of strain G5G6. Correspondingly, we found diffusion through the septa a substantial source of oxygen in the cultures enabling concurrent aerobic and anaerobic toluene degradation by strain G5G6.This work was supported by Wageningen University & Research through its investment theme Resilience, the Technology Foundation (STW), the Applied Science Division of the Dutch Research Council (NWO; project 08053), NWO grant 016.Vidi.189.050, and a Gravitation grant of the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and NWO (project 024.002.002 SIAM). B.K. was supported by the Villum foundation, Denmark (VYI Grant 25491).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dependence of the LMXB population on stellar age

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    We investigate the dependence of the low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) population in early-type galaxies on stellar age, by selecting 20 massive nearby early-type galaxies from the Chandra archive occupying a relatively narrow range of masses and spanning a broad range of ages, from 1.6 Gyr to more than 10 Gyrs, with the median value of 6 Gyrs. With the ~ 2000 X-ray point sources detected in total, we correlated the specific number of LMXBs in each galaxy with its stellar age and globular cluster (GC) content. We found a correlation between the LMXB population and stellar age: older galaxies tend to possess about ~50% more LMXBs (per unit stellar mass) than the younger ones. The interpretation of this dependence is complicated by large scatter and a rather strong correlation between stellar age and GC content of galaxies in our sample. We present evidence suggesting that the more important factor may be the evolution of the LMXB population with time. Its effect is further amplified by the larger GC content of older galaxies and correspondingly, the larger numbers of dynamically formed binaries in them. We also found clear evolution of the X-ray luminosity function (XLF) with age, that younger galaxies have more bright sources and fewer faint sources per unit stellar mass. The XLF of LMXBs in younger galaxies appears to extend significantly beyond E39 erg/s. Such bright sources seem to be less frequent in older galaxies. We found that 6 out of ~ 12 (ultra-) luminous sources are located in GCs.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted by A&A on 03/08/201

    Resolved photometry of extragalactic young massive star clusters

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    We present colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) for a sample of seven young massive clusters in the galaxies NGC 1313, NGC 1569, NGC 1705, NGC 5236 and NGC 7793. The clusters have ages in the range 5-50 million years and masses of 10^5 -10^6 Msun. Although crowding prevents us from obtaining photometry in the central regions of the clusters, we are still able to measure up to 30-100 supergiant stars in each of the richest clusters, along with the brighter main sequence stars. The resulting CMDs and luminosity functions are compared with photometry of artificially generated clusters, designed to reproduce the photometric errors and completeness as realistically as possible. In agreement with previous studies, our CMDs show no clear gap between the H-burning main sequence and the He-burning supergiant stars, contrary to predictions by common stellar isochrones. In general, the isochrones also fail to match the observed number ratios of red-to-blue supergiant stars, although the difficulty of separating blue supergiants from the main sequence complicates this comparison. In several cases we observe a large spread (1-2 mag) in the luminosities of the supergiant stars that cannot be accounted for by observational errors. This spread can be reproduced by including an age spread of 10-30 million years in the models. However, age spreads cannot fully account for the observed morphology of the CMDs and other processes, such as the evolution of interacting binary stars, may also play a role.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Sodium abundances of AGB and RGB stars in Galactic globular clusters

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    Context. Galactic globular clusters (GC) are known to have multiple stellar populations and be characterised by similar chemical features, e.g. O−Na anti-correlation. While second-population stars, identified by their Na overabundance, have been found from the main sequence turn-off up to the tip of the red giant branch (RGB) in various Galactic GCs, asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars have rarely been targeted. The recent finding that NGC 6752 lacks an Na-rich AGB star has thus triggered new studies on AGB stars in GCs, since this result questions our basic understanding of GC formation and stellar evolution theory. Aims. We aim to compare the Na abundance distributions of AGB and RGB stars in Galactic GCs and investigate whether the presence of Na-rich stars on the AGB is metallicity-dependent. Methods. With high-resolution spectra obtained with the multi-object high-resolution spectrograph FLAMES on ESO/VLT, we derived accurate Na abundances for 31 AGB and 40 RGB stars in the Galactic GC NGC 2808. Results. We find that NGC 2808 has a mean metallicity of −1.11 ± 0.08 dex, in good agreement with earlier analyses. Comparable Na abundance dispersions are derived for our AGB and RGB samples, with the AGB stars being slightly more concentrated than the RGB stars. The ratios of Na-poor first-population to Na-rich second-population stars are 45:55 in the AGB sample and 48:52 in the RGB sample. Conclusions. NGC 2808 has Na-rich second-population AGB stars, which turn out to be even more numerous − in relative terms − than their Na-poor AGB counterparts and the Na-rich stars on the RGB. Our findings are well reproduced by the fast rotating massive stars scenario and they do not contradict the recent results that there is not an Na-rich AGB star in NGC 6752. NGC 2808 thus joins the larger group of Galactic GCs for which Na-rich second-population stars on the AGB have recently been found

    Latitudinal gradient of nestedness and its potential drivers in stream detritivores

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    Understanding what mechanisms shape the diversity and composition of biological assemblages across broad-scale gradients is central to ecology. Litter-consuming detritivorous invertebrates in streams show an unusual diversity gradient, with a-diversity increasing towards high latitudes but no trend in a-diversity. We hypothesized this pattern to be related to shifts in nestedness and several ecological processes shaping their assemblages (dispersal, environmental filtering and competition). We tested this hypothesis, using a global dataset, by examining latitudinal trends in nestedness and several indicators of the above processes along the latitudinal gradient. Our results suggest that strong environmental filtering 95 and low dispersal in the tropics lead to often species-poor local detritivore assemblages, nested in richer regional assemblages. At higher latitudes, dispersal becomes stronger, disrupting the nested assemblage structure and resulting in local assemblages that are generally more species-rich and non-nested subsets of the regional species pools. Our results provide evidence that mechanisms underlying assemblage composition and diversity of stream litter-consuming detritivores shift across latitudes, and provide an explanation for their unusual pattern of increasing a-diversity with latitude. When we repeated these analyses for whole invertebrate assemblages of leaf litter and for abundant taxa showing reverse or no diversity gradients we found no latitudinal patterns, suggesting that function-based rather than taxon-based analyses of assemblages may help elucidate the mechanisms behind diversity gradients
