9 research outputs found

    Big data innovation and diffusion in projects teams: Towards a conflict prevention culture

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    Despite the enormous literature on how team conflicts can be managed and resolved, this study diverges, by examining factors that facilitate conflict prevention culture in project teams, especially when introducing Big Data Technology. Relying on findings from relevant literatures and focus group discussions, 28 attributes for embedding conflict prevention culture were identified and put together in questionnaire survey. Series of statistical tests including reliability analysis and exploratory factor-analysis. The results identified five critical success factors for entrenching the culture of conflict prevention in project teams introducing big data driving innovations. The five-factor solution include “building effective relationship”, “effective project communications”, “project team efficacy”, “pro-active conflict management approach” and “effectual project documentation”. Result of this study presents a Conceptual framework for effective management of human resource in relation to conflict prevention among project teams, as an effective strategy for facilitating seamless adoption and diffusion of big data innovation in organisations

    The International Political Economy of the EU Sovereign Debt Crisis

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je zkoumat vývoj evropské integrace ve spojení s evropskou státní dluhovou krizí. Centrální otázka, kterou chce práce zodpovědět je následující: do jaké míry a jakým směrem ovlivnila státní dluhová krize v EU progresi evropské integrace? Sledovaný předmět je v práci rozdělen na tři relevantní období – období před státní dluhovou krizí (2001-2008), období akutních efektů státní dluhové krize (2008-2012), a nynější období (2012-současnost). Za účelem dosažení uvedeného cíle je práce strukturována následovně: první sekce uvádí a objasňuje teorie, které budou využity k analýze dopadů státní dluhové krize na integraci, a to jak finanční (finanční cyklus zadlužování a oddlužování, socializace dluhu, a proměnlivost nálad ohledně finančních rizik („risk-on risk-off episodes“)) tak politických (realismus, liberalismus, liberální mezivládní přístup, neofunkcionalismus). Druhá sekce zkoumá architekturu relevantních evropských institucí a jejich vývoj. Třetí sekce zkoumá problematiku nadměrného zadlužení a nových výzev, před kterými EU nyní stojí. Závěrem práce je, že i když státní dluhová krize donutila členské státy spolupracovat a usilovat o zvýšenou integraci (hlavně na úrovni eurozóny) za účelem udržení celistvosti unie, tak měla a dále má těžce negativní dopady na progresi evropské integrace obecně.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the development of European integration in relation to the European sovereign debt crisis. The central question that the thesis seeks to answer is the following: to what extent and in which direction has the EU sovereign debt crisis influenced the progression of European integration? The thesis divides its subject matter into three relevant periods – specifically, the pre-sovereign debt crisis period (2001-2008), the period of the acute sovereign debt crisis (2008-2012), and the current period (2012-present). In order to achieve the stated purpose, the thesis is structured as follows: the first section outlines the theories through which the effects of the sovereign debt crisis on integration will be analyzed, both financial (financial cycle, debt socialization, risk-on risk-off episodes) and political (realism, liberalism, Liberal Intergovernmentalism, Neofunctionalism). The second section explores the architecture of relevant EU structures and their development. The third section examines the issue of excessive indebtedness and new challenges that the EU now faces. The thesis shows that while the sovereign debt crisis has forced Member States to cooperate and pursue some integration (especially at the Eurozone level) in order to keep the Union as whole as possible, it has had and continues to have a severely negative impact on the progression of European integration in general

    Impact of intestinal stoma of daily activities

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    V teoretické části se věnuji historii, anatomii, druhům stomií, pojmu stomie, indikace k založení stomie, před a pooperační péči, ošetřování stomie, pomůckám a vlivem založení stomie na aktivity denního života klienta se stomií. V praktické části se zabývám v rámci vlastního šetření vlivu založení stomie na aktivity denního života u klientů se stomií.In the theoretical part I am devoted to the history, anatomy, types of stoma, concept of stoma, indications for an establishment of stoma, pre and postoperative care, treatment of stoma, instruments and the influence on daily activities of a client while having a stoma. In the practical part I am following my own research of the impact of stoma on daily life's activities of klients with a stoma.Department of NursingÚstav ošetřovatelství2. lékařská fakultaSecond Faculty of Medicin

    Impact of intestinal stoma of daily activities

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    In the theoretical part I am devoted to the history, anatomy, types of stoma, concept of stoma, indications for an establishment of stoma, pre and postoperative care, treatment of stoma, instruments and the influence on daily activities of a client while having a stoma. In the practical part I am following my own research of the impact of stoma on daily life's activities of klients with a stoma

    English Language Teachers’ Attitudes Towards the Incorporation of Gay- and Lesbian-Related Topics in the Classroom: the Case of Greek Cypriot EFL Teachers

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    The English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom is composed of a mixture of people with various backgrounds and identities. Sexuality is increasingly recognised as a form of identity similar to other categorical forms such as class, gender and ethnicity. Based on the idea that ‘otherness’ related issues should be treated in the foreign language classroom as a means to achieve existential competence, the present study investigates the attitudes of Greek Cypriot EFL teachers towards the inclusion of gay- and lesbian-related topics in the EFL classroom. A 15-item questionnaire was designed and data was collected from 58 English language teachers in Cyprus. The results indicated that EFL teachers tended to have positive attitudes towards the use of gay- and lesbian related topics in the classroom. Positive attitudes seemed to be caused by the belief that students would find such topics interesting and on the condition that they are part of the course-book. Negative attitudes seem to be formed because EFL teachers believe that they were ill-equipped to deal with the use of such topics and homophobia in the classroom. As it is generally teachers who play a large part in determining what constitutes allowable discourses in the classroom, their role becomes even more significant in evoking insights, enriching students’ educational experiences and creating an accepting classroom environment towards the discussion of gay- and lesbian-related topics