311 research outputs found

    Do Race and Economics Decide who gets What?

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    Text-Based Discussions and Functional Grammar Analysis: Scaffolding Understanding and Rich Participation for English Language Learners.

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    ABSTRACT This dissertation study investigated the potential of Functional Grammar Analysis (FGA), based in systemic functional linguistics, to scaffold English language learners (ELLs) as they participated in text-based discussions (TBDs). Research has shown that ELLs fall behind in reading comprehension achievement, but studies are only beginning to define the best ways to support them in this realm. Studies have found that TBDs offer benefits for student learning, but there are few that focus on ELLs or struggling readers. There is promising research on classroom applications of FGA within literacy instruction, but further study is warranted, particularly with respect to text comprehension and in elementary school settings. This teaching experiment contributes to these three areas of inquiry. A socio-cultural perspective and FGA’s linguistic and pedagogical theories provide the theoretical framework. The research questions focus on how FGA can be used to support TBDs, and what affordances and challenges the pedagogy presents. The data come from five units enacted with fourteen fourth-grade ELL students, and consist of the unit plans and my reflections on the design process, the transcribed lessons, and the reflective memos I wrote after each enactment. Data analyses involved repeated reading of the lessons, transcripts, and memos; open-coding for themes within these data; triangulation of findings across data sources; and metacognition about my own thinking as the designer, practitioner, and researcher in every stage of this work. The results speak to how FGA supported the planning of high-quality instruction, how we need to think carefully about supporting students to work in small groups, how FGA language features can facilitate deep text comprehension and rich metalanguage, and how we should consider the participation of struggling readers during TBDs. I concluded that this is a potentially useful approach for addressing gaps in ELL comprehension instruction, and that the challenges of incorporating FGA into TBDs are not due to anything uniquely problematic about FGA itself, but are faced by many efforts to enrich classroom instruction through work that is novel, complex in content, and atypical in format. Furthermore, I argue that addressing these challenges can benefit students and improve teaching practice.PhDEducational StudiesUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108873/1/rrennie_1.pd

    Moessbauer/XRF MIMOS Instrumentation and Operation During the 2012 Analog Field Test on Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii

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    Field testing and scientific investigations were conducted on the Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii, as part of the 2012 Moon and Mars Analog Mission Activities (MMAMA). Measurements were conducted using both stand-alone and rover-mounted instruments to determine the geophysical and geochemical properties of the field site, as well as provide operational constraints and science considerations for future robotic and human missions [1]. Reported here are the results from the two MIMOS instruments deployed as part of this planetary analog field test

    An East to West Mineralogical Trend in Mars Exploration Rover Spirit Moessbauer Spectra of Home Plate

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    Home Plate is a light-toned plateau approx.90 m in diameter within the Inner Basin of the Columbia Hills in Gusev crater on Mars. It is the most extensive exposure of layered bedrock encountered by Spirit to date, and it is composed of clastic rocks of moderately altered alkali basalt composition, enriched in some highly volatile elements. Textural observations suggest an explosive origin and geochemical observations favor volcanism, probably a hydrovolcanic explosion [1]. Since it first arrived at Home Plate on sol 744, Spirit has circumnavigated the plateau (Fig. 1) and is now, since sol 1410, resting at its Winter Haven 3 location at the north end of Home Plate. Results: The MER Moessbauer spectrometers determine Fe oxidation states, identify Fe-bearing mineral phases and quantify the distribution of Fe among oxidation states and mineral phases [2]. Moessbauer spectra of Home Plate bedrock were obtained in five different locations from nine different targets (Fig. 1): Barnhill Ace, Posey Manager, and James Cool Papa Bell Stars at the northwest side of Home Plate; Pesapallo, June Emerson, and Elizabeth Emery on the east side; Texas Chili on the south side; Pecan Pie on the west side; and Chanute on the north side

    Computer simulations of the interactions of the (012) and (001) surfaces of jarosite with Al, Cd, Cu2+ and Zn

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    Jarosite is an important mineral on Earth, and possibly on Mars, where it controls the mobility of iron, sulfate and potentially toxic metals. Atomistic simulations have been used to study the incorporation of Al3+, and the M2+ impurities Cd, Cu and Zn, in the (0 1 2) and (0 0 1) surfaces of jarosite. The calculations show that the incorporation of Al on an Fe site is favorable on all surfaces in which terminal Fe ions are exposed, and especially on the (0 0 1) [Fe3(OH)3]6+ surface. Incorporation of Cd, Cu or Zn on a K site balanced by a K vacancy is predicted to stabilize the surfaces, but calculated endothermic solution energies and the high degree of distortion of the surfaces following incorporation suggest that these substitutions will be limited. The calculations also suggest that incorporation of Cd, Cu and Zn on an Fe site balanced by an OH vacancy, or by coupled substitution on both K and Fe sites, is unfavorable, although this might be compensated for by growth of a new layer of jarosite or goethite, as predicted for bulk jarosite. The results of the simulations show that surface structure will exert an influence on uptake of impurities in the order Cu > Cd > Zn, with the most favorable surfaces for incorporation being (0 1 2) [KFe(OH)4]0 and (0 0 1) [Fe3(OH)3]6+

    Two Years of Chemical Sampling on Meridiani Planum by the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer Onboard the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity

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    For over two terrestrial years, the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has been exploring the martian surface at Meridiani Planum using the Athena instrument payload [1], including the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS). The APXS has a small sensor head that is mounted on the robotic arm of the rover. The chemistry, mineralogy and morphology of selected samples were investigated by the APXS along with the Moessbauer Spectrometer (MB) and the Microscopic Imager (MI). The Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT) provided the possibility to dust and/or abrade rock surfaces down to several millimeters to expose fresh material for analysis. We report here on APXS data gathered along the nearly 6-kilometers long traverse in craters and plains of Meridiani

    Instability and freezing in a solidifying melt conduit

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 240 (2011): 131-139, doi:10.1016/j.physd.2010.10.009.Previous works have shown that when liquid flows in a pipe whose boundary temperature is below freezing, a tubular drainage conduit forms surrounded by solidified material that freezes shut under the appropriate combination of forcing conditions. We conduct laboratory experiments with wax in which the tube freezes shut below a certain value of flux from a pump. As the flux is gradually decreased to this value, the total pressure drop across the length of the tube first decreases to a minimum value and then rises before freezing. Previous theoretical models of a tube driven by a constant pressure drop suggest that once the pressure minimum is reached, the states for a lower flux should be unstable and the tube should therefore freeze up. In our experiments, flux and pressure drop were coupled, and this motivates us to extend the theory for low-Reynolds number flow through a tube with solidification to incorporate a simple pressure drop-flux relationship. Our model predicts a steady-state relationship between flux and pressure drop that has a minimum of the pressure as the flux is varied. The stability properties of these steady states depend on the boundary conditions: for a fixed flux, they are all stable, whereas for fixed pressure drop, only those with a flux larger than that at the pressure drop minimum are stable. For a mixed pressure-flux condition, the stability threshold of the steady states lies between these two end members. This provides a possible mechanism for the experimental observations.Support was received from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program, which is supported by the Ocean Sciences Division of the National Science Foundation under Grant OCE-0325296, and from the Oceanography Section of the Office of Naval Research under Grant N00014-07-1-0776. The laboratory experiments were supported by the Deep Ocean Exploration Institute of W.H.O.I

    Geologic history of Martian regolith breccia Northwest Africa 7034: Evidence for hydrothermal activity and lithologic diversity in the Martian crust

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    The timing and mode of deposition for Martian regolith breccia Northwest Africa (NWA) 7034 were determined by combining petrography, shape analysis, and thermochronology. NWA 7034 is composed of igneous, impact, and brecciated clasts within a thermally annealed submicron matrix of pulverized crustal rocks and devitrified impact/volcanic glass. The brecciated clasts are likely lithified portions of Martian regolith with some evidence of past hydrothermal activity. Represented lithologies are primarily ancient crustal materials with crystallization ages as old as 4.4 Ga. One ancient zircon was hosted by an alkali-rich basalt clast, confirming that alkalic volcanism occurred on Mars very early. NWA 7034 is composed of fragmented particles that do not exhibit evidence of having undergone bed load transport by wind or water. The clast size distribution is similar to terrestrial pyroclastic deposits. We infer that the clasts were deposited by atmospheric rainout subsequent to a pyroclastic eruption(s) and/or impact event(s), although the ancient ages of igneous components favor mobilization by impact(s). Despite ancient components, the breccia has undergone a single pervasive thermal event at 500–800°C, evident by groundmass texture and concordance of ~1.5 Ga dates for bulk rock K-Ar, U-Pb in apatite, and U-Pb in metamict zircons. The 1.5 Ga age is likely a thermal event that coincides with rainout/breccia lithification. We infer that the episodic process of regolith lithification dominated sedimentary processes during the Amazonian Epoch. The absence of pre-Amazonian high-temperature metamorphic events recorded in ancient zircons indicates source domains of static southern highland crust punctuated by episodic impact modification

    Origin of acidic surface waters and the evolution of atmospheric chemistry on early Mars

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    Observations from in situ experiments and planetary orbiters have shown that the sedimentary rocks found at Meridiani Planum, Mars were formed in the presence of acidic surface waters. The water was thought to be brought to the surface by groundwater upwelling, and may represent the last vestiges of the widespread occurrence of liquid water on Mars. However, it is unclear why the surface waters were acidic. Here we use geochemical calculations, constrained by chemical and mineralogical data from the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity, to show that Fe oxidation and the precipitation of oxidized iron (Fe^(3+)) minerals generate excess acid with respect to the amount of base anions available in the rocks present in outcrop. We suggest that subsurface waters of near-neutral pH and rich in Fe^(2+) were rapidly acidified as iron was oxidized on exposure to O_2 or photo-oxidized by ultraviolet radiation at the martian surface. Temporal variation in surface acidity would have been controlled by the availability of liquid water, and as such, low-pH fluids could be a natural consequence of the aridification of the martian surface. Finally, because iron oxidation at Meridiani would have generated large amounts of gaseous H_2, ultimately derived from the reduction of H_2O, we conclude that surface geochemical processes would have affected the redox state of the early martian atmosphere

    High temperature AlInP X-ray spectrometers

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    Two custom-made Al0.52In0.48P p+-i-n+ mesa photodiodes with different diameters (217 µm ± 15 µm and 409 µm ± 28 µm) and i layer thicknesses of 6 µm have been electrically characterised over the temperature range 0 °C to 100 °C. Each photodiode was then investigated as a high-temperature-tolerant photon counting X-ray detector by connecting it to a custom-made low-noise charge-sensitive preamplifier and illuminating it with an 55Fe radioisotope X-ray source (Mn Kα = 5.9 keV; Mn Kβ = 6.49 keV). At 100 °C, the best energy resolutions (full width at half maximum at 5.9 keV) achieved using the 217 µm ± 15 µm diameter photodiode and the 409 µm ±28 µm diameter photodiode were 1.31 keV ± 0.04 keV and 1.64 keV ±0.08 keV, respectively. Noise analysis of the system is presented. The dielectric dissipation factor of Al0.52In0.48P was estimated as a function of temperature, up to 100 °C. The results show the performance of the thickest Al0.52In0.48P X-ray detectors so far reported at high temperature. The work has relevance for the development of novel space science instrumentation for use in hot space environments and extreme terrestrial applications
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