1,016 research outputs found

    Le Muse di Voghera Un ciclo di affreschi di Bartolomeo Suardi detto Bramantino

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    Le Muse di Voghera: un ciclo di affreschi di Bartolomeo Suardi detto Bramantino La tematica del mio elaborato verte sull’analisi delle Muse e lo sviluppo di questo tema nella pittura italiana ed europea tra la fine del Quattrocento e i primi anni del Cinquecento. Racconto come questo mito si è evoluto riuscendo a sopravvivere all’inesorabile scorrere del tempo, ai cambiamenti religiosi, politici e culturali, assumendo un’aurea di eternità. Le Muse vengono messe in discussione con la nascita del cristianesimo; i primi a farlo sono Orazio e Ovidio: affermano che la parola del poeta è l'unica in grado di possedere la validità e la veridicità. Da questo momento prende avvio il declino dell'importanza della parola e dell'ispirazione delle Muse, che subirà una brusca discesa fino a raggiungere un completo rifiuto da parte dei primi scrittori cristiani, furono sostituire dalle arti liberali, e reintegrate grazie a Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio. Il mio elaborato è costituito da una parte in cui cerco di ricostruire cronologicamente la vita professionale di Bartolomeo Suardi, ricostruendo e analizzando il suo percorso artistico e professionale in ambiente lombardo. Bramantino, nel Castello Visconteo di Voghera eseguì un ciclo di affreschi di tema mitologico, composizione eseguita tra il 1499 e il 1503 quando il signore del feudo era Louis de Luxembourg, conte di Ligny; gli affreschi sono suddivisi in due sale: il Salone del Paesaggio e la Sala delle Muse di dimensioni più contenute; grazie ai restauri avvenuti alla fine degli ’90 del Novecento e alla rimozione delle controssoffittature sono emersi questi affreschi di altissima qualità ed estro creativo, la paternità fu immediatamente attribuita a Bramantino, nonostante fossero molto lacunosi e deteriorati dal tempo. Dopo aver analizzato l'evoluzione delle Muse durante i secoli cercherò di tradurre la singolare interpretazione di Bartolomeo Suardi, analisi molto difficoltosa dovuta alla presenza della scialbo e ai danni provocati dal tempo, che purtroppo non permettono di avere una visione completa delle figure, in quanto alcune parti sono troppo lacunose per essere interpretate e decifrate. La tesi è suddivisa in due parti. Nella prima cerco di ricostruire la vita di Bramantino analizzando la sua produzione artistica e i vari viaggi e le influenze che possono aver contribuito alla sua formazione. Nella seconda parte mi focalizzo sul mito delle Muse e sugli affreschi del Castello di Voghera

    The first protocol for assessing the welfare of dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) kept under nomadic pastoralism

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    There is no protocol to measure the welfare level of dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarious) kept under pastoralism-the predominant husbandry system of this species. This study therefore aimed to develop and describe a protocol for measuring welfare levels in dromedary camels kept under nomadic pastoralist conditions-. The indicators for each welfare principle (i.e., Good Feeding, Good Housing, Good Health, and Appropriate Behavior) were tailored to the specific conditions of camel pastoralism, drawing from the currently available protocol for assessing welfare in dromedary camels kept in intensive and semi-intensive systems. This adaptation was achieved using a structured literature search and Expert Knowledge Elicitation (EKE). The developed protocol, covering animal-, resource-, and management-based indicators, comprises two assessment levels: 'Caretaker-Herd level' and 'Animal level'. The Caretaker-Herd level is a face-to-face interview of about 10 min including 16 questions, spit into the four welfare principles, and a visual observation of applied animal handling practices. The 'Animal level' encompasses a behavioral observation and a visual clinical inspection of randomly selected individual dromedary camels, about 5 min/camel. The 'Animal level' includes 27 welfare indicators displayed for each welfare principle. The present study also includes the score for each indicator, the model for aggregating indicators' scores into compound indices for each welfare principle (PAI), and how to classify the herds based on the PAIs or to produce an overall welfare index for each herd. Even if the proposed protocol needs to be applied, refined, and validated, it is a first step toward a standardized method to collect data related to dromedary camel welfare kept under pastoralism. This framework may ultimately guide herd managers, animal health practitioners, experienced advisers, and lawmakers in fostering optimal conditions and proposing welfare standards for dromedary camels in pastoralist settings

    Measurement of the Gravity-Field Curvature by Atom Interferometry

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    We present the first direct measurement of the gravity-field curvature based on three conjugated atom interferometers. Three atomic clouds launched in the vertical direction are simultaneously interrogated by the same atom interferometry sequence and used to probe the gravity field at three equally spaced positions. The vertical component of the gravity-field curvature generated by nearby source masses is measured from the difference between adjacent gravity gradient values. Curvature measurements are of interest in geodesy studies and for the validation of gravitational models of the surrounding environment. The possibility of using such a scheme for a new determination of the Newtonian constant of gravity is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Alien shades of grey: New occurrences and relevant spread of Sciurus carolinensis in Italy

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    The eastern grey squirrel is listed among the worst invasive species throughout the world. This species of American origin is currently replacing the native Eurasian red squirrel in most of the Great Britain, as well as in parts of Ireland and Italy. It may debark trees and exert damages to woodlands and tree plantations. Therefore, its spread may be deleterious for biodiversity and environment, emphasising the need for a rapid detection in new areas of occurrence. In this work, we reported for the first time, the presence of new populations of this invasive species in Tuscany (Central Italy) and some updates and analyses regarding the status of this species in Veneto (North-Eastern Italy). Occurrences were collected through citizen-science contributory approach supported by photos, road-kills, and/or hair-tube sampling. Field investigations ad hoc were carried out in Veneto and Tuscany   to confirm the repeated reports in the surroundings of Arezzo and in the province of Siena. Although records can be possibly related to erratic or single individuals escaped from captivity, reproductive nuclei have also been detected in both regions, with the observations of juveniles and/or lactating females. The occurrence of the  species in these regions is still scarce and localised, but considering the surrounding favourable wooded habitats, a rapid removal of the animals would be required to prevent their spread

    Lumbar interspinous process fixation and fusion with stand-alone interlaminar lumbar instrumented fusion implant in patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis undergoing decompression for spinal stenosis

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    Abstract STUDY DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. PURPOSE: To assess the ability of a stand-alone lumbar interspinous implant (interspinous/interlaminar lumbar instrumented fusion, ILIF) associated with bone grafting to promote posterior spine fusion in degenerative spondylolisthesis (DS) with vertebral instability. OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE: A few studies, using bilateral laminotomy (BL) or bilateral decompression by unilateral laminotomy (BDUL), found satisfactory results in stenotic patients with decompression alone, but others reported increased olisthesis, or subsequent need for fusion in DS with or without dynamic instability. METHODS: Twenty-five patients with Grade I DS, leg pain and chronic low back pain underwent BL or BDUL and ILIF implant. Olisthesis was 13% to 21%. Follow-up evaluations were performed at 4 to 12 months up to 25 to 44 months (mean, 34.4). Outcome measures were numerical rating scale (NRS) for back and leg pain, Oswestry disability index (ODI) and short-form 36 health survey (SF-36) of body pain and function. RESULTS: Fusion occurred in 21 patients (84%). None had increased olisthesis or instability postoperatively. Four types of fusion were identified. In Type I, the posterior part of the spinous processes were fused. In Type II, fusion extended to the base of the processes. In Type III, bone was present also around the polyetheretherketone plate of ILIF. In Type IV, even the facet joints were fused. The mean NRS score for back and leg pain decreased by 64% and 80%, respectively. The mean ODI score was decreased by 52%. SF-36 bodily pain and physical function mean scores increased by 53% and 58%, respectively. Computed tomography revealed failed fusion in four patients, all of whom still had vertebral instability postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: Stand-alone ILIF with interspinous bone grafting promotes vertebral fusion in most patients with lumbar stenosis and unstable Grade I DS undergoing BL or BDUL

    First Record of the Introduced Ant Myrmica specioides In the Eastern United States

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    The ant Myrmica specioides Bondroit, 1918 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is first reported from the Eastern United States. This species is native to the West Palearctic region and has previously been known as an introduced species in Northwestern North America. It was found 2013 in the Boston metropolitan area. The species was identified by morphometric comparison to type specimens and DNA-barcoding. The distribution and invasive potential of M. specioides are discussed

    New animal-based measures to assess welfare in dromedary camels

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    Reliable and measurable animal-based measures (ABMs) are essential for assessing animal welfare. This study aimed at proposing ABMs for dromedary camels identifying their possible associations with management. Data were collected at a permanent camel market; a total of 76 pens and 528 camels were evaluated. ABMs were collected for each welfare principle (i.e., good feeding, good housing, good health, appropriate behavior), while resources or management-based measures were collected at three levels of investigations (animal, herd, or caretakers). Associations were calculated by generalized linear models. Body condition score and thirst index (ABMs of good feeding) resulted negatively associated with short caretaker’s experience, dirty bedding, limited shaded space, feeding and water space, and space allowance (P < 0.05). Resting behaviors and restricted movements (ABMs of good housing) were associated with short caretaker’s experience, dirty bedding and water, rationed water distribution, water points in the sun, and presence of hobbles (P < 0.05). Disease, injury, and pain induced by management procedures (ABMs of good health) were negatively associated with short caretaker’s experience, presence of hobbles, limited space allowance and shaded space, dirty bedding, and feeding and watering practices (e.g., frequency of distribution, resource quality, location of the troughs; P < 0.05). Response to approaching test and aggressivity (ABMs of Appropriate behavior) were negatively associated with limited space allowance, shaded, feeding and water space, and rationed water distribution (P < 0.05). Overall, the proposed ABMs seems to be appropriate indicators of welfare consequences in camels being able to identify factors related to housing and management practices that may impair or improve camel welfare
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