259 research outputs found

    Student-Athlete Identity Among Collegiate Athletes Following an Injury

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    Sports injuries can potentially have many adverse effects upon the athletes that suffer the injury, from loss of confidence to increased anxiety (Day, et. al, 2012). Additionally, the effects of an injury can become more complicated when multiple identities are involved; with college athletes that are both students and athletes, the athletes can experience identity confusion following an injury (Tamminen, et. al, 2012). After searching Google Scholar and PSYCinfo, around ten empirical articles and/or book chapters were found on this subject. This dearth of research presents an opportunity to both clinicians and researchers for further research

    Student-Athlete Identity Among Collegiate Athletes Following an Injury

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    Sports injuries can potentially have many adverse effects upon the athletes that suffer the injury, from loss of confidence to increased anxiety (Day, et. al, 2012). Additionally, the effects of an injury can become more complicated when multiple identities are involved; with college athletes that are both students and athletes, the athletes can experience identity confusion following an injury (Tamminen, et. al, 2012). After searching Google Scholar and PSYCinfo, around ten empirical articles and/or book chapters were found on this subject. This dearth of research presents an opportunity to both clinicians and researchers for further research

    Anisotropic magnetic behavior of GdBa_2Cu_3O_{6+y} single crystals

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    Magnetic properties of high-quality Al-free nonsuperconducting GdBa_2Cu_3O_{6+y} single crystals grown by flux method have been studied. The magnetic anisotropy below the N\'eel temperature T_N~2.3K corresponds to the direction of Gd^{3+} magnetic moments along the tetragonal c-axis. At T < T_N clear indications of spin-flop transitions for H||c have been observed on magnetization curves at H_{sf}~10kOe. Magnetic phase diagrams have been obtained for H||c as well as for H||ab. A pronounced anisotropy in the magnetic susceptibility (unexpected for Gd-based compounds) has been found above T_N.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures; LT23 (Aug. 2002; Hiroshima), accepted to Physica

    Feldspathic rocks on Mars: Compositional constraints from infrared spectroscopy and possible formation mechanisms

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    Rare feldspar-dominated surfaces on Mars were previously reported based on near-infrared (NIR) spectral data and were interpreted to consist of anorthosite or felsic rocks. Using thermal infrared (TIR) data over the feldspar detections with the largest areal extent in Nili Patera and Noachis Terra, we rule out felsic interpretations. Basaltic or anorthositic compositions are consistent with TIR measurements, but the geologic contexts for these regions do not support a plutonic origin. Laboratory NIR spectral measurements demonstrate that large plagioclase crystals (\u3e~840 μm) can be detected in mixtures with as much as 50 vol % mafics, which is higher than the previously stated requirement of no more than 15% mafics. Thus, anorthositic or felsic interpretations need not be invoked for all NIR-based feldspar detections. Plagioclase-enriched basaltic eruptive products can be formed from Martian basalts through partial crystallization at the base of a thick crust, followed by low-pressure crystallization of the residual liquids

    Optical study of 4f excitations in rare earth cuprates

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    Several recent examples are used to demonstrate that Raman and infrared spectroscopy can be successfully used as a novel experimental tool to study microscopic processes involving 4f electrons in rare earth (RE) cuprates. Raman-active crystal field (CF) excitations in Nd₂CuO₄ were measured under hydrostatic pressure up to ∼7 GPa. The observed pressure-induced shifts of the CF levels were interpreted using density-functional-theory-based ab initio calculations and the superposition model. An infrared transmission study of the ⁴Ij, J=9/2, 11/2, 13/2 multiplets of Nd³⁺ in Nd₂CuO₄ reveals a splitting of the Kramers doublets of the order of a few cm⁻¹ due to the Nd-Cu exchange interaction. This study shows that these splittings can be described by an effective anisotropic exchange Hamiltonian for the Nd³⁺ ion expressed in terms of spherical tensor operators up to the sixth order. The isotropic term in the exchange Hamiltonian vanishes for symmetry reasons in this case. An analysis of the infrared transmission spectra in RE₁₊xBa₂₋xCu3O₆₊δ (RE=Nd,Sm) up to ∼ 10 000 cm⁻¹ indicates that, besides the regular sites, the RE ions also occupy Ba sites, even in the samples with the cation stoichiometry 1–2–3

    Continuous integration system for the flow simulator Flow123d

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    katedra: NTI; přílohy: 1x CD; rozsah: 37 s.Tato práce se zabývá průběžnou integrací, její teorií a základními principy proč a k čemu je tento přístup výhodou v řízení softwarových projektů. Konkrétně se zabývá spouštěním automatických překladů a sestavení simulátoru proudění Flow123d během jeho vývoje. Tato sestavení jsou dále testována a tím je kontrolována správnost dané vývojové verze. Program Flow123d slouží k výpočtům proudění tekutiny v puklinovém prostředí. Je vyvíjen ústavem NTI. Průběžná integrace je realizovaná pomocí nástroje Bitten, který běží jako plugin systému Trac. Trac je webová aplikace k řízení vývoje softwarových projektů a odhalování chyb v nich. V práci je popsán princip, funkce i nastavení nástroje Bitten. Průběžná integrace je zprovozněna na třech rozdílných strojích. Na stroji s operačním systémem Linux, na clusterovém stroji, kde se provádějí výpočty paralelně na více procesorech, konkrétně se jedná o cluster Hydra na TUL. A také na stroji s operačním systémem Windows. V práci je uveden popis zprovoznění na všech třech strojích. Protože je program Flow123d napsán pro operační systém Linux je k překladu pod operačním systémem Windows využit nástroj Cygwin, který umožňuje v prostředí Windows emulovat chování UNIXových systémů. Systém dále využívá skriptů napsaných pro příkazovou řádku Bash a také nástroje Make. Ve skriptech je řešena problematika spouštění více úloh, prezentace výsledků výpočtů testovacích úloh a jejich porovnání s referenčními, čímž se provádí testování daného sestavení. Výsledky všech sestavení a výpočtů se zároveň prezentují na web, pomocí již zmiňovaného programu Bitten. V poslední části se zmiňuje automaticky generovaná dokumentace pomocí nástroje Doxygen. Tato dokumentace je zároveň ve formě HTML prezentovaná na webové stránce.Following work is about continuous integration, its theory and basic principles why to use it when developing software products and which advantages it has. More specifically it is about performing automatic builds of a flow simulator Flow123d during its development. Builds are being tested to check their correctness. The Flow123d is simulator Darcy flow in fractured porous media using mixed-hybrid formulation. It is being developed by NTI. Building and testing is done by Bitten utility, which is a plugin to Trac. Trac is an open source, web-based project management and bug-tracking tool. In this work there are explained Bitten principles, functions and installation. Builds and testing is done on three different systems, on a Linux based system, as well as on computer cluster where computation is running in parallel on more processors. More specific this is done on cluster Hydra, which is administrated by NTI department on TUL. Builds and tests are also done on Windows based system. In this work is described how it is done. The Flow123d is written for Linux based system, so building on Windows is done by Cygwin utility, which emulates Linux like environment on Windows. Performing builds and tests itself is done by system of scripts, written for Bash and also by using the Make utility. Scripts are solving problems about running more computations at once, presenting tests results and comparing it with referential results, which is a way how to test the build. Results are being presented on web by Bitten utility. In the last part I mention automatically generated documentation, it?s done by Doxygen. This documentation is automatically presented on website

    Continuous integration system for the flow simulator Flow123d

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    Basalt-trachybasalt samples in Gale Crater, Mars

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    The ChemCam instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, Curiosity, observed numerous igneous float rocks and conglomerate clasts, reported previously. A new statistical analysis of single-laser-shot spectra of igneous targets observed by ChemCam shows a strong peak at ~55 wt% SiO2 and 6 wt% total alkalis, with a minor secondary maximum at 47–51 wt% SiO2 and lower alkali content. The centers of these distributions, together with the rock textures, indicate that many of the ChemCam igneous targets are trachybasalts, Mg#=27 but with a secondary concentration of basaltic material,with a focus of compositions around Mg#=54. We suggest that all of these igneous rocks resulted from low-pressure, olivine-dominated fractionation of Adirondack (MER) class-type basalt compositions. This magmatism has subalkaline, tholeiitic affinities. The similarity of the basalt endmember to much of the Gale sediment compositions in the first 1000 sols of the MSL mission suggests that this type of Fe-rich, relatively low-Mg#, olivine tholeiite is the dominant constituent of the Gale catchment that is the source material for the fine-grained sediments in Gale. The similarity to many Gusev igneous compositions suggests that it is a major constituent of ancient Martian magmas, and distinct from the shergottite parental melts thought to be associated with Tharsis and the Northern Lowlands. The Gale Crater catchment sampled a mixture of this tholeiitic basalt along with alkaline igneous material, together giving some analogies to terrestrial intraplate magmatic provinces

    Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Electron-doped Superconductor, Sm_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_{4-delta}

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    Temperature-dependent magnetization (M(T)) and specific heat (C_p(T)) measurements were carried out on single crystal Sm_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_{4-delta} (T_c = 16.5 K). The magnetic anisotropy in the static susceptibility, chi {equiv} M/H, is apparent not only in its magnitude but also in its temperature dependence, with chi_{perp} for H{perp}c larger than chi_{parallel} for H{parallel}c. For both field orientations, chi does not follow the Curie-Weiss behavior due to the small energy gap of the J = 7/2 multiplet above the J = 5/2 ground-state multiplet. However, with increasing temperature, chi_{parallel}(T) exhibits a broad minimum near 100 K and then a slow increase while chi_{perp}(T) shows a monotonic decrease. A sharp peak in C_p(T) at 4.7 K manifests an antiferromagnetic ordering. The electronic contribution, gamma, to C_p(T) is estimated to be gamma = 103.2 (7) mJ/moleSmK^2. The entropy associated with the magnetic ordering is much smaller than Rln2, where R is the gas constant, which is usually expected for the doublet ground state of Sm^{+3}. The unusual magnetic and electronic properties evident in M(T) and C_p(T) are probably due to a strong anisotropic interaction between conduction electrons and localized electrons at Sm^{+3} sites.Comment: 5 pages, 5 encapsulated postscript figures, late