1,417 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamical Theory of Spontaneous Fission with Applications to Mendelevium

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    This thesis will consider in some detail the calculation of some of the quantities considered by the papers reviewed in Chapter I. The objective of the thesis is the prediction of spontaneous-fission half-lives for nuclei with high atomic numbers

    The Colorado Captive Insurance Company Act

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    Metodyka nauczania fonetyki języka polskiego (Postulaty ogólne oraz propozycje ćwiczeń fonetycznych dla początkujących i zaawansowanych)

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    Nauczanie języków obcych, a w tym uczenie nie-Polaków języka polskiego, stwarza ustawicznie okazje do zastosowania wiedzy fonetycznej lektora.W pracy z cudzoziemcami teoria i praktyka są tak nierozerwalnie złączone, że brak odpowiedniego wykształcenia w zakresie fonetyki utrudnia, a chwilami uniemożliwia korygowanie błędnej wymowy słuchaczy i objaśnianie przyczyn czy mechanizmów różnych zjawisk fonetycznych: lektor nie przygotowany teoretycznie często nie jest dość wrażliwy na różnice zachodzące między jego wymową a wymową powierzonej mu grupy cudzoziemców, nie dostrzega interferencji obcych zwyczajów językowych na sposoby wymowy polskich wyrazów, ich związków i całych zdań, nie zwraca uwagi na subtelne różnice w wymowie, nawet jeżeli są to różnice systemowe. Stąd postulat: lektor powinien być świadomy tego, czego uczy i co koryguje, a więc do zajęć fonetycznych powinien być dobrze przygotowany teoretycznie.Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Geochemistry geochronology and origin of an Archean greenstone-grainite [sic] terrain Wabigoon Subprovince northwestern Ontario

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    Transition from Contraction to Extension in the Northeastern Basin and Range: New Evidence from the Copper Mountains, Nevada

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    New mapping, structural analysis, and 40Ar/39Ar dating reveal an unusually well‐constrained history of Late Eocene extension in the Copper Mountains of the northern Basin and Range province. In this area, the northeast‐trending Copper Creek normal fault juxtaposes a distinctive sequence of metacarbonate and granitoid rocks against a footwall of Upper Precambrian to Lower Cambrian quartzite and phyllite. Correlation of the hanging wall with footwall rocks to the northwest provides an approximate piercing point that requires 8–12 km displacement in an ESE direction. This displaced fault slice is itself bounded above by another normal fault (the Meadow Fork Fault), which brings down a hanging wall of dacitic to rhyolitic tuff that grades conformably upward into conglomerate. These relationships record the formation of a fault‐bounded basin between 41.3 and 37.4 Ma. The results are consistent with a regional pattern in which volcanism and extension swept southward from British Columbia to southern Nevada from Early Eocene to Late Oligocene time. Because the southward sweep of volcanism is thought to track the steepening and foundering of the downgoing oceanic plate, these results suggest that the crucial mechanisms for the onset of regional extension were probably changes in plate boundary conditions coupled with convective removal of mantle lithosphere and associated regional magmatism and lithospheric weakening. Paleobotanical data indicate that surface elevations in northeastern Nevada were not significantly different than at present, suggesting that gravitational instability of overthickened continental crust was not the dominant force driving the onset of crustal thinning in mid‐Tertiary time

    Measurement of CP Violation at the Υ(4S)\Upsilon(4S) without Time Ordering or Δt\Delta t

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    I derive the expressions for the CP-violating asymmetry arising from interference between mixed and direct decays in the Upsilon(4S) system, for the case in which only one of the B decay times is observed, integrating over the decay time of the other B. I observe that neither the difference of the decay times Delta t, nor even their time-ordering, need be detected. A technique for measurement of the CP-violating weak decay parameter sin(2beta) is described which exploits this observation.Comment: 9 pages postscript, also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN

    The development of the office of public information of the Topeka State Hospital

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    Call number: LD2668 .T4 1969 F638Master of Scienc

    Formation of Uniaxial Molecular Films by Liquid-Crystal Imprinting in a Magnetic Field

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    Scanning tunneling microscopy was used to study molecular order in monolayer organic films formed by solution-phase growth from thermotropic liquid crystal solvents. The films develop macroscopically uniaxial alignment, with adlayer orientation controlled by an external magnetic field through interactions mediated by the liquid crystal. Results are presented for two films deposited from nematic and smectic- A solvents, along with a discussion of the alignment mechanism