119 research outputs found

    Experimental Software Musical Instrument on Android Platform Combining Sampler, Synthesizer and Sequencer

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je realizace aplikace jakožto experimentálního softwarového hudebního nástroje na platformě Android. Realizace částečně vychází z návrhu zpracovaného v semestrální práci. Aplikace je určena pro tablety a chytré telefony. Kombinuje funkce sampleru, sekvencéru a syntetizéru a disponuje vestavěnými efekty. Díky těmto vlastnostem umožňuje vytváření zvuků, sekvencí a skladeb. Aplikace je naprogramována pomocí vizuálního programovacího jazyku Pure Data. Grafické uživatelské prostředí je vytvořeno pomoci platformy MobMuPlat. Samotná práce se skládá ze tří částí. První část je teoretickým úvodem, kde jsou probrány teorie digitálního zpracování zvukových signálů, principy a druhy syntézy zvukových signálů, efekty a elektronické nástroje. V neposlední řadě i charakteristika jazyka Pure Data a platformy MobMuPlat. Druhá část je návrh grafického prostředí, kde jsou probrány funkce jednotlivých grafických prvků. V třetí části je pak popsána realizace aplikace pomocí jazyka Pure Data.The aim of this bachelor thesis is the realization of the application as an experimental software musical instrument on the Android platform. The implementation is partly based on the draft elaborated in semester work. The application is designed for tablets and smartphones. It combines functions of sampler, sequencer and synthesizer and contains built-in effects. With this features, it is possible to create new sounds, sequantions and songs. The applications is programmed by visual programing language Pure Data. The graphic interface is created by the MobMuPlat platform. The thesis is consists of three parts. The first part is a theoretical introduction, where are discussed, the theory of digital audio signal processing, principles and types of sound signal synthesis, effects and electronic instruments. Furthermore, the Pure Data and MobMuPlat platform features. The second part is an updated design of the graphical interface and there are discussed the functions of individual graphic elements. The third part describes implementation of the application by Pure Data

    Calculation of the Temperature Distribution in the Treatment of Tumor Disease by Microwave Hyperthermia

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je vybrat vhodné numerické metody pro výpočet rozložení veličiny SAR a návazně i teploty v léčené oblasti při klinické aplikaci mikrovlnné hypertermie. Dalšími cíli je aplikace vybrané numerické metody na vlnovodný aplikátor s trychtýřovou aperturou a anatomický fantom léčené oblasti, spolu s návrhem na vodní bolus. Vlastní práce je v podstatě rozdělena na tři části. V první teoretické části popisuji fyzikální a technické vlastnosti mikrovlnné hypertermie. Ve druhé části jsou vytvořeny modely a simulace provedené v softwarovém prostředí SEMCAD. Třetí část vlastní práce prezentuje praktická měření rozložení hodnoty SAR pomocí aplikátoru na budící frekvenci f = 434 MHz. Výsledkem práce je vytvoření několika simulací a reálných hodnot měření s vlnovodným aplikátorem implementovaného na agarový fantom s vodním bolem. Práce dokládá 3D rozložení veličiny SAR ve virtuálním i reálném prostředí za předem definovaných podmínek.The presented diploma thesis aims at selecting the most suitable numerical methods for calculating the distribution of SAR unit, and subsequently, the temperature determined in the treated area when the microwave hyperthermia has been clinically applied. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on the application of a selected numerical method to a waveguide applicator with a funnel-like aperture and an anatomical phantom of the treated area, and a water bolus design. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first – theoretical, part contains a description of the physical and technical properties of microwave hyperthermia. The second part focuses on models and simulations performed in the SEMCAD software. The concluding part of the thesis presents practical measurements of SAR distribution using an applicator with the excitation frequency f = 434 MHz. The thesis results in the creation of several simulations and real values of measurements by using a waveguide applicator implemented on an agar phantom with a water bolus. The thesis corroborates the 3D distribution of the SAR unit in virtual as well as real environments under predefined conditions

    Selected problems of interpretation of Czech estates inscribed on the World Heritage List

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    Předkládaná diplomová práce se bude zabývat vybranými problémy památek na území České republiky, které byly ke konci kalendářního roku 2022 zapsány na prestižní Seznam světového dědictví. V první části práce bude provedena komplexní rešerše dosavadních českých zápisů a hodnot, pro které jim byla přiznána mimořádná světová hodnota (tzv. OUV - Outstanding Universal Value). Současně bude provedena rešerše Management plánů (tzv. plánů řízení) jednotlivých statků (případně jiných strategických a koncepčních dokumentů) a vyhodnoceny kapitoly zabývající se problematikou vzdělávání a další prezentace daného statku. V druhé části se práce bude zabývat problematikou interpretace a edukace hodnot, pro které je statkům přiznána OUV. Provádí se šetření, do jaké míry správci statků pracují se spojením "mimořádná světová hodnota" ve svých interpretačních, edukačních a prezentačních materiálech a zda je kritériím, pro která je památka na Seznam světového dědictví zařazena, věnována adekvátní pozornost. A pokud ano, zda v rámci interpretace hodnot využívají metodické materiály, nebo alespoň zásady definované v chartě Mezinárodní rady pro památky a sídla v oblasti interpretace a prezentace míst kulturního dědictví - chartě ICOMOS. Zároveň plánuji prověřit, zda se problematice světového dědictví věnují místní...The presented diploma thesis deals with selected problems of monuments in the Czech Republic, which were listed on the prestigious World Heritage List by the end of the year 2022. In the first part of the diploma theses, a comprehensive search of existing Czech inscriptions and values for which they were awarded the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) is carried out. Management plans of individual sites (or other strategic and conceptual documents) are also researched and chapters dealing with education and presentation issues of the given sites are evaluated. In the second part, the thesis deals with the issues of interpretation and education of values for which estates are awarded the OUV. A research is carried out of how local management work with the term "outstanding universal value" in their interpretive, educational and presentation materials and if the criteria for which the monument is included on the World Heritage List are given adequate attention. And if so, whether they use methodological materials in the interpretation of values, or at least the principles defined in the International Council on Monuments and Sites Charter in the field of interpretation and presentation of cultural heritage sites - the ICOMOS charter. I also plan to check whether local museums and other institutions are...Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisuPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Kingdom of Cambodia and the Czech Republic. Outline of Bilateral Relations

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    This article attempts to portray basic aspects of Czech-Cambodian relations from the 16th century until the present day, 2006. It deals with the first reports of Czech missionaries in the 17th and 18th century as well as globetrotters, students, diplomats and specialists from the 19th and 20th century. Diplomatic relations between both countries were established in 1956. Mutual cooperation in the fields of economy, culture and education developed dynamically for the next 14 years, only to be violently interrupted by the Lon Nol's coup d'état in 1970 followed by the genocidal regime of Khmer Rouge from 1975 to 1979. When the Cambodian United National Salvation Front assisted by Vietnamese troops overthrew Khmers Rouges, the communist government of Czechoslovakia and the leftist regime in Phnom Penh continued to maintain an active relationship. After the fall of communism in Czechoslovakia in 1989, mutual economic and trade cooperation fell considerably. Recently, Czechs and Cambodians try to reestablish these past ties of cooperation. The Czech program for developmental aid was favorably received by Cambodia and presently, future joint commercial projects are being discussed

    Corpus of the Czech language of the 2nd half of the 19th century

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    The paper describes the principles and structure of the one-million-word DIA1900 Corpus built at the Institute of the Czech National Corpus (CNC) in Prague, focused on the language of Czech texts published in the years 1851 to 1900. The DIA1900, planned for publication by June 2020 and to be followed by the DIA1850 (a corpus built around the same principles, with the focus on the first half of the 19th century), observes both the balanced representation of the three major text types (belles lettres — journalistic texts — technical/scientific texts) and the system of morphological tagging implemented in the synchronic corpora included in the CNC project, thus facilitating the diachronic comparison of two stages in the development of Czech. A brief description is given of the structure of the morphological terminology used in the lemmatisation and tagging of the corpus, and of two tools designed to help search the 19th century texts with their fluctuating orthographic consistency combined with phonological and morphological variation characteristics of the language of the period: (1) a multiple select/suggest feature (reminding the user of the existence of non-standard orthographic and phonological variants of the lemma found in the corpus before the lemma search is started) and (2) the position attribute (informing the user of the ambiguous status of a word in the text, resulting from a misprint or misspelling, damaged page etc.).929

    Growth Response of Sessile Oak and European Hornbeam to Traditional Coppice-with-Standards Management

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    Research Highlights: The influence of litter raking and livestock grazing on the development of juvenile sessile oak and European hornbeam sprouts as well as on sessile oak standards were studied. Such experiments are very rare, especially in central Europe where these activities have been prohibited for several decades. Little is known on how these ancient management activities affect tree growth. Background and Objectives: Traditional management practices in coppice forests such as grazing and litter raking have been abandoned, but have recently been studied as to whether these practices can substantially contribute to an increase in the species diversity of coppices. The important question is, however, how these practices influence the growth of coppice-with-standards. Therefore, this study focused on the effect of grazing, litter raking, and their combination on both sprouts and adult trees in a coppice-with-standards system one year after harvest. Materials and Methods: The experiment was carried out in the area of the Training Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest Křtiny, Czech Republic, in a forest stand dominated by sessile oak and European hornbeam. We analyzed 132 oak polycormons, 132 hornbeam polycormons, and 163 oak standards. Results: The number of sprouts per stump was affected by the stump size and management practice: (A) coppice-with-standards, litter raking, and sheep grazing; (B) coppice-with-standards and sheep grazing; (C) coppice-with-standards and litter raking; and (D) coppice-with-standards), but not by tree species. The number of the sprouts as well as their height increased with the stump size. In contrast, grazing resulted in a smaller height of the sprouts while thinner sprouts were found under a combination of grazing and raking. When comparing the species, the oak sprouts were higher and thicker when compared to the hornbeam sprouts. The increment of standards increased after stand harvest. This, however, was not the result of grazing or raking, but the response to the reduction of tree number and thus of competition between neighboring trees. Conclusions: The results showed that there were rather negative impacts from the implemented traditional management practices on the growth of sprouts. This may lead to the question of whether ecological diversity resulting from the traditional practices may prevail their negative effect on the growth of the coppices.O

    Centrality evolution of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density over a broad pseudorapidity range in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76TeV

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