52 research outputs found

    Measurements of differential production cross sections for a Z boson in association with jets in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV

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    Search for lepton flavour violating decays of heavy resonances and quantum black holes to an eÎŒ pair in proton–proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV

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    A search for narrow resonances decaying to an electron and a muon is presented. The eÎŒ mass spectrum is also investigated for non-resonant contributions from the production of quantum black holes (QBHs). The analysis is performed using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb-1 collected in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC. With no evidence for physics beyond the standard model in the invariant mass spectrum of selected eÎŒ pairs, upper limits are set at 95 % confidence level on the product of cross section and branching fraction for signals arising in theories with charged lepton flavour violation. In the search for narrow resonances, the resonant production of τ sneutrino in R-parity violating supersymmetry is considered. The τ sneutrino is excluded for masses below 1.28 TeV for couplings λ132= λ231= λ311â€Č= 0.01 , and below 2.30 TeV for λ132= λ231= 0.07 and λ311â€Č= 0.11. These are the most stringent limits to date from direct searches at high-energy colliders. In addition, the resonance searches are interpreted in terms of a model with heavy partners of the Z boson and the photon. In a framework of TeV-scale quantum gravity based on a renormalization of Newton’s constant, the search for non-resonant contributions to the eÎŒ mass spectrum excludes QBH production below a threshold mass Mth of 1.99 TeV. In models that invoke extra dimensions, the bounds range from 2.36 TeV for one extra dimension to 3.63 TeV for six extra dimensions. This is the first search for QBHs decaying into the eÎŒ final state

    Measurement of prompt Jψ\psi pair production in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 7 Tev

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    Production of prompt J/ ψ meson pairs in proton-proton collisions at s s√ = 7 TeV is measured with the CMS experiment at the LHC in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 4.7 fb −1 . The two J/ ψ mesons are fully reconstructed via their decays into μ + μ − pairs. This observation provides for the first time access to the high-transverse-momentum region of J/ ψ pair production where model predictions are not yet established. The total and differential cross sections are measured in a phase space defined by the individual J/ ψ transverse momentum ( p T J/ ψ ) and rapidity (| y J/ ψ |): | y J/ ψ | 6.5 GeV/ c ; 1.2 4.5 GeV/ c . The total cross section, assuming unpolarized prompt J/ ψ pair production is 1.49 ± 0.07 (stat) ±0.13 (syst) nb. Different assumptions about the J/ ψ polarization imply modifications to the cross section ranging from −31% to +27%

    Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC

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    Measurement of the production cross section ratio o(xb2(1P))/o(xb1(1P)) in pp collisions at s=8 TeV

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    A measurement of the production cross section ratio &#963;(&#967;b2(1P))/&#963;(&#967;b1(1P)) is presented. The &#967;b1(1P) and &#967;b2(1P) bottomonium states, promptly produced in pp collisions at s=8 TeV , are detected by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC through their radiative decays &#967;b1,2(1P)&#8594;&#978;(1S)+&#947; . The emitted photons are measured through their conversion to e+e&#8722; pairs, whose reconstruction allows the two states to be resolved. The &#978;(1S) is measured through its decay to two muons. An event sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.7 fb&#8722;1 is used to measure the cross section ratio in a phase-space region defined by the photon pseudorapidity, |&#951;&#947;|<1.0 ; the &#978;(1S) rapidity, |y&#978;|<1.5 ; and the &#978;(1S) transverse momentum,

    Decomposing transverse momentum balance contributions for quenched jets in PbPb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV

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    Interactions between jets and the quark-gluon plasma produced in heavy ion collisions are studied via the angular distributions of summed charged-particle transverse momenta (pT) with respect to both the leading and subleading jet axes in high-pT dijet events. The contributions of charged particles in different momentum ranges to the overall event pT balance are decomposed into short-range jet peaks and a long-range azimuthal asymmetry in charged-particle pT. The results for PbPb collisions are compared to those in pp collisions using data collected in 2011 and 2013, at collision energy √ sNN = 2.76 TeV with integrated luminosities of 166 ”b −1 and 5.3 pb−1 , respectively, by the CMS experiment at the LHC. Measurements are presented as functions of PbPb collision centrality, charged-particle pT, relative azimuth, and radial distance from the jet axis for balanced and unbalanced dijets

    Prise en charge du priapisme à bas débit vue tardivement : à propos de 28 cas

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    Introduction et Objectif: Le priapisme est une affection rare, dĂ©finie comme une Ă©rections douloureuse et prolongĂ©e des corps caverneux, sans Ă©jaculation et en absence de tout dĂ©sir sexuel ou de stimulation locale. Le retard de prise en charge peut affecter la sexualitĂ© avec un impact psychologique significatif. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier les particularitĂ©s cliniques, thĂ©rapeutiques et Ă©volutives de cette affection Ă  travers une sĂ©rie de 28 cas. Patients et MĂ©thodes: Etude rĂ©trospective portant sur une sĂ©rie de 28 cas de priapisme Ă  bas dĂ©bit vus tardivement >12 heures, hospitalisĂ©s dans le service d’urologie au CHU Charles Nicolle durant une pĂ©riode de 21 ans (1991-2011). RĂ©sultats: L’ñge moyen de nos patients Ă©tait de 43 ans (20 - 73 ans). Un facteur Ă©tiologique a Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ© dans 64% des cas, dominĂ©s par les causes hĂ©matologiques essentiellement la drĂ©panocytose (dans 28% de cas). Le dĂ©lai mĂ©dian de consultation Ă©tait de 4 jours avec des extrĂȘmes de 12 heures et de 30 jours. On a notĂ© l’échec du traitement mĂ©dical dans tous les cas et le succĂšs de la ponction des corps caverneux uniquement chez 4 malades. On a eu recours Ă  la chirurgie chez le reste. Vingt patients ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’une anastomose caverno-spongieuse distale et 4 d’une une anastomose proximale. Le recul moyen est de 46 mois et la capacitĂ© Ă©rectile est prĂ©servĂ©e chez 44% de nos patients. Conclusion: Le priapisme doit ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme une urgence andrologique majeure dont le traitement s’impose sans dĂ©lai. Le pronostic dĂ©pend essentiellement de l’ñge des malades et du dĂ©lai de leur prise en charge. Dans notre Ă©tude le priapisme idiopathique semble avoir le meilleur pronostic. Enfin, le traitement des facteurs de risque et la prise en charge prĂ©coce sont les meilleurs moyens pour Ă©viter cette infirmitĂ©

    Speciality Fermented Goods

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    Management of Egfr-Mutated Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Practical Implications from a Clinical and Pathology Perspective

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    Starting in the early 2000s, non-small-cell lung cancer (nsclc) subtypes have evolved from being histologically described to molecularly defined. Management of lung adenocarcinomas now generally requires multiple molecular tests at baseline to define the optimal treatment strategy. More recently, second biopsies performed at progression in patients treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (tkis) have further defined the continued use of molecularly targeted therapy. In the present article, we focus on one molecular subtype: EGFR-mutated nsclc. For that patient population, multiple lines of tki therapy are now available either clinically or in clinical trials. Each line of treatment is guided by the specific mutations (for example, L858R, T790M, C797S) identified in EGFR. We first describe the various mechanisms of acquired resistance to EGFR tki treatment. We then focus on strategies that clinicians and pathologists can both use during tissue acquisition and handling to optimize patient results. We also discuss future directions for the molecular characterization of lung cancers with driver mutations, including liquid biopsies. Finally, we provide an algorithm to guide treating physicians managing patients with EGFR-mutated nsclc. The same framework can also be applied to other molecularly defined nsclc subgroups as resistance patterns are elucidated and additional lines of treatment are developed
