729 research outputs found
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The Ultraviolet Behavior of N
We describe the construction of the complete four-loop four-particle amplitude of N = 8 supergravity. The amplitude is ultraviolet finite, not only in four dimensions, but in five dimensions as well. The observed extra cancellations provide additional non-trivial evidence that N = 8 supergravity in four dimensions may be ultraviolet finite to all orders of perturbation theory
Quasiclassical description of transport through superconducting contacts
We present a theoretical study of transport properties through
superconducting contacts based on a new formulation of boundary conditions that
mimics interfaces for the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity. These
boundary conditions are based on a description of an interface in terms of a
simple Hamiltonian. We show how this Hamiltonian description is incorporated
into quasiclassical theory via a T-matrix equation by integrating out
irrelevant energy scales right at the onset. The resulting boundary conditions
reproduce results obtained by conventional quasiclassical boundary conditions,
or by boundary conditions based on the scattering approach. This formalism is
well suited for the analysis of magnetically active interfaces as well as for
calculating time-dependent properties such as the current-voltage
characteristics or as current fluctuations in junctions with arbitrary
transmission and bias voltage. This approach is illustrated with the
calculation of Josephson currents through a variety of superconducting
junctions ranging from conventional to d-wave superconductors, and to the
analysis of supercurrent through a ferromagnetic nanoparticle. The calculation
of the current-voltage characteristics and of noise is applied to the case of a
contact between two d-wave superconductors. In particular, we discuss the use
of shot noise for the measurement of charge transferred in a multiple Andreev
reflection in d-wave superconductors
Management of Anticoagulant and Thrombolytic Agents in Deep Venous Thrombosis
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68445/2/10.1177_153857448201600101.pd
Overlap functions in correlation methods and quasifree nucleon knockout from O
The cross sections of the () and () reactions on O
are calculated, for the transitions to the ground state and the first
excited state of the residual nucleus, using single-particle overlap
functions obtained on the basis of one-body density matrices within different
correlation methods. The electron-induced one-nucleon knockout reaction is
treated within a nonrelativistic DWIA framework. The theoretical treatment of
the () reaction includes both contributions of the direct knockout
mechanism and of meson-exchange currents. The results are sensitive to details
of the different overlap functions. The consistent analysis of the reaction
cross sections and the comparison with the experimental data make it possible
to study the nucleon--nucleon correlation effects.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, 5 Postscript figures, submitted to PR
Understanding Hawking radiation from simple models of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
This chapter is an introduction to the Bogoliubov theory of dilute Bose
condensates as applied to the study of the spontaneous emission of phonons in a
stationary condensate flowing at supersonic speeds. This emission process is a
condensed-matter analog of Hawking radiation from astrophysical black holes but
is derived here from a microscopic quantum theory of the condensate without any
use of the analogy with gravitational systems. To facilitate physical
understanding of the basic concepts, a simple one-dimensional geometry with a
stepwise homogenous flow is considered which allows for a fully analytical
treatment.Comment: 41 pages. to appear in the proceedings of the IX SIGRAV School on
'Analogue Gravity', Como (Italy), May 201
Non Linear Current Response of a Many-Level Tunneling System: Higher Harmonics Generation
The fully nonlinear response of a many-level tunneling system to a strong
alternating field of high frequency is studied in terms of the
Schwinger-Keldysh nonequilibrium Green functions. The nonlinear time dependent
tunneling current is calculated exactly and its resonance structure is
elucidated. In particular, it is shown that under certain reasonable conditions
on the physical parameters, the Fourier component is sharply peaked at
, where is the spacing between
two levels. This frequency multiplication results from the highly nonlinear
process of photon absorption (or emission) by the tunneling system. It is
also conjectured that this effect (which so far is studied mainly in the
context of nonlinear optics) might be experimentally feasible.Comment: 28 pages, LaTex, 7 figures are available upon request from
[email protected], submitted to Phys.Rev.
Charge Transport Through Open, Driven Two-Level Systems with Dissipation
We derive a Floquet-like formalism to calculate the stationary average
current through an AC driven double quantum dot in presence of dissipation. The
method allows us to take into account arbitrary coupling strengths both of a
time-dependent field and a bosonic environment. We numerical evaluate a
truncation scheme and compare with analytical, perturbative results such as the
Tien-Gordon formula.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.
Improved tests of extra-dimensional physics and thermal quantum field theory from new Casimir force measurements
We report new constraints on extra-dimensional models and other physics
beyond the Standard Model based on measurements of the Casimir force between
two dissimilar metals for separations in the range 0.2--1.2 m. The Casimir
force between an Au-coated sphere and a Cu-coated plate of a
microelectromechanical torsional oscillator was measured statically with an
absolute error of 0.3 pN. In addition, the Casimir pressure between two
parallel plates was determined dynamically with an absolute error of mPa. Within the limits of experimental and theoretical errors, the results
are in agreement with a theory that takes into account the finite conductivity
and roughness of the two metals. The level of agreement between experiment and
theory was then used to set limits on the predictions of extra-dimensional
physics and thermal quantum field theory. It is shown that two theoretical
approaches to the thermal Casimir force which predict effects linear in
temperture are ruled out by these experiments. Finally, constraints on Yukawa
corrections to Newton's law of gravity are strengthened by more than an order
of magnitude in the range 56 nm to 330 nm.Comment: Revtex 4, 35 pages, 14 figures in .gif format, accepted for
publication in Phys. Rev.
Relativistic corrections in (gamma,N) knockout reactions
We develop a fully relativistic DWIA model for photonuclear reactions using
the relativistic mean field theory for the bound state and the Pauli reduction
of the scattering state which is calculated from a relativistic optical
potential. Results for the 12C(gamma,p) and 16O(gamma,p) differential cross
sections and photon asymmetries are displayed in a photon energy range between
60 and 257 MeV, and compared with nonrelativistic DWIA calculations. The
effects of the spinor distortion and of the effective momentum approximation
for the scattering state are discussed. The sensitivity of the model to
different prescriptions for the one-body current operator is investigated. The
off-shell ambiguities are large in (gamma,p) calculations, and even larger in
(gamma,n) knockout.Comment: LaTeX2e, 18 pages, and 6 figure
Search for direct production of charginos and neutralinos in events with three leptons and missing transverse momentum in √s = 7 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
A search for the direct production of charginos and neutralinos in final states with three electrons or muons and missing transverse momentum is presented. The analysis is based on 4.7 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data delivered by the Large Hadron Collider and recorded with the ATLAS detector. Observations are consistent with Standard Model expectations in three signal regions that are either depleted or enriched in Z-boson decays. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set in R-parity conserving phenomenological minimal supersymmetric models and in simplified models, significantly extending previous results
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