253 research outputs found

    Impact of institutions on Cross-Border Price dispersion

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    This thesis, building on existing studies on border effect, analyzes price dispersion among cities in the European region over the last twenty years (1990-2009). An extensive overview of the literature reveals that the authors completely neglect the entrepreneurial aspect of the arbitrage process, even though arbitrage is the main power behind the law of one price. Once we understand arbitrage as productive entrepreneurial activity, institutional quality should be one of determinants of arbitrage attractiveness and should, therefore, influence the price dispersion. To test this hypothesis I express the quality of institutions as one of the factors influencing total costs of arbitrage, together with population density in cities used as a proxy for competition intensity, and distance. The regression analysis proves that all three variables explain a part of observed price dispersion - the higher is the density and the better are the institutions, the lower is the predicted dispersion. This result can also be viewed as a small contribution to the emerging literature empirically testing the theory of productive and unproductive entrepreneurship. Keywords: border effect, price dispersion, price convergence, law of one price, institutional quality, entrepreneurshipTato práce vychází z existujících studií efektu hranic na mezinárodní obchod a analyzuje rozptyl cen mezi městy evropského regionu během posledních dvaceti let (1990-2009). Obšírný přehled existující literatury odhaluje, že autoři zcela opomíjejí podnikatelský aspekt procesu arbitráže. A to přesto, že arbitráž je právě tou silou, která stojí za zákonem jedné ceny. Jakmile chá- peme arbitráž jako produktivní podnikatelskou aktivitu, měla by institucionální kvalita spoluur- čovat přitažlivosti arbitráže a ovlivňovat tudíž rozsah rozptylu cen. Za účelem otestování této hypotézy vyjadřuji kvalitu institucí jako jeden z faktorů ovlivňujících celkové náklady procesu arbitráže. Dalšími jsou hustota obyvatel měst, jež funguje jako proxy pro intenzitu konkurence, a vzdálenost. Regresní analýza prokazuje, že všechny tři proměnné přispívají k vysvětlení části rozptylu cen - čím vyšší je hustota a kvalita institucí, tím nižší je modelem předpovídaný rozptyl. Na tento výsledek je možné nahlížet také jako na malý příspěvek k vznikající literatuře, která empiricky testuje teorii produktivního a neproduktivního podnikatelství. Klíčová slova: efekt hranic, rozptyl cen, cenová konvergence, zákon jedné ceny, kvalita institucí, podnikatelství JEL classification / JEL klasifikace: E31, F31, F41, L26Institute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Hyperinvasive approach to out-of hospital cardiac arrest using mechanical chest compression device, prehospital intraarrest cooling, extracorporeal life support and early invasive assessment compared to standard of care. A randomized parallel groups ...

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    Out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) has a poor outcome. Recent non-randomized studies of ECLS (extracorporeal life support) in OHCA suggested further prospective multicenter studies to define population that would benefit from ECLS. We aim to perform a prospective randomized study comparing prehospital intraarrest hypothermia combined with mechanical chest compression device, intrahospital ECLS and early invasive investigation and treatment in all patients with OHCA of presumed cardiac origin compared to a standard of care. Methods This paper describes methodology and design of the proposed trial. Patients with witnessed OHCA without ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation) after a minimum of 5 minutes of ACLS (advanced cardiac life support) by emergency medical service (EMS) team and after performance of all initial procedures (defibrillation, airway management, intravenous access establishment) will be randomized to standard vs. hyperinvasive arm. In hyperinvasive arm, mechanical compression device together with intranasal evaporative cooling will be instituted and patients will be transferred directly to cardiac center under ongoing CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). After admission, ECLS inclusion/exclusion criteria will be evaluated and if achieved, veno-arterial ECLS will be started. Invasive investigation and standard post resuscitation care will follow. Patients in standard arm will be managed on scene. When ROSC achieved, they will be transferred to cardiac center and further treated as per recent guidelines. Primary outcome 6 months survival with good neurological outcome (Cerebral Performance Category 1–2). Secondary outcomes will include 30 day neurological and cardiac recovery. Discussion Authors introduce and offer a protocol of a proposed randomized study comparing a combined “hyper invasive approach” to a standard of care in refractory OHCA. The protocol is opened for sharing by other cardiac centers with available ECLS and cathlab teams trained to admit patients with refractory cardiac arrest under ongoing CPR. A prove of concept study will be started soon. The aim of the authors is to establish a net of centers for a multicenter trial initiation in future

    Hypergravity effects on glide arc plasma

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    The behaviour of a special type of electric discharge – the gliding arc plasma – has been investigated in hypergravity (1g –18g) using the Large Diameter Centrifuge (LDC) at ESA/ESTEC. The discharge voltage and current together with the videosignal from a fast camera have been recorded during the experiment. The gliding of the arc is governed by hot gas buoyancy and by consequence, gravity. Increasing the centrifugal acceleration makes the glide arc movement substantially faster. Whereas at 1g the discharge was stationary, at 6g it glided with 7 Hz frequency and at 18g the gliding frequency was 11 Hz. We describe a simple model for the glide arc movement assuming low gas flow velocities, which is compared to our experimental results

    DNA methylation profiles in a group of workers occupationally exposed to nanoparticles

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    The risk of exposure to nanoparticles (NPs) has rapidly increased during the last decade due to the vast use of nanomaterials (NMs) in many areas of human life. Despite this fact, human biomonitoring studies focused on the effect of NP exposure on DNA alterations are still rare. Furthermore, there are virtually no epigenetic data available. In this study, we investigated global and gene-specific DNA methylation profiles in a group of 20 long-term (mean 14.5 years) exposed, nanocomposite, research workers and in 20 controls. Both groups were sampled twice/day (pre-shift and post-shift) in September 2018. We applied Infinium Methylation Assay, using the Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChips with more than 850,000 CpG loci, for identification of the DNA methylation pattern in the studied groups. Aerosol exposure monitoring, including two nanosized fractions, was also performed as proof of acute NP exposure. The obtained array data showed significant differences in methylation between the exposed and control groups related to long-term exposure, specifically 341 CpG loci were hypomethylated and 364 hypermethylated. The most significant CpG differences were mainly detected in genes involved in lipid metabolism, the immune system, lung functions, signaling pathways, cancer development and xenobiotic detoxification. In contrast, short-term acute NP exposure was not accompanied by DNA methylation changes. In summary, long-term (years) exposure to NP is associated with DNA epigenetic alterations

    Centrality evolution of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density over a broad pseudorapidity range in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76TeV

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    Impact of institutions on Cross-Border Price dispersion

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    This thesis, building on existing studies on border effect, analyzes price dispersion among cities in the European region over the last twenty years (1990-2009). An extensive overview of the literature reveals that the authors completely neglect the entrepreneurial aspect of the arbitrage process, even though arbitrage is the main power behind the law of one price. Once we understand arbitrage as productive entrepreneurial activity, institutional quality should be one of determinants of arbitrage attractiveness and should, therefore, influence the price dispersion. To test this hypothesis I express the quality of institutions as one of the factors influencing total costs of arbitrage, together with population density in cities used as a proxy for competition intensity, and distance. The regression analysis proves that all three variables explain a part of observed price dispersion - the higher is the density and the better are the institutions, the lower is the predicted dispersion. This result can also be viewed as a small contribution to the emerging literature empirically testing the theory of productive and unproductive entrepreneurship. Keywords: border effect, price dispersion, price convergence, law of one price, institutional quality, entrepreneurshi

    Ethical, Social, and Political Dimension of Doping in the Field of Sport

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    Title: Ethical, Social and Political Dimension of Doping in the Field of Sport Objectives: To work up the issue of doping, a brief overview of doping agents and methods, history of doping and antidoping (doping organization, doping control and sanctions). Assess the issue of doping in sport from the perspective of ethical, social and political. Mapping anchoring doping issues in documents or legislation of the Czech Republic and the EU, to reveal the causes and consequences of doping and the prevention and repression as an integral part of the antidoping activities and also to the education of athletes. Methods: The dissertation has a theoretic character, uses qualitative methods: compares, analyse and interprets texts from publications and sources. It draws own conclusions from these bases. Results: This dissertation clears up the issue of doping in the dimensions of ethical, social and political. Collected and interprets virtually all relevant documents, on global scale. Emphasizes the need to combine prevention and repression in the fight against doping and the importance of education in the spirit of sport and the Olympic ideas. Keywords: Antidoping documents - Doping - Ethics in Sport - Evil in Sports - Gamesmanship - Sportsmanshi

    Impact of Institutions on Cross-Border Price Dispersion

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    This thesis, building on existing studies on border effect, analyzes price dispersion among cities in the European region over the last twenty years (1990-2009). An extensive overview of the literature reveals that the authors completely neglect the entrepreneurial aspect of the arbitrage process, even though arbitrage is the main power behind the law of one price. Once we understand arbitrage as productive entrepreneurial activity, institutional quality should be one of determinants of arbitrage attractiveness and should, therefore, influence the price dispersion. To test this hypothesis I express the quality of institutions as one of the factors influencing total costs of arbitrage, together with population density in cities used as a proxy for competition intensity, and distance. The regression analysis proves that all three variables explain a part of observed price dispersion - the higher is the density and the better are the institutions, the lower is the predicted dispersion. This result can also be viewed as a small contribution to the emerging literature empirically testing the theory of productive and unproductive entrepreneurship

    Preparation and properties of PbO-ZnO-P2O5 glasses

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    Ve vysoké čistotě byla připravena fosfátová skla. Tavením byly připraveny objemové a tenké (bubliny) vzorky. Byla studována hustota, molární objem, penetrační teplota, dilatometrická teplota skelné transformace, deformační teplota, koeficient délkové roztažnosti, struktura, optické vlastnosti, index lomu, optická šířka zakázaného pásu a její teplotní závislosti. Byly porovnány teoretické metody výpočtu indexu lomu pomocí Lorenz-Lorenzovy rovnice a zjednodušené teorie efektivního média, odhadnuty hodnoty nelineárního indexu lomu. Pro vyhodnocení teplotní závislosti optické šířky zakázaného pásu bylo použito Fanova vztahu.Katedra obecné a anorganické chemieDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo