290 research outputs found

    Rapport de la campagne SURTROPAC 16 à bord du N.O. LE NOROIT (19 janvier au 17 février 1992, de 20°S à 10°N le long du méridien 165°E)

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    Dans le cadre de la participation française au programme international TOGA, la campagne SURTROPAC 16 a eu lieu du 19 janvier au 17 février 1992, le long du méridien 165°E de 20°S à 10°N. Cette campagne a été réalisée par le Groupe SURTROPAC du Centre ORSTOM de Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie, avec la collaboration du Groupe FLUPAC de ce même centre et le PMEL-NOAA de Seattle aux Etats-Unis. Elle s'est déroulée à bord du navire océanographique LE NOROIT de la flotte océanographique nationale. Au cours de la campagne SURTROPAC 16 les travaux suivants ont été effectués : 54 stations à la sonde CTDO2 (O-1000 m) avec prélèvements à la rosette, 58 tirs XBT, des mesures en continu du courant absolu (0-400 m) à l'aide d'un profileur de courant à effet Doppler acoustique, des mesures en continu de la température et de la salinité de surface, des observations météorologiques, des largages de bouées dérivantes ainsi que des relevages, poses et vérifications de mouillages du réseau multinational TOGA-TAO. Ce rapport décrit le déroulement de la campagne ainsi que le matériel et les méthodes utilisés. Il présente également les figures correspondant aux premiers résultats. (Résumé d'auteur

    Casos importados e autóctones na dinâmica da epidemia de dengue no Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the basic reproduction number (R0) of dengue fever including both imported and autochthonous cases. METHODS: The study was conducted based on epidemiological data of the 2003 dengue epidemic in Brasília, Brazil. The basic reproduction number is estimated from the epidemic curve, fitting linearly the increase of initial cases. Aiming at simulating an epidemic with both autochthonous and imported cases, a "susceptible-infectious-resistant" compartmental model was designed, in which the imported cases were considered as an external forcing. The ratio between R0 of imported versus autochthonous cases was used as an estimator of real R0. RESULTS: The comparison of both reproduction numbers (only autochthonous versus all cases) showed that considering all cases as autochthonous yielded a R0 above one, although the real R0 was below one. The same results were seen when the method was applied on simulated epidemics with fixed R0. This method was also compared to some previous proposed methods by other authors and showed that the latter underestimated R0 values. CONCLUSIONS: It was shown that the inclusion of both imported and autochthonous cases is crucial for the modeling of the epidemic dynamics, and thus provides critical information for decision makers in charge of prevention and control of this disease.OBJETIVO: Estimar el número de reproducción básica (R0) de la fiebre del dengue incluyendo casos importados y autóctonos. MÉTODOS: El estudio fue realizado basándose en datos epidemiológicos de la epidemia del dengue ocurrida en Brasilia, Districto Federal de Brasil, en el 2003. El número de reproducción básica es estimado de la curva epidémica, fijando el incremento lineal de los casos iniciales. Señalando casos importados y autóctonos en una simulación epidémica, fue diseñado un compartimiento "infeccioso-susceptible-resistente", en el cual los casos importados fueron considerados una fuerza externa. La tasa entre R0 de casos importados versus casos autóctonos fue usado como una estimación real de R0. RESULTADOS: La comparación de ambos números de reproducción (sólo autóctonos versus todos los casos) mostró que considerando todos los casos como autóctonos produjo un R0 por encima de uno, a pesar de que el valor real de R0 era menor que uno. Los mismos resultados fueron obtenidos cuando se aplicó el método a epidemias simuladas con valor fijo de R0. Este método fue también comparado con métodos propuestos anteriormente por otros autores y mostró los mismos valores subestimados de R0. CONCLUSIONES: Fue demostrado que la inclusión de casos importados y autóctonos es crucial para el modelaje de dinámicas epidémicas, y que provee información crítica para aquellos que participan en la toma de decisiones en la prevención y control de esta enfermedad.OBJETIVO: Estimar o número básico de reprodução da dengue (R0), com base nos casos importados, além dos casos autóctones. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi feito sobre dados epidemiológicos da epidemia de dengue em Brasília, 2003. O número básico de reprodução é determinado a partir da curva epidêmica, ajustando uma reta ao crescimento inicial do número de casos. Para simular uma epidemia com casos autóctones e importados, foi criado um modelo compartimentado do tipo "suscetíveis-infectados-resistentes". O R0 real foi estimado pela fração entre R0 dos casos autóctones e dos importados. RESULTADOS: A comparação de ambos valores de reprodução (apenas autóctones versus todos os casos) mostrou que considerando todos casos como autóctones, o valor de R0 foi superior a um, enquanto o R0 real era inferior a um. O mesmo resultado foi obtido com o conjunto de dados simulando uma epidemia com R0 fixo. O método foi também comparado a outros, observando-se que estes últimos subestimaram os valores do R0. CONCLUSÕES: A inclusão de tanto casos autóctones como os importados é essencial para modelar a dinâmica da epidemia, possibilitando informação crítica aos tomadores de decisão, responsáveis pelo controle da doença

    Joint use of static and dynamic software verification techniques: a cross-domain view in safety critical system industries

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    International audienceHow different are the approaches to combining formal methods (FM) and testing in the safety standards of the automotive, aeronautic, nuclear, process, railway and space industries? This is the question addressed in this paper by a cross-domain group of experts involved in the revision committees of ISO 26262, DO-178C, IEC 60880, IEC 61508, EN 50128 and ECSS-Q-ST-8OC. First we review some commonalities and differences regarding application of formal methods in theaforementioned standards. Are they mandatory or recommended only? What kind of properties are they advised to be applied to? What is specified in the different standards regarding coverage (both functional and structural) if testing and formal methods are used jointly?We also account for the return on experience of the group members in the six industrial domains regarding state of the art practice of joint use of formal methods and testing. Where did formal methods actually prove to outperform testing? Then we discuss verification coverage, and more specifically the role of structural coverage. Does structural coverage play the same role in all the standards? Is it specific to testing and irrelevant for formal methods? What verification terminationcriteria is applicable in case FM-test mix? We conclude on some prospective views on how software safety standards may evolve to maximize the benefits of joint use of dynamic (testing) and static (FM) verification methods

    A Comparison of TSV Etch Metrology Techniques

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    International audienceWe use three metrology techniques, vertical scanning interferometry (VSI), confocal chromatic microscopy (CCM), and time domain optical coherence tomography (TD-OCT), for depth measurement of through-silicon vias (TSVs) of various cross sections and depths. The merits of these techniques are discussed and compared. Introduction While sales of semiconductor equipment broke a new record this year, many metrology needs should be addressed to support the development and production of electronic chips based on "More than Moore" scaling. Among these scaling approaches, 3D integration based on TSVs offers superior integration density and reduces interconnect length/latency. Measurements are needed to evaluate the depth uniformity of etched TSVs. Indeed, upon metal filling, geometrical variations of TSVs can affect Cu nails coplanarity and can warp the wafer, resulting in a low stacking yield. Measuring the depth of TSVs is an increasingly challenging task as the diameter of many TSVs has now shrunk to only a few microns

    Multi-domain comparison of safety standards

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    International audienceThis paper presents an analysis of safety standards and their implementation in certification strategies from different domains such as aeronautics, automation, automotive, nuclear, railway and space. This work, performed in the context of the CG2E ("Club des Grandes Entreprises de l'Embarqué"), aims at identifying the main similarities and dissimilarities, for potential cross-domain harmonization. We strive to find the most comprehensive 'trans-sectorial' approach, within a large number of industrial domains. Exhibiting the 'true goals' of their numerous applicable standards, related to the safety of system and software, is a first important step towards harmonization, sharing common approaches, methods and tools whenever possible

    Statistical study of dust properties in LMC molecular clouds

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    The objective of this paper is to construct a catalog providing the dust properties and the star formation efficiency (SFE) of the molecular clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We use the infrared (IR) data obtained with the Spitzer telescope as part of the ``Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution'' (SAGE) Legacy survey as well as the IRAS data. We also work with extinction (Av) maps of the LMC. A total of 272 molecular clouds have been detected in the LMC in a previous molecular survey, accounting for 230 giant molecular clouds and 42 smaller clouds. We perform correlations between the IR emission/extinction, and atomic and molecular gas tracers. We compare the atomic gas that surrounds the molecular cloud with the molecular gas in the cloud. Using a dust emission model, we derive the physical properties of dust in and outside the clouds: equilibrium temperature, emissivity and extinction. We also determine the luminosity of the interstellar radiation field intercepted by the cloud, and the total IR luminosity. Statistically, we do not find any significant difference in the dust properties between the atomic and the molecular phases. In particular we do not find evidence for a systematic decrease of the dust temperature in the molecular phase, with respect to the surrounding, presumably atomic gas. This is probably because giant molecular clouds are the sites of star formation, which heat the dust, while the smallest clouds are unresolved. The ratio between the IR luminosity and the cloud mass (LDust/Mgas) does not seem to correlate with Mgas. The highest value of the ratio we derived is 18.1 Lsol/Msol in the 30 Doradus region, which is known to be the most prominent star formation region of the LMC, while the most likely value is 0.5 and is representative of quiescent clouds. We provide a prescription to associate the various stages of star formation with its LDust/Mgas.Comment: Accepted for publication in A

    Using natural means to reduce surface transport noise during propagation outdoors

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    This paper reviews ways of reducing surface transport noise by natural means. The noise abatement solutions of interest can be easily (visually) incorporated in the landscape or help with greening the (sub)urban environment. They include vegetated surfaces (applied to faces or tops of noise walls and on building façades and roofs ), caged piles of stones (gabions), vegetation belts (tree belts, shrub zones and hedges), earth berms and various ways of exploiting ground-surface-related effects. The ideas presented in this overview have been tested in the laboratory and/or numerically evaluated in order to assess or enhance the noise abatement they could provide. Some in-situ experiments are discussed as well. When well-designed, such natural devices have the potential to abate surface transport noise, possibly by complementing and sometimes improving common (non-green) noise reducing devices or measures. Their applicability strongly depends on the available space reserved for the noise abatement and the receiver position

    : Gender differences in STEMI

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Gender differences in presentation, management and outcome in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) have been reported. AIM: To determine whether female gender is associated with higher inhospital mortality. METHODS: Data from ORBI, a regional STEMI registry of 5 years' standing, were analysed. The main data on presentation, management, inhospital outcome and prescription at discharge were compared between genders. Various adjusted hazard ratios were then calculated for inhospital mortality (women versus men). RESULTS: The analysis included 5000 patients (mean age 62.6±13 years), with 1174 women (23.5%). Women were on average 8 years older than men, with more frequent co-morbidities. Median ischaemia time was 215 minutes (26 minutes longer in women; P<0.05). Reperfusion strategies in women less frequently involved fibrinolysis, coronary angiography, radial access and thrombo-aspiration. Female gender, especially in patients aged<60 years, was associated with poorer inhospital prognosis (including higher inhospital mortality: 9% vs. 4% in men; P<0.0001), and underutilization of recommended treatments at discharge. Moreover, excess female inhospital mortality was independent of presentation, revascularization time and reperfusion strategy (hazard ratio for women 1.33, 95% confidence interval 1.01-1.76; P=0.04). CONCLUSIONS: One in four patients admitted for STEMI was female, with significant differences in presentation. Female gender was associated with less-optimal treatment, both in the acute-phase and at discharge. Efforts should be made to reduce these differences, especially as female gender was independently associated with an elevated risk of inhospital mortality

    Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud, Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (SAGE) I: Overview and Initial Results

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    We are performing a uniform and unbiased, ~7x7 degrees imaging survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), using the IRAC and MIPS instruments on board the Spitzer Space Telescope in order to survey the agents of a galaxy's evolution (SAGE), the interstellar medium (ISM) and stars in the LMC. The detection of diffuse ISM with column densities >1.2x10^21 H cm^-2 permits detailed studies of dust processes in the ISM. SAGE's point source sensitivity enables a complete census of newly formed stars with masses >3 solar masses that will determine the current star formation rate in the LMC. SAGE's detection of evolved stars with mass loss rates >1x10^-8 solar masses per year will quantify the rate at which evolved stars inject mass into the ISM of the LMC. The observing strategy includes two epochs in 2005, separated by three months, that both mitigate instrumental artifacts and constrain source variability. The SAGE data are non-proprietary. The data processing includes IRAC and MIPS pipelines and a database for mining the point source catalogs, which will be released to the community in support of Spitzer proposal cycles 4 and 5. We present initial results on the epoch 1 data with a special focus on the N79 and N83 region. The SAGE epoch 1 point source catalog has ~4 million sources. The point source counts are highest for the IRAC 3.6 microns band and decrease dramatically towards longer wavelengths consistent with the fact that stars dominate the point source catalogs and that the dusty objects, e.g. young stellar objects and dusty evolved stars that detected at the longer wavelengths, are rare in comparison. We outline a strategy for identifying foreground MW stars, that may comprise as much as 18% of the source list, and background galaxies, that may comprise ~12% of the source list.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journa