3,940 research outputs found

    Effect of mass blood-transusion on erythroid cell differentiation in anemic rabbits. II. Denucleation in the early stage of erythroid cell specialization, with special reference to RNA- and hemoglobin synthesis

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    For the purpose of settling the specialization stage of erythroblast where the transcription for hemoglobin is initiated, the absorption of heme and the incorporation of tritiated uridine into RNA have been observed on the cells from the anemic rabbit after a mass red cell transfusion by which the DNA synthesis of large size precursors is suppressed and the early denucleation of erythroblasts is stimulated. In the erythroblasts obtained 24 to 72 hours after red cell transfusion a distinct absorption of heme appears first in the proerythroblast, followed by a progressive increase with the advance of the specialization. Hemoglobin synthesis is markedly stimulated after the denucleation. The incorporation of tritiated uridine into RNA is most marked in the proerythroblast and decreases with the advance of specialization stage suggesting that the mRNA synthesis for hemoglobin is initiated at the proerythroblast, continuing to the polychromatic erythroblast where. the synthesis is minimized. The volumetric observations indicate a possible denucleation at proerythroblast, but it has been revealed that the maximum RNA level of macrocytes is comparable to that of early basophilic erythroblast and its highest hemoglobin level is only that expected in the cells denucleated at late basophilic stage. From these observations it has been concluded that the transcription for hemoglobin is triggered at the initial step of erythroid cell specialization, proerythroblast, but it is insufficient for the synthesis of the expected amount of hemoglobin and is compensated or completed by the mRNA synthesis in more advanced stage of specialization.</p

    Defining relations of the elliptic Lie algebra of type A1(1,1)

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    AbstractWe give the defining relations of the elliptic Lie algebra of type A1(1,1), which has finite generators and infinite relations in terms of the elliptic Dynkin diagram, and isomorphic to the 2-toroidal Lie algebra of type A1

    Instability of Stream Geometry

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    Subjective Well-Being Interventions for Homeless Youth in Family Shelters

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    Homeless adolescents in families are at a higher risk of developing psychological disorders and having poorer mental health compared to their non-homeless peers due to increased trauma and stress in their environments. Positive psychology research on subjective well-being offers a framework to address mental health and life skill deficits in the homeless youth population. This study proposes a 10-week group intervention program in family shelters that provides constructive activities and reflections focusing on improving well-being, self-esteem, optimism, social relationships, and life skills. After the implementation of these interventions, participants will report increased levels of subjective well-being, self-esteem, optimism, and social support immediately after finishing the program, in a 3 month follow-up, and in a 6 month follow-up. Predicted results shows that this intervention program is effective in increasing all measures in post-test and 3 month follow-up assessments, while decreasing perceived stress reports. However, this intervention will not be effective in maintaining these improvements after the 6 month follow-up assessment, when scores begin returning to baseline levels. This research contributes to short-term methods of improving subjective well-being in homeless youth populations and highlights the importance of incorporating mental health resources from a positive psychology perspective

    Poincaré series of the Weyl groups of the elliptic root systems A_1^{(1,1)},A_1^{(1,1)} and A_2^{(1,1)}

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    We calculate the Poincar´e series of the elliptic Weyl group W(A_2^{(1,1)}), which is the Weyl group of the elliptic root system A_2^{(1,1)}. The generators and relations of W(A_2^{(1,1)}) have been already given by the author and K. Saito

    <ORIGINAL ARTICLE>ESR spin trapping study on ascorbic acid as a scavenger of hydroxyl and hydrogen radicals

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    The present study was carried out to confirm the usefulness of the ESR spin trapping technique for detecting and measuring short-lived radicals and to clarify the ability of ascorbic acid as a radical scavenger against radicals generated from irradiated human serum. One hundred μl of human serum was irradiated with 1 Gy of X-ray radiation coexisting with 35 μl of DETAPAC, 50 μl of various concentrations (2×10^M~60×10^M) of ascorbic acid, and 15 μl of DMPO. After irradiation at each concentration, the ESR signals were recorded using an ESR spectrometer. These signals were identified, and then normalized as the relative signal intensities against the standard signal intensity of manganese oxide marker. The relative signal intensities were plotted, and the results showed that the signals were from DMPO-OH and DMPO-H, showing the generation of ・OH and ・H, and that the relative signal intensities obtained at each concentration decreased as the concentration of ascorbic acid increased

    Gender difference in the relationships between vision and hearing impairments and negative well-being.

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the association of hearing impairment, vision impairment and their combination (dual sensory impairment) with negative well-being such as depression, subjective poor health and the reduced functional ability in community-dwelling older adults, and to determine whether any association varies by gender. METHODS: Between 2005 and 2006, we objectively examined vision and hearing impairment (using best-corrected visual acuity and pure-tone audiometric test) in 843 people aged 65 years and older (351 males, 492 females) in a rural Japanese town. Through a home visit interview survey using a structured questionnaire, we also collected information on depression (the five-item Geriatric Depression Scale), subjective poor health, and reduced functional activity (the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology's Index of Competence). RESULTS: We observed gender differences in the association between sensory impairment and depression. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that hearing impairment in males (adjusted odds ratio: 2.22, 95% confidence interval; 1.07-4.61) and vision impairment in females (1.91, 1.14-3.21) were related to depression. Vision impairment and dual sensory impairment were also associated with subjective poor health and reduced functional activity in both sexes. CONCLUSIONS: Sensory impairment is significantly associated with negative well-being in older persons, and its association with depression may differ between males and females