106 research outputs found


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    The study aims to identify the contribution of instructional skills and competency skills theory in modern teaching as to classroom management, instructional delivery, formative assessment, personal competency, flexibility and adaptability, facilitation and engagement, collaboration and teamwork, communication and interpersonal skills, caring and inclusiveness, and organization and planning. The research design utilizes the descriptive correlational method because it generates and refines knowledge on instructional skills and competency skills theory in modern teaching. Hence, convenience and non-probability sampling are employed in the study. It provides inclusion gathering of sample size instructional skills and competency skills theory in modern teaching. The study comprised sixty (60) respondents only. Results show that approaches and practices support the learning routine of students for dynamic behavior to minimize emotional exhaustion beneficial in fostering strategy for higher-quality classroom management. It influences and practices personal competency to support the development of learning process network, and resources. It provides changes and practices on the adjusted curriculum, instructional methods and modern teaching technology. It demonstrates understanding on proper plan, learning process, and pace time demand in prioritizing realistic instructional skills and competency skills to implement individualized instructional resources learning process. Findings show that there is a significant agreement on the contribution of instructional skills and competency skills theory in modern teaching as observed by the respondents.  Article visualizations

    Low Water Activity Induces the Production of Bioactive Metabolites in Halophilic and Halotolerant Fungi

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate indigenous fungal communities isolated from extreme environments (hypersaline waters of solar salterns and subglacial ice), for the production of metabolic compounds with selected biological activities: hemolysis, antibacterial, and acetylcholinesterase inhibition. In their natural habitats, the selected fungi are exposed to environmental extremes, and therefore the production of bioactive metabolites was tested under both standard growth conditions for mesophilic microorganisms, and at high NaCl and sugar concentrations and low growth temperatures. The results indicate that selected halotolerant and halophilic species synthesize specific bioactive metabolites under conditions that represent stress for non-adapted species. Furthermore, adaptation at the level of the chemical nature of the solute lowering the water activity of the medium was observed. Increased salt concentrations resulted in higher hemolytic activity, particularly within species dominating the salterns. The appearance of antibacterial potential under stress conditions was seen in the similar pattern of fungal species as for hemolysis. The active extracts exclusively affected the growth of the Gram-positive bacterium tested, Bacillus subtilis. None of the extracts tested showed inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity

    A Tropical Marine Microbial Natural Products Geobibliography as an Example of Desktop Exploration of Current Research Using Web Visualisation Tools

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    Microbial marine biodiscovery is a recent scientific endeavour developing at a time when information and other technologies are also undergoing great technical strides. Global visualisation of datasets is now becoming available to the world through powerful and readily available software such as Worldwind™, ArcGIS Explorer™ and Google Earth™. Overlaying custom information upon these tools is within the hands of every scientist and more and more scientific organisations are making data available that can also be integrated into these global visualisation tools. The integrated global view that these tools enable provides a powerful desktop exploration tool. Here we demonstrate the value of this approach to marine microbial biodiscovery by developing a geobibliography that incorporates citations on tropical and near-tropical marine microbial natural products research with Google Earth™ and additional ancillary global data sets. The tools and software used are all readily available and the reader is able to use and install the material described in this article

    Marine Drugs from Sponge-Microbe Association—A Review

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    The subject of this review is the biodiversity of marine sponges and associated microbes which have been reported to produce therapeutically important compounds, along with the contextual information on their geographic distribution. Class Demospongiae and the orders Halichondrida, Poecilosclerida and Dictyoceratida are the richest sources of these compounds. Among the microbial associates, members of the bacterial phylum Actinobacteria and fungal division Ascomycota have been identified to be the dominant producers of therapeutics. Though the number of bacterial associates outnumber the fungal associates, the documented potential of fungi to produce clinically active compounds is currently more important than that of bacteria. Interestingly, production of a few identical compounds by entirely different host-microbial associations has been detected in both terrestrial and marine environments. In the Demospongiae, microbial association is highly specific and so to the production of compounds. Besides, persistent production of bioactive compounds has also been encountered in highly specific host-symbiont associations. Though spatial and temporal variations are known to have a marked effect on the quality and quantity of bioactive compounds, only a few studies have covered these dimensions. The need to augment production of these compounds through tissue culture and mariculture has also been stressed. The reviewed database of these compounds is available at www.niobioinformatics.in/drug.php

    Isolierung und strukturelle Identifizierung von biologisch aktiven Naturstoffen aus marinen Schwämme und aus Schwämmen isolierte Pile

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    Low-molecular mass natural products from bacteria, fungi, plants and marine organisms exhibit unique structural diversity which are of interest for the identification of new lead structures for medicinals and agrochemicals. In the search for bioactive compounds from marine sponges and sponge-associated fungi, this research work resulted to the isolation of twenty-six compounds, eight of which are new metabolites. The sponges were collected from the Indo-pacific regions, particularly those from Indonesian and Philippine waters, as well as those from the Mediterranean Sea near the island of Elba in Italy. A combination of the chemically- and biologically-driven approach for drug discovery was employed, wherein extracts were screened for antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic activities. In addition to the bioassay-guided approach to purify the compounds responsible for the activity of the extract, TLC, UV and MS were also used to isolate the chemically most interesting substances. Hence, purified compounds which are not responsible for the initial bioscreening activity may have a chance to be evaluated for other bioactivities. Enumerated below are the compounds which have been isolated and structurally elucidated and whose bioactivities have been further characterized. 1. The extract of the fungus Cladosporium herbarum associated with the sponge Callyspongia aerizusa afforded seven structurally related polyketides, including two new twelve-membered macrolides: pandangolide 3 and 4, and a new acetyl congener of the previously isolated 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furoic acid. The two furoic acid analogues isolated were found to be responsible for the antimicrobial activity of the extract. The isolation of the known phytotoxin Cladospolide B from Cladosporium herbarum, which was originally known from Cladosporium cladosporioides and C. tenuissimum, indicates the possibility that Cladospolide B may be a chemotaxonomic marker of particular Cladosporium species. 2. The extract of the fungus Curvularia lunata associated with the Indonesian sponge Niphates olemda yielded three compounds, namely the new antimicrobially-active anthraquinone lunatin, the known bisanthraquinone cytoskyrin A, and the known plant hormone abscisic acid. The co-occurrence of the two structurally-related anthraquinones suggests that the monomeric lunatin may be a precursor in the biosynthesis of the bisanthraquinone cytoskyrin A. 3. The fungus Penicillium spp. associated with the Mediterranean sponge Axinella verrucosa yielded six compounds, namely the known antifungal griseofulvin and its less active dechloro analogue; the known toxin oxaline; and the known cytotoxic metabolite communesin B and its two new congeners communesin C and D. The new communesins were less active than communesin B in the brine-shrimp lethality test. 4. An unidentified fungus which was also isolated from the same Mediterranean sponge Axinella verrucosa as Penicillium spp. yielded the known compound monocerin which has been reported to possess phytotoxic and insecticidal activities. 5. The fungus Aspergillus flavus associated with the Philippine sponge Hyrtios aff. reticulatus yielded the known toxin a-cyclopiazonic acid. 6. The Indonesian sponge Agelas nakamurai yielded four bromopyrrole alkaloids namely the new compound 4-bromo-pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid, and the known compounds: 4-bromo-pyrrole-2-carboxamide, mukanadin B and mukanadin C. All of the four compounds except mukanadin B were found to be antimicrobially-active. Bromopyrrole alkaloids are well-known metabolites of the genus Agelas and are proven to play an important role in the chemical defense of the sponge against predation from fishes. 7. The Indonesian sponge Jaspis splendens yielded three known substances which are known for their antiproliferative activities, namely the depsipeptides jaspamide (jasplakinolide), and its derivatives jaspamide B and jaspamide C.Niedermolekulare Naturstoffe aus Bakterien, Pilzen, Pflanzen und marinen Organismen weisen eine einzigartige strukturelle Diversität auf, die für die Identifizierung neuer Leitstrukturen für die Entwicklung von Arzneistoffen und Pflanzenschutzmitteln von großer Bedeutung ist. Im Rahmen der Suche nach bioaktiven Verbindungen aus marinen Schwämmen und mit diesen Schwämmen assoziierten Pilzen wurden in dieser Arbeit insgesamt 26 Sekundärstoffe isoliert, wobei es sich bei acht Substanzen um neue Verbindungen handelt. Die Schwämme wurden im indo-pazifischen Gebiet gesammelt, insbesondere aus Indonesien und den Philippinen, so wie aus dem Mittelmeer in der Nähe der Insel Elba in Italien. Für die Entdeckung neuer bioaktiver Substanzen wurde eine Kombination von chemischen und biologischen Methoden angewendet, wodurch Extrakte mit verschiedenen Screening-Methoden auf Bioaktivität getestet worden sind. Zum Einsatz kamen dabei Versuche mit Raupen des polyphagen Nachtfalters Spodoptera littoralis (Noctuidae; Lepidoptera) im Hinblick auf potentielle insektizide Wirkungen, antimikrobielle Untersuchungen mit gram-negativen und gram-positiven Bakterien und dem Pilz Candida albicans, Zytotoxizitätstests gegenüber menschlichen Krebszellen und Toxizitätstests mit dem Krebs Artemia salina. Zusätzlich zur bioaktivitäts-geleiteten Isolierung von Substanzen aus aktiven Extrakten wurden daneben auch DC, UV und MS als Kriterien herangezogen, um die aus chemischer Sicht interessantesten Verbindungen zu isolieren. Damit konnten auch solche Substanzen, die nicht für die Aktivität der Extrakte im Bioscreening verantwortlich waren, weiteren Biotests unterzogen werden. Im einzelnen wurden die folgenden Verbindungen isoliert, ihre Struktur aufgeklärt, und ihre biologische Aktivität näher charakterisiert: 1. Der antimikrobiell aktive Extrakt aus dem Pilz Cladosporium herbarum, der mit dem indonesischen Schwamm Callyspongia aerizusa assoziiert ist, ergab sieben Polyketide, die strukturell ähnlich sind, einschließlich der beiden neuen zwölf-gliedrigen Makrolide Pandangolid 3 und Pandangolid 4, sowie ein neues acetyliertes Derivat des bereits bekannten Naturstoffs 5-Hyroxymethyl-2-furancarbonsäure. Beide Furancarbonsäuren zeigten antimikrobielle Aktivität und dürften deshalb hauptsächlich für die antimikrobielle Aktivität des Extrakts verantwortlich sein. Daß Cladospolid B, ein bekanntes Phytotoxin, das bereits für die Arten Cladosporium cladosporoiodes und C. tenuissimum beschrieben wurde, ebenfalls aus C. herbarum isoliert wurde, deutet darauf hin, daß Cladospolid B als ein chemotaxonomischer Marker für bestimmte Cladosporium-Arten angesehen werden könnte. 2. Der antimikrobiell aktive Extrakt aus dem Pilz Curvularia lunata, der mit dem indonesischen Schwamm Niphates olemda assoziiert ist, ergab drei Substanzen, nämlich das neue antimikrobiell aktive Anthrachinon Lunatin sowie das bereits bekannte Bisanthrachinon Cytoskyrin A, und das bekannte Pflanzenhormon Abscisinsäure. Das gemeinsame Vorkommen der beiden strukturell verwandten Anthranoide könnte ein Indiz dafür sein, daß das Monomer Lunatin eine biogenetische Vorstufe des Bisanthrachinons Cytoskyrin A darstellt. 3. Ein mit dem im Mittelmeer gesammelten Schwamm Axinella verrucosa assoziierter Pilz der Gattung Penicillium ergab insgesamt sechs Substanzen, im einzelnen das bekannte Antimykotikum Griseofulvin und dessen weniger aktives Dechlor-Derivat, das bekannte Toxin Oxalin, sowie die als zytotoxisch beschriebene Verbindung Communesin B und deren neue Derivate Communesin C und Communesin D. Im Vergleich zu Communesin B erwiesen sich die neuen Communesin-Derivate als weniger aktiv gegenüber dem Krebs A. salina. 4. Ein bisher unidentifizierter Pilz aus dem gleichen Schwamm Axinella verrucosa lieferte die bekannte Substanz Monocerin, über deren phytotoxische und insektizide Eigenschaften bereits berichtet wurde. 5. Der mit dem philippinischen Schwamm Hyrtios aff. reticulatus assoziierte Pilz Aspergillus flavus ergab das bereits bekannte Toxin a-Cyclopiazonsäure. 6. Der indonesische Schwamm Agelas nakamurai lieferte vier bromierte Pyrrol-Alkaloide, nämlich die neue Substanz 4-Brompyrrol-2-carbonsäure sowie die bereits bekannten Verbindungen 4-Brompyrrol-2-carboxamid, Mukanadin B und Mukanadin C. Alle vier Substanzen außer Mukanadin B zeigten antimikrobielle Aktivität. Bromierte Pyrrol-Alkaloide wurden in vielen Untersuchungen als typische Sekundärstoffe der Schwammgattung Agelas beschrieben, die bei der chemischen Verteidigung der Schwämme gegen Fische eine wichtige Rolle spielen. 7. Der indonesiche Schwamm Jaspis splendens ergab drei bekannte Substanzen, die für ihre antiproliferative Aktivität bekannt sind, nämlich die Depsipeptide Jaspamid (Jasplakinolid) und dessen Derivate Jaspamid B und Jaspamid C

    Clinicopathological, Biochemical, and Sonographic Features of Thyroid Nodule Predictive of Malignancy among Adult Filipino Patients in a Tertiary Hospital in the Philippines

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    BackgroundThyroid nodules may harbor cancer in 5% to 15% of cases. Specific clinical and sonographic features predictive of malignancy have been investigated in various populations, but due to differences in epidemiology, risk factors and iodine nutrition status, these predictors may not be valid in the Philippines. This study determined the clinicopathological, biochemical, and sonographic features of thyroid nodules predictive of malignancy among adult Filipino patients at the University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH).MethodsWe reviewed the medical records of Filipino patients ≥19 years of age who underwent thyroid surgery in UP-PGH from 2008 to 2011.ResultsA total of 837 of 1,670 patients (50.1%) were enrolled in the study, which included 417 benign and 420 malignant tumors. The mean age at diagnosis was 38±11 years, with female predominance. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the presence of a hard or firm nodule (odds ratio [OR], 58.8, P<0.001; OR, 12.8, P<0.001), presence of microcalcifications (OR, 11.1; P<0.001), irregular margins on ultrasound (OR, 4.5; P<0.001), and absence of associated symptoms (OR, 2.3; P<0.002) increased significantly the likelihood of thyroid malignancy.ConclusionSimilar to international data, the absence of associated symptoms, firm to hard thyroid nodules, and the presence of microcalcifications and irregular margins were significant predictors of thyroid malignancy

    New metabolites from sponge-derived fungi Curvularia lunata and Cladosporium herbarum

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    The fungus Curvularia lunata, isolated from the marine sponge Niphates olemda, yielded the new 1,3,8-trihydroxy-6-methoxyanthraquinone, which we named lunatin (1), the known modified bisanthraquinone cytoskyrin A (2), and the known plant hormone (+)-abscisic acid (3). Both anthraquinones were found to be active against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli. Two strains of the fungus Cladosporium herbarum, isolated from the sponges Aplysina aerophoba and Callyspongia aerizusa, respectively, yielded two new alpha-pyrones, herbarin A (4) and herbarin B (5), the known compound citreoviridin A (6), and the new phthalide herbaric acid (7). All structures were unambiguously established by 1D and 2D NMR and MS data