1,631 research outputs found

    Intertidal invertebrate harvesting: a meta-analysis of impacts and recovery in an important waterbird prey resource

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    Harvesting of marine invertebrates in intertidal areas often comes into conflict with conservation objectives for waterbird populations of the orders Anseriformes and Charadriiformes. We present a meta-analysis of the relationships between benthic invertebrate communities and various sources of intertidal harvesting disturbance to investigate impacts and recovery in bird prey resources. The effect size (Hedges’ d) of harvesting on benthic species abundance, diversity and biomass was calculated for 38 studies in various locations globally, derived from 16 publications captured through a systematic review process that met the meta-analysis inclusion criteria. A negative response to harvesting disturbance was found for all taxa, including both target and non-target species, that represent important types of waterbird prey. Impacts appear most severe from hand-gathering, which significantly reduces the abundance of target polychaete species, a key prey group for many bird species. Across all gear types, non-target species demonstrate a larger reduction in abundance compared to target species. Recovery trends vary, with differences observed between taxonomic groups and gear/habitat combinations. Abundance of bivalve molluscs, a potentially highly profitable bird prey item, is suppressed for >60 d by mechanical dredging in intertidal mud, while annelid and crustacean abundances demonstrate near recovery over the same period. Data suggest that recovery following harvesting in sandier habitats may in some cases take as long as or longer than in muddy sediments. We recommend management measures to minimise disturbance to benthic prey resources and support conservation objectives for waterbird populations to meet international legal requirements

    Double marking revisited

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    In 2002, the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) published the report of an independent panel of experts into maintaining standards at Advanced Level (A-Level). One of its recommendations was for: ‘limited experimental double marking of scripts in subjects such as English to determine whether the strategy would signi-ficantly reduce errors of measurement’ (p. 24). This recommendation provided the impetus for this paper which reviews the all but forgotten literature on double marking and considers its relevance now

    Epibenthic and mobile species colonisation of a geotextile artificial surf reef on the south coast of England

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    With increasing coastal infrastructure and use of novel materials there is a need to investigate the colonisation of assemblages associated with new structures, how these differ to natural and other artificial habitats and their potential impact on regional biodiversity. The colonisation of Europe’s first artificial surf reef (ASR) was investigated at Boscombe on the south coast of England (2009–2014) and compared with assemblages on existing natural and artificial habitats. The ASR consists of geotextile bags filled with sand located 220m offshore on a sandy sea bed at a depth of 0-5m. Successional changes in epibiota were recorded annually on differently orientated surfaces and depths using SCUBA diving and photography. Mobile faunal assemblages were sampled using Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV). Distinct stages in colonisation were observed, commencing with bryozoans and green algae which were replaced by red algae, hydroids and ascidians, however there were significant differences in assemblage structure with depth and orientation. The reef is being utilised by migratory, spawning and juvenile life-history stages of fish and invertebrates. The number of non-native species was larger than on natural reefs and other artificial habitats and some occupied a significant proportion of the structure. The accumulation of 180 benthic and mobile taxa, recorded to date, appears to have arisen from a locally rich and mixed pool of native and non-native species. Provided no negative invasive impacts are detected on nearby protected reefs the creation of novel yet diverse habitats may be considered a beneficial outcome

    Clastic injectites, internal structures and flow regime during injection: the Sea Lion Injectite System, North Falkland Basin

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    This paper details and describes a suite of 143 sub‐seismic‐scale clastic injectites encountered within the early Cretaceous, early post‐rift of the deep‐lacustrine North Falkland Basin. The injectites, referred to here as the Sea Lion Injectite System, are encountered below, above and in between the hydrocarbon‐bearing, deep‐lacustrine turbidite sandstones of the Bleaker 15, Sea Lion North, Sea Lion, Casper and Beverley fans. Sedimentary structures are documented within the injectites including: planar laminations, mud‐clast imbrication and clast alignment. Clasts align along centimetre‐scale foresets formed through ripple‐scale bedform migration in a hydraulically‐open fracture. The style of flow within the injectite system is interpreted as initially through fluid turbulence during an open fracture phase, which was followed by a later stage where laminar flow dominated, most likely during the closing phase of the fracture system. The host rocks display evidence for ductile deformation, which along with ptygmatic folding of dykes and internally injected mud‐clasts, suggests a period of injection into relatively uncompacted sediments. Evidence for brittle fracturing, in the form of stepped margins may be indicative of a separate phase of emplacement into more‐compacted sediments. This variability in deformation styles is related to multi‐phased injection episodes into host strata at different stages of consolidation and lithification at shallow burial depths. Injectites have been identified in four stratigraphic groupings: above the Bleaker 15 Fan and within/above the Sea Lion North Fan; within the hydrocarbon‐bearing Sea Lion Fan; overlying the Sea Lion Fan; and above/below the hydrocarbon‐bearing Casper and Beverley fans. This spatial association with the hydrocarbon‐bearing fans of the North Falkland Basin is important, considering the ability of injectite networks to form effective fluid‐flow conduits in the subsurface. Consequently, the findings of this study will improve the characterization of sub‐seismic scale injectites (and therefore fluid conduits) within otherwise impermeable strata

    New results on pushdown module checking with imperfect information

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    Model checking of open pushdown systems (OPD) w.r.t. standard branching temporal logics (pushdown module checking or PMC) has been recently investigated in the literature, both in the context of environments with perfect and imperfect information about the system (in the last case, the environment has only a partial view of the system's control states and stack content). For standard CTL, PMC with imperfect information is known to be undecidable. If the stack content is assumed to be visible, then the problem is decidable and 2EXPTIME-complete (matching the complexity of PMC with perfect information against CTL). The decidability status of PMC with imperfect information against CTL restricted to the case where the depth of the stack content is visible is open. In this paper, we show that with this restriction, PMC with imperfect information against CTL remains undecidable. On the other hand, we individuate an interesting subclass of OPDS with visible stack content depth such that PMC with imperfect information against the existential fragment of CTL is decidable and in 2EXPTIME. Moreover, we show that the program complexity of PMC with imperfect information and visible stack content against CTL is 2EXPTIME-complete (hence, exponentially harder than the program complexity of PMC with perfect information, which is known to be EXPTIME-complete).Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2011, arXiv:1106.081

    Large Kinetic Power in FRII Radio Jets

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    We investigate the total kinetic powers (L_{j}) and ages (t_{age}) of powerful jets of four FR II radio sources (Cygnus A, 3C 223, 3C 284, and 3C 219) by the detail comparison of the dynamical model of expanding cocoons with observed ones. It is found that these sources have quite large kinetic powers with the ratio of L_{j} to the Eddington luminosity (L_{Edd}) resides in 0.02<Lj/LEdd<100.02 <L_{j}/L_{Edd} <10. Reflecting the large kinetic powers, we also find that the total energy stored in the cocoon (E_{c}) exceed the energy derived from the minimum energy condition (E_{min}): 2<Ec/Emin<1602< E_{c}/E_{min} <160. This implies that a large amount of kinetic power is carried by invisible components such as thermal leptons (electron and positron) and/or protons.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Impacts of a novel shellfishing gear on macrobenthos in a marine protected area: pump-scoop dredging in Poole Harbour, UK

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    Understanding the impact of bottom-fishing gears at various scales and intensities on habitats and species is necessary to inform management. In Poole Harbour, UK, a multiple use marine protected area, fishermen utilise a unique ̋“pump-scoop” dredge to harvest the introduced Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Managers need to balance the socio-economic benefits of the fishery with ecological concerns across the region, which has required a revision of by-laws that include both spatial and temporal measures. Within an operational fishery, we used a Before-After-Control-Impact sampling design to assess the impacts of pump-scoop dredging on benthic physical characteristics and community structure in an area where there was no dredging, an area newly opened to dredging and an area subject to high levels of historic dredging. A sampling grid was used in each area to best capture any fishing effort in the newly opened area. Core samples were taken to a depth of 30 cm within intertidal mudflats. A significant loss of fine sediments was observed in the site subject to high intensity dredging and a significant change in community structure also occurred in both dredged sites throughout the study period. In the newly opened site this was characterised by a relative increase in species richness, including increased abundance of annelid worms, notably Hediste diversicolor and Aphelochaeta marioni and a decline in the abundance of the bivalve mollusc Abra tenuis. These changes, albeit relatively small, are attributed to physical disturbance as a direct result of pump-scoop dredging, although no difference in the classification of the biotope of the site was observed. This is of particular interest to managers monitoring site condition within areas under the new by-laws as the Manila clam is spreading to other protected estuaries in the region

    Population dynamics of a commercially harvested, non-native bivalve in an area protected for shorebirds: Ruditapes philippinarum in Poole Harbour, UK

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    The Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum is one of the most commercially valuable bivalve species worldwide and its range is expanding, facilitated by aquaculture and fishing activities. In existing and new systems, the species may become commercially and ecologically important, supporting both local fishing activities and populations of shorebird predators of conservation importance. This study assessed potential fishing effects and population dynamics of R. philippinarum in Poole Harbour, a marine protected area on the south coast of the UK, where the species is important for oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus as well as local fishers. Sampling was undertaken across three sites of different fishing intensities before and after the 2015 fishing season, which extends into the key overwintering period for shorebird populations. Significant differences in density, size and condition index are evident between sites, with the heavily dredged site supporting clams of poorer condition. Across the dredge season, clam densities in the heavily fished area were significantly reduced, with a harvesting efficiency of legally harvestable clams of up to 95% in this area. Despite occurring at significantly higher densities and growing faster under heavy fishing pressure, lower biomass and condition index of R. philippinarum in this area, coupled with the dramatic reduction in densities across the fishing season, may be of concern to managers who must consider the wider ecological interactions of harvesting with the interest of nature conservation and site integrity

    The use of design activity for research into Computer Supported Co-operative Working (CSCW)

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    This paper describes current research at Loughborough University in the field of Computer Supported Co-operative Working (CSCW). The project, which is funded by the Information Engineering Directorate (IED) within the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC), is titled 'Establishing the Communicational Requirements of Information Technology (IT) Systems that Support Humans Co-operating Remotely'. The research group have adopted a less cumbersome acronym for the project - ROCOCO which is derived from REmote COoperation and COmmunication. Design activity has been proposed as offering a suitable context for a study of co-operation and at the time of writing the first phase of the experiments - involving face to face or proximal co-operation - has been undertaken and the analysis begun. The ROCOCO project is about to embark on phase two involving remote co-operation. This paper presents, in some detail, the construction and operation of a pilot study that allowed project members to assess and adjust the experimental design prior to the start of Phase One. A selection of initial findings illustrate the nature of the investigation to be undertaken. The paper also seeks to highlight the importance of CSCW research for the design community. The substance of the paper is concerned with a presentation of issues involved in an analysis of co-operation, involving as it does, verbal and non-verbal communication
