79 research outputs found

    Using Natural Stable Calcium Isotopes to Rapidly Assess Changes in Bone Mineral Balance Using a Bed Rest Model to Induce Bone Loss

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    Metabolic bone diseases like osteoporosis result from the disruption of normal bone mineral balance (BMB) resulting in bone loss. During spaceflight astronauts lose substantial bone. Bed rest provides an analog to simulate some of the effects of spaceflight; including bone and calcium loss and provides the opportunity to evaluate new methods to monitor BMB in healthy individuals undergoing environmentally induced-bone loss. Previous research showed that natural variations in the Ca isotope ratio occur because bone formation depletes soft tissue of light Ca isotopes while bone resorption releases that isotopically light Ca back into soft tissue (Skulan et al, 2007). Using a bed rest model, we demonstrate that the Ca isotope ratio of urine shifts in a direction consistent with bone loss after just 7 days of bed rest, long before detectable changes in bone mineral density (BMD) occur. The Ca isotope variations tracks changes observed in urinary N-teleopeptide, a bone resorption biomarker. Bone specific alkaline phosphatase, a bone formation biomarker, is unchanged. The established relationship between Ca isotopes and BMB can be used to quantitatively translate the changes in the Ca isotope ratio to changes in BMD using a simple mathematical model. This model predicts that subjects lost 0.25 0.07% ( SD) of their bone mass from day 7 to day 30 of bed rest. Given the rapid signal observed using Ca isotope measurements and the potential to quantitatively assess bone loss; this technique is well suited to study the short-term dynamics of bone metabolism

    Rapidly Assessing Changes in Bone Mineral Balance Using Natural Stable Calcium Isotopes

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    We demonstrate that variations in the Ca isotope ratios in urine rapidly and quantitatively reflect changes in bone mineral balance. This variation occurs because bone formation depletes soft tissue of light Ca isotopes, while bone resorption releases that isotopically light Ca back into soft tissue. In a study of 12 individuals confined to bed rest, a condition known to induce bone resorption, we show that Ca isotope ratios shift in a direction consistent with net bone loss after just 7 days, long before detectible changes in bone density occur. Consistent with this interpretation, the Ca isotope variations track changes observed in N-teleopeptide, a bone resorption biomarker, while bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, a bone formation biomarker, is unchanged. Ca isotopes can in principle be used to quantify net changes in bone mass. Ca isotopes indicate an average loss of 0.62 +/- 0.16 % in bone mass over the course of this 30-day study. The Ca isotope technique should accelerate the pace of discovery of new treatments for bone disease and provide novel insights into the dynamics of bone metabolism

    The δ44Ca-temperature calibration on fossil and cultured Globigerinoides sacculifer: New tool for reconstruction of past sea surface temperatures

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    We report direct δ44Ca-temperature calibration on cultured and fossil calcite foraminifera, showing that Ca isotopes are potentially a new proxy for past sea surface temperatures (SST). Samples have been analyzed using a 43Ca-48Ca double spike and thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS). In order to avoid species-dependent isotope fractionation we focused our investigations on a single foraminifera species (Globigerinoides sacculifer), which is known to inhabit shallow euphotic waters in tropical and subtropical oceans. Ca isotope measurements were performed on cultured G. sacculifer that grew in seawater kept at temperatures of 19.5°, 26.5°, and 29.5°C. A δ44Ca change of 0.24 ± 0.02 per 1°C is defined by the weighted linear regression through reproduced δ44Ca data of the three temperatures (95% confidence level). Application of this new method to fossil G. sacculifer of an Equatorial East Atlantic sediment core (GeoB1112; 5°46.7′S, 10°45.0′W, 3125 m) indicates that the δ44Ca difference between marine isotope stage 1 (MIS-1) and MIS-2 is 0.71 ± 0.24. According to the current δ44Ca-temperature calibration this value corresponds to a temperature difference between MIS-1 and MIS-2 of ∼3.0 ± 1.0°C

    Reduced partition function ratios of iron and oxygen in goethite

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    First-principles calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT) with or without the addition of a Hubbard U correction, are performed on goethite in order to determine the iron and oxygen reduced partition function ratios (β-factors). The calculated iron phonon density of states (pDOS), force constant and β-factor are compared with reevaluated experimental β-factors obtained from Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (NRIXS) measurements. The reappraisal of old experimental data is motivated by the erroneous previous interpretation of the low- and high-energy ends of the NRIXS spectrum of goethite and jarosite samples (Dauphas et al., 2012). Here the NRIXS data are analyzed using the SciPhon software that corrects for non-constant baseline. New NRIXS measurements also demonstrate the reproducibility of the results. Unlike for hematite and pyrite, a significant discrepancy remains between DFT, NRIXS and the existing Mössbauer-derived data. Calculations suggest a slight overestimation of the NRIXS signal possibly related to the baseline definition. The intrinsic features of the samples studied by NRIXS and Mössbauer spectroscopy may also contribute to the discrepancy (e.g., internal structural and/or chemical defects, microstructure, surface contribution). As for oxygen, DFT results indicate that goethite and hematite have similar β-factors, which suggests almost no fractionation between the two minerals at equilibrium

    Iron isotope fractionation in subterranean estuaries

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2008. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (2008): 3413-3430, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2008.05.001.Dissolved Fe concentrations in subterranean estuaries, like their river-seawater counterparts, are strongly controlled by non-conservative behavior during mixing of groundwater and seawater in coastal aquifers. Previous studies at a subterranean estuary of Waquoit Bay on Cape Cod, USA demonstrate extensive precipitation of groundwater-borne dissolved ferrous iron and subsequent accumulation of iron oxides onto subsurface sands. Waquoit Bay is thus an excellent natural laboratory to assess the mechanisms of Fe-isotope fractionation in redoxstratified environments and determine potential Fe-isotope signatures of groundwater sources to coastal seawater. Here, we report Fe isotope compositions of iron-coated sands and porewaters beneath the intertidal zone of Waquoit Bay. The distribution of pore water Fe shows two distinct sources of Fe: one residing in the upward rising plume of Fe-rich groundwater and the second in the salt-wedge zone of pore water. The groundwater source has high Fe(II) concentration consistent with anoxic conditions and yield δ56Fe values between 0.3 and –1.3‰. In contrast, sediment porewaters occurring in the mixing zone of the subterranean estuary have very low δ56Fe values down to –5‰. These low δ56Fe values reflect Fe-redox cycling and result from the preferential retention of heavy Fe-isotopes onto newly formed Fe-oxyhydroxides. Analysis of Feoxides precipitated onto subsurface sands in two cores from the subterranean estuary revealed strong δ56Fe and Fe concentration gradients over less than 2m, yielding an overall range of δ56Fe values between –2 and 1.5‰. The relationship between Fe concentration and δ56Fe of Fe-rich sands can be modeled by the progressive precipitation of Fe-oxides along fluid flow through the subterranean estuary. These results demonstrate that large-scale Fe isotope fractionation (up to 5‰) can occur in subterranean estuaries, which could lead to coastal seawater characterized by very low δ56Fe values relative to river values.This study was supported by the National Science Foundation (OCE 0550066) to OR and ES , (OCE 0095384) to MC and ES and NASA Astrobiology Institute - Cycle 3 CAN-02-OSS-02 to KJE

    Iron isotope systematics in estuaries : the case of North River, Massachusetts (USA)

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009): 4045-4059, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2009.04.026.Recent studies have suggested that rivers may present an isotopically light Fe source to the oceans. Since the input of dissolved iron from river water is generally controlled by flocculation processes that occur during estuarine mixing, it is important to investigate potential fractionation of Fe-isotopes during this process. In this study, we investigate the influence of the flocculation of Fe-rich colloids on the iron isotope composition of pristine estuarine waters and suspended particles. The samples were collected along a salinity gradient from the fresh water to the ocean in the North River estuary (MA, USA). Estuarine samples were filtered at 0.22 μm and the iron isotope composition of the two fractions (dissolved and particles) were analyzed using high resolution MC-ICP-MS after chemical purification. Dissolved iron results show positive δ56Fe values (with an average of 0.43 ± 0.04 ‰) relative to the IRMM-14 standard and do not display any relationships with salinity or with percentage of colloid flocculation. The iron isotopic composition of the particles suspended in fresh water is characterized by more negative δ56Fe values than for dissolved Fe and correlate with the percentage of Fe flocculation. Particulate δ56Fe values vary from -0.09‰ at no flocculation to ~ 0.1‰ at the flocculation maximum, which reflect mixing effects between river-borne particles, lithogenic particles derived from coastal seawaters and newly precipitated colloids. Since the process of flocculation produces minimal Fe-isotope fractionation in the dissolved Fe pool, we suggest that the pristine iron isotope composition of fresh water is preserved during estuarine mixing and that the value of the global riverine source into the ocean can be identified from the fresh water values. However, this study also suggests that δ56Fe composition of rivers can also be characterized by more positive δ56Fe values (up to 0.3 per mil) relative to the crust than previously reported. In order to improve our current understanding of the oceanic iron isotope cycling, further work is now required to determine the processes controlling the fractionation of Fe isotopes during continental run-off.This study was supported by the National Science Foundation (OCE 0550066) to O. Rouxel and Edward Sholkovitz

    Neoproterozoic iron formation: An evaluation of its temporal, environmental and tectonic significance

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