27 research outputs found

    The examination of unclear order lines and what factors behind human knowledge have impact on them, Case study, ABB Oy Motors & Generators

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    Work conditions are changing rapidly and it is impossible to foresee how automatization, intelligent programs and technological development will influence on our work environment. However, on organizations one target is to get the best benefit out from the employees in the most effective way. This can be achieved if employees’ surrounding work conditions and factors that make their work performance more difficult is examined. This research examined the impact of human error at the beginning phases of order-to-delivery process and those factors that caused these errors. The aim for this research was to find out what these errors were, how they affect on order-to-delivery process, what factors influenced on their existence and how these errors could be prevented and eliminated in the future. This research exploit the views from quality management programs and the importance of knowledge for organizational performance. In the empirical part qualitative and quantitative methods were used when results were analysed. The research pointed out that remarkable amount of new order lines included error, which stopped the order-to-delivery process. When these errors were examined, it was found out that certain errors appeared repeatedly. Factors that influenced on these errors were time pressure, high workload, multitasking and the lack of instructions. Research conclusion, organization loose its efficiency by small errors that could be prevented with right actions. Preventing errors require willingness, commitment and resources in all level of organizations.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    The layman's sample practice as a method in Finland's mineral potential mapping

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    The layman’s sample practice of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) is a unique national practice in raw material exploration and research. Its main purpose is to increase knowledge related to Finnish raw material resources. The operation is quite rare on a global scale. A layman’s sample (kansannäyte) is a sample of rock, mineral, or soil sent to a geologist or other type of expert by a rock hobbyist. The Layman’s Sample Office of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) receives thousands of samples from all over Finland every year. The office handles ore samples, industrial minerals, dimensional stone, precious stone and gemstone discoveries, and metals of technological interest. The concept of layman’s sample reflects the action of its history and original purpose. The practice started in the 18th century and has continued uninterrupted since then. Thirtytwo of the metallic mines in Finland have been discovered on the basis of a layman's sample. Currently, further new mining operations, on which the first reference sample has been sent by the public, are being launched. In addition to the economic benefit, the practice also has other tasks. The sample office answers geology-related questions sent in by the general public and provides competent and up-to-date information on the importance of raw materials to the society. The challenge in the future is to improve the quality of the samples. Also in the future, the development of digital applications will be important including web and mobile applications, for example teaching map services and platforms. The new applications could also inspire young people to the rock hobby in general as well as increase the geological knowledge of the general public. The digital archive of layman’s samples contains information on more than 60 000 bedrock and boulder samples. Layman’s samples and metallogenic zones can be compared with each other. Geologically ore potential zones could be identified and sampled. The archive also reveals new areas with ore potential.Geologian tutkimuskeskuksen (GTK) ylläpitämä kansannäytetoiminta on Suomessa ainutlaatuinen kansallisten raaka-ainevarojen etsintää ja tutkimusta palveleva toimintamuoto, jonka avulla lisätään Suomen raaka-ainevaroihin liittyviä tietovarantoja. Toiminta on melko harvinaista kansainvälisessä mittakaavassa. Kansannäyte on kiviharrastajan geologille tai muulle asiantuntijalle toimittama kivi-, mineraali- tai maaperänäyte. Lähetetyistä näytteistä suurin osa sisältää malmimineraaleja, mutta näyte voi olla myös teollisuusmineraali, teollisuuskivi, rakennuskivi sekä myös korukivi tai jalokivi. Sana kansannäyte (engl. layman’s sample) kuvastaa hyvin toiminnan historiaa ja sen alkuperäistä tarkoitusta. Kansannäytetoiminta on vanha malminetsinnän muoto, jonka historia ulottuu Ruotsin vallan aikaan 1500–1600 luvulle. Varsinaisen kansannäytetoiminnan käynnisti 1740-luvulla vuorihallituksen asessori Daniel Tilas ja siitä lähtien toiminta on jatkunut yhtäjaksoisesti Suomessa lähes 300 vuotta. Suomen modernin kaivosteollisuuden alkupuolelta, 1900-luvulta saakka, kansannäyte on johtanut 32 metallimalmikaivoksen syntymiseen ja 2000-luvulla useiden kymmenien malmipotentiaalisten kohteiden jatkotutkimuksiin. Suomessa on tällä hetkellä syntymässä kaivoksia ja tutkimuksien kohteina on alueita, joista ensimmäinen viite on saatu harrastajan löytämästä kansannäytteestä. Kansannäytetoiminnalla on taloudellisen hyödyn tuottamisen lisäksi myös muita tehtäviä. Kansalaisille suunnatun geologiaan ja kallioperän raaka-aineisiin liittyvä popularisointi on tärkeä toiminnan osa-alue. Kansannäytetoiminnan haasteena on tulevaisuudessa näytteiden laadun parantaminen ja monipuolistaminen sekä harrastajien ohjaaminen uusille alueille. Tulevaisuudessa digitaalisten mahdollisuuksien kehittyessä tulisi pyrkiä hyödyntämään myös tätä puolta kansannäytetoiminnassa. Toiminnan tukemiseksi on mahdollista kehittää uusia verkkosovellutuksia ja mobiilisovelluksia, jotka esimerkiksi voivat olla karttapalveluita sekä opetusalustoja. Uudet sovellukset saattaisivat innostaa myös nuoria kiviharrastuksen pariin sekä yleisesti lisäämään geologista tietämystä. Kansannnäytteiden digitaalinen aineisto käsittää tällä hetkellä yli 60 000 näytteen tiedot. Näistä näytteistä on olemassa paikkatiedot sekä analyysitulokset. Kansannäytteitä ja metallogeenisiä vyöhykkeitä voidaan vertailla keskenään. Sieltä missä on arvioitu olevan geologisesti malmisuotuisa vyöhyke, löytyy myös hyviä lähetettyjä näytteitä ja toisaalta esille tulee myös alueita, joiden aikaisemmasta malmipotentiaalista ei ole havaintoa

    Dopaminergic and serotonergic mechanisms in the modulation of pain : In vivo studies in human brain

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    Here we review the literature assessing the roles of the brain dopaminergic and serotonergic systems in the modulation of pain as revealed by in vivo human studies using positron emission tomography. In healthy subjects, dopamine D-2/D-3 receptor availability particularly in the striatum and serotonin 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptor availabilities in the cortex predict the subject's response to tonic experimental pain. High availability of dopamine D-2/D-3 or serotonin 5-HT2A receptors is associated with high pain intensity, whereas high availability of 5-HT1A receptors associates with low pain intensity. Chronic neuropathic pain is associated with high striatal dopamine D-2/D-3 receptor availability, for which low endogenous dopamine tone is a plausible explanation, although a compensatory increase in striatal dopamine D-2/D-3 receptor density may also contribute. In contrast, chronic musculoskeletal pain is associated with low baseline availability of striatal dopamine D-2/D-3 receptors. In healthy subjects, brain serotonin 5-HT1A as well as dopamine D-2/D-3 receptor availabilities associate with the subject's response criterion rather than the capacity to discriminate painful thermal stimuli suggesting that these neurotransmitter systems act mainly on non-sensory rather than sensory factors of thermally induced pain experience. Additionally, 5-HT1A receptor availability predicts the subject's discriminative ability but not response criterion for non-painful tactile test stimuli, while no such correlation is observed with dopamine D-2/D-3 receptors. These findings suggest that dopamine acting on striatal dopamine D-2/D-3 receptors and serotonin acting on cortical 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors contribute to top-down pain regulation in humans.Peer reviewe

    Agri-environmental and rural development indicators: a proposal

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    The present work is a proposal of a set of indicators prepared for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The indicators are to be used in monitoring the implementation of the Ministry's strategy for sustainable use of natural resources. The core of the present work is in setting up an indicator system, which is structured around specific themes. The focus is on the assessment of agricultural and rural development. At the end, an attempt is made to provide a comprehensive picture by considering the mutual inter-linkages between the various indicators

    Bulk synthesis of stoichiometric/meteoritic troilite (FeS) by high-temperature pyrite decomposition and pyrrhotite melting

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    Stoichiometric troilite (FeS) is a common phase in differentiated and undifferentiated meteorites. It is the endmember of the iron sulfide system. Troilite is important for investigating shock metamorphism in meteorites and studying spectral properties and space weathering of planetary bodies. Thus, obtaining coarse-grained meteoritic troilite in quantities is beneficial for these fields. The previous synthesis of troilite was achieved by pyrite or pyrrhotite heating treatments or chemical syntheses. However, most of these works lacked a visual characterization of the step by step process and the final product, the production of large quantities, and they were not readily advertised to planetary scientists or the meteoritical research community. Here, we illustrate a two-step heat treatment of pyrite to synthesize troilite. Pyrite powder was decomposed to pyrrhotite at 1023-1073 K for 4-6 h in Ar; the run product was then retrieved and reheated for 1 h at 1498-1598 K in N-2 (gas). The minerals were analyzed with a scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction (XRD) at room temperature, and in situ high-temperature XRD. The primary observation of synthesis from pyrrhotite to troilite is the shift of a major diffraction peak from similar to 43.2 degrees 2 theta to similar to 43.8 degrees 2 theta. Troilite spectra matched an XRD analysis of natural meteoritic troilite. Slight contamination of Fe was observed during cooling to troilite, and alumina crucibles locally reacted with troilite. The habitus and size of troilite crystals allowed us to store it as large grains rather than powder; 27 g of pyrite yielded 17 g of stochiometric troilite.Peer reviewe

    Previous radiotherapy improves treatment responses and causes a trend toward longer time to progression among patients with immune checkpoint inhibitor-related adverse events

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    Background: Immune-related adverse events (irAEs) are frequently encountered by patients during immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) treatment and are associated with better treatment outcomes. The sequencing of radiotherapy (RT) and ICIs is widely used in current clinical practice, but its effect on survival has remained unclear. Methods: In a real-world multicenter study including 521 patients who received ICI treatment for metastatic or locally advanced cancer, RT schedules and timing, irAEs, time to progression, overall survival, and treatment responses were retrospectively reviewed. Results: Patients who received previous RT and developed irAE (RT +/AE +) had the best overall response rate (ORR 44.0%). The ORR was 40.1% in the RT −/AE + group, 26.7% in the RT −/AE − group and 18.3% in the RT + /AE − group (p < 0.001). There was a significantly longer time to progression (TTP) in the RT + /AE + group compared to the RT −/AE − and RT + /AE − groups (log rank p = 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively), but the trend toward longer TTP in the RT + /AE + group did not reach statistical significance in pairwise comparison to that in the RT −/AE + group. Preceding RT timing and intent had no statistically significant effect on TTP. In a multivariate model, ECOG = 0 and occurrence of irAEs remained independent positive prognostic factors for TTP (HR 0.737; 95% CI 0.582–0.935; p = 0.012, and HR 0.620; 95% CI 0.499–0.769; p < 0.001, respectively). Conclusions: Better ORR and a trend toward longer TTP were demonstrated for patients with RT preceding ICI treatment and development of irAEs, which suggests that RT may boost the therapeutic effect of immunotherapy in patients with metastatic cancers.Peer reviewe

    New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution.

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    Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms

    Olemassa olevien asiakkaiden hyödyntäminen suosittelumarkkinoinnissa : case Tehden Oy

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    Suosittelumarkkinointi on strateginen markkinointikeino, joka tarkoittaa asiakassuositusten aktiivista ja systemaattista hyödyntämistä sekä edistämistä. Se perustuu asiakastyytyväisyyden korkeimpaan tasoon, jolloin asiakas kokee tarvetta suositella yrityksen tuotetta tai palvelua. Suosittelu koetaan painoarvoltaan luotettavammaksi kuin kaupallinen mainonta. Tämän opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana toimi Tehden Oy ja tarkoituksena oli löytää heidän potentiaaliset referenssiasiakkaat sekä tuottaa monipuolista referenssimateriaalia yrityksen markkinoinnin käyttöön sekä myynnin tueksi. Aihetta lähestyttiin asiakastyytyväisyyskyselyllä, joka sisälsi suositteluhalukkuuden tarkastelun Net Promoter Score – mittaria käyttämällä. Kysely lähetettiin sähköpostitse kaikille Tehden ohjelmistoa käyttäville. Kyselyn sekä Tehden Oy:n henkilökunnan avulla löydettiin referenssiasiakkaat. Potentiaalisiin referenssiasiakkaisiin otettiin yhteyttä sähköpostitse ja puhelimitse. Kaiken kaikkiaan yhteyttä otettiin 16 asiakkaaseen, joista 14 vastasi ja suostui suosituksen antamiseen. Lopulta toteutettiin 12 asiakasreferenssiä. Monipuolisen referenssimateriaalin saamiseksi valittiin referenssien muodoiksi video, case study ja lyhyet asiakastestimoniaalit. Referenssivideoon haastateltiin kauneudenhoitoalan asiakasta. Video toteutettiin yhteistyössä graafisen alan painoviestinnän opiskelijoiden kanssa. Videosta muodostui tarinamainen asiakaskertomus, jonka näkökulmana oli asiakkaan kokemus Tehden ohjelmistosta. Case studyyn haastateltiin liikunnan alan asiakasta, jonka pohjalta kirjoitettiin tarinamainen asiakaskertomus. Lyhyet asiakastestimoniaalit saatiin suoraan asiakastyytyväisyyskyselystä. Näihin pyydettiin asiakkaan suostumus käyttää suositusta Tehdenin markkinoinnin ja myynnin tarpeisiin. Lopputuotoksena saatiin toimeksiantajalle hyödyllistä tietoa asiakastyytyväisyydestä, jonka avulla he voivat kehittää yrityksensä toimintaa. Tämän lisäksi he saivat myös monipuolista referenssimateriaalia, markkinointiin ja myynnin tueksi.Reference marketing is a strategic marketing tool, which utilizes active and systematic promotion of customer references. It is based on the highest level of customer satisfaction when customer feels to recommend product or service. Customer references are considered more trustworthy than commercial marketing. This Bachelor’s thesis was assigned by Tehden Ltd. The aim of the work was to found out the potential brand advocates for Tehden Ltd and produce versatile references for marketing and sales. The work was started by carrying out customer satisfaction survey. Survey included section to identify advocates by using Net Promoter Score. Customer satisfaction survey was sent by e-mail to all users of Tehden business software. By means of the survey and with help of the Tehden personnel reference customers were identified. Potential reference customers were contacted via email and by phone. In total 16 customers were approached and 14 of those replied and wanted to act as brand advocates. In the end, 12 customer references were executed. Three different kind of realization types were chosen to implement customer references. Those were reference video, case study and short customer testimonials. Customer from the field of beauty care was interviewed for video. It was produced in cooperation with students of graphics technology in publishing and printing. The idea of the video was to emphasize the customer’s experience of Tehden business software using storytelling method. Case study was based on an interview of one customer from the field of sports. Short customer testimonials were found straight from the survey. Approvals to use those testimonials for Tehden´s marketing and sales were separately asked from customers. As a conclusion of the whole process, Tehden Ltd gained useful information of customer satisfaction which can now further be utilized to improve their business. The project also provided them wide-ranged reference material for customer reference portfolio

    CE-merkintä eristyslasiteollisuudessa

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    CE-merkintä on tullut pakolliseksi 1.7.2013. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on koota yhteen CE-merkintäprojektin tärkeimmät milestonet parhaan lopputuloksen varmistamiseksi.The purpose of the bachelor thesis was to document the milestones in a CE-marking project for Finnish glass manufacturers. As a consequence of the new regulation all construction products must be CE marked by 1.7.2013. The new regulation deals with the CE-marking of all construction products