134 research outputs found

    Direct frequency comb measurement of OD + CO → DOCO kinetics

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    The kinetics of the hydroxyl radical (OH) + carbon monoxide (CO) reaction, which is fundamental to both atmospheric and combustion chemistry, are complex because of the formation of the hydrocarboxyl radical (HOCO) intermediate. Despite extensive studies of this reaction, HOCO has not been observed under thermal reaction conditions. Exploiting the sensitive, broadband, and high-resolution capabilities of time-resolved cavity-enhanced direct frequency comb spectroscopy, we observed deuteroxyl radical (OD) + CO reaction kinetics and detected stabilized trans-DOCO, the deuterated analog of trans-HOCO. By simultaneously measuring the time-dependent concentrations of the trans-DOCO and OD species, we observed unambiguous low-pressure termolecular dependence of the reaction rate coefficients for N_2 and CO bath gases. These results confirm the HOCO formation mechanism and quantify its yield

    Silk fibroin photo-lyogels containing microchannels as a biomaterial platform for: In situ tissue engineering

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    The biophysical properties of biomaterials are key to directing the biological responses and biomaterial integration and function in in situ tissue engineering approaches. We present silk photo-lyogels, a biomaterial format fabricated using a new combinatorial approach involving photo-initiated crosslinking of silk fibroin via di-tyrosine bonds followed by lyophilization to generate 3D, porous lyogels showing physical properties distinct to those of lyophilized silk sponges or silk hydrogels. This fabrication approach allowed introduction of microchannels into 3D constructs via biofabrication approaches involving silk crosslinking around an array of 3D printed photocurable resin pillars to generate parallel channels or around a 3D printed sacrificial thermosensitive gel to generate interconnected channels in a rapid manner and without the need for chemical modification of silk fibroin. The presence of interconnected microchannels significantly improved migration of endothelial cells into 3D photo-lyogels in vitro, and tissue infiltration, photo-lyogel integration, and vascularization when implanted in vivo in a mouse subcutaneous model. Taken together, these findings demonstrate the feasibility and utility of a new combinatorial fabrication approach for generation of silk biomaterials that support cell interactions and implant integration for in situ tissue engineering approaches

    Thickness uniformity measurements and damage threshold tests of large-area GaAs/AlGaAs crystalline coatings for precision interferometry

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    Precision interferometry is the leading method for extremely sensitive measurements in gravitational wave astronomy. Thermal noise of dielectric coatings poses a limitation to the sensitivity of these interferometers. To decrease coating thermal noise, new crystalline GaAs/AlGaAs multilayer mirrors have been developed. To date, the surface figure and thickness uniformity of these alternative low-loss coatings has not been investigated. Surface figure errors, for example, cause small angle scattering and thereby limit the sensitivity of an interferometer. Here we measure the surface figure of highly reflective, substrate-transferred, crystalline GaAs/AlGaAs coatings with a custom scanning reflectance system. We exploit the fact that the reflectivity varies with the thickness of the coating. To increase penetration into the coating, we used a 1550 nm laser on a highly reflective coating designed for a center wavelength of 1064 nm. The RMS thickness variation of a two inch optic was measured to be 0.41 ± 0.05 nm. This result is within 10% of the thickness uniformity, of 0.37 nm RMS, achieved with ion-beam sputtered coatings for the aLIGO detector. We additionally measured a lower limit of the laser induced damage threshold of 64 MW/cm2 for GaAs/AlGaAs coatings at a wavelength of 1064 nm. © 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreemen

    Mid-infrared interference coatings with excess optical loss below 10 ppm

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    Low excess optical loss, combined absorption and scatter loss, is a key performance metric for any high-reflectance coating technology and is currently one of the main limiting factors for the application of optical resonators in the mid-infrared spectral region. Here we present high-reflectivity substrate-transferred single-crystal GaAs/AlGaAs interference coatings at a center wavelength of 4.54 µm with record-low excess optical loss below 10 parts per million. These high-performance mirrors are realized via a novel microfabrication process that differs significantly from the production of amorphous multilayers generated via physical vapor deposition processes. This new process enables reduced scatter loss due to the low surface and interfacial roughness, while low background doping in epitaxial growth ensures strongly reduced absorption. We report on a suite of optical measurements, including cavity ring-down, transmittance spectroscopy, and direct absorption tests to reveal the optical losses for a set of prototype mirrors. In the course of these measurements, we observe a unique polarization-orientation-dependent loss mechanism which we attribute to elastic anisotropy of these strained epitaxial multilayers. A future increase in layer count and a corresponding reduction of transmittance will enable optical resonators with a finesse in excess of 100,000 in the mid-infrared spectral region, allowing for advances in high-resolution spectroscopy, narrow-linewidth laser stabilization, and ultrasensitive measurements of various light–matter interactions

    Direct frequency comb measurement of OD + CO → DOCO kinetics

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    The kinetics of the hydroxyl radical (OH) + carbon monoxide (CO) reaction, which is fundamental to both atmospheric and combustion chemistry, are complex because of the formation of the hydrocarboxyl radical (HOCO) intermediate. Despite extensive studies of this reaction, HOCO has not been observed under thermal reaction conditions. Exploiting the sensitive, broadband, and high-resolution capabilities of time-resolved cavity-enhanced direct frequency comb spectroscopy, we observed deuteroxyl radical (OD) + CO reaction kinetics and detected stabilized trans-DOCO, the deuterated analog of trans-HOCO. By simultaneously measuring the time-dependent concentrations of the trans-DOCO and OD species, we observed unambiguous low-pressure termolecular dependence of the reaction rate coefficients for N_2 and CO bath gases. These results confirm the HOCO formation mechanism and quantify its yield

    Development of Shuttle Vectors for Transformation of Diverse Rickettsia Species

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    Plasmids have been identified in most species of Rickettsia examined, with some species maintaining multiple different plasmids. Three distinct plasmids were demonstrated in Rickettsia amblyommii AaR/SC by Southern analysis using plasmid specific probes. Copy numbers of pRAM18, pRAM23 and pRAM32 per chromosome in AaR/SC were estimated by real-time PCR to be 2.0, 1.9 and 1.3 respectively. Cloning and sequencing of R. amblyommii AaR/SC plasmids provided an opportunity to develop shuttle vectors for transformation of rickettsiae. A selection cassette encoding rifampin resistance and a fluorescent marker was inserted into pRAM18 yielding a 27.6 kbp recombinant plasmid, pRAM18/Rif/GFPuv. Electroporation of Rickettsia parkeri and Rickettsia bellii with pRAM18/Rif/GFPuv yielded GFPuv-expressing rickettsiae within 2 weeks. Smaller vectors, pRAM18dRG, pRAM18dRGA and pRAM32dRGA each bearing the same selection cassette, were made by moving the parA and dnaA-like genes from pRAM18 or pRAM32 into a vector backbone. R. bellii maintained the highest numbers of pRAM18dRGA (13.3 – 28.1 copies), and R. parkeri, Rickettsia monacensis and Rickettsia montanensis contained 9.9, 5.5 and 7.5 copies respectively. The same species transformed with pRAM32dRGA maintained 2.6, 2.5, 3.2 and 3.6 copies. pRM, the plasmid native to R. monacensis, was still present in shuttle vector transformed R. monacensis at a level similar to that found in wild type R. monacensis after 15 subcultures. Stable transformation of diverse rickettsiae was achieved with a shuttle vector system based on R. amblyommii plasmids pRAM18 and pRAM32, providing a new research tool that will greatly facilitate genetic and biological studies of rickettsiae

    Fibulin-5, an integrin-binding matricellular protein: its function in development and disease

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    Interactions between the extracellular matrix (ECM) and cells are critical in embryonic development, tissue homeostasis, physiological remodeling, and tumorigenesis. Matricellular proteins, a group of ECM components, mediate cell-ECM interactions. One such molecule, Fibulin-5 is a 66-kDa glycoprotein secreted by various cell types, including vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs), fibroblasts, and endothelial cells. Fibulin-5 contributes to the formation of elastic fibers by binding to structural components including tropoelastin and fibrillin-1, and to cross-linking enzymes, aiding elastic fiber assembly. Mice deficient in the fibulin-5 gene (Fbln5) exhibit systemic elastic fiber defects with manifestations of loose skin, tortuous aorta, emphysematous lung and genital prolapse. Although Fbln5 expression is down-regulated after birth, following the completion of elastic fiber formation, expression is reactivated upon tissue injury, affecting diverse cellular functions independent of its elastogenic function. Fibulin-5 contains an evolutionally conserved arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) motif in the N-terminal region, which mediates binding to a subset of integrins, including α5β1, αvβ3, and αvβ5. Fibulin-5 enhances substrate attachment of endothelial cells, while inhibiting migration and proliferation in a cell type- and context-dependent manner. The antagonistic function of fibulin-5 in angiogenesis has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo; fibulin-5 may block angiogenesis by inducing the anti-angiogenic molecule thrompospondin-1, by antagonizing VEGF165-mediated signaling, and/or by antagonizing fibronectin-mediated signaling through directly binding and blocking the α5β1 fibronectin receptor. The overall effect of fibulin-5 on tumor growth depends on the balance between the inhibitory property of fibulin-5 on angiogenesis and the direct effect of fibulin-5 on proliferation and migration of tumor cells. However, the effect of tumor-derived versus host microenvironment-derived fibulin-5 remains to be evaluated

    Gaia Data Release 2 Mapping the Milky Way disc kinematics

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    Context. The second Gaia data release (Gaia DR2) contains high-precision positions, parallaxes, and proper motions for 1.3 billion sources as well as line-of-sight velocities for 7.2 million stars brighter than G(RVS) = 12 mag. Both samples provide a full sky coverage. Aims. To illustrate the potential of Gaia DR2, we provide a first look at the kinematics of the Milky Way disc, within a radius of several kiloparsecs around the Sun. Methods. We benefit for the first time from a sample of 6.4 million F-G-K stars with full 6D phase-space coordinates, precise parallaxes (sigma((omega) over bar)/(omega) over bar Results. Gaia DR2 allows us to draw 3D maps of the Galactocentric median velocities and velocity dispersions with unprecedented accuracy, precision, and spatial resolution. The maps show the complexity and richness of the velocity field of the galactic disc. We observe streaming motions in all the components of the velocities as well as patterns in the velocity dispersions. For example, we confirm the previously reported negative and positive galactocentric radial velocity gradients in the inner and outer disc, respectively. Here, we see them as part of a non-axisymmetric kinematic oscillation, and we map its azimuthal and vertical behaviour. We also witness a new global arrangement of stars in the velocity plane of the solar neighbourhood and in distant regions in which stars are organised in thin substructures with the shape of circular arches that are oriented approximately along the horizontal direction in the U - V plane. Moreover, in distant regions, we see variations in the velocity substructures more clearly than ever before, in particular, variations in the velocity of the Hercules stream. Conclusions. Gaia DR2 provides the largest existing full 6D phase-space coordinates catalogue. It also vastly increases the number of available distances and transverse velocities with respect to Gaia DR1. Gaia DR2 offers a great wealth of information on the Milky Way and reveals clear non-axisymmetric kinematic signatures within the Galactic disc, for instance. It is now up to the astronomical community to explore its full potential.Peer reviewe

    Phase transition in Random Circuit Sampling

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    Quantum computers hold the promise of executing tasks beyond the capability of classical computers. Noise competes with coherent evolution and destroys long-range correlations, making it an outstanding challenge to fully leverage the computation power of near-term quantum processors. We report Random Circuit Sampling (RCS) experiments where we identify distinct phases driven by the interplay between quantum dynamics and noise. Using cross-entropy benchmarking, we observe phase boundaries which can define the computational complexity of noisy quantum evolution. We conclude by presenting an RCS experiment with 70 qubits at 24 cycles. We estimate the computational cost against improved classical methods and demonstrate that our experiment is beyond the capabilities of existing classical supercomputers