10 research outputs found
Bargaining Theory Meets Interest-Based Negotiations: A Case Study1
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A Semi-Classical Approach to the Interpretation of Spin Equilibria
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Refraction traveltime and amplitude corrections for very near- surface inhomogeneities
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Statics corrections for shallow seismic refraction data
- Author
- Ackermann H.D., Pankratz, L.W., and Dansereau, D.
- Berry M.J.
- Hagedoorn J.G.
- Hagedoorn J.G.
- Hagiwara T., and Omote, S.
- Hawkins L.V.
- Healy J.H.
- Lanz E., Maurer, H., and Green, A.G.
- Leung T.K.
- Oldenburg D.W.
- Palmer D.
- Palmer D
- Palmer D
- Palmer D.
- Schuster G.T., and Quintus-Bosz, A.
- Slichter L.B.
- Stefani J.P.
- Treitel S., and Lines, L.
- Whiteley R.J.
- Zhang J. and Toksoz, M.N.
- Zhu X., Sixta, D.P., and Andstman, B.G.
- Publication venue
- 'Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2005
- Field of study
Structure of the crust in the conterminous United States
- Author
- Aldrich
- Asada
- Barrett
- Berg
- Carder
- Cohen
- Cram
- Diment
- Eaton
- Eaton
- Ewing
- Gibbs
- Hales
- Hales
- Hart
- Healy
- Hill
- Hill
- Jackson
- Jackson
- James
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Katz
- Landisman
- Landisman
- McCamy
- McCamy
- Merkel
- Mitchell
- Mueller
- O'Brien
- Pakiser
- Prodehl
- Roller
- Roller
- Roller
- Roller
- Ryall
- Shor
- Shor
- Shor
- Slichter
- Smith
- Steinhart
- Steinhart
- Steinhart
- Stewart
- Stewart
- Stewart
- Tryggvason
- Tuve
- Warren
- Warren
- Warren
- Warren
- White
- Willden
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Non-uniqueness with refraction inversion - a syncline model study
- Author
- Acheson
- Acheson
- Aki
- Barry
- Barthelmes
- Barton
- Berry
- Berry
- Birch
- Brandt
- Diebold
- Dobrin
- Domzalski
- Ewing
- Faust
- Faust
- Gardner
- Gassman
- Gassman
- Gibson
- Glogovsky
- Hagedoorn
- Hagedoorn
- Hagiwara
- Hales
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hamilton
- Hawkins
- Healy
- Iida
- Ivanov
- Ivanov
- Jankowsky
- Lankston
- Lanz
- Leung
- Menke
- Merrick
- Nettleton
- Oldenburg
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Paterson
- Schuster
- Sheriff
- Sjögren
- Sjögren
- Sjögren
- Slichter
- Stefani
- Taner
- Treitel
- Treitel
- White
- Whiteley
- Wyllie
- Wyllie
- Zhang
- Zhu
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Judging Unions' Future Using a Historical Perspective: The Public Policy Choice Between Competition and Unionization
- Author
- ?
- Addison Wesley Longman
- Adolf A Berle
- Alan Brinkley
- Armand J Thieblot
- Barry T Hirsch
- Barry T Hirsch
- Barry T Hirsch
- Barry T Hirsch
- Bruce E Kaufman
- Bruce E Kaufman
- Bruce E Kaufman
- Carter Wachter
- Daniel B Cornfield
- Douglas F Dowd
- Edward B Rock
- Edward B Rock
- G F Shove
- Healy Slichter
- Henry C Simons
- Henry S Farber
- Hicks
- Jack Fiorito
- James T Bennett
- James T Bennett
- James T Bennett
- Joann Muller
- John Galbraith
- John R Commons
- John R Hicks
- John R Hicks
- Jonathan J Bean
- Katchanovski Lipset
- Kaufman
- Kaufman
- Kim B Clark
- Leo Troy
- Margaret Foot
- Means Berle
- Michael L Wachter
- Michael L Wachter
- Michael L. Wachter
- Morris M Kleiner
- Neil C Chamberlain
- Of Conclusions
- Peter D Linneman
- Randall S Schuler
- Richard B Freeman
- Robert A Brady
- Robert H Bork
- Ronald G Ehrenberg
- Samuel Estreicher
- See
- See Ehrenberg
- See Ehrenberg
- See Rock
- Seymour Lipset
- Sumner H Slichter
- Thieblot
- Troy
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study
Exploiting lateral resolution of near-surface seismic refraction methods
- Author
- B. Sjögren
- D. Palmer
- D. Palmer
- D. Palmer
- D. Palmer
- D. Palmer
- D. Palmer
- D. Palmer
- D. Palmer
- D. Palmer
- D. Palmer
- D. Palmer
- D. Palmer
- D. Palmer
- D. W. Oldenburg
- Derecke Palmer
- E. Lanz
- G. G. Drijkoningen
- G. T. Schuster
- J. G. Hagedoorn
- J. G. Hagedoorn
- J. H. Healy
- J. Ivanov
- J. Ivanov
- J. P. Stefani
- J. Zhang
- K. Aki
- L. B. Slichter
- L. L. Nettleton
- L. V. Hawkins
- M. J. Berry
- N. P. Merrick
- P. A. Ruijtenberg
- P. Barton
- R. Franco de
- R. J. Whiteley
- R. J. Whiteley
- S. Chopra
- S. Treitel
- T. Hagiwara
- V. Červený
- W. Domzalski
- W. Menke
- X. Zhu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Thermal, pressure and light switchable spin-crossover materials
- Author
- Akamatu
- Ana Belén Gaspar
- Averseng
- Baker
- Barefield
- Bartlett
- Batten
- Batten
- Binnemans
- Boillot
- Boillot
- Bousseksou
- Bousseksou
- Bousseksou
- Brooker
- Brooker
- Cambi
- Cambi
- Cambi
- Chastanet
- Chernyshov
- Codjovi
- Coe
- Coronado
- Coryell
- Decurtins
- Decurtins
- Delaire
- Dorbes
- Dunbar
- Evans
- Ewald
- Floquet
- Fujigaya
- Fujita
- Galet
- Galet
- Gallois
- Galyametdinov
- Garcia
- Garcia
- Garcia
- Garcia
- García
- Gaspar
- Gaspar
- Gaspar
- Gaspar
- Golding
- Goodwin
- Granier
- Grunert
- Gütlich
- Gütlich
- Haasnoot
- Halder
- Hauser
- Hauser
- Hayami
- Hayami
- Healy
- Henández-Molina
- Hofmann
- Hofmann
- Hogg
- Honig
- Hoskins
- Hostettler
- Hudson
- Janiak
- José Antonio Real
- Kahn
- Kitagawa
- Kitazawa
- Klingele
- Kondo
- Kröber
- Ksenofontov
- Ksenofontov
- Ksenofontov
- Ksenofontov
- König
- König
- König
- Lacroix
- Lavrenova
- Lavrenova
- Lavrenova
- Leita
- Létard
- Létard
- M. Carmen Muñoz
- Martin
- Martin
- Matouzenko
- Matouzenko
- McGarvey
- Michalowicz
- Michalowicz
- Mitra
- Moliner
- Moliner
- Moliner
- Moliner
- Moliner
- Moliner
- Molnár
- Molnár
- Muller
- Murray
- Nakamo
- Nakano
- Niel
- Niel
- Niel
- Ohta
- Ouahab
- Ozarowski
- Ozarowski
- Pillet
- Powell
- Rayner
- Rayner
- Real
- Real
- Real
- Real
- Real
- Real
- Real
- Real
- Revonitch
- Roux
- Sacconi
- Schweifer
- Sieber
- Slichter
- Spiering
- Sugiyarto
- Sylva
- Thompson
- van Koningsbruggen
- van Koningsbruggen
- van Koningsbruggen
- Venkataraman
- Vreugdenhil
- Vreugdenhil
- Werner
- White
- Yaghi
- Zhong
- Zimmerman
- Publication venue
- 'Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2005
- Field of study
Hematologic manifestations of malignancy
- Author
- Adams
- Aderka
- Ahlquist
- Al-Mondhiry
- Ali
- Anner
- Antan
- Asano
- Ascensao
- Ashley
- Atkinson
- Austrian
- Bainton
- Banerjee
- Barrett
- Barry
- Bartal
- Bell
- Bessman
- Bismuth
- Boneu
- Bowdler
- Brain
- Brecher
- Brock
- Brownstein
- Broxmeyer
- Bull
- Bullen
- Canobbio
- Cantrell
- Cartwright
- Cartwright
- Cavill
- Cavill
- Chemow
- Chernow
- Chikkappa
- Chu
- Clark
- Conley
- Contreras
- Cook
- Corbett
- Crosby
- Crosby
- Dacie
- Damon
- Daniak
- David
- Davis
- DeGowin
- Deiss
- Deppisch
- Desevilla
- Devita
- DiFino
- Dinant
- Dinarello
- DiPersio
- Doll
- Doll
- Douglas
- Dutcher
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eisner
- Erslev
- Falini
- Fayemi
- Feinstein
- Fielding
- Fischer
- Garraty
- Ginsburg
- Giroux
- Goetzel
- Gore
- Gorevic
- Greegor
- Griffin
- Hammond
- Hanado
- Hanna
- Haurani
- Healy
- Hillman
- Hillman
- Hines
- Hirsh
- Hirsh
- Hirst
- Hoagland
- Huebers
- Hughes
- Hume
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- Jaffe
- James
- Jandl
- Jen
- Johnson
- Jones
- Joshi
- Kader
- Kadin
- Karle
- Kasimis
- Kazmier
- Kenny
- Kew
- Kim
- Kiraly
- Koeffler
- Kondo
- Konijn
- Korec
- Korman
- Krantz
- Kuhns
- Langer
- Lee
- Levin
- Levine
- Levine
- Lieberman
- Lohrmann
- Lukens
- Lyman
- Manoharan
- May
- McFadzean
- McGuire
- Messner
- Mitchell
- Morris
- Myers
- Nand
- Nawroth
- Nelson
- Okabe
- Olin
- Ossias
- Perlmutter
- Peschle
- Postlethwait
- Proia
- Rabadi
- Reynolds
- Rickles
- Rickles
- Risdall
- Robinson
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Roodman
- Rubenberg
- Rubinstein
- Sack
- Sato
- Schafer
- Schafer
- Schmid
- Schreuder
- Schwartz
- Sheldon
- Shubothe
- Silver
- Skinner
- Slichter
- Slichter
- Slungaard
- Smith
- Soong
- Spira
- Steinberg
- Sun
- Susens
- Toyama
- Van Snick
- Waldmann
- Wallerstein
- Ward
- Warnke
- Weick
- Weick
- Weitberg
- Wintrobe
- Wrigley
- Zacharski
- Zarrabi
- Zucker
- Zucker
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study