155 research outputs found

    Tau Enhances α-Synuclein Aggregation and Toxicity in Cellular Models of Synucleinopathy

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    BACKGROUND: The simultaneous accumulation of different misfolded proteins in the central nervous system is a common feature in many neurodegenerative diseases. In most cases, co-occurrence of abnormal deposited proteins is observed in different brain regions and cell populations, but, in some instances, the proteins can be found in the same cellular aggregates. Co-occurrence of tau and α-synuclein (α-syn) aggregates has been described in neurodegenerative disorders with primary deposition of α-syn, such as Parkinson's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. Although it is known that tau and α-syn have pathological synergistic effects on their mutual fibrillization, the underlying biological effects remain unclear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used different cell models of synucleinopathy to investigate the effects of tau on α-syn aggregation. Using confocal microscopy and FRET-based techniques we observed that tau colocalized and interacted with α-syn aggregates. We also found that tau overexpression changed the pattern of α-syn aggregation, reducing the size and increasing the number of aggregates. This shift was accompanied by an increase in the levels of insoluble α-syn. Furthermore, co-transfection of tau increased secreted α-syn and cytotoxicity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data suggest that tau enhances α-syn aggregation and toxicity and disrupts α-syn inclusion formation. This pathological synergistic effect between tau and α-syn may amplify the deleterious process and spread the damage in neurodegenerative diseases that show co-occurrence of both pathologies

    Mitophagy and the therapeutic clearance of damaged mitochondria for neuroprotection

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    Mitochondria are the foremost producers of the cellular energy currency ATP. They are also a significant source of reactive oxygen species and an important buffer of intracellular calcium. Mitochondrial retrograde signals regulate energy homeostasis and pro-survival elements whereas anterograde stimuli can trigger programmed cell death. Maintenance of a healthy, functional mitochondria network is therefore essential, and several mechanisms of mitochondrial quality control have been described. Mitochondrial dysfunction is linked to several neurodegenerative conditions including Parkinson, and Huntingdon diseases as well as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Understanding the mechanisms governing mitochondrial quality control may reveal novel strategies for pharmacological intervention and disease therapy

    Increased localization of APP-C99 in mitochondria-associated ER membranes causes mitochondrial dysfunction in Alzheimer disease

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    In the amyloidogenic pathway associated with Alzheimer disease (AD), the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is cleaved by beta-secretase to generate a 99-aa C-terminal fragment (C99) that is then cleaved by c-secretase to generate the beta-amyloid (Ab) found in senile plaques. In previous reports, we and others have shown that c-secretase activity is enriched in mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes (MAM) and that ER-mitochondrial connectivity and MAM function are upregulated in AD. We now show that C99, in addition to its localization in endosomes, can also be found in MAM, where it is normally processed rapidly by c-secretase. In cell models of AD, however, the concentration of unprocessed C99 increases in MAM regions, resulting in elevated sphingolipid turnover and an altered lipid composition of both MAM and mitochondrial membranes. In turn, this change in mitochondrial membrane composition interferes with the proper assembly and activity of mitochondrial respiratory supercomplexes, thereby likely contributing to the bioenergetic defects characteristic of AD.We thank Drs. Orian Shirihai and Marc Liesa (UCLA) for assistance with the Seahorse measurements, Dr. Huaxi Xu (Sanford Burnham Institute) for the APP-DKO MEFs and Dr. Mark Mattson (NIH) for the PS1 knock-in mice, Drs. Arancio and Teich for the APP-KO mice tissues used in these studies, Dr. Hua Yang (Columbia University) for mouse husbandry, and Drs. Marc Tambini, Ira Tabas, and Serge Przedborski for helpful comments. This work was supported by the Fundacion Alfonso Martin Escudero (to M.P.); the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation, the Ellison Medical Foundation, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the U.S. Department of Defense W911NF-12-1-9159 and W911F-15-1-0169), and the J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation (to E.A.S.); the U.S. National Institutes of Health (P01-HD080642 and P01-HD032062 to E.A.S.; NS071571 and HD071593 to M.F.M.; R01-NS056049 and P50-AG008702 to G.D.P.; 1S10OD016214-01A1 to G.S.P. and F.P.M, and K01-AG045335 to E.A.-G.), the Lucien Cote Early Investigator Award in Clinical Genetics from the Parkinson's Disease Foundation (PDF-CEI-1364 and PDF-CEI-1240) to C.G.-L., and National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (FA9550-11-C-0028) to R.R.A.S

    MFN2 mutations in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease alter mitochondria-associated ER membrane function but do not impair bioenergetics.

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    Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) type 2A is a form of peripheral neuropathy, due almost exclusively to dominant mutations in the nuclear gene encoding the mitochondrial protein mitofusin-2 (MFN2). However, there is no understanding of the relationship of clinical phenotype to genotype. MFN2 has two functions: it promotes inter-mitochondrial fusion and mediates endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochondrial tethering at mitochondria-associated ER membranes (MAM). MAM regulates a number of key cellular functions, including lipid and calcium homeostasis, and mitochondrial behavior. To date, no studies have been performed to address whether mutations in MFN2 in CMT2A patient cells affect MAM function, which might provide insight into pathogenesis. Using fibroblasts from three CMT2AMFN2 patients with different mutations in MFN2, we found that some, but not all, examined aspects of ER-mitochondrial connectivity and of MAM function were indeed altered, and correlated with disease severity. Notably, however, respiratory chain function in those cells was unimpaired. Our results suggest that CMT2AMFN2 is a MAM-related disorder but is not a respiratory chain-deficiency disease. The alterations in MAM function described here could also provide insight into the pathogenesis of other forms of CMT

    ER-mitochondria contact sites in neurodegeneration: genetic screening approaches to investigate novel disease mechanisms.

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    Funder: Open Targets OTAR050 UK Dementia Research Institute RRZA/175Mitochondria-ER contact sites (MERCS) are known to underpin many important cellular homoeostatic functions, including mitochondrial quality control, lipid metabolism, calcium homoeostasis, the unfolded protein response and ER stress. These functions are known to be dysregulated in neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease (PD), Alzheimer's disease (AD) and amyloid lateral sclerosis (ALS), and the number of disease-related proteins and genes being associated with MERCS is increasing. However, many details regarding MERCS and their role in neurodegenerative diseases remain unknown. In this review, we aim to summarise the current knowledge regarding the structure and function of MERCS, and to update the field on current research in PD, AD and ALS. Furthermore, we will evaluate high-throughput screening techniques, including RNAi vs CRISPR/Cas9, pooled vs arrayed formats and how these could be combined with current techniques to visualise MERCS. We will consider the advantages and disadvantages of each technique and how it can be utilised to uncover novel protein pathways involved in MERCS dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases

    Amyloid Precursor Protein Is Trafficked and Secreted via Synaptic Vesicles

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    A large body of evidence has implicated amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its proteolytic derivatives as key players in the physiological context of neuronal synaptogenesis and synapse maintenance, as well as in the pathology of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Although APP processing and release are known to occur in response to neuronal stimulation, the exact mechanism by which APP reaches the neuronal surface is unclear. We now demonstrate that a small but relevant number of synaptic vesicles contain APP, which can be released during neuronal activity, and most likely represent the major exocytic pathway of APP. This novel finding leads us to propose a revised model of presynaptic APP trafficking that reconciles existing knowledge on APP with our present understanding of vesicular release and recycling

    Mitochondrial division inhibitor-1 is neuroprotective in the A53T-α-synuclein rat model of Parkinson’s disease

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    Alpha-synuclein (α-syn) is involved in both familial and sporadic Parkinson’s disease (PD). One of the proposed pathogenic mechanisms of α-syn mutations is mitochondrial dysfunction. However, it is not entirely clear the impact of impaired mitochondrial dynamics induced by α-syn on neurodegeneration and whether targeting this pathway has therapeutic potential. In this study we evaluated whether inhibition of mitochondrial fission is neuroprotective against α-syn overexpression in vivo. To accomplish this goal, we overexpressed human A53T-α- synuclein (hA53T-α-syn) in the rat nigrostriatal pathway, with or without treatment using the small molecule Mitochondrial Division Inhibitor-1 (mdivi-1), a putative inhibitor of the mitochondrial fission Dynamin-Related Protein-1 (Drp1). We show here that mdivi-1 reduced neurodegeneration, α-syn aggregates and normalized motor function. Mechanistically, mdivi-1 reduced mitochondrial fragmentation, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. These in vivo results support the negative role of mutant α-syn in mitochondrial function and indicate that mdivi-1 has a high therapeutic potential for PD

    Dysregulation of neuronal iron homeostasis as an alternative unifying effect of mutations causing familial Alzheimer's disease

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    The overwhelming majority of dominant mutations causing early onset familial Alzheimer's disease (EOfAD) occur in only three genes, PSEN1, PSEN2, and APP. An effect-in-common of these mutations is alteration of production of the APP-derived peptide, amyloid ß (Aß). It is this key fact that underlies the authority of the Amyloid Hypothesis that has informed Alzheimer's disease research for over two decades. Any challenge to this authority must offer an alternative explanation for the relationship between the PSEN genes and APP. In this paper, we explore one possible alternative relationship - the dysregulation of cellular iron homeostasis as a common effect of EOfAD mutations in these genes. This idea is attractive since it provides clear connections between EOfAD mutations and major characteristics of Alzheimer's disease such as dysfunctional mitochondria, vascular risk factors/hypoxia, energy metabolism, and inflammation. We combine our ideas with observations by others to describe a "Stress Threshold Change of State" model of Alzheimer's disease that may begin to explain the existence of both EOfAD and late onset sporadic (LOsAD) forms of the disease. Directing research to investigate the role of dysregulation of iron homeostasis in EOfAD may be a profitable way forward in our struggle to understand this form of dementia
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