1,271 research outputs found

    Regional versus Multilateral Trade Liberalization, Environmental Taxation and Welfare

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    We consider strategic trade among identical countries and compare the impacts of multilateral versus regional tariff reduction on equilibrium pollution tax and social welfare. While both forms of trade liberalization increase production and consumption in the tariff-reducing countries, regional trade liberalization also reduces production in a non-participating country and may decrease its consumption. When pollution is local, regional and multilateral trade liberalization have similar impacts in the tariff-reducing countries. In contrast, when pollution is perfectly transboundary, regional (multilateral) trade liberalization (i) weakens (may strengthen) environmental protection in the tariff-reducing countries, and (ii) in the neighbourhood of free trade, may increase (decreases) welfare of the tariff-reducing countries.

    Towards a model of the Al13-pillared layer clay - a computational study

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    A step-by-step construction of an Al13-Keggin ion pillared montmorillonite segment is shown with the use of the MM+ general force field. The starting structures for the montmorillonite as well as the Al13-Keggin ion were obtained as pdb files. The two layers of the clay were dissected and segmented, then optimised with the MM+ force field. The Keggin ion was optimised with the PM3 semiempirical method. Then, the Keggin ion was attached to the layer through chemical bonds and was optimised with the MM+ force field once again. Finally, the structure was capped with the second layer and was optimised once again with the MM+ force field


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    We show that the cost of sorting and the network effects jointly determine the rate of participation of consumers in the process of recycling. The dominant producer of virgin material takes into account the recycling activities when it makes its pricing decision. The network effects can create multiplicity of steady-state equilibria. The government can improve welfare by influencing equilibrium selection.

    Recycling With Endogeneous Consumer Participation

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    We show that the cost of sorting and the network effects jointly determine the rate of participation of consumers in the process of recycling. The dominant producer of virgin material takes into account the recycling activities when it makes its pricing decision. The network effects can create multiplicity of steady-state equilibria. The government can improve welfare by influencing equilibrium selection. On montre que le coût de triage et les effets de réseau déterminent le taux de participation des consommateurs au processus de recyclage. La firme dominante tient compte des activités de recyclage en choisissant le prix du produit primaire. Les effets de réseau peuvent créer la multiplicité d’équilibres stationnaires. Le gouvernement peut améliorer le bien-être social par son influence sur le choix d’équilibres.dominant firm, multiple equilibria, network effect, recycling, effet de réseau, firme dominante, multiplicité d’équilibres, recyclage

    Exploring nomological link between automated service quality, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions with CRM performance indexing approach: Empirical evidence from Indian banking industry

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    Automation in service delivery has increased the consumers’ expectation with regard to service quality and subsequently the perception of the same. Technology-driven services redefined quality dimensions and their subsequent impact on the behavioural outcomes of the consumers with specific reference to attitudinal loyalty and propensity to switch. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has further reinforced the operational aspects of a service provider by integrating the behavioural perspectives with technology. This paper attempts to explore the nomological link between automated service quality and its behavioural consequences with specific reference to consumers’ attitudinal loyalty and their intention to switch or defect from their present service provider. The study further takes into consideration the moderating effects of the performance of the dimensions and attributes of customer relationship management by introducing a novel approach to CRM performance indexing. The cross-sectional study was carried out with the customers of State Bank of India at Asansol, Durgapur, Bolpur and Santiniketan in West Bengal, India. The study used structural equation modeling (SEM) to assess and validate the nomological relationship between the variables

    Automated service quality and its behavioural consequences in CRM Environment: A structural equation modeling and causal loop diagramming approach

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    Information technology induced communications (ICTs) have revolutionized the operational aspects of service sector and have triggered a perceptual shift in service quality as rapid dis-intermediation has changed the access-mode of services on part of the consumers. ICT-enabled services further stimulated the perception of automated service quality with renewed dimensions and there subsequent significance to influence the behavioural outcomes of the consumers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has emerged as an offshoot to technological breakthrough as it ensured service-encapsulation by integrating people, process and technology. This paper attempts to explore the relationship between automated service quality and its behavioural consequences in a relatively novel business-philosophy – CRM. The study has been conducted on the largest public sector bank of India - State bank of India (SBI) at Kolkata which has successfully completed its decade-long operational automation in the year 2008. The study used structural equation modeling (SEM) to justify the proposed model construct and causal loop diagramming (CLD) to depict the negative and positive linkages between the variables

    Investigação de infecção por calicivírus felino em gatos com doença do trato respiratório superior na região de Diyarbakir, Turquia

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    Feline calicivirus is among the most common pathogenic microorganisms in upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) and oral lesions of cats. It leads to stomatitis, oral ulceration, ocular and nasal discharge, conjunctivitis, fever, lameness, anorexia, hypersalivation, pneumonia, respiratory distress, coughing, and depression in infected cats. This study aimed to determine the role of Feline calicivirus (FCV) in cats with the upper respiratory tract disease in the Diyarbakir region, Turkey, to provide treatment for infected cats and contribute to the disease prophylaxis. The study material consisted of 10 cats (control group) considered to be healthy according to the clinical examination and 20 cats with URTD that were not vaccinated against Feline calicivirus infection of different breeds, ages, and genders brought to Dicle University Veterinary Faculty Prof. Dr. Servet SEKIN Polyclinic with URTD. After routine clinical examinations of the animals, oral and conjunctival swabs and blood samples were taken. Hematological and biochemical analyzes of blood samples were performed. Swab samples were analyzed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for the diagnosis of the agent. Oral lesions, hypersalivation, ocular and nasal discharge, coughing, and breathing difficulties were seen in clinical examinations of cats with URTD. Feline calicivirus was detected in only one cat’s conjunctival swab sample in PCR analyses. As a result, we found that Feline calicivirus infection was present in cats with URTD in the Diyarbakir region, and 5% positivity was found in cats with clinical symptoms according to PCR analysis.O calicivírus felino está entre os microrganismos patogênicos mais comuns nas doenças do trato respiratório superior de gatos, determinando estomatites, ulcerações orais, descarga ocular e nasal, conjuntivite, febre, manqueira, anorexia, hipersalivação, pneumonia, distúrbios respiratórios, tosse e depressão. O presente trabalho foi delineado para determinar o papel do calicivírus felino (CVF) em gatos com doenças do trato respiratório superior na região de Diyarbakir, Turquia. Com o objetivo de orientar a prescrição do tratamento para os gatos infectados e contribuir com a profilaxia da doença. O material de estudo consistiu em 10 gatos saudáveis sem qualquer problema de saúde e 20 gatos acometidos por doenças do trato respiratório superior que não haviam sido vacinados contra a infecção pelo calicivírus felino. Os animais de diferentes raças, idades e gêneros foram encaminhados para a Universidade de Dicle, na Faculdade de Veterinária, na policlínica Professor Dr. Servet Sekin. Após o exame clínico de rotina dos animais, foram colhidos swabs orais e da conjuntiva e amostras de sangue. Análises hematológicas e bioquímicas das amostras de sangue foram realizadas e os swabs foram analisados pelo método da reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR) para diagnóstico do agente. Nos gatos infectados foram constatadas: lesões orais, hipersalivação, descargas oculares e nasais, tosse e dificuldade respiratória. O calicivírus felino foi detectado pela técnica de PCR no swab conjuntival de apenas um gato. A conclusão obtida foi que a infecção pelo calicivírus felino foi detectada pela técnica de PCR na região de Diyarbakir, Turquia, em gatos com doença do trato respiratório superior com a frequência de 5%

    Elaborando um modelo de marca de lugar gênero-neutro: o caso de 'Doll Village' na Índia

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    Gender perspective has been widely discussed in scholarly literature in connection with place branding. While assigning personality to ‘places as branded entities’ the socially constructed gender norms were often used. Empirical studies have showcased the gender power ascribed to places in stimulating decision-making and pulling visitors. However, society, as it is in constant flux, is drifting away from ubiquitous norms governing gender and sexuality and challenging the conventional gender identities and sexual orientation. These perceived value-shift has reflected in the marketing aspects as brands were stripped off its gender identity. Modern brands do not embody the aspirational notions of consumers, but are also reflective of social movements. This study focuses on developing a gender-neutral place brand model with intangible cultural heritage (ICH) as the core place asset. Prior studies have shown that traditional crafts and craftsmanship as ICH could be used to promote a place. However, ICH has not been considered as a place branding element that could neutralize gender perception for a place. The study was conducted at Natungram, a village in the district of West Bengal, India, known for its legacy of crafting wooden dolls. The study used a mixed method research (MMR) approach and used crossover analysis framework to assess the data. Five gender-neutral brand dimensions were identified, namely relational, participative, sensory, behavioural and cognitive with a 16 scale-item instrument being validated through confirmatory factor analysis. The spatial and phenomenal segregation index also confirmed a predominant gender-neutral perception amongst the visitors. Much of this could be attributed to the participation of the stakeholders of ICH of Natungram irrespective of their gender identity. This gender blurring effect also reflected in visitors’ engagement in co-creation activities which conformed with the theory of immersive experience. The study implicates In future this study could be expanded to incorporate other place assets which could be moulded into non-binary brand elements and should be conducted in other places with unique assets to check the transferability of the present study.La perspectiva de género se ha debatido ampliamente en la literatura académica en relación con la marca de lugar. Al asignar personalidad a los “lugares como entidades de marca”, se han utilizado a menudo las normas de género construidas socialmente. Los estudios empíricos han puesto de manifiesto el poder de género atribuido a los lugares a la hora de estimular la toma de decisiones y atraer visitantes. Sin embargo, la sociedad, en constante cambio, se está alejando de las omnipresentes normas que rigen el género y la sexualidad y desafía las identidades de género y la orientación sexual convencionales. Este cambio de valores percibido se ha reflejado en los aspectos de marketing, ya que las marcas se han despojado de su identidad de género. Las marcas modernas no encarnan las nociones aspiracionales de los consumidores, sino que también reflejan los movimientos sociales. Este estudio se centra en el desarrollo de un modelo de marca de lugar neutro desde el punto de vista del género con el patrimonio cultural inmaterial (PCI) como principal activo del lugar. Estudios anteriores han demostrado que la artesanía tradicional puede utilizarse para promocionar un lugar. Sin embargo, el PCI no se ha considerado como un elemento de marca de lugar que pueda neutralizar la percepción de género de un lugar. El estudio se llevó a cabo en Natungram, un pueblo del distrito de Bengala Occidental, India, conocido por su legado de artesanía de muñecas de madera. El estudio utilizó un enfoque de investigación de método mixto (MMR) y empleó un marco de análisis cruzado para evaluar los datos. Se identificaron cinco dimensiones de marca neutrales desde el punto de vista del género, a saber, relacional, participativa, sensorial, conductual y cognitiva, con un instrumento de 16 ítems de escala que se validó mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio. El índice de segregación espacial y fenoménica también confirmó una percepción predominante de neutralidad de género entre los visitantes. Gran parte de ello podría atribuirse a la participación de las partes interesadas en el PCI de Natungram, independientemente de su identidad de género. Este efecto de desdibujamiento de género también se reflejó en la participación de los visitantes en actividades de cocreación que se ajustaban a la teoría de la experiencia inmersiva. En el futuro, este estudio podría ampliarse para incorporar otros activos del lugar que pudieran moldearse como elementos de marca no binarios, y debería llevarse a cabo en otros lugares con activos únicos para comprobar la transferibilidad del presente estudio.A perspectiva de gênero tem sido amplamente discutida na literatura acadêmica em conexão com a marcação de lugares. Enquanto se atribui personalidade a 'lugares como entidades marcadas', as normas de gênero socialmente construídas são frequentemente utilizadas. Estudos empíricos têm mostrado o poder de gênero atribuído aos lugares em estimular a tomada de decisões e atrair visitantes. No entanto, a sociedade, em constante mudança, está se afastando das normas ubíquas que regem o gênero e a sexualidade, desafiando as identidades de gênero convencionais e a orientação sexual. Essa mudança percebida de valores tem refletido nos aspectos de marketing, já que as marcas foram despojadas de sua identidade de gênero. As marcas modernas não apenas incorporam as noções aspiracionais dos consumidores, mas também são reflexo dos movimentos sociais. Este estudo concentra-se no desenvolvimento de um modelo de marca de lugar gênero-neutro com patrimônio cultural intangível (PCI) como o ativo central do lugar. Estudos anteriores mostraram que artesanatos tradicionais e habilidades manuais como PCI poderiam ser usados para promover um lugar. No entanto, o PCI não foi considerado como um elemento de marca de lugar que poderia neutralizar a percepção de gênero para um local. O estudo foi conduzido em Natungram, uma vila no distrito de West Bengal, Índia, conhecida por sua herança na confecção de bonecas de madeira. O estudo usou uma abordagem de pesquisa de método misto (RMM) e usou uma estrutura de análise cruzada para avaliar os dados. Foram identificadas cinco dimensões de marca gênero-neutro, nomeadamente relacional, participativa, sensorial, comportamental e cognitiva, com um instrumento de 16 itens de escala validado por meio de análise fatorial confirmatória. O índice de segregação espacial e fenomenal também confirmou uma percepção predominante de gênero-neutro entre os visitantes. Grande parte disso pode ser atribuída à participação dos stakeholders do PCI de Natungram, independentemente de sua identidade de gênero. Esse efeito de embaçamento de gênero também se refletiu no envolvimento dos visitantes em atividades de co-criação, o que se alinha com a teoria da experiência imersiva. O estudo implica que, no futuro, este estudo pode ser expandido para incorporar outros ativos do local que poderiam ser moldados em elementos de marca não-binários e deve ser conduzido em outros lugares com ativos únicos para verificar a transferibilidade do presente estudo