63,624 research outputs found

    The transverse-momentum subtraction method at N3^3LO applied to Higgs boson production at the LHC

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    We consider the extension of the transverse-momentum (qTq_T) subtraction method at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3^3LO) in perturbative QCD. While all the qTq_T-subtraction ingredients at qT≠0q_T \neq 0 are known in analytical form, the third-order collinear functions and helicity-flip functions, which contribute only at qT=0q_T=0, are approximated using a prescription which uses the known result for the total Higgs boson cross section at this order. As a first application of the third-order qTq_T-subtraction method, we present the N3^3LO rapidity distribution of the Higgs boson at the LHC.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, contribution to the 2019 QCD session of the 54th Rencontres de Moriond. Based on arXiv:1807.1150

    Fomin-Kirillov algebras

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    This is an extended abstract of the talk given in the Oberwolfach miniworkshop "Nichols algebras and Weyl groupoids" in October 2012.Comment: 2 page

    A Pátria aos quadrados: Joaquim de Vasconcelos (1849-1936) painéis identitários

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    Considered the founder of Art History in Portugal with a rigorous method, Joaquim de Vasconcelos was also a Musicologist, Museologist, Teacher and Professor, Art Critic and a "champion" of visual transmission “systems” like Photography and Drawing. His capacity for critical analysis, his anarchic enthusiasm for various areas of knowledge indicating right or wrong tracks when almost everything was still to be done, impose him as an anti-mythical and unique character who created his own legend, a myth and a romantic hero, a master of himself far beyond from Gottfried Semper (1803-1879) or Giambattista Cavalcaselle (1819-1897) just to point out two of the masters that he admired. Homeland squares is not only a way of referring how tiles are a very important part of the Portuguese identity puzzle, but also a way of alluding to the geometry of parallels and meridians that Joaquim de Vasconcelos drew when trying to identify the Art in Portugal.Considerado o fundador da História da Arte em Portugal com um método rigoroso, Joaquim de Vasconcelos foi um Musicólogo, Museólogo, Professor, Crítico de Arte e "campeão" dos sistemas de transmissão visual como a Fotografia e o Desenho. A sua capacidade de análise crítica, o entusiasmo anárquico por várias áreas do conhecimento indicando pistas certas, ou erradas, num tempo onde quase tudo estava ainda por escrever, impõe Vasconcelos como um caráter anti-mítico e único, um homem que criou a sua própria lenda, um mito e um herói romântico, um mestre de si mesmo muito além de Gottfried Semper (1803-1879) ou Giambattista Cavalcaselle (1819-1897). apenas para apontar dois mestres que admirava. A Pátria aos quadrados expressa, em metáfora, como os azulejos são uma parte muito significativa do quebra-cabeças da identidade portuguesa e alude igualmente à geometria dos paralelos e meridianos que Joaquim de Vasconcelos desenhou ao tentar identificar a Arte em Portugal

    The stable subset of a univalent self-map

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    We give a complete description of the stable subset (the union of all backward orbit with bounded step) and of the pre-models of a univalent self-map f:X→Xf: X\to X, where XX is a Kobayashi hyperbolic cocompact complex manifold, such as the ball or the polydisc in CqC^q. The result is obtained studying the complex structure of a decreasing intersection of complex manifolds, all biholomorphic to XX
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