267 research outputs found

    An intra-population analysis of the indris' song dissimilarity in the light of genetic distance

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    Abstract The increasing interest in the evolution of human language has led several fields of research to focus on primate vocal communication. The ‘singing primates’, which produce elaborated and complex sequences of vocalizations, are of particular interest for this topic. Indris (Indri indri) are the only singing lemurs and emit songs whose most distinctive portions are “descending phrases” consisting of 2-5 units. We examined how the structure of the indris’ phrases varied with genetic relatedness among individuals. We tested whether the acoustic structure could provide conspecifics with information about individual identity and group membership. When analyzing phrase dissimilarity and genetic distance of both sexes, we found significant results for males but not for females. We found that similarity of male song-phrases correlates with kin in both time and frequency parameters, while, for females, this information is encoded only in the frequency of a single type. Song phrases have consistent individual-specific features, but we did not find any potential for advertising group membership. We emphasize the fact that genetic and social factors may play a role in the acoustic plasticity of female indris. Altogether, these findings open a new perspective for future research on the possibility of vocal production learning in these primates

    Oncostatin m is produced in adipose tissue and is regulated in conditions of obesity and type 2 diabetes

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    CONTEXT: Adipose tissue is a highly active endocrine organ that secretes many factors that affect other tissues and whole-body metabolism. Adipocytes are responsive to several glycoprotein 130 (gp130) cytokines, some of which have been targeted as potential antiobesity therapeutics. OBJECTIVE: Oncostatin M (OSM) is a gp130 family member known to inhibit adipocyte differentiation in vitro, but its effects on other adipocyte properties are not characterized. The expression of OSM in white adipose tissue (WAT) has not been evaluated in the context of obesity. Thus, our objective was to examine the expression of adipose tissue OSM in obese animals and humans. DESIGN: OSM expression was examined in adipose tissues from mice with diet-induced and genetic obesity and in obese humans as well as in fractionated adipose tissue from mice. Murine adipocytes were used to examine OSM receptor expression and the effects of OSM on adipocytes, including the secretion of factors such as plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 and IL-6, which are implicated in metabolic diseases. RESULTS: OSM expression is increased in rodent and human obesity/type 2 diabetes mellitus. In humans, OSM levels correlate with body weight and insulin and are inversely correlated with glucose disposal rate as measured by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. OSM is not produced from the adipocytes in WAT but derives from cells in the stromovascular fraction, including F4/80(+) macrophages. The specific receptor of OSM, OSM receptor-β, is expressed in adipocytes and adipose tissue and increased in both rodent models of obesity examined. OSM acts on adipocytes to induce the expression and secretion of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 and IL-6. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that WAT macrophages are a source of OSM and that OSM levels are significantly induced in murine and human obesity/type 2 diabetes mellitus. These studies suggest that OSM produced from immune cells in WAT acts in a paracrine manner on adipocytes to promote a proinflammatory phenotype in adipose tissue

    Postfeminist stylistics, work femininities and coaching: a multimodal study of a website

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    The aim of this paper is to examine representations of work femininities on a British website offering coaching specifically aimed at women. It builds on and contributes to studies of postfeminist representations but with a specific focus on work femininities and coaching webpages. Although studies on postfeminist representation have analysed the way young women’s, embodied and sexualised femininities are depicted across a wide variety of mainstream media, there has not been a study that focuses on the representation of work femininities on coaching websites. My approach matter because feminist authors critique popular psychology and link it to postfeminism and neoliberalism but as yet studies have focused on self-help books and magazines and not new media. Furthermore, coaching websites are an important medium for circulating postfeminist work femininities and psychological advice, produced through the digital labour of women entrepreneurs. Through my analysis of one website, influenced by feminist social semiotic multimodality literature, the paper contributes to postfeminist theory and organisation studies by explaining how ‘postfeminist stylistics’ reproduce postfeminist tropes and depictions of relational and individualised entrepreneurial femininities visually and textually (Lewis, 2014)

    Worldwide genetic diversity for mineral element concentrations in rice grain

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    With the aim of identifying rice (Oryza spp.) germplasm having enhanced grain nutritional value, the mineral nutrient and trace element concentrations (or ionome) of whole (unmilled) grains from a set of 1763 rice accessions of diverse geographic and genetic origin were evaluated. Seed for analysis of P, Mg, K, S, Ca, As, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Rb, Sr, and Zn concentrations by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was produced over 2 yr in Beaumont, TX, under both flooded and unflooded watering regimes. The distributions of all element concentrations analyzed were skewed toward higher concentration. A significant portion of this ionomic variation has a genetic basis (broad sense heritabilities 0.14–0.75), indicating an ability to breed for improved grain concentration of all elements except possibly Ni. Variation in grain elemental concentrations was not strongly associated with plant height, heading time, or grain shape, suggesting these physiological factors are not of primary importance in controlling ionomic variation in rice grain. Accessions high in specific elements were sometimes found to have similar genetic or geographic origins, suggesting they share a heritable mechanism underlying their enhanced ionomes. For example, accessions with high Ca, Mg, or K were more common in the indica than in the japonica subgroup; low As was most common among temperate japonica accessions; and several lines high in Mo originated in Malaysia or adjacent Brunei

    Both introns and long 3′-UTRs operate as cis-acting elements to trigger nonsense-mediated decay in plants

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    Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is a eukaryotic quality control mechanism that identifies and eliminates aberrant mRNAs containing a premature termination codon (PTC). Although, key trans-acting NMD factors, UPF1, UPF2 and UPF3 are conserved in yeast and mammals, the cis-acting NMD elements are different. In yeast, short specific sequences or long 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) render an mRNA subject to NMD, while in mammals' 3′-UTR located introns trigger NMD. Plants also possess an NMD system, although little is known about how it functions. We have elaborated an agroinfiltration-based transient NMD assay system and defined the cis-acting elements that mediate plant NMD. We show that unusually long 3′-UTRs or the presence of introns in the 3′-UTR can subject mRNAs to NMD. These data suggest that both long 3′-UTR-based and intron-based PTC definition operated in the common ancestors of extant eukaryotes (stem eukaryotes) and support the theory that intron-based NMD facilitated the spreading of introns in stem eukaryotes. We have also identified plant UPF1 and showed that tethering of UPF1 to either the 5′- or 3′-UTR of an mRNA results in reduced transcript accumulation. Thus, plant UPF1 might bind to mRNA in a late, irreversible phase of NMD