1,579 research outputs found

    Syntonisation continue d'un laser à semi-conducteurs avec un réseau translaté

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    Ce projet porte sur la syntonisation monomode et continue d'une diode laser par la translation dun réseau à période spatiale variable utilisé comme coupleur externe. Le projet se distingue des autres travaux portant sur la syntonisation continue et trouvés dans la littérature. Alors que l'approche des autres travaux consiste à rechercher une technique de déplacement du coupleur externe adaptée à une période spatiale constante du réseau, ici, le but est plutôt d'obtenir la syntonisation continue en adaptant la période spatiale du réseau à la technique simple de déplacement qu'est la translation. Le schéma utilisé emprunte la configuration de Littrow. Les composants optiques sont une diode laser, une lentille asphérique, une lentille cylindrique et un réseau de diffraction à période spatiale variable. Le schéma exploite donc le fait qu'une simple translation de ce type de réseau suffit pour effectuer la syntonisation. Les effets paraxiaux des composants optiques sur l'amplitude et sur la courbure du faisceau dans la cavité sont décrits. Une matrice optique originale est dérivée afin de décrire complètement l'effet paraxial du réseau. Les modes longitudinaux gaussiens astigmatiques soutenus par la cavité paraxiale sont déterminés et analysés. L'analyse de leur déphasage lors d'un tour complet dans la cavité permet de modéliser la syntonisation continue et de dériver une équation originale régissant la période spatiale idéale du réseau translaté, selon la configuration envisagée pour la cavité. Une fois la configuration déterminée, le réseau est produit par holographie et caractérisé dans nos laboratoires. La cavité est assemblée, puis les mesures expérimentales de syntonisation continue sont effectuées. Les résultats montrent que la simple translation du réseau à période spatiale variable dans la cavité étendue permet de syntoniser la longueur d'onde laser de façon monomode et continue sur plus d'une dizaine de nanometres. La plus grande étendue spectrale de syntonisation continue a atteint 66.1 nm (8.36 THz) aux alentours de la longueur d'onde de 1550 nm. Elle correspond à l'étendue de ~195 modes longitudinaux de la diode opérée seule. La puissance de sortie du laser a été maintenue autour de 3 mW sur toute cette étendue spectrale. Ce type de source trouve de multiples applications dans les domaines de la spectroscopie, des télécommunications et de la caractérisation optique

    The Internet Implementation of the Hierarchical Aggregate Assessment Process with the “Cluster” Wi-Fi E-Learning and EAssessment Application — A Particular Case of Teamwork Assessment

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    A Wi-Fi e-learning and e-assessment Internet application named “Cluster” was developed in the context of a research project concerning the implementation of a teamwork assessment mobile application able to assess teams with several levels of hierarchy. Usually, teamwork assessment software and Internet applications for several hierarchy level teams are included in the field of Management Information Systems (MIS). However, some assessment tasks in teams with several levels of hierarchy and assessment may be performed in an educational context, and the existing applications for the assessment and evaluation of teams with several levels of hierarchy are not applications dedicated to the assessment of students in an educational context. The “Cluster” application is able to present the course material, to train the students in teams as well as to present individual and team assessment tasks. The application’s special functionalities enable it to assess the teams at several levels of hierarchy, which constitute the hierarchical aggregate assessment process. In effect, the members of the teams may have appointments of team member, team leader and team administrator that supervises team leaders. This application can therefore evaluate simultaneously different knowledge and skills in the same assessment task based on the hierarchical position of the team member. The summative evaluation of the application consists of work to submit as well as objective examinations in HTML format, while the formative evaluation is composed of assessment grid computer forms of self-assessment and peer assessment. The application contains two mutually exclusive modes, the assessor mode and the student mode. The assessor mode allows the teacher to create courses, manage students, form the teams and also assess the students and the teams in a summative manner. The student mode allows the students to follow courses, write exams, submit homework, perform in teams and submit self- and peers formative assessment. The theoretical consideration of the project establishes the link between hierarchical aggregate assessment applications and management information systems (MIS). The application is an electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) management system in the competency-based learning and an Internet test administration system in the mastery learning approach. The aim of the chapter is to introduce the reader to the field of hierarchical aggregate assessment and to show how to implement complex assessment tasks with several levels of hierarchy into an Internet software application

    The role of the MAPK pathway alterations in GM-CSF modulated human neutrophil apoptosis with aging

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    BACKGROUND: Neutrophils represent the first line of defence against aggressions. The programmed death of neutrophils is delayed by pro-inflammatory stimuli to ensure a proper resolution of the inflammation in time and place. The pro-inflammatory stimuli include granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Recently, we have demonstrated that although neutrophils have an identical spontaneous apoptosis in elderly subjects compared to that in young subjects, the GM-CSF-induced delayed apoptosis is markedly diminished. The present study investigates whether an alteration of the GM-CSF stimulation of MAPKs play a role in the diminished rescue from apoptosis of PMN of elderly subjects. METHODS: Neutrophils were separated from healthy young and elderly donors satisfying the SENIEUR protocol. Neutrophils were stimulated with GM-CSF and inhibitors of the MAPKinase pathway. Apoptosis commitment, phosphorylation of signaling molecules, caspase-3 activities as well as expression of pro- and anti-apoptotic molecules were performed in this study. Data were analyzed using Student's two-tailed t-test for independent means. Significance was set for p ≤ 0.05 unless stated otherwise. RESULTS: In this paper we present evidence that an alteration in the p42/p44 MAPK activation occurs in PMN of elderly subjects under GM-CSF stimulation and this plays a role in the decreased delay of apoptosis of PMN in elderly. We also show that p38 MAPK does not play a role in GM-CSF delayed apoptosis in PMN of any age-groups, while it participates to the spontaneous apoptosis. Our results also show that the alteration of the p42/p44 MAPK activation contributes to the inability of GM-CSF to decrease the caspase-3 activation in PMN of elderly subjects. Moreover, GM-CSF converts the pro-apoptotic phenotype to an anti-apoptotic phenotype by modulating the bcl-2 family members Bax and Bcl-xL in PMN of young subjects, while this does not occur in PMN of elderly. However, this modulation seems MAPK independent. CONCLUSION: Our results show that the alteration of p42/p44 MAPK activation contributes to the GM-CSF induced decreased PMN rescue from apoptosis in elderly subjects. The modulation of MAPK activation in PMN of elderly subjects might help to restore the functionality of PMN with aging

    Modélisation du réseau embryonnaire de neurones à l'origine du rythme respiratoire

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    Projet SOSSOCe thème de recherche est basé sur des résultats expérimentaux récents qui ont mis en évidence, chez les vertébrés et notamment chez l'embryon de poulet, des structures neuronales primordiales à l'origine du rythme respiratoire. À la fin de la période de segmentation en rhombomère du tronc cérébral, une activité rythmique, composée de la répétition périodique d'épisodes de décharges neuronales par bouffées, apparaît sur les nerfs moteurs du tronc cérébral. Elle est due à un réseau limité à quelques types de neurones. Des connexions neuronales entre les rhombomères assurent la synchronisation des différentes activités pour donner lieu au comportement rythmogène de l'ensemble. Même si les différents types de neurones ont été identifiés, le schéma exact de leurs connexions réciproques (activatrices, inhibitrices et neuromodulatrices) restait inconnu, autant à l'intérieur de chaque rhombomère, qu'entre les différents rhombomères. Nous proposons ici un modèle du rhombomère et du réseau rhombomérique responsable de la rythmogenèse chez l'embryon de poulet. Le modèle du rhombomère représente une activité moyennée. Il est composé d'un réseau de quatre neurones de trois types différents qui interagissent grâce à trois types différents de synapse. Il exhibe une activité rythmique identique à celle observée dans plusieurs conditions expérimentales : après application de bicuculline, après stimulation, et aussi dans les conditions physiologiques (rythme naturel). L'utilisation d'un formalisme dérivé du modèle d'Hodgkin et Huxley a permis de formuler des hypothèses concernant les couplages activateurs, inhibiteurs et neuro-modulateurs, hypothèses qu'on été ou seront confrontées aux résultats expérimentaux. Le modèle fournit un début d'explication sur la genèse des épisodes de décharges neuronales et leur contrôle, en amplitude et en fréquence, tout en proposant un modèle immature pour le fonctionnement de la commande centrale de la respiration automatique chez le sujet adulte

    Ancient origin of somatic and visceral neurons

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    Background: A key to understanding the evolution of the nervous system on a large phylogenetic scale is the identification of homologous neuronal types. Here, we focus this search on the sensory and motor neurons of bilaterians, exploiting their well-defined molecular signatures in vertebrates. Sensorimotor circuits in vertebrates are of two types: somatic (that sense the environment and respond by shaping bodily motions) and visceral (that sense the interior milieu and respond by regulating vital functions). These circuits differ by a small set of largely dedicated transcriptional determinants: Brn3 is expressed in many somatic sensory neurons, first and second order (among which mechanoreceptors are uniquely marked by the Brn3+/Islet1+/Drgx+ signature), somatic motoneurons uniquely co-express Lhx3/4 and Mnx1, while the vast majority of neurons, sensory and motor, involved in respiration, blood circulation or digestion are molecularly defined by their expression and dependence on the pan-visceral determinant Phox2b. Results: We explore the status of the sensorimotor transcriptional code of vertebrates in mollusks, a lophotrochozoa clade that provides a rich repertoire of physiologically identified neurons. In the gastropods Lymnaea stagnalis and Aplysia californica, we show that homologues of Brn3, Drgx, Islet1, Mnx1, Lhx3/4 and Phox2b differentially mark neurons with mechanoreceptive, locomotory and cardiorespiratory functions. Moreover, in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis, we show that Phox2 marks the stellate ganglion (in line with the respiratory — that is, visceral— ancestral role of the mantle, its target organ), while the anterior pedal ganglion, which controls the prehensile and locomotory arms, expresses Mnx. Conclusions: Despite considerable divergence in overall neural architecture, a molecular underpinning for the functional allocation of neurons to interactions with the environment or to homeostasis was inherited from the urbilaterian ancestor by contemporary protostomes and deuterostomes

    Reduced proportions of natural killer T cells are present in the relatives of lupus patients and are associated with autoimmunity

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    Abstract Introduction Systemic lupus erythematosus is a genetically complex disease. Currently, the precise allelic polymorphisms associated with this condition remain largely unidentified. In part this reflects the fact that multiple genes, each having a relatively minor effect, act in concert to produce disease. Given this complexity, analysis of subclinical phenotypes may aid in the identification of susceptibility alleles. Here, we used flow cytometry to investigate whether some of the immune abnormalities that are seen in the peripheral blood lymphocyte population of lupus patients are seen in their first-degree relatives. Methods Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from the subjects, stained with fluorochrome-conjugated monoclonal antibodies to identify various cellular subsets, and analyzed by flow cytometry. Results We found reduced proportions of natural killer (NK)T cells among 367 first-degree relatives of lupus patients as compared with 102 control individuals. There were also slightly increased proportions of memory B and T cells, suggesting increased chronic low-grade activation of the immune system in first-degree relatives. However, only the deficiency of NKT cells was associated with a positive anti-nuclear antibody test and clinical autoimmune disease in family members. There was a significant association between mean parental, sibling, and proband values for the proportion of NKT cells, suggesting that this is a heritable trait. Conclusions The findings suggest that analysis of cellular phenotypes may enhance the ability to detect subclinical lupus and that genetically determined altered immunoregulation by NKT cells predisposes first-degree relatives of lupus patients to the development of autoimmunity

    Assessment of exposure to Plasmodium falciparum transmission in a low endemicity area by using multiplex fluorescent microsphere-based serological assays

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    Background: The evaluation of malaria transmission intensity is a crucial indicator for estimating the burden of malarial disease. In this respect, entomological and parasitological methods present limitations, especially in low transmission areas. The present study used a sensitive multiplex assay to assess the exposure to Plasmodium falciparum infection in children living in an area of low endemicity. In three Senegalese villages, specific antibody (IgG) responses to 13 pre-erythrocytic P. falciparum peptides derived from Lsa1, Lsa3, Glurp, Salsa, Trap, Starp, Csp and Pf11.1 proteins were simultaneously evaluated before (June), at the peak (September) and after (December) the period of malaria transmission, in children aged from 1 to 8 years. Results: Compared to other antigens, a high percentage of seropositivity and specific antibody levels were detected with Glurp, Salsa1, Lsa3NR2, and Lsa1J antigens. The seropositivity increased with age for all tested antigens. Specific IgG levels to Glurp, Salsa1, Lsa3NR2, and Lsa1J were significantly higher in P. falciparum infected children compared to non-infected and this increase is significantly correlated with parasite density. Conclusion: The multiplex assay represents a useful technology for a serological assessment of rapid variations in malaria transmission intensity, especially in a context of low parasite rates. The use of such combined serological markers (i.e. Glurp, Lsa1, Lsa3, and Salsa) could offer the opportunity to examine these variations over time, and to evaluate the efficacy of integrated malaria control strategies

    Brainstem Respiratory Oscillators Develop Independently of Neuronal Migration Defects in the Wnt/PCP Mouse Mutant looptail

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    The proper development and maturation of neuronal circuits require precise migration of component neurons from their birthplace (germinal zone) to their final positions. Little is known about the effects of aberrant neuronal position on the functioning of organized neuronal groups, especially in mammals. Here, we investigated the formation and properties of brainstem respiratory neurons in looptail (Lp) mutant mice in which facial motor neurons closely apposed to some respiratory neurons fail to migrate due to loss of function of the Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) protein Vangl2. Using calcium imaging and immunostaining on embryonic hindbrain preparations, we found that respiratory neurons constituting the embryonic parafacial oscillator (e-pF) settled at the ventral surface of the medulla in Vangl2Lp/+ and Vangl2Lp/Lp embryos despite the failure of tangential migration of its normally adjacent facial motor nucleus. Anatomically, the e-pF neurons were displaced medially in Lp/+ embryos and rostro-medially Lp/Lp embryos. Pharmacological treatments showed that the e-pF oscillator exhibited characteristic network properties in both Lp/+ and Lp/Lp embryos. Furthermore, using hindbrain slices, we found that the other respiratory oscillator, the preBötzinger complex, was also anatomically and functionally established in Lp mutants. Importantly, the displaced e-pF oscillator established functional connections with the preBötC oscillator in Lp/+ mutants. Our data highlight the robustness of the developmental processes that assemble the neuronal networks mediating an essential physiological function

    Measurements of fiducial and differential cross sections for Higgs boson production in the diphoton decay channel at s√=8 TeV with ATLAS

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    Measurements of fiducial and differential cross sections are presented for Higgs boson production in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=8 TeV. The analysis is performed in the H → γγ decay channel using 20.3 fb−1 of data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The signal is extracted using a fit to the diphoton invariant mass spectrum assuming that the width of the resonance is much smaller than the experimental resolution. The signal yields are corrected for the effects of detector inefficiency and resolution. The pp → H → γγ fiducial cross section is measured to be 43.2 ±9.4(stat.) − 2.9 + 3.2 (syst.) ±1.2(lumi)fb for a Higgs boson of mass 125.4GeV decaying to two isolated photons that have transverse momentum greater than 35% and 25% of the diphoton invariant mass and each with absolute pseudorapidity less than 2.37. Four additional fiducial cross sections and two cross-section limits are presented in phase space regions that test the theoretical modelling of different Higgs boson production mechanisms, or are sensitive to physics beyond the Standard Model. Differential cross sections are also presented, as a function of variables related to the diphoton kinematics and the jet activity produced in the Higgs boson events. The observed spectra are statistically limited but broadly in line with the theoretical expectations