47 research outputs found

    Stenhuggarnas organisation i medeltidens Östergötland

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    The stonemasons organisation in medieval Östergötland By Gunilla Gardelin In a study of stonecutting techniques, the author has shown that these can be used as historical source material, for investigation of how masons were organised during different periods in medieval times. From the study it appears that masons, during the first half of the 12th century, were contracted by the social elite to build the first stone churches in Östergötland. Masons were therefore travelling be-tween building projects. These masons worked the stone with an axe or a chisel. During the period 1140 to 1250, the building of stone churches increased immensely, which meant that several quarries could have provided the building sites with stone. During this period more people from the aristocracy had the possibility to invest in the building of churches, providing them with dressed stone in portals, window frames and bases. This can probably be explained by the fact that the large early manors could have been divided among more people. The building of the monastery at Alvastra, during the 1140s, probably had a great influence on the building of parish churches. Through their work on the monastery, the masons mastered the technique of using a broad chisel to dress the stone with regularly placed marks over the surface. During the 13th century it was above all the institutions, such as the cathedral in Linköping and the monasteries, that contracted masons for projects, but also the bishops invested in dressed stone in churches and secular buildings. The technique used during the 13th and 14th centuries, working the stone with a claw, is to be found in the eastern parts of the area around Linköping. A great many facts indicate that the large scale workshop in Linköping was the centre of stonecutting. During the 15th century two large building projects were taking place in Östergötland, the building of Vadstena Abbey started during the 1390s, and the building of a new chancel at the cathedral in Linköping started in 1408. No buildings outside these towns were provided with dressed stone during the 14th and 15th centuries

    Emotionsreglering och ångestnivåer vid bipolär sjukdom - fallstudier i samband med en gruppbehandling med Unified Protocol

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    The present study had several aims: 1) assessing anxiety levels and emotion regulation strategies in two groups of individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder when receiving treatment with Unified Protocol (UP) in a group format, 2) investigating whether participants reached clinically significant levels of improvement regarding emotion regulation and anxiety post treatment, 3) investigating participants’ expectations prior to treatment, to what degree the treatment was found helpful and what elements that was found helpful. A case series design was used. Anxiety and emotion regulation problems were measured with the Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS) and the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS). Clinical significance and reliable change were measured with the Reliable Change Index (RCI) and assessments of anxiety and emotion regulation were evaluated in comparison with cut-off-values for non-clinical and clinical populations. Participants’ expectations and evaluations of treatment were measured with questionnaires specifically constructed for the present study. The result shows that most of the participants showed positive changes under the treatment. Whether UP delivered in a group format is a viable treatment option for the larger population of individuals with bipolar disorder can not be answered by the present study but must be investigated in larger randomised controlled studies.Syftet med den aktuella studien var flerfaldigt: 1) undersöka ångestnivåer och emotionsregleringsstrategier i två grupper av individer med bipolär sjukdom (n = 13) i samband med gruppbehandling med Unified Protocol, 2) undersöka om deltagarna skattade en klinisk signifikant minskning av svårigheter avseende emotionsreglering samt ångestnivå efter behandlingen, 3) undersöka deltagarnas förväntningar inför behandlingen samt upplevd grad av användbarhet i behandlingen som helhet samt om vissa element uppfattades som mer hjälpsamma. I den aktuella studien användes en case series-design. Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS) och Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) användes för skattning av ångestnivåer samt emotionsregleringsproblem. Klinisk signifikans och reliabel förändring mättes med Reliable Change Index (RCI) och hur skattningarna låg i relation till uppsatta cut-off-värden för icke-klinisk respektive klinisk population utvärderades. Resultatet visade att flertalet av deltagarna uppvisade förändringar i positiv riktning under behandlingen. Huruvida UP i gruppformat kan vara en lämplig intervention för den allmänna populationen personer med bipolär sjukdom behöver undersökas i större randomiserade studier

    Dentistry Specialties Center: A qualitative evaluation in the perspective of the participant students

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    This study aimed to evaluate of qualitative form the expectation and the training that the CEO has proportionate to the student of graduation in Dentistry of the ULBRA. For this, a questionnaire with six open questions to the academics was carried out to students who were registered in this curricular discipline. Of the 43 enrolled students 29 (67%) had answered the questions. By means of the analysis of the gotten answers it can be observed that this curricular period of training was very important for the development critic and professional of the participant students

    O EDUCAR ENTRE A PERDA DO MUNDO E O AMOR MUNDI: uma leitura da educação ambiental a partir da reflexão arendtiana

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    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar e embasar a tese de que a problemática atinente ao aparente descontrolado avanço tecnológico, ao império do consumo e ao desrespeito crescente ao meio ambiente traz à tona a importância da problematização e discussão nos areópagos de discussão coletiva. Longe de estar restrita a limites bem contornados, tal discussão afirma-se, com força e premência, em todos os fóruns, em todas as instâncias, seja da vida privada, seja da vida pública. E, justamente, nesse contexto hodierno, é que a questão ambiental, nos dias atuais, mais do que nunca, exige e goza de inderrogável imperatividade, e o seu perquirir reclama continuamente esforços de detida reflexão, ecoando, por conseguinte, nos mais variados campos do saber. Busca-se, pois, nesta reflexão, à luz da abordagem analítico-interpretativa e da pesquisa eminentemente bibliográfica, compreender, de um lado, como se dá a missão imprescindível da educação na perspectiva arendtiana, informada pela tensão existente entre a perda do mundo e o amor mundi. De outro lado, busca-se reforçar a ideia focal de que o processo pedagógico-educacional, em todas as suas esferas, não pode apresentar ouvidos moucos ao exigente clamor da responsabilidade cidadã


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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to analyze the electromyographic activity of the Vastus Medialis Oblique (VMO) and Vastus Lateralis Longus (VLL) muscles during knee extension in Open Kinetic Chain Exercise, using a ‘knee extension table’, and in Closed Kinetic Chain Exercise, using a Horizontal Leg-Press (VITALLY). METHODS: The electromyographic activity of the VMO and VLL muscles was measured in 12 subjects between 18 and 23 years old (x=21.9 e SD=1.16), without prior hip, knee, and ankle pathologies, during Maximal Isometric Contraction (MCI) at 90º flexion of hip and knee. A 16-Channel EMG System (CAD 12/36 - 60 K - LINX) and differential surface electrodes (DELSYS) were used to obtain the data. The signal was recorded in Root Mean Square (RMS) and expressed in microvolts. The data analysis was performed through Student’s t-test at a 5% level of significance. RESULTS: The results showed that the electromyographic activity of the VMO muscle was significantly greater than that of the VLL muscle during Open and Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises. CONCLUSIONS: The data of this study, within the experimental conditions used, suggest that the VMO muscle can recover functionally by MCI at 90º flexion of hip and knee during Open Kinetic Chain Exercise, using an ‘extension table’, and also in Closed Kinetic Chain Exercise, using a Horizontal Leg-Press. This research was conducted in accordance with the National Council of Health (Resolution 196/96)

    Spectral Decomposition of Regulatory Thresholds for Climate-Driven Fluctuations in Hydro- and Wind Power Availability

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    Abstract Climate-driven fluctuations in the runoff and potential energy of surface water are generally large in comparison to the capacity of hydropower regulation, particularly when hydropower is used to balance the electricity production from covarying renewable energy sources such as wind power. To define the bounds of reservoir storage capacity, we introduce a dedicated reservoir volume that aggregates the storage capacity of several reservoirs to handle runoff from specific watersheds. We show how the storage bounds can be related to a spectrum of the climate-driven modes of variability in water availability and to the covariation between water and wind availability. A regional case study of the entire hydropower system in Sweden indicates that the longest regulation period possible to consider spans from a few days of individual subwatersheds up to several years, with an average limit of a couple of months. Watershed damping of the runoff substantially increases the longest considered regulation period and capacity. The high covariance found between the potential energy of the surface water and wind energy significantly reduces the longest considered regulation period when hydropower is used to balance the fluctuating wind power

    Strategic configurations and performance: a study in micro and small business retailers

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    Um conjunto expressivo de estudos advogam a interdependência e complementariedade entre variáveis ambientais, estruturais, estratégicas e pessoais do estrategista na formação da estratégia. São raros os levantamentos que associam essas variáveis com desempenho de empresas de pequeno porte. Conjugando variáveis nessas dimensões, a pesquisa aqui apresentada objetivou verificar quais configurações estratégicas compostas pelo processo de desenvolvimento da estratégia, conteúdo da estratégia, atitude empreendedora, modo administrativo e incerteza ambiental percebida associaram-se ao desempenho de empresas de pequeno porte do varejo de vestuário. Dados levantados em survey com 228 empresas e investigados pela técnica de análise de clusters, revelaram dois grupos/clusters de empresas com configurações e níveis de desempenho distintos. Os resultados indicam a relação de interdependência de variáveis na explanação da heterogeneidade do desempenho organizacional.A significant number of studies advocate the interdependence and complementarity between environmental, structural, strategic and personal variables in strategy formation. There are rare surveys that link these variables with small businesses performance. Combining several dimensions of these variables, this study aimed to verify which strategy configurations composed by the strategy development process, strategy content, entrepreneurial attitude, administrative mode and perceived environmental uncertainty were associated with the performance of small-sized clothing retail businesses. Data collected by survey with 228 companies and investigated by cluster analysis technique revealed two groups/clusters of companies with different configurations and performance levels. The results indicate the relationship of interdependence among variables in explaining the heterogeneity of organizational performance

    Bentwood : Simple methods for sloyd education

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    Syftet med undersökningen är att kartlägga böjträmetoder och utveckla förenklade teknikerför böjning av björk med inriktning mot tillämpning i skolslöjden. Arbetet är gjort utifrånfrågeställningarna ”Vilka manuella tekniker finns för att forma och böja björk och vilka föroch nackdelar har dessa? ” samt ” Hur kan böjträtekniker förenklas för tillämpning iskolslöjden?” Hypotesen för denna undersökning är således genom att undersöka vilkatekniker för böjträ som passar inom skolslöjden kan användningen av metoden styrkas.Jag har i denna undersökning testat på de manuella tekniker och verktyg för böjträ som jagfunnit för ämnet via olika källor som litteratur, hemsidor och från lärares erfarenheter. Dessaär basning via bastrumma, genom blötläggning, spårning, skiktlimning samt med verktygenstrykjärn och plattång. Metoden för denna undersökning var kvasiexperimentell metodsammankopplad med ramfaktorteorin i en positivistisk infallsvinkel. De för och nackdelarsom finns för varje teknik presenteras genom sammanställda tabeller utifrån mätningsanalysoch konstateranden i experimentfasen samt de fyra ramfaktorerna ekonomisk faktor,miljöfaktor, rumslig faktor samt tidsfaktor med fokus på användning i skolslöjden. Utifrån deutvalda ramfaktorerna visar resultatet på att teknikerna för bearbetning och lyckad formningav böjträ är skiktlimning och strykjärnsmetoden. Resultatet visar även att alla olika teknikerför böjträ oftast kräver något typ av stöd i form av mall för att förhindra sprickningar avfibrerna. Formplattan jag tagit fram förenklade formning av böjträ och gav totalt sett ett bättreresultat än utan ett stöd för fibrerna i ytterkant