755 research outputs found

    F07RS SGB No. 15 (Anthropology Society)

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    S07RS SGB No. 3 (Election Code)

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    A BILL To amend Article III, Section 2 of the Louisiana State University Student Government Election Code to better clarify campaign and election day

    S07RS SGB No. 29 (Amend Bylaws)

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    School Choice: The Black Middle-class Dilemma

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    This case study assesses the elementary school choice decision-making process of black middle-class families living in the Algiers community of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. The concept of community has been central to the success of blacks in America since Reconstruction. However, as the Civil Rights Movement helped eliminate some of the legal obstacles facing blacks and provided them with more access to opportunities, it also had the unfortunate consequence of redirecting the attention of blacks more inwardly to the success of their own families, thus diminishing some of the formerly needed sense of community responsibility. These families are not oblivious to the racism that still exists. Yet, they go about a process of prioritizing their options within their choice sets in order to strike the best, if not optimal, balance of school characteristics, such as Catholic tradition, racial diversity and academic rigor, to ensure the success of their children

    F06RS SGB No. 17 (Ticket Affiliation)

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    An Unforeseen Problem: How Gertz Failed to Account for Modern Media and What to Do Now

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    The article discusses how the U.S. Supreme Court failed to modernize defamation law to include the use of social media and online sources in its decisions in the cases Gertz v. Robert Welch and New York Times Co. v. Sullivan

    S07RS SGB No. 5 (RoO)

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    A BILL To amend Rule 4.7 of the Senate Rules of Order to allow for legislation under new business be referred to the proper committee

    Health risk assessment of PCE emissions from dry cleaning activities in France

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    Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) is a solvent used mostly in the dry-cleaning and metal degreasing industries in Europe. Neurological and renal effects are the main non-cancer human health effects caused by chronic inhalation exposure of PCE. PCE is suspected to be probably carcinogenic to humans by IARC. During dry-cleaning processes, people are likely to be exposed to the chemical in a variety of ways because PCE emissions are not currently regulated in France. Exposed persons include workers, residents living in co-location with dry-cleaning establishments and the general population. This paper presents a literature review assimilating human exposure data to assess public health risk from dry-cleaning emissions. At the average indoor air level of 2 mg/m3 , there is concern for health risk to co-located residents living above dry cleaning establishments. A personal exposure of 15 ug/m3 of PCE should not cause adverse effects on the health of normal population

    Les pressings : exposition au tétrachloroéthylène et risques sanitaires

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    National audienceTetrachloroethylene is a solvent widely used in French dry-cleaning facilities. In 1995, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified it as probably carcinogenic to humans (group 2A). Chronic exposure through inhalation also has non-carcinogenic effects, mainly renal and neurological; toxic effects on reproduction have also been reported. Five exploratory tetrachloroethylene measurement campaigns were conducted to assess the health risk in the general population. These measurements took place in one dry-cleaning facility located in a shopping mall and in four dry-cleaners on the ground floor of residential buildings, all of them with different types of machines and ventilation systems. Concentrations ranged from 0.050 to 0.680 mg/m3 in the shopping mall, from 8 to 53 mg/m3 in the dry-cleaners in residential buildings and from 0.29 to 2.9 mg/m3 in the flats immediately above them. These results show a reduction of tetrachloroethylene concentrations in some flats and thus the potential effect of the type of dry-cleaning machine and of ventilation on the tetrachloroethylene concentrations in indoor air. A worst-case health risk assessment based on the toxicological reference value for inhalation was conducted for the general population. The hazard quotients calculated for non-carcinogenic effects indicate that there is no reason for concern about the health of mall customers chronically exposed to it. The results in residential buildings suggest that people living immediately above ground-floor dry-cleaners may have health risks if the dry-cleaner uses a type-3 machine in a shop without mechanical ventilation. Individual excess risks, estimated with available unit risks, exceed the WHO benchmark of 10-5 regardless of the machine technology or type of ventilation. The principal uncertainties of this study are related to : measurements ; lack of knowledge about variables influencing the atmospheric emissions, seasonal effects of dry-cleaning activity, and residents' lifestyle ; working assumptions about the duration of population exposure ; the toxicological reference values used which could be questioned following the publication of the Toxicological Review by the US EPA in 2008.Le tétrachloroéthylène (C2Cl4) est un solvant utilisé dans le secteur du nettoyage à sec. Ses effets sanitaires non cancérigènes, observés chez l'homme par inhalation suite à une exposition chronique, sont principalement de type neurologique et rénal ; des effets toxiques sur la reproduction ont également été rapportés. Il est classé probablement cancérogène pour l'homme par le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC) depuis 1995. Un travail d'évaluation des risques sanitaires pour la population générale a été engagé à partir des résultats de cinq campagnes de mesures exploratoires portant sur un pressing situé dans la galerie marchande d'un centre commercial et sur quatre pressings situés en bâtiments résidentiels, présentant différents types de machine et de ventilation. Les concentrations mesurées étaient comprises entre 0,050 et 0,680 mg/m3 dans le centre commercial. Les concentrations moyennes variaient entre 8 et 53 mg/m3 dans les pressings résidentiels et entre 0,29 et 2,9 mg/m3 dans les appartements situés à l'étage supérieur. Ces résultats révèlent la potentielle influence d'une ventilation mécanique contrôlée (VMC) et d'une machine de nouvelle génération sur les concentrations en tétrachloroéthylène mesurées dans les appartements et les pressings. Les risques sanitaires associés aux niveaux d'exposition estimés à partir de ces concentrations ont été évalués par une approche majorante. En l'état des connaissances toxicologiques actuelles, le risque d'apparition d'effets non cancérigènes pour les clients du centre commercial (machine de quatrième génération, absence de VMC) est non préoccupant. En ce qui concerne les personnes résidant au-dessus d'une installation de nettoyage à sec non munie d'une VMC et utilisant une machine de troisième génération, le risque est préoccupant. Pour les personnes résidant au-dessus d'une installation de nettoyage à sec munie d'une VMC et utilisant une machine de quatrième génération, le risque est non préoccupant. La caractérisation du risque cancérigène permet de calculer des excès de risque supérieurs à la valeur de 10-5 vie entière considérée comme risque " acceptable " par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), quelle que soit l'installation concernée. Les principales incertitudes de cette étude relèvent : de la mesure ; de défauts de connaissances : paramètres influençant les émissions atmosphériques, effet saisonnier de l'activité de nettoyage à sec, habitudes de vie des résidents ; d'hypothèses de travail majorantes concernant la durée d'exposition des populations ; des valeurs toxicologiques de référence (VTR) utilisées qui pourraient être remises en cause du fait de la parution du Toxicological review de l'United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) en 2008

    Measurement Error in Research on Human Resources and Firm Performance: Additional Data and Suggestions for Future Research

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    Gerhart and colleagues and Huselid and Becker recently debated the presence and implications of measurement error in measures of human resource practices. This paper presents data from three more studies, one of large organizations from different industries at the corporate level, one from commercial banks, and the other of autonomous business units at the level of the job. Results of all three studies provide additional evidence that single respondent measures of HR practices contain large amounts of measurement error. Implications for future research are discussed
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