239 research outputs found


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    Tendo em vista a expansĂŁo da educação linguĂ­stica com crianças e a crescente inclusĂŁo de pedagogias crĂ­ticas em sala de aula, este artigo visa a compartilhar uma experiĂȘncia didĂĄtica que buscou problematizar tanto questĂ”es de gĂȘnero quanto racial, ao se trabalhar com produçÔes multimodais e pesquisas no ensino do conteĂșdo “profissĂ”es” em LĂ­ngua Inglesa. Assim, busca-se responder Ă s seguintes perguntas de pesquisa: Quais caracterĂ­sticas fenotĂ­picas sĂŁo mais recorrentes nas produçÔes multimodais dos alunos? Quais as reaçÔes dos alunos a partir dos resultados das buscas feitas? Quais problematizaçÔes, se alguma, os alunos fazem durante a discussĂŁo do tema? No que diz respeito ao contexto, os alunos estavam matriculados no 4Âș ano do ensino fundamental em uma escola particular, na regiĂŁo sudeste do interior de SĂŁo Paulo, com duas horas-aula de LĂ­ngua Inglesa semanais. A unidade didĂĄtica, desenvolvida pela prĂłpria docente, foi adotada para a realização da proposta e teve uma duração de implementação de 4 horas-aula. Em relação aos dados, considera-se as produçÔes multimodais feitas pelos alunos e os resultados das buscas subsequentes feitas por eles, bem como as notas de campo da docente oriundas da discussĂŁo sobre a temĂĄtica na sala de aula

    Comparing Two Automated Techniques for the Primary Screening-Out of Urine Culture

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    Urinary tract infection is the most common human infection with a high morbidity. In primary care and hospital services, conventional urine culture is a key part of infection diagnosis but results take at least 24 h. Therefore, a rapid and reliable screening method is still needed to discard negative samples as quickly as possible and to reduce the laboratory workload. In this aspect, this study aims to compare the diagnostic performance between Sysmex OF-1000i and FUS200 systems in comparison to urine culture as the gold standard. From March to June 2016, 1, 220 urine samples collected at the clinical microbiology laboratory of the "Miguel Servet" hospital were studied in parallel with both analysers, and some technical features were evaluated to select the ideal equipment. The most balanced cut-off values taking into account bacteria or leukocyte counts were 138 bacteria/mu L or 119.8 leukocyte/pl for the OF-1000i (95.3% SE and 70.4% SP), and 5.7 bacteria/mu L or 4.3 leukocyte/mu L for the FUS200 (95.8% SE and 44.4% SP). The reduction of cultured plates was 37.4% with the FUS200 and 58.3% with the UF-1000i. This study shows that both techniques improve the workflow in the laboratory, but the OF-1000i has the highest specificity at any sensitivity and the FUS200 needs a shorter processing time

    Bioinspired Functional Catechol Derivatives through Simple Thiol Conjugate Addition

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    The combination of the surface-adhesive properties of catechol rings and functional moieties conveying specific properties is very appealing to materials chemistry, but the preparation of catechol derivatives often requires elaborate synthetic routes to circumvent the intrinsic reactivity of the catechol ring. In this work, functional catechols are synthesized straightforwardly by using the bioinspired reaction of several functional thiols with o-benzoquinone. With one exception, the conjugated addition of the thiol takes place regioselectively at the 3-position of the quinone, and is rationalized by DFT calculations. Overall, this synthetic methodology provides a general and straightforward access to functional and chain-extended catechol derivatives, which are later tested with regard to their hydro-/oleophobicity, colloidal stability, fluorescence, and metal-coordinating capabilities in proof-of-concept applications

    Identification of soluble tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (sTWEAK) as a possible biomarker of subclinical atherosclerosis

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    OBJECTIVES: Assessment of vascular risk in asymptomatic patients and the response to medical therapy is a major challenge for prevention of cardiovascular events. Our aim was to identify proteins differentially released by healthy versus atherosclerotic arterial walls, which could be found in plasma and serve as markers of atherosclerosis. METHODS AND RESULTS: We have analyzed supernatants obtained from cultured human carotid plaques and healthy arteries by surface-enhanced laser-desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry ProteinChip System. Surface-enhanced laser-desorption/ionization analysis unveiled an 18.4-kDa peak released in lower amount by carotid plaques than normal endarteries. This protein was identified as soluble tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (sTWEAK). To confirm that sTWEAK was the protein of interest, Western blot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were performed. Both techniques confirmed that sTWEAK levels were decreased in carotid plaque supernatants. Subsequent measurement of sTWEAK in plasma showed a reduced concentration in subjects with carotid stenosis (N=30) compared with healthy subjects matched by sex and age (N=28) (P<0.001). Furthermore, in a test population of 106 asymptomatic subjects, we showed that sTWEAK concentrations negatively correlated with the carotid intima-media thickness (r=-0.4; P<0.001), an index of subclinical atherosclerosis. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that sTWEAK could be a potential biomarker of atherosclerosis

    Targeted gold-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for CD163 detection in atherosclerosis by MRI

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    CD163 is a membrane receptor expressed by macrophage lineage. Studies performed in atherosclerosis have shown that CD163 expression is increased at inflammatory sites, pointing at the presence of intraplaque hemorrhagic sites or asymptomatic plaques. Hence, imaging of CD163 expressing macrophages is an interesting strategy in order to detect atherosclerotic plaques. We have prepared a targeted probe based on gold-coated iron oxide nanoparticles vectorized with an anti-CD163 antibody for the specific detection of CD163 by MRI. Firstly, the specificity of the targeted probe was validated in vitro by incubation of the probe with CD163(+) or (−) macrophages. The probe was able to selectively detect CD163(+) macrophages both in human and murine cells. Subsequently, the targeted probe was injected in 16 weeks old apoE deficient mice developing atherosclerotic lesions and the pararenal abdominal aorta was imaged by MRI. The accumulation of probe in the site of interest increased over time and the signal intensity decreased significantly 48 hours after the injection. Hence, we have developed a highly sensitive targeted probe capable of detecting CD163-expressing macrophages that could provide useful information about the state of the atheromatous lesionsThis work was funded by Spanish Government through a Plan Nacional (CTQ2011–27268), FEDER funds through the Fondo de InvestigaciĂłn Sanitaria (PI10/00072, PI13/00051, PI13/00395, PI13/00802, PI14/00883 and PI14/00386), CIBERDEM group, RETICS RD12/0042/0038, Programa Miguel Servet (CP10/00479) and cvREMOD CENIT project (CEN-20091044), the Basque Government through Etortek 2011 (IE11–301), and Fundacion Lilly, Spanish Society of Atherosclerosis, Spanish Society of Nephrology and Fundacion Renal Iñigo Alvarez de Toled

    The alpha-galactosidase A p.Arg118Cys variant does not cause a Fabry disease phenotype: data from individual patients and family studies

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    Acessível em: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4423738/Lysosomal α-galactosidase A (α-Gal) is the enzyme deficient in Fabry disease (FD), an X-linked glycosphingolipidosis caused by pathogenic mutations affecting the GLA gene. The early-onset, multi-systemic FD classical phenotype is associated with absent or severe enzyme deficiency, as measured by in vitro assays, but patients with higher levels of residual α-Gal activity may have later-onset, more organ-restricted clinical presentations. A change in the codon 118 of the wild-type α-Gal sequence, replacing basic arginine by a potentially sulfhydryl-binding cysteine residue - GLA p.(Arg118Cys) -, has been recurrently described in large FD screening studies of high-risk patients. Although the Cys118 allele is associated with high residual α-Gal activity in vitro, it has been classified as a pathogenic mutation, mainly on the basis of theoretical arguments about the chemistry of the cysteine residue. However its pathogenicity has never been convincingly demonstrated by pathology criteria. We reviewed the clinical, biochemical and histopathology data obtained from 22 individuals of Portuguese and Spanish ancestry carrying the Cys118 allele, including 3 homozygous females. Cases were identified either on the differential diagnosis of possible FD manifestations and on case-finding studies (n=11; 4 males), or on unbiased cascade screening of probands' close relatives (n=11; 3 males). Overall, those data strongly suggest that the GLA p.(Arg118Cys) variant does not segregate with FD clinical phenotypes in a Mendelian fashion, but might be a modulator of the multifactorial risk of cerebrovascular disease. The Cys118 allelic frequency in healthy Portuguese adults (n=696) has been estimated as 0.001, therefore not qualifying for "rare" condition

    Aplikasi Herbisida 2,4-d Dan Penoxsulam Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Padi Sawah (Oryza Sativa L.)

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    Salah satu teknik budidaya untuk meningkatkan produksi tanaman padi sawah yaitu dengan mengurangi persaingan antara tanaman dengan gulma. Pengendalian dengan kimiawi merupakan salah satu cara mengurangi pertumbuhan gulma di pertanaman padi. Cara kimiawi merupakan cara yang praktis, efektif dan efisien untuk mengendalikan gulma. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh dari aplikasi herbisida 2,4-D dan penoxsulam dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil padi sawah serta menentukan dosis aplikasi herbisida 2,4-D dan penoxsulam baik secara tunggal maupun campuran dalam mengendalikan gulma pada tanaman padi sawah. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Juli 2014 di Desa Campurasri, Ngawi. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok sederhana, dengan menempatkan 11 perlakuan yaitu H1 : kontrol herbisida 2,4-D; H2 : 2,4-D 11,25 kg ha-1; H3 : 2,4-D 22,5 kg ha-1; H4 : 2,4-D 33,75 kg ha-1; H5 : kontrol herbisida penoxsulam; H6 : penoxsulam 200 ml ha-1; H7 : penoxsulam 400 ml ha-1; H8 : penoxsulam 600 ml ha-1; H9 : 2,4-D 11,25 kg ha-1 dan penoxsulam 200 ml ha-1; H10 : 2,4-D 22,5 kg ha-1 dan penoxsulam 400 ml ha-1; H11 : 2,4-D 33,75 kg ha-1 dan penoxsulam 600 ml ha-1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan herbisida 2,4-D 11,25 kg ha-1 dan penoxsulam 200 ml menghasilkan bobot kering total tanaman dengan peningkatan sebesar 34,62 % dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Pada produksi tanaman padi peningkatan terjadi sebesar 29,77 % pada perlakuan herbisida 2,4-D 33,75 kg ha-1 dan penoxsulam 600 ml dibandingkan dengan kontrol

    Role of the Abcg2 transporter in plasma levels and tissue accumulation of the anti-inflammatory tolfenamic acid in mice

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    .The Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP/ABCG2) is an ATP-binding cassette efflux transporter that is expressed in the apical membrane of cells from relevant tissues involved in drug pharmacokinetics such as liver, intestine, kidney, testis, brain and mammary gland, among others. Tolfenamic acid is an anti-inflammatory drug used as an analgesic and antipyretic in humans and animals. Recently, tolfenamic acid has been repurposed as an antitumoral drug and for use in chronic human diseases such as Alzheimer. The aim of this work was to study whether tolfenamic acid is an in vitro Abcg2 substrate, and to investigate the potential role of Abcg2 in plasma exposure, secretion into milk and tissue accumulation of this drug. Using in vitro transepithelial assays with cells transduced with Abcg2, we showed that tolfenamic acid is an in vitro substrate of Abcg2. The in vivo effect of this transporter was tested using wild-type and Abcg2−/− mice, showing that after oral and intravenous administration of tolfenamic acid, its area under the plasma concentration-time curve in Abcg2−/− mice was between 1.7 and 1.8-fold higher compared to wild-type mice. Abcg2−/− mice also showed higher liver and testis accumulation of tolfenamic acid after intravenous administration. In this study, we demonstrate that tolfenamic acid is transported in vitro by Abcg2 and that its plasma levels as well as its tissue distribution are affected by Abcg2, with potential pharmacological and toxicological consequences.S

    Rapid Wolff–Kishner reductions in a silicon carbide microreactor

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    Wolff–Kishner reductions are performed in a novel silicon carbide microreactor. Greatly reduced reaction times and safer operation are achieved, giving high yields without requiring a large excess of hydrazine. The corrosion resistance of silicon carbide avoids the problematic reactor compatibility issues that arise when Wolff–Kishner reductions are done in glass or stainless steel reactors. With only nitrogen gas and water as by-products, this opens the possibility of performing selective, large scale ketone reductions without the generation of hazardous waste streams.Novartis-MIT Center for Continuous ManufacturingNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (post-doctoral fellowship
