25 research outputs found

    ¿Auténtica peruanidad? Transformaciones del concepto de representación política en el Perú de Fujimori

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    [ES] La escena política peruana, a partir de la ascensión del régimen fujimorista, se ve dominada por argumentos que ligan la discusión sobre democracia y autoritarismo con el tema de la identidad nacional. El artículo sostiene que esta ligazón es posible por la convergencia de dos procesos político-culturales: 1) la crisis de un discurso "criollo" sobre la raza y la etnicidad que ha fracasado en el intento de postular una imagen de nación homogéneamente mestiza, y 2) el agotamiento de los significados liberales del concepto de representación política, que han sido desplazados por nociones de representatividad descriptiva de identidades étnicas.[EN] After the emergence of the Fujimori regime, the Peruvian political arena has been dominated by arguments linking the discussion on democracy and authoritarianism with the topic of national identity. The article maintains that this linkage is made possible by the convergence of two political-cultural processes: 1) the crisis of a creole discourse on race y ethnicity that has failed in the attempt to build an image of a homegenous mestizo nation, and 2) the exhaustion of the liberal meanings of the concept of political representation, that have been replaced by notions of descriptive representativeness of ethnic identities

    Determining the distribution of triclosan and methyl triclosan in estuarine settings

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    We have developed a method for the analysis of two sewage-derived contaminants: triclosan (TCS), an antibacterial agent, and methyl triclosan (MTCS), a TCS metabolite. For solid samples (4 g), extraction and cleanup were integrated into the same step using pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) with in-cell-clean-up (1 g of florisil). The extraction was performed using dichloromethane at 100 °C, 1500 psi and 3 static extraction cycles of 5 min each. For water samples (100 mL), stir bar sorptive extraction–liquid desorption (SBSE–LD) was used. Bars were stirred for 10 h and analytes were later desorbed using acetonitrile. Finally, MTCS and a silylated derivative of TCS were determined by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Recovery experiments in water and sediments were performed and the results ranged from 67% to 78%. Limits of detection (LODs) were 5 ng L−1 for TCS and 1 ng L−1 for MTCS, in water samples, and 0.1 ng g−1 for TCS and MTCS in solid samples. The method was applied then to determine the levels of these compounds in the estuary of Guadalete River (SW Spain). TCS and MTCS concentrations up to 9.6 ng g−1 in sediments and 310 ng L−1 in water were measured. Their distribution was strongly influenced by the presence of wastewater sources, treated and untreated, along the sampling area, where maximum concentrations were detected. Highest values were reached in the water column during low tides as the water volume in the estuary becomes lower

    Biomass-modulated fire dynamics during the last glacial-interglacial transition at the central pyrenees (Spain)

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    Understanding long-term fire ecology is essential for current day interpretation of ecosystem fire responses. However palaeoecology of fire is still poorly understood, especially at high-altitude mountain environments, despite the fact that these are fire-sensitive ecosystems and their resilience might be affected by changing fire regimes. We reconstruct wildfire occurrence since the Lateglacial (14.7. cal. ka BP) to the Mid-Holocene (6. cal. ka BP) and investigate the climate-fuel-fire relationships in a sedimentary sequence located at the treeline in the Central Spanish Pyrenees. Pollen, macro- and micro-charcoal were analysed for the identification of fire events (FE) in order to detect vegetation post-fire response and to define biomass-fire interactions. mean fire intervals (mfi) reduced since the Lateglacial, peaking at 9-7.7. cal. ka BP while from 7.7 to 6. cal. ka BP no fire is recorded. We hypothesise that Early Holocene maximum summer insolation, as climate forcing, and mesophyte forest expansion, as a fuel-creating factor, were responsible for accelerating fire occurrence in the Central Pyrenees treeline. We also found that fire had long-lasting negative effects on most of the treeline plant communities and that forest contraction from 7.7. cal. ka BP is likely linked to the ecosystem's threshold response to high fire frequencies.This research has been funded by the projects DINAMO (CGL2009-07992) (funding EGPF — grant ref. BES-2010-038593 and MSC), DINAMO2 (CGL2012-33063), ARAFIRE (2012 GA LC 064), GRACCIE-CONSOLIDER (CSD2007-00067). GGR was funded by the Juan de la Cierva Program (grant ref. JCI2009-04345) and JAE-Doc CSIC Program, LLM was supported by a postdoctoral MINT fellowship funded by the Institute for the Environment (Brunel University), AMC is a Ramón y Cajal fellow (ref: RYC-2008-02431), APS holds a grant funded by the Aragon Government (ref. 17030G/5423/480072/14003) and JAE holds a grant funded by the Basque Country Government (BFI-2010-5)

    Preventing alpelisib-related hyperglycaemia in HR+/HER2−/PIK3CA-mutated advanced breast cancer using metformin (METALLICA): a multicentre, open-label, single-arm, phase 2 trial

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    © 2024. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in EClinicalMedicine. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2024.102520Background Hyperglycaemia is an early and frequent adverse event during alpelisib treatment. METALLICA aimed to evaluate prophylactic metformin to prevent or reduce hyperglycaemia occurrence in patients with HR+/HER2−/PIK3CA-mutated advanced breast cancer (ABC). Methods Between August 13th, 2020 and March 23rd, 2022, this 2-cohort, phase 2, multicentre, single-arm trial (NCT04300790) enrolled patients with HR+/HER2−/PIK3CA-mutated ABC: cohort A, normal glycaemia (fasting plasma glucose <100 mg/dL [<5.6 mmol/L] and HbA1c <5.7%), and cohort B, prediabetes (fasting plasma glucose 100–140 mg/dL [5.6–7.8 mmol/L] and/or haemoglobin A1C [HbA1c] 5.7–6.4%). Participants were at least 18 years old, with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status of 0–1, and up to two prior lines of endocrine therapy (ET) for ABC. Alpelisib plus ET were administered in 28-day cycles after initiation of prophylactic metformin plus ET. Primary endpoint was the incidence of grade 3–4 hyperglycaemia over the first 8 weeks. Secondary endpoints included safety, progression-free survival (PFS), objective response rate (ORR), and clinical benefit rate (CBR). The primary objective for cohort A and B is met with ≤7 (14.6%) and ≤4 (20%) patients with grade 3–4 hyperglycaemia over the first 8 weeks, respectively. Findings 233 patients were screened, and 68 (20.2%) patients were enrolled in cohorts A (n = 48) and B (n = 20). Median follow-up was 7.8 months (IQR 1.4–19.6). Over the first 8 weeks, one (2.1%) of 48 patients in cohort A (95% CI: 0.5–11.1; P < 0.0001), and three (15.0%) of 20 patients in cohort B (95% CI: 5.6–37.8; P = 0.016) had grade 3–4 hyperglycaemia. Serious treatment-related adverse events occurred in seven patients (10.3%). The most common were rash (two [2.9%]), vomiting (two [2.9%]), and diarrhoea (two [2.9%]). Discontinuation of alpelisib caused by AEs was reported in nine patients (13.2%), none caused by hyperglycaemia. At data cutoff (15 June, 2022), no treatment-related deaths were observed. In the full analysis set, median PFS was 7.3 months (95% CI: 5.9–not reached), ORR was 20.6% (95% CI: 11.7–32.1%), and CBR was 52.9% (95% CI: 40.4–65.2). Interpretation In HR+/HER2−/PIK3CA-mutated ABC, prophylactic metformin before alpelisib plus endocrine treatment has low incidence and severity of alpelicib-induced hyperglycaemia

    A deletion at Adamts9-magi1 Locus is associated with psoriatic arthritis risk

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    Objective: Copy number variants (CNVs) have been associated with the risk to develop multiple autoimmune diseases. Our objective was to identify CNVs associated with the risk to develop psoriatic arthritis (PsA) using a genome-wide analysis approach. Methods: A total of 835 patients with PsA and 1498 healthy controls were genotyped for CNVs using the Illumina HumanHap610 BeadChip genotyping platform. Genomic CNVs were characterised using CNstream analysis software and analysed for association using the χ2 test. The most significant genomic CNV associations with PsA risk were independently tested in a validation sample of 1133 patients with PsA and 1831 healthy controls. In order to test for the specificity of the variants with PsA aetiology, we also analysed the association to a cohort of 822 patients with purely cutaneous psoriasis (PsC). Results: A total of 165 common CNVs were identified in the genome-wide analysis. We found a highly significant association of an intergenic deletion between ADAMTS9 and MAGI1 genes on chromosome 3p14.1 (p=0.00014). Using the independent patient and control cohort, we validated the association between ADAMTS9-MAGI1 deletion and PsA risk (p=0.032). Using next-generation sequencing, we characterised the 26 kb associated deletion. Finally, analysing the PsC cohort we found a lower frequency of the deletion compared with the PsA cohort (p=0.0088) and a similar frequency to that of healthy controls (p>0.3). Conclusions: The present genome-wide scan for CNVs associated with PsA risk has identified a new deletion associated with disease risk and which is also differential from PsC risk

    Evaluación en época seca de ecosistemas acuáticos y terrestres: componentes de vegetación y faunación. Sector Centro Administrativo PNN El Tuparro (Cumaribo, Vichada)

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    La asignatura Ecología Regional Continental tiene como objetivo el análisis de los procesos ecológicos a escala de paisaje y bioma. A lo largo de su existencia dentro del programa curricular de Biología de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia se han realizado distintos estudios ecológicos en distintas regiones del país, ampliando cada vez más el conocimiento de los estudiantes que toman la asignatura y aportando al conocimiento de zonas poco estudiadas. Durante los últimos periodos, la fase de campo se ha realizado en zonas pertenecientes al Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia. Es así como se realizó un estudio preliminar durante el segundo semestre de 2010 en el PNN Cueva de Los Guacharos en el departamento del Huila, cumpliendo con el objetivo de una evaluación ecológica rápida a nivel de vegetación y limnología de manera dirigida, además de proyectos de distintos temas sobre aspectos ecológicos de la región. Para este periodo, primer semestre de 2011, la fase de campo se desarrolló en el PNN El Tuparro, ubicado en el departamento del Vichada y se incluyó adicionalmente el componente de faunación. Esta zona del país es poco conocida dado su difícil acceso, por lo que la información obtenida es de gran valor

    ¿Auténtica peruanidad? Transformaciones del concepto de representación política en el Perú de Fujimori

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    RESUMEN: La escena política peruana, a partir de la ascensión del régimen fujimorista, se ve dominada por argumentos que ligan la discusión sobre democracia y autoritarismo con el tema de la identidad nacional. El artículo sostiene que esta ligazón es posible por la convergencia de dos procesos político-culturales: 1) la crisis de un discurso "criollo" sobre la raza y la etnicidad que ha fracasado en el intento de postular una imagen de nación homogéneamente mestiza, y 2) el agotamiento de los significados liberales del concepto de representación política, que han sido desplazados por nociones de representatividad descriptiva de identidades étnicas.ABSTRACT: After the emergence of the Fujimori regime, the Peruvian political arena has been dominated by arguments linking the discussion on democracy and authoritarianism with the topic of national identity. The article maintains that this linkage is made possible by the convergence of two political-cultural processes: 1) the crisis of a creole discourse on race y ethnicity that has failed in the attempt to build an image of a homegenous mestizo nation, and 2) the exhaustion of the liberal meanings of the concept of political representation, that have been replaced by notions of descriptive representativeness of ethnic identities

    El ser vivo más importante del planeta

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    Las abejas se han ganado la denominación de “seres más importantes del planeta”, por su papel en la polinización. En México hay abejas sin aguijón con una fuerte presencia cultural además de ecológica: las meliponas. Actualmente la Melipona beecheii y otras especies están en riesgo por la deforestación y fragmentación de las selvas; ante eso, las prácticas de conservación y la meliponicultura son la respuesta