78 research outputs found

    Predictive factors of developing diabetes mellitus in women with gestational diabetes.

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    BACKGROUND: To investigate which factors during gestational diabetes pregnancies correlate with the risk of developing impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes 1 year postpartum and to compare this risk in women with gestational diabetes and women with a normal oral glucose tolerance test during pregnancy. METHODS: Of 315 women with gestational diabetes, defined as a 2-hr blood glucose value of at least 9.0 mmol/l at a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test, who delivered in Lund 1991-99, 229 (73%) performed a new test 1 year postpartum. We compared maternal and fetal factors during pregnancy with the test value at follow up. A control group of 153 women with a 2-hr test value below 7.8 mmol/l during pregnancy were invited to a new test 1 year postpartum and 60 (39%) accepted. RESULTS: At 1 year follow up, 31% of the women with gestational diabetes but only one of the 60 controls showed pathologic glucose tolerance and one had developed diabetes. The following factors in women with gestational diabetes were identified as predicting impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes at 1 year follow up: maternal age over 40 and--in a multiple regression analysis, independent of each other--a high 2-hr value at oral glucose tolerance test during pregnancy and insulin treatment during pregnancy. CONCLUSION: The risk of developing manifest diabetes after gestational diabetes may be high enough to justify a general screening or diagnostic procedure in all pregnant women to identify women with gestational diabetes and a postpartum follow up program for them. This study did not identify any particular factor during pregnancy with enough precision to predict a later progression to diabetes

    Guidelines and Recommendations for Laboratory Analysis in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background: Multiple laboratory tests are used to diagnose and manage patients with diabetes mellitus. The quality of the scientific evidence supporting the use of these tests varies substantially. Approach: An expert committee compiled evidence-based recommendations for the use of laboratory testing for patients with diabetes. A new system was developed to grade the overall quality of the evidence and the strength of the recommendations. Draft guidelines were posted on the Internet and presented at the 2007 Arnold O. Beckman Conference. The document was modified in response to oral and written comments, and a revised draft was posted in 2010 and again modified in response to written comments. The National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and the Evidence-Based Laboratory Medicine Committee of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry jointly reviewed the guidelines, which were accepted after revisions by the Professional Practice Committee and subsequently approved by the Executive Committee of the American Diabetes Association. Content: In addition to long-standing criteria based on measurement of plasma glucose, diabetes can be diagnosed by demonstrating increased blood hemoglobin A1c_{1c} (HbA1c_{1c}) concentrations. Monitoring of glycemic control is performed by self-monitoring of plasma or blood glucose with meters and by laboratory analysis of HbA1c_{1c}. The potential roles of noninvasive glucose monitoring, genetic testing, and measurement of autoantibodies, urine albumin, insulin, proinsulin, C-peptide, and other analytes are addressed. Summary: The guidelines provide specific recommendations that are based on published data or derived from expert consensus. Several analytes have minimal clinical value at present, and their measurement is not recommended

    Perinatal autoimmunity in offspring of diabetic parents: the German multicenter BABY-DIAB study: detection of humoral immune responses to islet antigens in early childhood

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    IDDM results from immune-mediated destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic β-cells in individuals genetically susceptible for the disease. There is evidence that the 65-kDa isoform of GAD plays a critical role in the induction of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice. In humans, it is still unclear when and to what β-cell antigens autoreactive lymphocytes become activated during early disease. We conducted a prospective study from birth, BABY- DIAB, among children of mothers with IDDM or gestational diabetes or fathers with IDDM, and we investigated the temporal sequence of antibody responses to islet cells (ICA), insulin (IAA), GAD (GADA), and the protein tyrosine phosphatase IA-2/ICA512 (IA-2A). Of 1,019 children included at birth, we have currently followed 513 to the age of 9 months, 214 to the age of 2 years, and 37 to the age of 5 years. At birth, all antibody specificities were frequent in newborns of diabetic mothers but not fathers and are suggested to be transplacentally acquired because they are strongly correlated with antibody levels in their diabetic mothers. In early childhood, antibody levels were <99th percentile of control subjects in the majority of children. However, 37 children exhibited elevated antibody levels; these were most frequently detected at the age of 2 years. The antibody prevalence at age 2 years was 2.3 for ICA, 7 for IAA, 4.2 for GADA, and 2.8 for IA-2A (8.9 positive for at least one antibody). Children of diabetic fathers were positive for at least one antibody more frequently than were children of diabetic mothers (9 months of age: 8.5 vs. 3.6; 2 years of age: 16.7 vs. 7.9). There was no specific sequence in the appearance of positive autoantibodies, but 13 (35) antibody-positive cases already had more than one ICA before the age of 2 years and 7 (19) showed reactivity to three islet cell antigens before age 5 years. The presence of multiple antibodies confers high risk for the future development of diabetes; three of six children who exhibited positive antibody responses to all four antibodies tested and another child with two positive antibodies developed clinical diabetes at the ages of 13, 21, and 27 months and 5 years. We conclude that loss of tolerance to β-cell autoantigens and appearance of autoimmune phenomena occur very early in life in individuals with genetic susceptibility for IDDM. Screening programs to identify candidates for disease-prevention therapies can therefore be focused on this young age-group, in whom the disease process may be less advanced and who may therefore be best suited to such therapies