1,275 research outputs found

    Giggin\u27 in the 21st Century

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    Against this backdrop and based upon an analysis of fairness and complexity principles, this comment argues for several tax policy changes that should be implemented immediately in order to address some of the most pressing concerns gig economy workers presently face under current labor classifications. Part II provides a background of the gig economy while explaining the legal rationale behind the present classification of gig economy workers as independent contractors. Part II then illustrates the mechanics of a standard gig economy transaction generally, concluding with a side-by side comparison of a gig economy worker and a similarly-situated employee. Part III begins with a brief introduction of the tax policy principles of fairness and complexity within the context of the gig economy, followed by an introduction of three of the system’s primary inadequacies: the payment of income taxes, difficulties associated with claiming available deductions, and added complexity due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Part IV presents and analyzes a series of solutions that, if implemented together, would significantly alleviate some of the most immediate issues caused by the system’s primary inadequacies. Part V concludes with what the future may hold for gig economy workers

    \u3cem\u3eTipton v. Montana Thirteenth Judicial District Court\u3c/em\u3e: Determining the Retroactive Applicability of Montana’s DNA Statute to Offenses Time-Barred Prior to the DNA Statute’s 2007 Enactment

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    This is a case of first impression in Montana. At issue is whether the Montana Legislature’s 2007 amendment to section 45–1–205(9) of the Montana Code Annotated, permitting prosecution within one year following conclusive identification by DNA for specific sexual crimes, can be applied retroactively as to Petitioner Ronald Tipton (“Tipton”) when the applicable statute of limitations ran prior to the amendment’s enactment. Tipton argues in effect that since the applicable statute of limitations ran in 2001, his subsequent prosecution based on the 2007 amendment to § 45–1–205(9) is prohibited because, since the statute of limitations in his case had previously run, he has a vested right to be free from prosecution based on the ex post facto clauses in the U.S. and Montana Constitutions

    Intensive Outpatient Prolonged Exposure for Combat-Related PTSD: A Case Study

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    The prevalence rates for combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in U.S. military personnel returning from deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan indicate a significant demand for efficacious treatments that can be delivered in military-relevant formats. According to research with civilian and veteran populations, prolonged exposure is a first-line treatment for PTSD. However, research examining the generalizibility of prolonged exposure to active-duty military service members is scarce. Modifications to the standard prolonged exposure protocol may be required to meet military operational needs and to circumvent unique treatment barriers associated with the military. Intensive outpatient or compressed treatment delivered over a short time period has the potential for significant operational utility for active-duty military populations. Intensive outpatient practice formats have been found to be efficacious for the treatment of other anxiety disorders (i.e., specific phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder). The present case report is the first to evaluate the use of intensive outpatient prolonged exposure for combat-related PTSD in an active-duty military service member. Treatment consisted of 10 full-day outpatient sessions over a 2-week period. The patient’s PTSD, depression, and anxiety were dramatically reduced by the end of treatment, and she no longer met diagnostic criteria for PTSD. She remained in full remission at the 6-month follow-up

    Risky sexual behavior and substance use among adolescents: A meta-analysis

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    This study presents the results of a meta-analysis of the association between substance use and risky sexual behavior among adolescents. 87 studies fit the inclusion criteria, containing a total of 104 independent effect sizes that incorporated more than 120,000 participants. The overall effect size for the relationship between substance use and risky sexual behavior was in the small to moderate range (r = .22, CI = .18, .26). Further analyses indicated that the effect sizes did not substantially vary across the type of substance use, but did substantially vary across the type of risky sexual behavior being assessed. Specifically, mean effect sizes were smallest for studies examining unprotected sex (r = .15, CI = .10, .20), followed by studies examining number of sexual partners (r = .25, CI = .21, .30), those examining composite measures of risky sexual behavior (r = .38, CI = .27, .48), and those examining sex with an intravenous drug user (r = .53, CI = .45, .60). Furthermore, our results revealed that the relationship between drug use and risky sexual behavior is moderated by several variables, including sex, ethnicity, sexuality, age, sample type, and level of measurement. Implications and future directions are discussed

    The first legal mortgagor: a consumer without adequate protection?

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    This article contends that the UK government’s attempt to create a well-functioning consumer credit market will be undermined if it fails to reform the private law framework relating to the first legal mortgage. Such agreements are governed by two distinct regulatory regimes that are founded upon very different conceptions of the mortgagor. The first, the regulation of financial services overseen by the Financial Conduct Authority, derives from public law and is founded upon a conception of the mortgagor as “consumer”. The other is land law, private law regulation implemented by the judiciary and underpinned by a conception of the mortgagor as “landowner”. Evidence suggests that the operation of these two regimes prevents mortgagors from receiving fair and consistent treatment. The current reform of financial services regulation therefore will change only one part of this governance regime and will leave mortgagors heavily reliant upon a regulator that still has to prove itself. What this article argues is that reform of the rules of private law must also be undertaken with the aim of initiating a paradigm shift in the conception of the mortgagor from “landowner” to “consumer”. Cultural shifts of this kind take time but the hope is that this conceptual transformation will occur in time to deter the predicted rise in mortgage possessions

    Herschel Exploitation of Local Galaxy Andromeda (HELGA) III: The Star Formation Law in M31

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    We present a detailed study of how the Star Formation Rate (SFR) relates to the interstellar medium (ISM) of M31 at ~140pc scales. The SFR is calculated using the far-ultraviolet and 24um emission, corrected for the old stellar population in M31. We find a global value for the SFR of 0.25+/-0.05Msun/yr and compare this with the SFR found using the total far-infrared (FIR) luminosity. There is general agreement in regions where young stars dominate the dust heating. Atomic hydrogen (HI) and molecular gas (traced by carbon monoxide, CO) or the dust mass is used to trace the total gas in the ISM. We show that the global surface densities of SFR and gas mass place M31 amongst a set of low-SFR galaxies in the plot of Kennicutt (1998b). The relationship between SFR and gas surface density is tested in six radial annuli across M31, assuming a power law relationship with index, N. The star formation law using total gas traced by HI and CO gives a global index of N=2.03+/-0.04, with a significant variation with radius; the highest values are observed in the 10kpc ring. We suggest that this slope is due to HI turning molecular at ~10Msun/pc2. When looking at H2 regions, we measure a higher mean SFR suggesting a better spatial correlation between H2 and SF. We find N~0.6 with consistent results throughout the disk - this is at the low end of values found in previous work and argues against a superlinear SF law on small scales.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Effects of intrauterine exposure to synthetic glucocorticoids on fetal, newborn, and infant hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in humans : a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Synthetic glucocorticoids are commonly used in reproductive medicine. Fetal organ systems are highly sensitive to changes in the intrauterine environment, including overexposure to glucocorticoids. Structural and functional alterations resulting from such changes may persist throughout life and have been associated with diverse diseases. One system that could be particularly sensitive to fetal glucocorticoid overexposure is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (hpa) axis. Many human studies have investigated this possibility, but a systematic review to identify consistent, emergent findings is lacking. METHODS: We systematically review 49 human studies, assessing the effects of intrauterine exposure to synthetic glucocorticoids on fetal, neonate, and infant hpa function. RESULTS: Study quality varied considerably, but the main findings held true after restricting the analyses to higher-quality studies: intrauterine exposure to synthetic glucocorticoids reduces offspring hpa activity under unstimulated conditions after pain but not pharmacological challenge. Although reduced unstimulated hpa function appears to recover within the first 2 wk postpartum, blunted hpa reactivity to pain is likely to persist throughout the first 4 months of life. There is some evidence that the magnitude of the effects is correlated with the total amount of glucocorticoids administered and varies with the time interval between glucocorticoid exposure and hpa assessment. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review has allowed the demonstration of the way in which intrauterine exposure to various regimens of synthetic glucocorticoids affects various forms of hpa function. As such, it guides future studies in terms of which variables need to be focused on in order to further strengthen the understanding of such therapy, whilst continuing to profit from its clinical benefits

    Cigarette smoking, health status, socio-economic status and access to health care in diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional survey

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    BACKGROUND: In diabetes mellitus, cigarette smoking is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular mortality and microvascular complications. We evaluated cigarette smoking in people with diabetes mellitus in a socio-economically deprived area. METHODS: We carried out a cross-sectional survey of people registered with diabetes mellitus at 29 general practices in inner London. Responses were analysed for 1,899 (64%) respondents out of 2,983 eligible. RESULTS: There were 1,899 respondents of whom 968 (51%) had never smoked, 296 (16%) were current smokers and 582 (31%) were ex-smokers. Smoking was more frequent in white Europeans (men 22%, women 20%), than in African Caribbeans (men 15%, women 10%) or Africans (men 8%, women 2%). Smoking prevalence decreased with age. Smokers were more likely to be living in rented accommodation (odds ratio, OR 2.02, 95% confidence interval 1.48 to 2.74). After adjusting for confounding, current smokers had lower SF-36 scores than subjects who had never smoked (mean difference in physical functioning score -5.6, 95% confidence interval -10.0 to -1.2; general health -6.1, -9.7 to -2.5). Current smokers were less likely to have attended a hospital diabetic clinic in the last year (OR 0.59, 0.44 to 0.79), and their hypertension was less likely to be treated (OR 0.47, 0.30 to 0.74). CONCLUSIONS: Compared with non-smokers, smokers had lower socio-economic status and worse health status, but were less likely to be referred to hospital or treated for their hypertension. People with diabetes who smoke can be regarded as a vulnerable group who need more intensive support and treatment

    The HASHTAG Project: The First Submillimeter Images of the Andromeda Galaxy from the Ground

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    Observing nearby galaxies with submillimeter telescopes on the ground has two major challenges. First, the brightness is significantly reduced at long submillimeter wavelengths compared to the brightness at the peak of the dust emission. Second, it is necessary to use a high-pass spatial filter to remove atmospheric noise on large angular scales, which has the unwelcome side effect of also removing the galaxy\u27s large-scale structure. We have developed a technique for producing high-resolution submillimeter images of galaxies of large angular size by using the telescope on the ground to determine the small-scale structure (the large Fourier components) and a space telescope (Herschel or Planck) to determine the large-scale structure (the small Fourier components). Using this technique, we are carrying out the HARP and SCUBA-2 High Resolution Terahertz Andromeda Galaxy Survey (HASHTAG), an international Large Program on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, with one aim being to produce the first high-fidelity high-resolution submillimeter images of Andromeda. In this paper, we describe the survey, the method we have developed for combining the space-based and ground-based data, and we present the first HASHTAG images of Andromeda at 450 and 850 μm. We also have created a method to predict the CO(J = 3-2) line flux across M31, which contaminates the 850 μm band. We find that while normally the contamination is below our sensitivity limit, it can be significant (up to 28%) in a few of the brightest regions of the 10 kpc ring. We therefore also provide images with the predicted line emission removed

    Affinity for phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate determines muscarinic agonist sensitivity of Kv7 K+ channels

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    Kv7 K+-channel subunits differ in their apparent affinity for PIP2 and are differentially expressed in nerve, muscle, and epithelia in accord with their physiological roles in those tissues. To investigate how PIP2 affinity affects the response to physiological stimuli such as receptor stimulation, we exposed homomeric and heteromeric Kv7.2, 7.3, and 7.4 channels to a range of concentrations of the muscarinic receptor agonist oxotremorine-M (oxo-M) in a heterologous expression system. Activation of M1 receptors by oxo-M leads to PIP2 depletion through Gq and phospholipase C (PLC). Chinese hamster ovary cells were transiently transfected with Kv7 subunits and M1 receptors and studied under perforated-patch voltage clamp. For Kv7.2/7.3 heteromers, the EC50 for current suppression was 0.44 ± 0.08 µM, and the maximal inhibition (Inhibmax) was 74 ± 3% (n = 5–7). When tonic PIP2 abundance was increased by overexpression of PIP 5-kinase, the EC50 was shifted threefold to the right (1.2 ± 0.1 µM), but without a significant change in Inhibmax (73 ± 4%, n = 5). To investigate the muscarinic sensitivity of Kv7.3 homomers, we used the A315T pore mutant (Kv7.3T) that increases whole-cell currents by 30-fold without any change in apparent PIP2 affinity. Kv7.3T currents had a slightly right-shifted EC50 as compared with Kv7.2/7.3 heteromers (1.0 ± 0.8 µM) and a strongly reduced Inhibmax (39 ± 3%). In contrast, the dose–response curve of homomeric Kv7.4 channels was shifted considerably to the left (66 ± 8 nM), and Inhibmax was slightly increased (81 ± 6%, n = 3–4). We then studied several Kv7.2 mutants with altered apparent affinities for PIP2 by coexpressing them with Kv7.3T subunits to boost current amplitudes. For the lower affinity (Kv7.2 (R463Q)/Kv7.3T) or higher affinity (Kv7.2 (R463E)/Kv7.3T) channels, the EC50 and Inhibmax were similar to Kv7.4 or Kv7.3T homomers (0.12 ± 0.08 µM and 79 ± 6% [n = 3–4] and 0.58 ± 0.07 µM and 27 ± 3% [n = 3–4], respectively). The very low-affinity Kv7.2 (R452E, R459E, and R461E) triple mutant was also coexpressed with Kv7.3T. The resulting heteromer displayed a very low EC50 for inhibition (32 ± 8 nM) and a slightly increased Inhibmax (83 ± 3%, n = 3–4). We then constructed a cellular model that incorporates PLC activation by oxo-M, PIP2 hydrolysis, PIP2 binding to Kv7-channel subunits, and K+ current through Kv7 tetramers. We were able to fully reproduce our data and extract a consistent set of PIP2 affinities