93 research outputs found

    Vladimir’s Kholostyh (1936–2021) Photography: Searching for the Constant in the Timeline

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    Благодарности: научному руководителю, доценту, кандидату искусствоведения Галеевой Т. А.Acknowledgments: to the research advisor, docent, Ph.D. in History of Arts Galeeva T.Статья посвящена творческим трансформациям уральского фотографа Владимира Холостых (1936–2021). Проводится анализ технических и художественных экспериментов мастера на протяжении всей его карьеры, начиная с деятельности в «Фотохронике УПИ» (1960– 2005) в 1970-е годы, заканчивая серией фотографий 2000-х годов с отражениями и искажениями.An article is about creative transformations of older generation ural photographer Vladimir Kholosyuh (1936–2021). There is research of his technical and art experiments during all his career from his membership in “Photo chronicle UPI” (1960–2005) in the 1970s till his photograph’s series of reflections and deformations in the 2000s

    Russian policies in support of innovation: elusive quest for efficiency

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    Focused on the efficiency of the Russian innovation-fostering policy, the research is based on an empirical analysis of how policy instruments impact firms’ behavior. The data is obtained from two surveys of more than 600 Russian industrial companies in 2011-2012. The analysis shows that tax incentives are more conducive to innovations with a longer payback period, whereas public funding is more likely to facilitate launching new innovative projects. At the same time, both kinds of innovation support tools are affected by crowding out private funds by public ones. Besides, innovation policy design and administration are not friendly to young companies

    The Nature of Innovation Channels at the Micro-Level: Evidence from Russian Manufacturing Firms

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    The main purpose of the paper is to analyze different channels for innovations. We analyze the influence of various incentives for innovation in Russian companies taking into account the organization of industries — vertical or horizontal orientation, peculiarities of corporate demography, role and motives of different owners (including government and foreign investors), demand trends, customers‘ profile, nature and intensity of competition in relevant markets. An empirical base for our study is provided by two surveys of Russian industrial companies conducted in 2011 and 2012. One of our hypotheses: in vertically organized sectors that define innovation activeness in the economy (for example, mechanical engineering), the innovative development of the head producers is constrained by the risk of technological gap with its partners in the supply chain. We find out that innovations in Russian industry spread in accordance with two main models: vertical through corporate connections, and horizontal, based on the example of foreign companies in the atmosphere of developed competition

    Searching for a BNP standard: Glycosylated proBNP as a common calibrator enables improved comparability of commercial BNP immunoassays

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    AbstractBackgroundCirculating B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is widely accepted as a diagnostic and risk assessment biomarker of cardiac function. Studies suggest that there are significant differences in measured concentrations among different commercial BNP immunoassays. The purpose of our study was to compare BNP-related proteins to determine a form that could be used as a common calibrator to improve the comparability of commercial BNP immunoassay results.MethodsBNP was measured in 40 EDTA-plasma samples from acute and chronic heart failure patients using five commercial BNP assays: Alere Triage, Siemens Centaur XP, Abbott I-STAT, Beckman Access2 and ET Healthcare Pylon. In parallel with internal calibrators from each manufacturer, six preparations containing BNP 1–32 motif a) synthetic BNP, b) recombinant BNP (E. coli), c) recombinant nonglycosylated proBNP (E. coli), d) recombinant His-tagged (N-terminal) nonglycosylated proBNP (E. coli), e) recombinant glycosylated proBNP (HEK cells), and f) recombinant glycosylated proBNP (CHO cells) were also used as external calibrators for each assay.ResultsUsing the internal standards provided by manufacturers and for five of six external calibrators, up to 3.6-fold differences (mean 1.9-fold) were observed between BNP immunoassays (mean between-assay CV 24.5–47.2%). A marked reduction of the between-assay variability was achieved, when glycosylated proBNP expressed in HEK cells was used as the common calibrator for all assays (mean between-assay CV 14.8%).ConclusionsOur data suggest that recombinant glycosylated proBNP could serve as a common calibrator for BNP immunoassays to reduce between-assay variability and achieve better comparability of BNP concentrations of commercial BNP immunoassays

    Neither fair nor unchangeable but part of the natural order: orientations towards inequality in the face of criticism of the economic system

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    The magnitude of climate change threats to life on the planet is not matched by the level of current mitigation strategies. To contribute to our understanding of inaction in the face of climate change, the reported study draws upon the pro status quo motivations encapsulated within System Justification Theory. In an online questionnaire study, participants (N = 136) initially completed a measure of General System Justification. Participants in a “System-critical” condition were then exposed to information linking environmental problems to the current economic system; participants in a Control condition were exposed to information unrelated to either environmental problems or the economic system. A measure of Economic System Justification was subsequently administered. Regressions of Economic System Justification revealed interactions between General System Justification and Information Type: higher general system justifiers in the System-critical condition rated the economic system as less fair than did their counterparts in the Control condition. However, they also indicated inequality as more natural than did their counterparts in the Control condition. The groups did not differ in terms of beliefs about the economic system being open to change. The results are discussed in terms of how reassurance about the maintenance of the status quo may be bolstered by recourse to beliefs in a natural order

    Psychological responses to the proximity of climate change

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    A frequent suggestion to increase individuals’ willingness to take action on climate change and to support relevant policies is to highlight its proximal consequences. However, previous studies that have tested this proximising approach have not revealed the expected positive effects on individual action and support for addressing climate change. We present three lines of psychological reasoning that provide compelling arguments as to why highlighting proximal impacts of climate change might not be as effective a way to increase individual mitigation and adaptation efforts as is often assumed. Our contextualisation of the proximising approach within established psychological research suggests that, depending on the particular theoretical perspective one takes to this issue, and on specific individual characteristics suggested by these perspectives, proximising can bring about the intended positive effects, can have no (visible) effect, or can even backfire. Thus, the effects of proximising are much more complex than is commonly assumed. Revealing this complexity contributes to a refined theoretical understanding of the role psychological distance plays in the context of climate change and opens up further avenues for future research and for interventions

    It's political: How the salience of one's political identity changes climate change beliefs and policy support

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    Previous research has demonstrated a striking difference in climate change beliefs and policy support between people who identify with the right-wing of politics and with the left-wing of politics. But are we destined to continue with this divergence? We suggest that there is movement around these differences based on the politicization of climate change and we conducted two experimental studies with 126 and 646 people, respectively, to examine this effect. We found that those people whose political identity was made salient were less likely to believe in an anthropogenic cause of climate change and less likely to support government climate change policies than those whose identity was not made salient; particularly when those people were aligned with the right-wing of politics. The results demonstrate the importance of the salience of one's political identity in determining attitudes and beliefs even for scientific facts such as climate change. Our research also identifies some ways forward in dealing with climate change-based on depoliticizing the issue

    Environmentally sustainable food consumption : a review and research agenda from a goal-directed perspective

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    The challenge of convincing people to change their eating habits toward more environmentally sustainable food consumption (ESFC) patterns is becoming increasingly pressing. Food preferences, choices and eating habits are notoriously hard to change as they are a central aspect of people's lifestyles and their socio-cultural environment. Many people already hold positive attitudes toward sustainable food, but the notable gap between favorable attitudes and actual purchase and consumption of more sustainable food products remains to be bridged. The current work aims to (1) present a comprehensive theoretical framework for future research on ESFC, and (2) highlight behavioral solutions for environmental challenges in the food domain from an interdisciplinary perspective. First, starting from the premise that food consumption is deliberately or unintentionally directed at attaining goals, a goal-directed framework for understanding and influencing ESFC is built. To engage in goal-directed behavior, people typically go through a series of sequential steps. The proposed theoretical framework makes explicit the sequential steps or hurdles that need to be taken for consumers to engage in ESFC. Consumers need to positively value the environment, discern a discrepancy between the desired versus the actual state of the environment, opt for action to reduce the experienced discrepancy, intend to engage in behavior that is expected to bring them closer to the desired end state, and act in accordance with their intention. Second, a critical review of the literature on mechanisms that underlie and explain ESFC (or the lack thereof) in high-income countries is presented and integrated into the goal-directed framework. This contribution thus combines a top-down conceptualization with a bottom-up literature review; it identifies and discusses factors that might hold people back from ESFC and interventions that might promote ESFC; and it reveals knowledge gaps as well as insights on how to encourage both short- and long-term ESFC by confronting extant literature with the theoretical framework. Altogether, the analysis yields a set of 33 future research questions in the interdisciplinary food domain that deserve to be addressed with the aim of fostering ESFC in the short and long term

    Cooperation between Russian research organizations and industrial companies: factors and problems

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    The study is focused on the cooperation of Russian companies with research organizations in implementing R&D projects during technological innovation. Taking into account behavioral changes, authors carry out a micro-level analysis based on empirical data of executive survey of over 600 Russian industrial firms (2011—2012) and about 350 research organizations and universities (2012). The authors emphasize the key factors of firms’ demand for outsourcing R&D reveal the main barriers to the development of university-industry cooperation and their particularities for different cooperation actors. The analysis shows that there is a positive relation between the size of a company and R&D outsourcing. As for the factor of age, the highest cooperation activity of Russian firms is observed among enterprises founded over 20 years ago. As far as concernes cooperation activity of research organizations, large ones are significantly more likely to cooperate with business. A common prerequisite for research organizations' R&D cooperation with business is sufficient academic ranking. Business and science evaluate differently various obstacles to effective cooperation. For firms, the main problems are the inflated costs of national R&Ds, insufficient research organizations’ orientation at company needs, and low quality of developments. As for representatives of research organizations, they mention as barriers primarily the lack of companies' receptivity to innovation and inadequate information about promising developments. Businesses are more optimistic about cooperation with science if they already have a relevant experience of interaction. In the case of research organizations we observe a different pattern: most problems seem more significant to organizations conducting R&D in business interests