37 research outputs found

    Aethionema arabicum dimorphic seed trait resetting during transition to seedlings

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    The transition from germinating seeds to emerging seedlings is one of the most vulnerable plant life cycle stages. Heteromorphic diaspores (seed and fruit dispersal units) are an adaptive bet-hedging strategy to cope with spatiotemporally variable environments. While the roles and mechanisms of seedling traits have been studied in monomorphic species, which produce one type of diaspore, very little is known about seedlings in heteromorphic species. Using the dimorphic diaspore model Aethionema arabicum (Brassicaceae), we identified contrasting mechanisms in the germination responses to different temperatures of the mucilaginous seeds (M+ seed morphs), the dispersed indehiscent fruits (IND fruit morphs), and the bare non-mucilaginous M− seeds obtained from IND fruits by pericarp (fruit coat) removal. What follows the completion of germination is the pre-emergence seedling growth phase, which we investigated by comparative growth assays of early seedlings derived from the M+ seeds, bare M− seeds, and IND fruits. The dimorphic seedlings derived from M+ and M− seeds did not differ in their responses to ambient temperature and water potential. The phenotype of seedlings derived from IND fruits differed in that they had bent hypocotyls and their shoot and root growth was slower, but the biomechanical hypocotyl properties of 15-day-old seedlings did not differ between seedlings derived from germinated M+ seeds, M− seeds, or IND fruits. Comparison of the transcriptomes of the natural dimorphic diaspores, M+ seeds and IND fruits, identified 2,682 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) during late germination. During the subsequent 3 days of seedling pre-emergence growth, the number of DEGs was reduced 10-fold to 277 root DEGs and 16-fold to 164 shoot DEGs. Among the DEGs in early seedlings were hormonal regulators, in particular for auxin, ethylene, and gibberellins. Furthermore, DEGs were identified for water and ion transporters, nitrate transporter and assimilation enzymes, and cell wall remodeling protein genes encoding enzymes targeting xyloglucan and pectin. We conclude that the transcriptomes of seedlings derived from the dimorphic diaspores, M+ seeds and IND fruits, undergo transcriptional resetting during the post-germination pre-emergence growth transition phase from germinated diaspores to growing seedlings

    The dimorphic diaspore model Aethionema arabicum (Brassicaceae):Distinct molecular and morphological control of responses to parental and germination temperatures

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    Plants in habitats with unpredictable conditions are often characterized by diversifying their bet-hedging strategies that ensure fitness over a wider range of variable environmental factors. A striking example is the diaspore (seed and fruit) heteromorphism that evolved to maximize species survival in Aethionema arabicum (Brassicaceae) in which external and endogenous triggers allow the production of two distinct diaspores on the same plant. Using this dimorphic diaspore model, we identified contrasting molecular, biophysical, and ecophysiological mechanisms in the germination responses to different temperatures of the mucilaginous seeds (M+ seed morphs), the dispersed indehiscent fruits (IND fruit morphs), and the bare non-mucilaginous M- seeds obtained by pericarp (fruit coat) removal from IND fruits. Large-scale comparative transcriptome and hormone analyses of M+ seeds, IND fruits, and M- seeds provided comprehensive datasets for their distinct thermal responses. Morph-specific differences in co-expressed gene modules in seeds, as well as seed and pericarp hormone contents identified a role of the IND pericarp in imposing coat dormancy by generating hypoxia affecting ABA sensitivity. This involved expression of morph-specific transcription factors, hypoxia response and cell wall-remodeling genes, as well as altered abscisic acid (ABA) metabolism, transport, and signaling. Parental temperature affected ABA contents and ABA-related gene expression and altered IND pericarp biomechanical properties. Elucidating the molecular framework underlying the diaspore heteromorphism can provide insight into developmental responses to globally changing temperatures

    Anthoceros genomes illuminate the origin of land plants and the unique biology of hornworts

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    Hornworts comprise a bryophyte lineage that diverged from other extant land plants >400 million years ago and bears unique biological features, including a distinct sporophyte architecture, cyanobacterial symbiosis and a pyrenoid-based carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM). Here, we provide three high-quality genomes of Anthoceros hornworts. Phylogenomic analyses place hornworts as a sister clade to liverworts plus mosses with high support. The Anthoceros genomes lack repeat-dense centromeres as well as whole-genome duplication, and contain a limited transcription factor repertoire. Several genes involved in angiosperm meristem and stomatal function are conserved in Anthoceros and upregulated during sporophyte development, suggesting possible homologies at the genetic level. We identified candidate genes involved in cyanobacterial symbiosis and found that LCIB, a Chlamydomonas CCM gene, is present in hornworts but absent in other plant lineages, implying a possible conserved role in CCM function. We anticipate that these hornwort genomes will serve as essential references for future hornwort research and comparative studies across land plants.</p

    Insights into the Evolution of Multicellularity from the Sea Lettuce Genome

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    We report here the 98.5 Mbp haploid genome (12,924 protein coding genes) of Ulva mutabilis, a ubiquitous and iconic representative of the Ulvophyceae or green seaweeds. Ulva’s rapid and abundant growth makes it a key contributor to coastal biogeochemical cycles; its role in marine sulfur cycles is particularly important because it produces high levels of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), the main precursor of volatile dimethyl sulfide (DMS). Rapid growth makes Ulva attractive biomass feedstock but also increasingly a driver of nuisance “green tides.” Ulvophytes are key to understanding the evolution of multicellularity in the green lineage, and Ulva morphogenesis is dependent on bacterial signals, making it an important species with which to study cross-kingdom communication. Our sequenced genome informs these aspects of ulvophyte cell biology, physiology, and ecology. Gene family expansions associated with multicellularity are distinct from those of freshwater algae. Candidate genes, including some that arose following horizontal gene transfer from chromalveolates, are present for the transport and metabolism of DMSP. The Ulva genome offers, therefore, new opportunities to understand coastal and marine ecosystems and the fundamental evolution of the green lineage

    Genomes of multicellular algal sisters to land plants illuminate signaling network evolution

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    Zygnematophyceae are the algal sisters of land plants. Here we sequenced four genomes of filamentous Zygnematophyceae, including chromosome-scale assemblies for three strains of Zygnema circumcarinatum. We inferred traits in the ancestor of Zygnematophyceae and land plants that might have ushered in the conquest of land by plants: expanded genes for signaling cascades, environmental response, and multicellular growth. Zygnematophyceae and land plants share all the major enzymes for cell wall synthesis and remodifications, and gene gains shaped this toolkit. Co-expression network analyses uncover gene cohorts that unite environmental signaling with multicellular developmental programs. Our data shed light on a molecular chassis that balances environmental response and growth modulation across more than 600 million years of streptophyte evolution

    Insight into the evolution of the Solanaceae from the parental genomes of Petunia hybrida

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    Petunia hybrida is a popular bedding plant that has a long history as a genetic model system. We report the whole-genome sequencing and assembly of inbred derivatives of its two wild parents, P. axillaris N and P. inflata S6. The current assemblies include 91.3% and 90.2% coverage of their diploid genomes (1.4 Gb; 2n=14) containing 32,928 and 36,697 protein-coding genes, respectively. The Petunia lineage has experienced at least two rounds of paleohexaploidization, the older gamma hexaploidy event, which is shared with other Eudicots, and the more recent Solanaceae paleohexaploidy event that is shared with tomato and other Solanaceae species. Transcription factors that were targets of selection during the shift from bee- to moth pollination reside in particularly dynamic regions of the genome, which may have been key to the remarkable diversity of floral color patterns and pollination systems. The high quality genome sequences will enhance the value of Petunia as a model system for basic and applied research on a variety of unique biological phenomena

    Insight into the evolution of the Solanaceae from the parental genomes of Petunia hybrida

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    Petunia hybrida is a popular bedding plant that has a long history as a genetic model system. We report the whole-genome sequencing and assembly of inbred derivatives of its two wild parents, P. axillaris N and P. inflata S6. The assemblies include 91.3% and 90.2% coverage of their diploid genomes (1.4 Gb; 2n = 14) containing 32,928 and 36,697 protein-coding genes, respectively. The genomes reveal that the Petunia lineage has experienced at least two rounds of hexaploidization: the older gamma event, which is shared with most Eudicots, and a more recent Solanaceae event that is shared with tomato and other solanaceous species. Transcription factors involved in the shift from bee to moth pollination reside in particularly dynamic regions of the genome, which may have been key to the remarkable diversity of floral colour patterns and pollination systems. The high-quality genome sequences will enhance the value of Petunia as a model system for research on unique biological phenomena such as small RNAs, symbiosis, self-incompatibility and circadian rhythms

    Gene-rich UV sex chromosomes harbor conserved regulators of sexual development

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    Centro de InvestigaciĂłn Forestal (CIFOR)Nonrecombining sex chromosomes, like the mammalian Y, often lose genes and accumulate transposable ele ments, a process termed degeneration. The correlation between suppressed recombination and degeneration is clear in animal XY systems, but the absence of recombination is confounded with other asymmetries between the X and Y. In contrast, UV sex chromosomes, like those found in bryophytes, experience symmetrical population genetic conditions. Here, we generate nearly gapless female and male chromosome-scale reference genomes of the moss Ceratodon purpureus to test for degeneration in the bryophyte UV sex chromosomes. We show that the moss sex chromosomes evolved over 300 million years ago and expanded via two chromosomal fusions. Although the sex chromosomes exhibit weaker purifying selection than autosomes, we find that suppressed recombination alone is insufficient to drive degeneration. Instead, the U and V sex chromosomes harbor thousands of broadly expressed genes, including numerous key regulators of sexual development across land plants.This work was supported by NSF DEB-1541005 and 1542609 and start-up funds from UF to S.F.M.; microMORPH Cross-Disciplinary Training Grant, Sigma-Xi Grant-In-Aid of Research, and Society for the Study of Evolution Rosemary Grant Award to S.B.C.; NSF DEB-1239992 to N.J.W.; the Emil Aaltonen Foundation and the University of Turku to S.O.; and NSF DEB-1541506 to J.G.B. and S.F.M. The work conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute was supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract no. DE-AC02-05CH11231.Peer reviewed12 PĂĄg. Supplementary material for this article is available at http://advances.sciencemag.org/cgi/ content/full/7/27/eabh2488/DC

    Anthoceros genomes illuminate the origin of land plants and the unique biology of hornworts.

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    Funder: National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB) Collaborative Research Program (13-710)Funder: The Forschungskredit of the University of Zurich The University Research Priority Program “Evolution in Action” of the University of Zurich The Georges and Antoine Claraz Foundation (Switzerland)Funder: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (BFU2016-80621-P)Funder: The Georges and Antoine Claraz Foundation (Switzerland) The Research Priority Program “Evolution in Action” of the University of ZurichFunder: Foundation of German Business (sdw), Georges and Antoine Claraz Foundation, URPP Evolution in Action of the University of ZurichFunder: Special Grant for Innovation in Research Program of the Technical University of Dresden (Germany).Hornworts comprise a bryophyte lineage that diverged from other extant land plants >400 million years ago and bears unique biological features, including a distinct sporophyte architecture, cyanobacterial symbiosis and a pyrenoid-based carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM). Here, we provide three high-quality genomes of Anthoceros hornworts. Phylogenomic analyses place hornworts as a sister clade to liverworts plus mosses with high support. The Anthoceros genomes lack repeat-dense centromeres as well as whole-genome duplication, and contain a limited transcription factor repertoire. Several genes involved in angiosperm meristem and stomatal function are conserved in Anthoceros and upregulated during sporophyte development, suggesting possible homologies at the genetic level. We identified candidate genes involved in cyanobacterial symbiosis and found that LCIB, a Chlamydomonas CCM gene, is present in hornworts but absent in other plant lineages, implying a possible conserved role in CCM function. We anticipate that these hornwort genomes will serve as essential references for future hornwort research and comparative studies across land plants

    The SGN VIGS Tool: User-Friendly Software to Design Virus-Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) Constructs for Functional Genomics

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    Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is a powerful method to study gene function in plants. It is based on plant defense mechanisms against viral gene replication and allows high-throughput silencing of genes of interest. However, it can also elicit suppression of off-target genes with sequence similarity, confounding the observed phenotype. Although VIGS is widely used in plant research, no tool is currently available for the design of constructs specifically for this technique. Therefore, at the Sol Genomics Network (SGN) we have developed the SGN VIGS tool to assist researchers with the selection of appropriate regions for silencing experiments (http://solgenomics.net/tools/vigs). This web tool was developed using Perl, JavaScript, AJAX and HTML5 canvas to allow a fast and interactive graphical representation of the results, based on target and off-target positions and integrating the results with gene expression data.Fil: Fernandez-Pozo, Noe. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research; Estados UnidosFil: Rosli, Hernan Guillermo. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas "Dr. RaĂșl AlfonsĂ­n" (sede ChascomĂșs). Universidad Nacional de San MartĂ­n. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas "Dr. RaĂșl AlfonsĂ­n" (sede ChascomĂșs); ArgentinaFil: Martin, Gregory B.. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research; Estados Unidos. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Mueller, Lukas A.. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research; Estados Unido