339 research outputs found

    Atrial natriuretic factor

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    The discovery of the first well-defined natriuretic hormone, the Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF), has prompted research on its impact on volume regulation in health and disease. The natriuretic, diuretic, and smooth muscle-relaxing properties suggest an important role of this novel hormone in pathophysiological states with sodium or volume retention, such as congestive heart failure or cirrhosis of the liver. Investigations on the implications of ANF in liver disease have been performed for little more than 1 year, and results are still controversial in many respects. At present, it seems very likely that there is no absolute deficiency of plasma ANF in patients with cirrhosis. Moreover, elevated plasma levels in cirrhotics with ascites have been reported by several groups. However, as yet, a molecular characterization of this increased immunoreactivity is still lacking. There is disagreement on the reduced release of and renal response to ANF in subgroups of cirrhotics; however, stimulus-response-coupling might be impaired. Further studies are needed to elucidate the pathophysiological implications and therapeutical potential of ANF in patients with chronic liver disease

    Vortices in superfluid trapped Fermi gases at zero temperature

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    We discuss various aspects of the vortex state of a dilute superfluid atomic Fermi gas at T=0. The energy of the vortex in a trapped gas is calculated and we provide an expression for the thermodynamic critical rotation frequency of the trap for its formation. Furthermore, we propose a method to detect the presence of a vortex by calculating the effect of its associated velocity field on the collective mode spectrum of the gas

    Circumpolar Arctic vegetation: a hierarchic review and roadmap toward an internationally consistent approach to survey, archive and classify tundra plot data

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    Satellite-derived remote-sensing products are providing a modern circumpolar perspective of Arctic vegetation and its changes, but this new view is dependent on a long heritage of ground-based observations in the Arctic. Several products of the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna are key to our current understanding. We review aspects of the PanArctic Flora, the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map, the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment, and the Arctic Vegetation Archive (AVA) as they relate to efforts to describe and map the vegetation, plant biomass, and biodiversity of the Arctic at circumpolar, regional, landscape and plot scales. Cornerstones for all these tools are ground-based plant-species and plant-community surveys. The AVA is in progress and will store plot-based vegetation observations in a public-accessible database for vegetation classification, modeling, diversity studies, and other applications. We present the current status of the Alaska Arctic Vegetation Archive (AVA-AK), as a regional example for the panarctic archive, and with a roadmap for a coordinated international approach to survey, archive and classify Arctic vegetation. We note the need for more consistent standards of plot-based observations, and make several recommendations to improve the linkage between plot-based observations biodiversity studies and satellite-based observations of Arctic vegetation

    A Single Laser System for Ground-State Cooling of 25-Mg+

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    We present a single solid-state laser system to cool, coherently manipulate and detect 25^{25}Mg+^+ ions. Coherent manipulation is accomplished by coupling two hyperfine ground state levels using a pair of far-detuned Raman laser beams. Resonant light for Doppler cooling and detection is derived from the same laser source by means of an electro-optic modulator, generating a sideband which is resonant with the atomic transition. We demonstrate ground-state cooling of one of the vibrational modes of the ion in the trap using resolved-sideband cooling. The cooling performance is studied and discussed by observing the temporal evolution of Raman-stimulated sideband transitions. The setup is a major simplification over existing state-of-the-art systems, typically involving up to three separate laser sources

    Exploring the therapeutic efficacy of glioma vaccines based on allo- and syngeneic antigens and distinct immunological costimulation activators

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    The efficacy of a various immunotherapeutic immunisation strategies for malignant glioma brain cancer was evaluated in the syngeneic CNS-1 Lewis rat glioma model. A prototype glioma cancer vaccine, which was composed of multivalent antigens derived from allogeneic and syngeneic cells and lysates, formed the prototype preparation of antigens. These antigens reflect the autologous antigens derived from the patient’s surgically removed tumor tissue, as well as allogeneic antigens form glioma tumor tissue surgically removed from donor patients. This antigen mixture provides a broad spectrum of tumor associated antigens (TAA) and helps to prevent escape of tumor immune surveillance when given as a vaccine. This antigen preparation was administered in a therapeutic setting with distinct single or multiple co-stimulation-favouring immunostimulants and evaluated for inhibition of tumor growth. Our prototype vaccine was able to arrest progression of tumor growth when co-delivered in a specific regimen togetherwith the costimulating multi-TLR agonist, Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG) and interleukin-2, or with the Toll-Like receptor (TLR) 7/8 activator resiquimo

    String-localized Quantum Fields and Modular Localization

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    We study free, covariant, quantum (Bose) fields that are associated with irreducible representations of the Poincar\'e group and localized in semi-infinite strings extending to spacelike infinity. Among these are fields that generate the irreducible representations of mass zero and infinite spin that are known to be incompatible with point-like localized fields. For the massive representation and the massless representations of finite helicity, all string-localized free fields can be written as an integral, along the string, of point-localized tensor or spinor fields. As a special case we discuss the string-localized vector fields associated with the point-like electromagnetic field and their relation to the axial gauge condition in the usual setting.Comment: minor correction

    The Alaska Arctic Vegetation Archive (AVA-AK)

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    The Alaska Arctic Vegetation Archive (AVA-AK, GIVD-ID: NA-US-014) is a free, publically available database archive of vegetation-plot data from the Arctic tundra region of northern Alaska. The archive currently contains 24 datasets with 3,026 non-overlapping plots. Of these, 74% have geolocation data with 25-m or better precision. Species cover data and header data are stored in a Turboveg database. A standardized Pan Arctic Species List provides a consistent nomenclature for vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens in the archive. A web-based online Alaska Arctic Geoecological Atlas (AGA-AK) allows viewing and downloading the species data in a variety of formats, and provides access to a wide variety of ancillary data. We conducted a preliminary cluster analysis of the first 16 datasets (1,613 plots) to examine how the spectrum of derived clusters is related to the suite of datasets, habitat types, and environmental gradients. We present the contents of the archive, assess its strengths and weaknesses, and provide three supplementary files that include the data dictionary, a list of habitat types, an overview of the datasets, and details of the cluster analysis

    Protecting the environment through insect farming as a means to produce protein for use as livestock, poultry, and aquaculture feed

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    Securing protein for the approximate 10 billion humans expected to inhabit our planet by 2050 is a major priority for the global community. Evidence has accrued over the past 30 years that strongly supports and justifies the sustainable use of insects as a means to produce protein products as feed for pets, livestock, poultry, and aquacultured species. Researchers and entrepreneurs affiliated with universities and industries, respectively, from 18 nations distributed across North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia contributed to the development of this article, which is an indication of the global interest on this topic. A brief overview of insects as feed for the aquaculture industry along with a review of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), as a model for such systems is provided

    Reviews and syntheses: Changing ecosystem influences on soil thermal regimes in northern high-latitude permafrost regions

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    Soils in Arctic and boreal ecosystems store twice as much carbon as the atmosphere, a portion of which may be released as high-latitude soils warm. Some of the uncertainty in the timing and magnitude of the permafrost–climate feedback stems from complex interactions between ecosystem properties and soil thermal dynamics. Terrestrial ecosystems fundamentally regulate the response of permafrost to climate change by influencing surface energy partitioning and the thermal properties of soil itself. Here we review how Arctic and boreal ecosystem processes influence thermal dynamics in permafrost soil and how these linkages may evolve in response to climate change. While many of the ecosystem characteristics and processes affecting soil thermal dynamics have been examined individually (e.g., vegetation, soil moisture, and soil structure), interactions among these processes are less understood. Changes in ecosystem type and vegetation characteristics will alter spatial patterns of interactions between climate and permafrost. In addition to shrub expansion, other vegetation responses to changes in climate and rapidly changing disturbance regimes will affect ecosystem surface energy partitioning in ways that are important for permafrost. Lastly, changes in vegetation and ecosystem distribution will lead to regional and global biophysical and biogeochemical climate feedbacks that may compound or offset local impacts on permafrost soils. Consequently, accurate prediction of the permafrost carbon climate feedback will require detailed understanding of changes in terrestrial ecosystem distribution and function, which depend on the net effects of multiple feedback processes operating across scales in space and time

    Changing patterns of eastern Mediterranean shellfish exploitation in the Late Glacial and Early Holocene: Oxygen isotope evidence from gastropod in Epipaleolithic to Neolithic human occupation layers at the Haua Fteah cave, Libya

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    The seasonal pattern of shellfish foraging at the archaeological site of Haua Fteah in the Gebel Akhdar, Libya was investigated from the Epipaleolithic to the Neolithic via oxygen isotope (d18O) analyses of the topshell Phorcus (Osilinus) turbinatus. To validate this species as faithful year-round palaeoenvironmental recorder, the intra-annual variability of d18O in modern shells and sea water was analysed and compared with measured sea surface temperature (SST). The shells were found to be good candidates for seasonal shellfish forging studies as they preserve nearly the complete annual SST cycle in their shell d18O with minimal slowing or stoppage of growth. During the terminal Pleistocene Early Epipaleolithic (locally known as the Oranian, with modeled dates of 17.2-12.5 ka at 2sigma probability, Douka et al., 2014), analysis of archaeological specimens indicates that shellfish were foraged year-round. This complements other evidence from the archaeological record that shows that the cave was more intensively occupied in this period than before or afterwards. This finding is significant as the period of the Oranian was the coldest and driest phase of the last glacial cycle in the Gebel Akhdar, adding weight to the theory that the Gebel Akhdar may have served as a refugium for humans in North Africa during times of global climatic extremes. Mollusc exploitation in the Latest Pleistocene and Early Holocene, during the Late Epipaleolithic (locally known as the Capsian, c. 12.7 to 9 ka) and the Neolithic (c. 8.5 to 5.4 ka), occurred predominantly during winter. Other evidence from these archaeological phases shows that hunting activities occurred during the warmer months. Therefore, the timing of Holocene shellfish exploitation in the Gebel Akhdar may have been influenced by the seasonal availability of other resources at these times and possibly shellfish were used as a dietary supplement when other foods were less abundant