27 research outputs found

    En övergripande jĂ€mförelse mellan enskilda och samordnade upprustningar – en fallstudie vid Storstockholms Lokaltrafik

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    Syftet med detta examensarbete Àr att klargöra vilka skillnader som enskilda och samordnade upprustningar innebÀr. Detta för att alltid genomföra ett sÄ bra arbete som möjligt nÀr det gÀller sÄvÀl resenÀrsperspektiv, tillgÀnglighet, sÀkerhet, miljö som ekonomi

    Beneficial behavioural and neurogenic effects of agomelatine in a model of depression/anxiety

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    Abstract Agomelatine (S20098) is a novel antidepressant drug with melatonergic agonist and 5-HT 2C receptor antagonist properties, displaying antidepressant/anxiolytic-like properties in animal models and in humans. In a depression/anxiety-like mouse model in which the response of the HPA axis is blunted, we investigated whether agomelatine could reverse behavioural deficits related to depression/anxiety compared to the classical selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, fluoxetine. Adult mice were treated for 8 wk with either vehicle or corticosterone (35 mg/ml.d) via drinking water. During the final 4 wk, animals were treated with vehicle, agomelatine (10 or 40 mg/kg i.p.) or fluoxetine (18 mg/kg i.p.) and tested in several behavioural paradigms and also evaluated for home-cage activity. Our results showed that the depressive/anxiety-like phenotype induced by corticosterone treatment is reversed by either chronic agomelatine or fluoxetine treatment. Moreover, agomelatine increased the dark/light ratio of home-cage activity in vehicle-treated mice and reversed the alterations in this ratio induced by chronic corticosterone, suggesting a normalization of disturbed circadian rhythms. Finally, we investigated the effects of this new antidepressant on neurogenesis. Agomelatine reversed the decreased cell proliferation in the whole hippocampus in corticosterone-treated mice and increased maturation of newborn neurons in both vehicle-and corticosterone-treated mice. Overall, the present study suggests that agomelatine, with its distinct mechanism of action based on the synergy between the melatonergic agonist and 5-HT 2C antagonist properties, provides a distinct antidepressant/anxiolytic spectrum including circadian rhythm normalization

    Case report and summary of literature: giant perineal keloids treated with post-excisional radiotherapy

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    BACKGROUND: Keloids are common benign tumors of the dermis, typically arising after insult to the skin. While typically only impinging on cosmesis, large or recurrent keloids may require therapeutic intervention. While no single standardized treatment course has been established, several series report excellent outcomes for keloids with post-surgery radiation therapy. CASE PRESENTATION: We present a patient with a history of recurrent keloids arising in the absence of an ascribed trauma and a maternal familial history of keloid formation, whose physical examination several large perineal keloids of 6-20 cm in the largest dimension. The patient was treated with surgical extirpation and adjuvant radiation therapy. Radiotherapy was delivered to the scar bed to a total dose of 22 Gy over 11 daily fractions. Acute radiotherapy toxicity necessitated a treatment break due to RTOG Grade III acute toxicity (moderate ulceration and skin breakdown) which resolved rapidly during a 3-day treatment break. The patient demonstrated local control and has remained free of local recurrence for more than 2 years. CONCLUSION: Radiotherapy for keloids represents a safe and effective option for post-surgical keloid therapy, especially for patients with bulky or recurrent disease

    Integrative neurobiology of metabolic diseases, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complex, multifactorial disease with a number of leading mechanisms, including neuroinflammation, processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP) to amyloid ÎČ peptide, tau protein hyperphosphorylation, relocalization and deposition. These mechanisms are propagated by obesity, the metabolic syndrome and type-2 diabetes mellitus. Stress, sedentariness, dietary overconsumption of saturated fat and refined sugars, and circadian derangements/disturbed sleep contribute to obesity and related metabolic diseases, but also accelerate age-related damage and senescence that all feed the risk of developing AD too. The complex and interacting mechanisms are not yet completely understood and will require further analysis. Instead of investigating AD as a mono- or oligocausal disease we should address the disease by understanding the multiple underlying mechanisms and how these interact. Future research therefore might concentrate on integrating these by systems biology approaches, but also to regard them from an evolutionary medicine point of view. The current review addresses several of these interacting mechanisms in animal models and compares them with clinical data giving an overview about our current knowledge and puts them into an integrated framework

    Franz Schubert: Sonat i a-moll, D 845 - En tolkning

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    Denna kandidatuppsats handlar om den österrikiske tonsÀttaren Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828) och hans pianosonat i a-moll, D 845. Mer specifikt har sonaten i frÄga analyserats, med syftet att göra en tolkning av den i synnerhet och Franz Schuberts konstnÀrskap i allmÀnhet, utifrÄn ett perspektiv dÀr Schuberts roll och relation till musikhistorien och idéhistorien undersöks. För att fÄ bÀttre förstÄelse för musiken har Schuberts liv, samt nÄgra av hans sÄnger och idéer som kan ha pÄverkat honom, studerats. Jag har Àven gjort en analys av verkets fyra satser, dÀr jag tittat pÄ sonatens genomgÄende teman och motiv. PÄ sÄ sÀtt har jag försökt tolka musikens underliggande mening. Förhoppningen Àr att kunna skapa inblick i Schuberts mÀnskliga erfarenhet och en medvetenhet om vad han vill sÀga med sin musik, samt att detta ska hjÀlpa mig i min förstÄelse och tolkning av musiken. Intentionen Àr ocksÄ att det ska vara till hjÀlp för alla som önskar ta del av Schuberts musik mer pÄ djupet eller lÄta sig inspireras av den. Resultatet av undersökningen har inneburit en djupare förstÄelse för Schuberts musik, och i synnerhet för just denna sonat.